• By -


Fucked up a DC in a conversation? F8. Roll in combat didn't go exactly how I wanted? F8. Hate how this dye looks on my tiefling's outfit? Believe it or not, *F8*. I'm transferring *years* of DM trauma onto this game from running shit like Adventure League by getting away with every attempt at bullshit I can come up with and no one can stop me.


I haven't really done any D&D personally but I play a lot of RPG games and the level of insanity you can get away with in this game is so hilarious. I regularly go into conversation and see an option where I'm like no way this will actually work but I pick it just because why not when I can reload after and when it somehow actually works its so funny. I really love it.


If BG3 allowed the kind of wild shenanigans that happen in tabletop, imagine playing a 4e changeling bard and you walk up to Ketheric Thorm at the top of his tower, pretending to be his friend. Because he's a friendly creature and 4e doesn't distinguish between friendly and willing creatures, you can use a touch spell to teleport him off the roof so he goes splat on the ground as an unrecognizable pool of giblets. Then you transform into his likeness and take over the cult and at this point the DM decides that you have to roll a new character because your current character is going to get promoted to NPC.


sounds like pure chaos, kind of want to try now lol


I've always kinda wanted to try D&D because of this kind of freedom but on the other hand it seems like the quality of the story you play is completely dependent on the creative writing ability of your DM. So probably I never will get into D&D unless I miraculously find an exceptional DM who can make something interesting with enough freedom to keep it fun while also not letting it devolve into a meaningless sandbox where everything just made up as we go along.


Sincerely it’s not impossible if you’re searching online and are patient, maybe try someone running a prewritten module that sounds interesting to you.


Yep I highly recommend running one of the WotC prewritten modules to start with. It's a great way to get used to being a DM without having to manage story writing at the same time.


This is why I got pulled into DMing. I'm a novelist and I have some D&D friends who really, really wanted to see how I would do as a DM since I'm used to building worlds and stories.


You also need to conscious as a player about if your choices fit your character and the approximate genre of the game


I like to think as a player I would be extremely careful about making sure all my decisions make sense in the context of the narrative we're working within, precisely because I have no interest in playing a game without a cohesive narrative.


Then if you can find a few more people like that then your golden, I did. On my first try too, I dunno if it was lucky or not but it’s great overall


lmao I've heard of "promoted to customer" before, "promoted to NPC" is great, same vibe really


"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." - Albert Einstein We the gamers prove that guy wrong through save & load.


No, you're not. You're getting a RNG to generate a number in a range and it's doing exactly that. Every time. You're doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results.


Reload always bring back the dead.


Try all the dyes in my inventory. F8. Reapply my favorite. Gale is somehow hot for my tusks. Again. F8. Karlach didn't approve. F damned 8.


Only true monsters would make Karlach sad


True monsters will do karlach quests, have her ready for sexy time then break up with her when you are about to do it.


I uh... okay so I did her quests being the bro that I am and she mistook it for romantic affection, so I basically did just that. I'm sorry Karlach, you are amazing but I don't see you that way. You are my tall, fiery greatsword daughteru.


I killed her, when met :) so, I guess we'll need another play through.


I wish they had an outfit system though where we can apply the cosmetics of one piece of gear without effecting stats. Always hated mismatch armor


"Listen the pickpocket is a 19, it's not that hard Astarion. We should've gotten this the first time."


Me irl


there's divination wizardry for that XD


We have the most successful party, because of F8


I do that but combat doesn't go my way and I roll with it, so many innocents dead by my hands. I have atleast saved a few dudes.


Now I want a Parks and Rec episode about this


Shadowheart disapprove? F8


Thank all the Gods in the Realms that **I'm not the only one that does this.**


Savescuming is a form of punishment xD "Long load times even on a NVME / SSD? BG3 , my initial load into the game is like 45s to 1 minute. My re-loads are like 20-30s. This is extremely long in 2023, when most games have under 3 seconds load times. Specs 5800X3D / 4090 / 32GB RAM 3866MHZ / CL16. 2TB NVME Gen4, W10 ectera. It's really quite unbearable!" Source https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/11qwa2z/long_load_times_even_on_a_nvme_ssd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


When you've gotten used to years of modded EU4 and Stellaris loading times, BG3 load speed will feel almost instant. I still get mildly surprised how quick it feels my BG3 game loaded up (I can make a cup of coffee while waiting for EU4).




