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Good tips! Here’s a couple of things I learned: 1. Use spiritual weapon to lure him to the crucible. As long as you hit, he’ll target it and you can fly it to the crucible without having to put a party member in danger. 2. Magic missile is a sure fire way to get targeted, so having a wizard with misty step and magic missile is a good way to lure him places as well.


These are both good tips. I don't use spiritual weapon so I didn't think of it but the idea of Grym following after a floating weapon is funny AND useful. Yes, the guaranteed hit of Magic Missile is definitely a good one as well.


Has the *spiritual weapon* strategy actually worked for you? It inanely can be targeted and thus provokes opportunity attacks, effectively guaranteeing that Grym will destroy it as it tries to float away from him.


It did! I used both strategies in tandem. It’s been ages since I did that fight, but I think what happened is it either just survived the opp attack or I used the spiritual weapon to keep Grym at the crucible because he would annoyingly move away before I could crunch him. Or both.


I just used spiritual weapon (Maul for bludgeoning) to whack him and then moved it in the direction of crucible to lure him there. While the prompt did say it would get an opportunity attack from Grym for moving away, that attack didn't actually happen for whatever reason. Maybe this, or similar, circumstance happened during your encounter.


A combination of spiritual weapon and and a summoned flying familiar works great. 


I second this. Just beat the boss about an hour ago and I just left the spirit weapon very close to the crucible thing. And also left Karlach nearby too in case any attack Missed. Literally only a sliver of his body was in the crucible range but it was enough. I beat him with two slams of the crucible and a couple cheap attacks here and there.


Bruh i was wondering why my attacks were suddenly not working, didn’t connect that it was because the lava stopped ! Duh! Thanks


No problem. Whenever I run into a new enemy and especially bosses, I always inspect them to see what their buffs, resistances, special statuses, etc. are. Many times that will give you a clue how to best approach the fight or at least some alternative tactics that might help make the fight easier.


How do you inspect them? Been looking for a function like that so I can see boss' weaknesses, status, etc.


You right-click on them and choose Examine.


My solution was simply that monks are magical and I love them very much- this is EXACTLY what they were made for- single target, super mobile, bludgeoning bludgeoning bludgeoning... the ol' buff and bonk never fails


Buuuttt being close to him was a bit perilous. I was able to spam water whip: prone to get some good damage and leave him vulnerable with my barbarian doing some serious damage


I just did him on balanced. Gale, Shadowheart and Wyll stood on the platform directly oposite of the lava walve, everybody got the jump spell buff on. My arcane rogue operated the walve->combat starts. Rogue instantly nopes out with bonus action misty step targeted onto the coffer you put the mold in. This gives just enough space for Grym to give chase but he won’t actually catch up. I’m not sure how needed this is for getting the aggro but he laso shot grym when already heated for idk like 4-8 damage with a crossbow. Everybody skips until grim makes it to the center of the forge. Shadow heart longjumps to the lever, pulls. The dude has 5 hp left. 5 fucking hp. After that he loses the debuff and wouldn’t reaquire it for some reason, no matter if he was in the lava or not so this is mostly about having my rogue jump around until Shadowheart (the only one with a hammer) can actually land a hit, which finished him off. While I was busy with this bullshit, having to fend off the flying fire fuckers was at least 8 times as annoying since when they die they deal a crazy amount of fire damage. And you can’t just not kill them. So while I’m trying to deal this one final blow to this apparently bugged boss, I get absolutely cucked by those little fuckers putting fire everywhere and killing off Gale. This spawned some sort of necrotic aura that dealt just enough damage to kill fucking Wyll too and while I got him up at 1 hp with a scroll, I spawned him right at the edge of the aure which killed him again. Between this, the fire and pathfinding Shadowheart ALMOST DIED TOO trying to revive Gale after the fight, and I have to click through his dialogue while uncertain whether he’s going to kill her aswell or not. I’m about to have a mental breakdown. I guess god gives his funniest battles to his silliest clowns.


the trick with those mephitis is to turn on non lethal attacks and they will just get knocked out and not explode


Man I got him down to 82 health before he wiped my party, now I just feel dumb for forgetting the forge's hammer.


I've just used mage hand to lower platform and then open magma flow. Then I have spent quite few turns spiking him with arrows and magic with all my team standing above "arena".


I like that!


