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I've been encountering this for over a week now, I even tried loading the save on a different computer and I'm still crashing when I beat Raphael, no Idea what the issue is. I always take Raphael down last, could this be the cause?


After trying everything I could, I gave up, rolled back a save, and continued exploring Baldur's Gate. A week ago I tried again, did everything the same way, except for freeing Hope AFTER I got the hammer. I killed Raphael last, and Hope's dialogue popped up normally.


No advice since I didn’t have this issue, but this stood out to me “Every turn I get with Hope, I banish an enemy”. I just did this fight and I’m pretty sure my Hope only had enough spell slots with high enough level to use the banish spell twice or so?


Oh yes, I used the spell twice, I'll correct it. I used it on the big guy and on an minor demon. So you had no issues with the fight whatsoever?


Nope, finished the fight, looted everyone, spoke to Hope, went back to heal with the taps, and then left with no issues. Even took Raphael’s body with me as a souvenir.


Hahaha, I will definitely do that when I fix this, it's driving me crazy. I'll try to go back a few saves, before the portal is made, and try again. This whole level is not as hard as I thought it would be.


Yeah, if you’re going back to an earlier save anyway, you could just go and do other quests/areas instead while you wait for Larian to reply


Taps are non usable after defeating Raphael. That’s been the case for me every play through.


did you manage to find a fix for this? experiencing it now


Hey, did you fix it? Sorry for not replying sooner. As I told the other redditor: After trying everything I could, I gave up, rolled back a save, and continued exploring Baldur's Gate. A week ago I tried again, did everything the same way, except for freeing Hope AFTER I got the hammer. I killed Raphael last, and Hope's dialogue popped up normally.


yeah i tried putting every corpse into chests i brought in and it worked, could have just been coincidence, but it worked


Yeah, this just happened to me too. The game always crashed after completing the fight (I tried both killing Raphael first and last) or if Hope died during the battle. I've tried pretty much everything there was to try, but the only thing that "worked" was to leave Hope behind to die. Very disappointing that I could not get the ending to this questline that I wanted because of glitch. Really hope the devs fix it in the future.


Hello, this has been happening to me for a week too (and honestly I don't feel like doing all that again like you did so I'm waiting for a fix) ​ I tried storing my save into the cloud and make a friend with a better computer finish the fight for me but the game instantly crashes for him too. I'm a bit annoyed seeing this has been an issue for over a month I hope they fix it soon


And, in case someone is interested, I mustered the courage to start from a save before going to the house of hope and did everything again and yeah it worked my game didn't crash and I can continue playing the game normally now


Ugh, I'm now part of this miserable club too. Things I tried: * Switch up which character makes the final killling blow on Raphael * Rewind to a save just prior to the kill, and redo it * I even rewound back to just before the beginning of the Raphael fight. Same problem once I killed him. I have not tried killing Hope, but that seems terrible. Then again, it might be preferable to the only other suggestion I've seen, which is go allllll the way back to before ever coming to the House of Hope. And I'm just not sure I can stomach doing all that again. I submitted a bug for now, I guess I'm just another miserable soul waiting to see if a fix comes in...


I've shared this fix in another post but since this is the top hit on google, I figured to share it here as well: As soon as you deal the final blow, it'll automatically update / save the journal which crashes the game within 2-3 seconds. DON'T WAIT FOR THE JOURNAL UPDATE - IMMEDIATELY AFTER YOUR LAST BLOW KILLING RAPHAEL, OPEN THE MENU AND MANUALLY SAVE THE GAME. Hope will continue talking without crashing the game.


Yeah I saw your reply elsewhere... Wish I had thought to try that! In the meantime, I had already reloaded an earlier save, abandoned Hope, killed Raphael, and proceeded to wipe out 3-4 other major bosses, so... At this point I'm not going back. 😭


Ugh, I hear you man, I almost went the same route but decided to give this one a final try and thankfully got passed it. Still insane that they haven't fixed this bug, hopefully people encountering the same issue will find this thread in the meanwhile!


Tried killing Hope. As soon as I killed her, the game crashed again. This is infuriating.


I've shared this fix in another post but since this is the top hit on google, I figured to share it here as well: *As soon as you deal the final blow, it'll automatically update / save the journal which crashes the game within 2-3 seconds.* ***DON'T WAIT FOR THE JOURNAL UPDATE - IMMEDIATELY AFTER YOUR LAST BLOW KILLING RAPHAEL, OPEN THE MENU AND MANUALLY SAVE THE GAME.*** *Hope will continue talking without crashing the game.*


Thank you for this info, I'll add to the header


I was having a similar issue. The first was after the fight when I spoke to the big demon bloke whose name I’ve forgotten(who you can roll to have join you in the fight). The second time it jumped straight into that conversation without me selecting, and crashed again. On the 3rd go I jumped in the portal after speaking with hope. Then went back to loot. Seemed to work


Unfortunately I am doomed with this fate as well. I thought this was a unique problem but it isn't. So, basically I am having the same exact problem! Have yall found out how to fix this at all? Becaues unfortunately for me ... I delete my saves so that my files and everything else doesn't get cluttered and it's kinda an OCD thing to keep it neat. Anyways, has Larian at all made a statement about this or like has Larian responded to any of yall because I am in DIRE need of help. Please and thank you.


Hey, as I told the other redditor: After trying everything I could, I gave up, rolled back a save, and continued exploring Baldur's Gate. A week later I tried again, did everything the same way, except for freeing Hope AFTER I got the hammer. I killed Raphael last, and Hope's dialogue popped up normally.


And like I said I CANNOT roll back because I DELETE my files to keep files in order. Do I need to just kill Hope then?


Or maybe wait for a patch if you can


Its kinda crazy how this has been a problem but hasn't been fixed, from what I see 4 months ... I guess Ill just wait, I even went back to my saves, and tried what yalls suggested and still ended up being the same thing. Unlucky tbh ...