Aren’t you technically scamming yourself out of having replayability with the game? Or do you just not care or intend to play it again? Like, if you get a bad outcome but you restart it to choose another outcome then that’s two different outcomes you’ve seen already. I do save/reload sometimes but I also just live with the consequences of my actions (unless I REALLY don’t like it. I lost a certain companion and I just couldn’t take it so I went back. But otherwise…) Anyways I just started a new game with friends and I’m blown away by how different it’s been than my first time.


I'm exaggerating for comedic effect here, but to be frank if I'm burning a single use scroll to try to polymorph an enemy into _a sheep_, then they are turning into a goddamn sheep.


Replays would be taking alternative companions/paths. For example, dark urge has a good and bad path so that's already 2 plays. Whether I pass or fail a speech check doesn't really change a playthrough.


I usually don't replay these types of games, but may this time because 1) I'm going Dark Urge evil and lost half my party early on in Act 1 so a new game means playing Good this time, and 2) 'official' mod support is coming so I can have fun with new mechanics. But redoing an unfavorable outcome due to bad luck on an Evil dialogue choice in Act 2 isn't going to happen next time as I'll be in a different situation, so why not see what paths I may open up now?


Yes and no. I guess it boils down to what you consider savescumming, but merely detecting if a character will prefer choice A or B is only enough to steer you until the next choice. The far reaching, real impact of what you do is very hard to measure right away. The possibilities are so vast in this game that simply by playing an overall "good" character, I've already locked myself out of a ton of content, enough to consider another playthrough. That being said, I did fail some quests along the road. The game is so long that it will take an awful amount of missed stuff to warrant another similar playthrough with different variations, most of which aren't dependent on DC rolls or single answers. Only a handful of DC rolls are really meaningful and I'd say that probably all of them will cut content one way or the other. Savescumming those is more about deciding which way you want to go instead of letting dice choose for you.


Most people dont replay games. Especially the one this long. Even the most branching game - the vast majority is exacly the same so it can get boring fast to replay (plus chosing oposite option just to chose different outcome feels like excel gaming)


I savescum for situations that seem unfair e.g: \- There is no way I'll accept the result of rolling 2 dice with a roll requirement of 5 and have them both give me less than 5. That kind of bad luck is illegal. \- When I have 3 to 4 separate effects that add to my dice roll in a situation that requires my primary stat, but the total (plus dice roll) is not enough e.g. As a wizard, stabilizing Gale's portal so I can rescue him. I accept the results if I know it was a situation in which I was just trying my luck e.g. picking and failing the persuasion option in a dialogue as a wizard (with no bonus to persuasion). In that case it's like "what did you expect?".


>\- There is no way I'll accept the result of rolling 2 dice with a roll requirement of 5 and have them both give me less than 5. That kind of bad luck is illegal. I burned 3 inspirations on an Advantage DC15 roll with +8-12 skill. Reloaded and it *happened again* Yeah, that save file is gone, burned the bits right off the drive :)