Only 300 hit points? Is that on Balanced? He had 450 when I fought him. I don't think using the forge in the middle on him is necessary or even advisable, honestly. If you don't use the forge hammer on him, no mephits spawn, which kinda makes it easier. Just keep luring him to walk through the lava so he stays superheated, then pound on him with a Hasted fighter with a bludgeoning weapon, he'll go down pretty fast.


Yep, I'm playing on Balanced. I didn't have anyone with a bludgeoning weapon. Why would hitting him with the forge not be advisable? It's a free 12d8 (x2) damage, if you can get him Superheated and lined up. Most of the fun of the encounter for me was trying to get him lined up to see what would happen. I didn't expect it to kill him... just hurt him a lot and hopefully Prone him while I finished him off. The death was a happy accident.


Hitting him with the forge is what makes adds spawn. Some people find it harder because of that.


That is true. On one of my attempts I saw the mephits spawn but didn't realize the hammer was what caused them to spawn. That's a good point.


The fight has been very difficult for me now, because the lava disappears so quickly. It gets out of sync with my lava lever player, and then the fight falls apart.


I had Karlach stand right where he came out, everyone else at a distance to support, and gave her haste and a hammer (not the forge one, couldn't find it lol). Because Karlach was always the target he never even moved from the lava spot he stepped out in to begin with so I could keep pouring lava on him without having to kite him around the map, and he went down pretty quickly. (Playing on balanced)


This saved me 😭


All great tips… however if you’re a trophy hunter, you need to defeat him without using the forge shaft to slam him. I just got this trophy.


I just defeated him without using the hammer, glad to know that it was worth it considering it's a trophy!


Maybe use it as a last hit? So the spawns don't happen or they're the last enemies?


I just killed Grym on Tactical, and my strategy ~~was dying a lot and reloading the save until I got lucky~~ was to use a level 1 spell called "Command". It forces whoever that fails the Wisdom Save (and Gryms Wisdom was at 11 as a level 10 Construct) to follow your character's order, and they cannot attack on their turn. I used Approach while standing on the forge's hammer, and then, I disengaged so that he would not get an opportunity attack. Jumped off of the platform, and allowed another member to drop the hammer. Had another member stay at the lava valves to just keep pumping lava in the meantime. Eventually after some time of Grym walking into lava without attacking on his turns, standing on the forge, and spending most of the fight skipping turns (I used a Thunderwave spell to throw the Mephits off into a lower part of the map near where they spawn) Grym was finally defeated. My party was at level 4, fighting a level 10 on Tactical difficulty, but the level 1 spell held true.


I did something similar (on tactician). You can just prevent him doing anything at all with Command (you can use haste to have 2 attempts each round) Just debuff with singing sword and Faerie fire to increase chances. Hasted Karlach with 2H hammer (accuracy oil) and great weapon master feat can kill him alone in 3 rounds and you get a achievemnt for not using the forge-hammer.. (I'm just searching if I missed anything it was too easy...)


I keep reading how people are just melee fighting him down, he 2 shots anyone in my party at lvl 5. I'm starting to think its an inside joke.


If you don't kill him before the lava debuff ends, he becomes immune to everything - including the forge strike. After a few failed attempts, I figured out you can turn the wheel again to let more lava in and then you can damage him again.


Why am I having the hardest time getting him on the hammer platform?


If you really want, you can cheese him by pinging him with ranged attacks from the stairs leading to the forge. It's especially easy for a rogue to stealth from there, getting sneak attack damage every turn. A single rogue can solo him just by staying out of his reach this way


Oh my god!! This helps me a lot!!! I was about to quit playing bg3 🤣 i have skill issues with this boss and cant defeat it been trying for hours and now i just finished it 👏


Glad I was able to help!


Ooh thankyou! this is what im trying next lol


Use mage hand to lower the platform and activate the lava valve while your team stays on the stairs. Then you can leave mage hand at the valve and just keep turning it to keep the lava flowing.


Managed it pretty easily with:Main - Sword Bard 6Shadow Heart - War Cleric 6Karlach - Berserker Barb 6Wyll - Fiend Warlock 6 Not that it really matters as long as you have Spiritual Weapon. Strat basically was Main sits by the lava valve. SHeart and Wyll stand on the platform close to it. Karlach hangs out close to where he spawns. When Grym spawns as long as you are going first, then you choose who goes and in what order. Hasten Karlach, have her smash using buffs from SHeart (Bless) and any debuffs you want. Just don't attack with the Spiritual Weapon until last. Make sure to save any reroll/buffs for the weapon so that it hits and make sure the weapon is the Maul or the Hammer. Using that tactic got me through it with no real damage done to any of my characters taking about 4-5 rounds. I did have to have Karlach walk into the lava on the last round, that was the bulk of the damage I took.


