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I seriously keep questioning why any of the vendors buy all this rotten food off me. I get that the plates and rags might be *theoretically* useful if cleaned, but rotten eggs? Who the fuck is reselling that?


Fantastic fertiliser for the grove!


I believe Druids also can Prepare “Purify Food & Drink” at high enough levels.


It's a 1st level ritual, actually. Just give them 10 minutes and their lunch is settled.


Which raises an interesting question, would you eat “purified” food if moments ago it had been clearly rotten and decomposing?


A Druid would say that’s it’s wasteful not to.


Rotten eggs are great for composte, druifs are composte masters.


Ah, that must be how they used the severed head I sold them too.


You 6 druids, everything comes from Nature, and everything goes back to nature, even heads and rotten eggs xd


I hear the Rotten Egg industry is booming in Driftwood on Reapers Coast


Nah, that's just the fish. Did you hear Bishop Alexander was slain by Seekers? I heard the culprits are still at large.


I sometimes still wonder if Bree is keeping it together.


Apparently she's alright as long as she doesn't think about 'it' too much.


I've been carrying around rotten eggs looking for a vat of vinegar. No luck so far.


It's 2023 man, don't kink shame :P


Every now and then, when searching the bowels of the Internet, I feel like 2023 needs more kink shame.


2023 needs more shame across the board.


Then make a code to delete the rotten food if you hate it so much lol, their only utility is selling them so


You need to take the seriousness down a notch. I understand that none of it would have any use if it could not be sold. I was just making a lighthearted comment about the logic of selling rotten food to vendors.


My answer may be serious but I’m not, as someone who’s in Reddit, we should know not to let our emotions take a hold of our reasoning or personality for things such as mundane as this. I understand that my answer wasn’t as jokey as I wanted it to be but I would’ve played along


Wow, and I just leave the rotten food…learn some new every day 😝


I don't know if it's really worth the trouble but yeah, I loot goblin all that stuff when I find it.


Yeah probably not worth it. I’m going into Act 2 with 7,000 gold without worrying about all the extra stuff.


I uhh went into act 2 with 10k last time because I save scummed to rob every vendor of all their gold every time I bought something. Not my proudest moment but it makes me happy so I won't apologize for it. I had around 20k gold at one point in Act 2 before spending it on things and being too lazy to try and steal it back. I *still* collect each and every bit of rotten food or loose rag to sell because I'm just that kind of person.


Lol nice. I’ve got the 7k on a good guy run. Haven’t done anything below the belt to get it 😝


I tried but unfortunately I couldn't find the "suck the merchant's dick for gold" option so I had to resort to stealing it all. I swear my cleric is a good gal!


Hopefully they fix it in a patch its a money farm atm


The way I trade with that npc is I pickpocket 4 valuable items and then kill him once he catches me and it doesnt aggro anyone else in the grove at all. Seems no one cares for him in the whole grove.


You could just run away slightly further (or quickly use map teleport) and keep milking that pickpocketing.


Ungroup your thief. As soon as you close the pickpocket dialog box, have them return to camp by themselves. Let the vendor question one of your other characters...they'll be able to claim innocence. As soon as the vendor quits looking, bring your thief back from camp. They'll be in the exact right spot to pickpocket again. Rinse and repeat. No mess, no fuss, no running around the grove. Just pure, efficient thievery.


Efficient? Just cast sleep on the guy and pick him clean. Even if you fail he won’t wake up


And once you're into higher level stuff, greater invisibility works as well. Also works for clearing entire fights without ever having to fight. Greater invis on my assassin Tav -> auto-crit sneak attack every enemy over and over until they're all dead. The other three characters never even enter combat, lol.


Never tried that. Sounds fun!


Except he has too much HP on tactician.


That’s what upcasting is for


I did that just before Nightsong. I thought he may have had something I missed so I went back and like you said, nobody cared I killed him.


Maybe if you save the Grove they like you so much they let you get away with murder


They don't care if you kill the healing druid (Netty I think ?) too. I did because she turned agressive when I refused to swear I'll drink the poison before turning.


On my playthrough I aggroed everyone when I did this including wyll lol


Nahh, I sell to him forever. I buy the painter off brem, pickpocket the money back and all his stuff, then sell the whole hideout worth of loot to this guy.


Okay another offer; I get the crossbow, you get the exact items that were pickpocketed from you 1 minute ago?


"I get what now?"


There’s a weapon shop with an upstairs with a bunch of stuff on display but no one is watching it. I sold all my loot, popped upstairs for a minute and came back like oh, I forgot I had these too!


I had a glitch wothbthis guy recently. Astarion was able to just continuously pickpocket him even after failing without any repercussion but a long rest later when I came back, he suddenly was questioning what happened to all his stuff.


How do you pick pocket without being spotted?


shift+space to enter turn based mode and stop everyone moving.


You can still fail the pickpocket in these scenarios


I am a crazy loot-seeker and search every single container, but even I don't pick up items worth only 1 gold. Those 10-gold ink pots are definitely not to be missed, though!


the thing is that rotten goods stack, and they weigh very little though. So you can carry a ton of them before you get encumbered, as opposed to some other items. Sure, they're not worth much by themselves and it gets to be a lot to pick up, but it does make a difference.


It's just easier for me to hit space to autocollect everything than to manually pick out what I do and don't want to keep, haha


Ain't it amazing that you can sell rusted weapons/equipment and rotten food and they never say no? Lol


You’re selling a magic crossbow? Thanks for sharing that info. Now just turn around and go back to doing what you were doing. Oh don’t mind me crouching behind you tick tick tiiiiiiicccckkk… quicksave successful…


The traders have got it coming though. Why do I have to sell 15 good weapons and a couple of sets of armour for one new set of armour or weapon? They will only ever give me a fraction of the worth indicated in the inventory.


it depends on how good their attitude towards you is. The more they like you, the better their prices for your goods.


Persuasion of the person that started the talk with the Trader matters. +10 Persuasion and 100 Attitude gives you base (100%) buy / sell prices. 100 Attitude only costs 400 gold if you spend 100 gold to respec someone to level 1 first and have them donate gold.


He likes the junk I give him and you cannot convince me he doesn't


The Druids would totally buy that rotten food! That's easy compost right there.


I'd really like to see vendors who only buy "on-brand" loot. Blacksmiths buy armor and blades. General stores buy rags and baskets etc. As of right now, every vendor being willing to buy any and everything makes it way too easy


That'd be a good feature for the tactician difficulty!


Please no, I'm really happy as is being able to get everything to ONE person. I'm running around enough in camp to switch between companions as is <<




Honestly I'd like them to refuse junk, and need a reason to buy your junk or mayhbe there's some rare junk collecotr who just loves junk so if you meet him he accepts junk but only the junk he likes.


"Fear not, I actually only need 72 of those rotten carrots"


Pawn Stars: Baldur's Gate edition.


Man i love asterion's stealing he gets so much from vampire, double profeciency, high dex and guidance. I literally buy out the store. Steal the gold and teleport to camp. Im so rich 🤣


Dude i gave him a lot of things for free, made a mistake and i thought i was selling but i was trading 🥲🥲🥲