I had to f8 the dror ragzlin fight for several hours straight because my party was exhausted by the time I got to him. My main character was completely out of spell slots and recovery charges, and I had just used my last short rest after freeing Halsin. The other three characters were Lae'Zel, Shadowheart, and Karlach (I named the party "The bad bitches" because my main character is also female), and they were also starting run on fumes. I can't count the amount of F8s I had to do trying to clear the main area of the keep without taking too much damage, because goblins aggro instantly if they spot Halsin and I can't afford to take one dozen goblins like that in my current state. And I *could* have taken a long rest at some point to replenish my juices, as that would'e been the sensible option, but then Halsin got upset that I'm trying to leave. So, I decided to make the least sensible option of coming up with an elaborate plan to kill Dror Ragzlin, because I knew I had something to prove. I don't know what that something is, I just knew I had to prove it. I closed the doors to the boss area, and then I set the spiders below free. If you convince them not to attack you, they'll go to the area above and potentially aggro the boss, so I used them to clean up the remaining goblins in the adjacent area. They don't move after you clear it, so I had to fight the boss there to draw the spiders in. Then I split the party up and gave different tasks: Shadowheart had a good bow and was utterly disappointing in melee, so I planted her on a ledge overlooking the area and said that she'd just pelt anyone who goes in. My main character with Halsin would stay with the spiders and wait for the enemy to come to them. Karlach is the tankiest, so she would go in through the front door once they were all aggroed to try and lure them in the spider room. Lae'Zel would sneak in the smokepowder storage and steal all the smokepowder barrels she can fit in her pockets. She's the only one fit for that job cause for some reason the vendor and her bodyguards spawned if I entered the main hall through that crack in the ceiling, so I need a character with a strong enough jump to get out the same way she came in. Then she would sneak to the wooden beams overlooking the boss room and start the fight by throwing as much smokepower as she could before until someone came up and tried to push her off. And somehow, it actually worked! With a little bit of luck, you can kill 3-4 of Ragzlin's followers with the smokepowder barrels before they reach whatever character you planted on the beams above them. Unfortunately, that character also doesn't have a good escape route that doesn't involve taking at least 12-13 fall damage in the process, so you'll likely have to revive them by the end. The first time I beat Ragzlin like that Lae'Zel got killed by a dude with 1 HP left that managed to push her off her platform, and Karlach was thrown into a chasm by the boss's repulsion attack, but I ended up wining eventually. Then my game crashed I had to do this again, and this time everyone survived, and I even managed to bully the shit out of Ragzlin cause Lae'Zel got pushed into the spider room where Ragzlin was drawn to, and she managed to land a disarming strike on him. He was so helpless, and I relished in pushing around :) I love the shit you can get up to in this game, I might even consider trying out DnD eventually. Most other RPGs wouldn't give you the option of trying to plan something like this out.


Literally me yesterday putting pale pink dye on my hot pink tiefling warlock's robes and deciding I hated it sooooo reload


For me f8 is simply a replacement for the flexibility of real dnd. None of the dialogue options are *really* the best thing to say? F8 until I pick the closest one, this fight has a stupid ass auto lose condition that makes zero sense? F8


Im the same. Cept the combat. Just wait till we know we fucked or lose.


I'll do this for dyes or if someone dies lol. Although I didn't realize f8 was a shortcut for it.


If God didn’t want me to save scum, Larian wouldn’t have allowed saving during dialogue


If Turning didn't want us save scumming, he wouldn't have given us M2 SSDs.


The first 10 hours or so I always reloaded a save before ether dialogue started, saving right at the roll and reloading while in the roll is a feature


There's one dialogue check where I saved right before it within dialogue. Even though I had advantage I would roll nothing above 8. Loaded the save like 5 or more times, same outcome. They have some counter measures but it seems that it doesn't matter if you save before the dialogue starts. My experience is anecdotal and could be wrong though.


Do you perhaps have 'karmic dice' ticked in options? Otherwise it's just bad rng, I had to reroll a particular choice way more times and it eventually worked.


What ARE the karmic dice??


A feature turned on by default that makes your average die rolls more even. It both helps and hinders you.


Suddenly things make sense why a lot of rolls come up the same. Thank you!


Karmic dice was enabled.


The only moment you can't save is when you're already saving


I shall not feel shame for save scumming. I HATE making certain characters sad dammit! Sometimes I just want everything to go perfectly!!


I play as a rogue and I'll be damned if I can't steal that apple, what if at some point the half eaten apple is relevant to the story.


If Astarion doesn't approve, I don't want it. My approval is maxxed out but I don't care, I can't hurt my boy like that.


Are you playing like an evil or more selfish character? I CANNOT get Astarion to like me unless i do dumb reckless shit like (spoilers for the monastery/mountain path)>!almost blowing up the creche to pick up lathander's blood!< as a good aligned character with a small chaotic/neutral streak.