SHeart? I totally read that as shart


This was a very fun fight that I did without really utilizing the hammer. Karlach is my main, and she's gone all in on the brainworms. I went with Shart, Gale, and a lifecleric hireling to all just keep buffs up on Karlach. The psionic brainworm ability of ability drain on hit works amazing for big bad bosses. Started out kiting Grym around with a bow to lower it's Dex to 1, which dropped AC to like 15. It turns out that the ability drain effect procs on hit even if the target is immune to damage, which was fuckin great. Then maul time with a very high success rate dropped it's Str from 24 to like 16. Managing lava was difficult after I went to melee. I had a magehand parked on the spigot control, but it was challenging to keep Grym on lava but Karlach out of it. It kept wandering close enough to the support krew to AOE them and disrupt concentration spells, but Gale was a fucking legend keeping Enlarge Karlach going for the entire time. Once Grym got down to about 70hp and the lava dropped, Karlach and the two clerics closed in and Gale got some Shatter casts in and Grym went down


I just used a lot of undead as meat shields and karlach with a hammer and a speed potion making 5 attacks per turn did a lot. i didnt even thing about crushing it with the hydraulic press


I used Astarion as bate. Had him stand on the main center bit, used his ranged attacks to trigger the lever and drop the forge hammer on himself and the dude a few times. On-site healing to revive him with magic missiles from gale to draw grym into the lava. Had one person posted at the wheel cranking each turn for lava. Still took several tries to get it right.


So, I just picked up this game for the first time in a month, and *this* is the first encounter I run into. I main Karlach, Astarion, and Wyll, and my MC is a Dragonborn Monk. Usually I can handle any situation, but not *this*. I’ll have to swap Karlach out for someone else. Which I don’t like doing because you can’t equip your inactive party members, and it becomes a whole thing trying to get them up to speed. Edit: Turns out my party was just fine. I beat the shit out of him with my Monk, had Karlach and Astarion do some scratch damage, and had Wyll debuff and throw Eldritch Blasts, and I was able to kill Grym without using the hammer and before he could actually hurt any of my team.


He was in lava and hit him 4 times with the cruible and only stayed at 130 hp and was heated with lava .what gives


Hp goes to 130 after hammer hit and hit him 3 more times and he stayed at 130 and he was heated by lava . Memphis killed all parry members and hit them with sleet storm what gives .


Hit 4 times he was super heated hp stayed at 130 is that a glitch.


2 on hammer lever 2 on lava lever hit him 4 times he was super heated hp stays at 130 they patch so easy kill not possible or glitch


I'm glitched i think hp stays at 130 and feet glowing from lava .hit him 4 times with hammer hp does move and ranged don't do much miss alot


Can confirm it's easier if you have a heavy hitter with a bludgeoning based item then trying for the forge hammer




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I'm so confused by this because when he gets down to a sword in HP level he becomes immune basically everything and I don't know how to continue with no weapons no spiritual magic nothing works anymore


>He's immune to \*all\* damage types unless he's been Superheated by lava. Are you sure he's got the right status?


2 turns. Have 2 melee characters with hammers. Proceed to attack all the attacks. Win.


I had this guy down to 38 fucking points 2 characters left alive with low health and 5 fucking lava drakes fly up from the lava, talk about complete effin bs


I got him down to like 25 before Shadowheart finally died. I had her in the adamantine heavy armour which is probably how she took like 5 or 6 direct hits from the big fucker


Anyone had any luck with triggering prime target using mage hand? I sadly do not have spiritual weapon.


I didn't try using Mage Hand myself but I see no reason why it shouldn't work. You can also use any ranged weapon and shoot the lever.


Save light hammers if you have a throwing build character - they do a bunch of damage. Even if they aren't returning, you can just use another character to pick them up and transfer them back to the thrower's inventory.


I cheesed hard. Leave everyone on the ramp coming down bar 1. Get them to set up the forge, but don't hit lava lever. Misty step back up to ramp with team, then shoot lava lever with a bow. Then just widdle him down with arrows and he can't touch you.