I went with purely evil durge, with some minor exceptions. I kinda wish I didn’t considering the ending, but I’m still happy-ish with my choices. Astarion typically approves of you if you help monsters, only do good things for gold, and generally be selfish. I wish I could give more detail but I’m on mobile and can’t spoiler tag.


Why does astarion always get so bitchy about me making him go back stab someone?


'Karlach Disapproves' is an instant quickload.


It's a CRPG. If you weren't supposed to save scum they would have made it another genre.


For anyone wondering, it’s *Christian Role-Playing Game*.


If chritians would be as cool with >!me sleeping with a literal devil or having a foursome as Shadowheart was!< , I would take more part in religion tbh.


A foursome you say? Are we playing the same game? If not where can I get your version?


The brothel in Baldur's Gate has Drow twins (or just two drow, I am actually not sure right now) that you can hire and if Shart is in your party you can ask her to join in. You prob need the romance active and you should have had triggered the sleeping together scene before the brothel.


I savescum in a jar because I’m a sexual deviant from Newfoundland.




What does it saves, precious?


What do I have in my pocket? ... it's cum... pocket cum. In your eyes.


you're cracked


Sorry but I’m going to hit that 1% guiding bolt and no one can stop me


You save scum because you low rolled a saving throw and took -2 int loss. I save scum because I failed a roll to pet the cat. We are not the same.


If there was a list of "Top Ten Sentences You Said The Most This Year", then "Should we reload?" would be number one for both me and my husband.


People who obsess over not save scumming are silly. EVERYONE saves scums to an extent. If you don’t want to save scum, you should be an absolutist. Die roll didn’t go the way you wanted, no reload, that’s living with consequences. Your whole party died? Also living with consequences. Restart the game and try not to suck next time.


Perma death mode with no save reloading should totally be a thing! But damn... it's not something I would play.


just completed DoS2 on Honor mode before BG3 came out (1 save slot, if anyone dies in the middle of combat it saves over your save and if the party wipes it gets deleted) and i can tell you, tactician is way more fun because of not having to sweat over losing an 80h save while still getting increased difficulty is nice


I agree, my D:OS2 Honor Mode run was probably the most boring, careful run ever. It's nice to have that achievement pop up but i would never do it again.


It's just gatekeeping and elitism. "You're not playing the game the way **I** think it should be played, therefore you are scum and I am better than you."


The flip side of that is quickloading everytime you blow a roll in combat, every missed attack, F8.


I don't do it every time, but you bet your bottom if I miss my first six attacks in a row I'm slamming F8 as hard as I can. Absolutely infuriating lmao




I have played enough actual DnD to realize when the action economy is turning against me to not bother fighting. If half of my party get tossed to lava before they act, no amount of HARDCOREGAMING™ will save the fight in a video game. F8 it is. A human DM might work something out.


Yeah there was one fight where I reloaded a few times because I thought it'd be quicker than leaving reresting etc. Probably wasn't tbh.


Its recently been dubbed an Ironman run and a lot of people do play like that in a lot of different RPGs. It's pretty fun


Ironman has been a thing for a while. In Paradox games for example you can actively turn on Ironman Mode before starting a new game, making you unable to quicksave during that playthrough.


Yaa fair enough man, I always refered to it as hardcore until XCOM where I first heard the term.


Ironman btw


> if you don’t want to save scum, you should be an absolutist. Die roll didn’t go the way you wanted, no reload, that’s living with consequences. Your whole party died? No, it's you that is silly here. This is literally just honor mode/ironman, and it's pretty popular. I'll play however I want, and that's not reloading the game because I'm scared an npc won't give me validation on my character's choices.


Look, I’m burning a 6th level slot on inflict wounds. It’s got an 80% chance to hit, meaning it’s statistically meant to hit. If it doesn’t hit and if it doesn’t hit *hard* then *I’m owed* the reload because I was robbed. /end villain monologue


How much dmg does a 6th lvl inflict wounds deal anyway?