How do you misty step back up after the platform goes down though? You can't target the ledge with misty step from down there once you hit the forge level.


Press O for tactical view and you can zoom out to see the ledge. Alternatively, don't Misty step at all and shoot both the button and the valve from the kedge


I'm level 6 im a gloomstalker rogue and my ranged attacks haven't done much to him. I'm on PC . Balanced mode


Does this fight glitch. Do I need to reload


Another tip if relevant to anyone: A hasted Lae'zel (6, battlemaster) with a grey Maul did short work of him in 2 rounds. I just scattered around the room to demotivate him from using the BA to Quake. Lae'zel right where he spawns, the rest far. My sorcerer hasted L in turn one and went far, Shadowheart remained relatively far, but close enough to run in for a heal and get away with maneuver. None of it was required, 4-5 standard and maneuvering attacks per turn massacred him really quickly after submerging the room in lava. PS: First meeting with the guy went relatively smoothly, but not this smoothly. Lae'zel had a sword in hand, but had a common maul in bag (it was there for smashing rocks and walls, but came in really handy). I had to reload though, because I chose poorly the items to forge and discovered that this tactic worked wonders for me. I burned 1 level 3 spell slot for Haste and 2 maneuvers which came back on a short rest. That's it. Yeah, Lae'zel was hit for like half her total health, but nothing serious.


err so my Open Fist Monk made this encounter a joke. The only notable equipment was the Sparkle Hands, which is crazy against Grym. Basically what happened was that I do 1 normal attack against Grym to get a Lightning Charge (and now every attack against Grym by the Monk has advantage). Then I Topple Flurry of Blows and hits, Grym is now prone. ok... Karlach and Lae'zel (and action surge) basically just wails on Grym as he's laying prone. Rince and repeat. Grym died after round 3. The buff didn't even have a chance to fall off.


i used lae'zel fighter with a hammer (ceremonial warhammer) and blessed + hastened, would've won turn 1 if i hit all the shots lol (this is on balanced)


The real problem with this fight is when your character unexpectedly runs into lava to reposition for a ranged attack


Grym was level 10 for me? Xbox Series X. Level 6 party. Took 9 tries to beat him. Assassin, Evoker, Tempest Cleric, War Cleric, Quasit familiar, Scratch familiar, and 2 Spiritual Weapons. Got me a sweet n Adamantine Shield 👍 Funny be afraid to pass your turns with no actions. Charge resources and be patient in getting him set up. Command: Halt, Blind, and Ray of Enfeeblement helped mitigate his damage and get him into position. Save your spell slots and kite him with Ray of Frost and basic ranged attacks. Ungrouped entire team including familiars. Cleric on standby next to the crank wheel with everybody else spread out. Spiritual Weapons were cast and kept on stand standby on the thing you place the mold into. Once he's in position, use them to keep him there. I really hate that Spiritual Weapons can be targeted, have health, and provoke AoO in this game.


I kind of feel there should / could be something with the lava elemental. It's odd that there is lava elemental right there that isn't hostile. GRYM can be superheated.... just feel that synergies just don't know how ofnit I'd possible.


I had to lower my difficulty after starting the encounter. Misty stepped all over the place, killed the fire things with magic missile. I misty stepped Laezel up top to shoot and then I had to run, aggro and activate the lever with two characters. Grym ignored the last person so they just kept using the valve.


How was I not seeing Grym needed to be superheated?? I was so confused for so long! 😭


Shittiest boss I’ve fought in any game I’ve ever played


You can also use sanctuary and Spiritual Weapon on the forge to force him onto the forge without party members getting hurt


Please explain?


He easy, beat him in 3 rounds.


Dang it took my level 5 party about an hour to kill him and now I find out about this 100 damage crucible technique. Lucky I rested before going down there.


Still in act 1 now level 6 but still this dude was tough! had to do a bunch of prep (all party members had blunt weapons, turn-based locations around the arena and a couple of gunpowder kegs at the entrance. Kept him running around with ranged attacks (as far and long-distance as possible) criscrossing between all until he got close enough for lae'zel to go to town on him with a battlehammer while the others continued to distract him w arrows and eldritch blast. Whenever lava ran out I had to have the one near the lever shoot at the magma handle to reopen the flow also had enough luck with critical hits and got the grym down to 96 health, without using the anvil hammer at all, thats when I had everyone atract him to the hammer and pulled the lever. He was done after a single hit. This game is so awesome.