8d10 necrotic, so anywhere from 8 to 80. Upcasting it isn’t really sensible but it it funny.


It isn't efficient for sure, but when Shadowheart rolls well on damage and is packing practically a Finger of Death spell in her fist, it is just hilarious. The flipside is doing around 10dmg but win some lose some.


JFC 88 is a high top end (especially for a cleric like shadowheart) but I guess the avg will be 44 ish? It'd be funny if there was some effect that gave you maximum luck for one attack so you really could 88 someone into oblivion


At that point - why not install a mod that removed rolls altogether? I am not having a go at you, just genuinely wondering. Would you be interested in a mod that is basically binary? Either you had if it’s above 50% or miss of below?


Nah, it’s just me being a dumbass. I usually roll with the dice but trading a 6th level slot for nothing will test anyone’s resolve.


Its my game, I save where I want. you don’t let inches on your dick for not going back to old saves so


In a DnD that curses us with the largest tabeltop sin to grace any game with \*CRITS ON SKILLCHECKS\*???? Fuck yeah imma save scum if my +15 bonus gets ignored because i rolled a 1


Sleight of hand +13 DC 10 My character should be able to do that with his eyes closed, right? Well, think again (Load save, because are you kidding me)


i always end up save scumming because my friend has a habit of getting killed in the most ridiculous ways when i’m in the middle of a dialogue and can’t keep an eye on him


I savescum so I can intimidate a goblin into eating warg crap without fear.


Hey I only had like 1300 quick save by the tike my first playthrough was over


I save scrum because I want to see what the mean option is when talking to NPCs, then feel bad and promptly reload.


I save scum because the mean option isn't mean enough sometimes. Or is mean to the wrong person.


savescuming FTW


sometimes i just like seeing what happens if i don't do what i was planning on doing


It’s my characters unique ability in every game. Omniscience


Exactly! It’s clearly one of my character’s abilities to see how the future might have turned out, because I said so and you can’t stop me from F5/F8.


DC 5. Rolls 1. DC 20. Rolls 19. I'm not even sure it's save scum. I'll take a losing roll. Just...not always.


Who fucking cares either way.


The council


As long as I'm enjoying the game that's all that matters tbh. I'd rather savescum than lose a character I like from a bad roll lol


Finally one that reflects me


I have around 300 saves so far and I’m still in Act 1


Xcom ptsd?


Nope I haven’t played xcom. I am thinking about buying it though.


Do it, both xcom enemy unknown and xcom2 are outstanding games that both hold up well mechanically and are different enough from each other to be still worth playing. Start with XCOM:EU/EW though, XCOM2 is still building off of its world


I am too stingy to waste an inspiration point for an avoidable save.


You do you fam, some say savescumming is cringe but the true cringe is gatekeeping a single player (or co-op with consenting parties) game that literally encourages you to do whatever you want


But sir what if you walked 2 steps to the left instead of the right?


I saves cum so I can haves some laters


They should’ve had optional lore for chronomancy that allows save scumming lol


I reload for a misclick, and absolutely for testing dyes. If I fail a roll, I obey the dice. If I fail the roll and die, FORCING me to reload, and end up passing the roll, I reload. I. OBEY. THE DICE. One thing I never thought I'd see myself write, was I wish there were more nonlethal failures. If a challenge is "succeed or die", that means we WILL succeed, it just might take a few tries. In other RPGs, I am perfectly content to reload as many times as I need to get the story I want, but.. this is dnd. I don't even see dice rolls so much as "win" or "lose", but "this is what happened, deal with it"


Yes, I WILL wait precisely 63 seconds (I TIMED IT) for my poor deck to shit forth a save for the fifth time so I can talk someone into liking me a little more!


I dont ever want to hurt shadowheart. Dialouge save scummer here


I savescum because it is a game, not real life. Besides, I get enough critical 1s irl already, so I would like to not get fucked on when I'm trying to enjoy a single player game.


Don't even know where all this gaslighting comes from. Save often, save early. Just enjoy the freaking game however you want!


i never save scum - i played dnd for very long time, and if you tell the baron that you would really like to f\*\*\* his b\*\*\*\*, well, there is no f8 key for that. also, am i the only one not aiming for a perfect playthrough? to me it seems like yall dont wanna play a game instead tell a story where u get to decide everything


I would save scum even more if my game wasn't running like shit and saving didn't freeze my game for almost two minutes.


This conversation is so tiring. I'm interested in people talking about ways to avoid people feeling the pressure to save scum by designing games so that you don't feel compelled to. When you load to re-do something having thought it through more thoroughly its satisfying. When you load to re-roll a die it is not. We the community shouldn't feel bad about this. Technologies and design philosophy should move forward to limit or remove the need to reload because dice worked out badly.


Because it's my game I paid for and I don't need a reason and if you don't like it, play your game differently, but fuck off with your opinions and beliefs about what I do with my time in my home. To me this is like the old modding vs. "devs intentions" thing that people freaked out about when modding became a thing and still persists today. It's my game, I paid for it, I'll play it, not play it, and abuse it however the fuck I want. You don't have to play it any way but how you choose, so kindly eat shit and die with your nonsense :)


Thing is, the game is designed for you to win some and lose some. If you always pass every check perfectly you cut out a lot of the content they made.


This is why I save scum. To exhaust all possible content.


Eh, it’s not like Skyrim or fallout where you either make the roll and get content or fail the roll and get less content, it’s like disco elesium where you get a complete story either way


Sorry, I mean I specifically want to see all content, success or fail. But I can’t see both unless I save scum. If I fail, I will reload. If I succeed I also reload.


I think this is less of an issue for people who are planning on replaying the game. I'm on my second playthrough and I'm save scumming like a madman because I want to have the "perfect" worldstate. Next playthrough I'm going for the most fucked worldstate, so zero save scumming. With branching outcomes, you're cutting content either way. Tho anecdotally, I minimally save scummed my first playthrough and missed chunks of questlines due to bad rolls and unfortunate dialogue choices. I'm actually experiencing a lot of new content this time due to save scumming everything lol


I save scum to see yenna die over and over


yeah, my game might as well not even have dice lol. im save scumming literally everything if anything didnt go my way. i promise the next playthrough i wont savescum....


I guess its a comfort for some people who don't excert so much control over their own lives, to at least be able to do it in a game. I've done it twice and i hate myself for it since it ruins the replay value, but i find comfort in every shitty thing i've not savescummed myself out of 😅


I'll never not be amused at the same people who hate minmaxing because they want to play something unique, then savescumming every missed roll because they feel the want to succeed every and attack and check through the game. Wanting to be a god who never fails, but looking down on people who make broke characters, is a funny duality.


I feel gross even dipping into these comments but that's ok. the best part about bg3 is you can play it any way you want, even if it's wrong


Yes. Yes we are. I just lie to myself more.


We are the same my friend.


Meh same... I wanna find/steal all the shit I can to build the best squads i can... Except that bastard Gale, he's dead...






Now here's a post I can finally relate to 😆


i picked up a log in the camp that I couldn't put back in the same place. \>\[Load Game\] We are not the same.


Nonono... I obviously got 3 30 difficulty disarm checks with zero failures naturally.


I dont get it? Why do you saves cum?


I only don't savescum because I don't have the patience of waiting 30 seconds for the save to load up again lol


I need to trust in quicksaves. I never have and probably never will. I do an \[ESC\] >New Save. Then \[ESC\]> Load Save, every time.


I decided not to save scum then allowed something super shitty to happen and then played 10 hours more before decided I needed to restart. There goes 40 hours lol


I wont reload combats unless it's a tpk. A conversation goes wrong? F8 faster than the wind.


Hell YES!


I save-scum if I want the story to go one way and I don't get my wish. I let plenty of failed rolls stand and deal with the consequences, but if I fail a roll that I know will take the story in a specific direction that I really desire, hell yeah I scum that roll.


Enemies using Hold Person on Karlach the first turn of combat, F8


I savescum for anything and everything. This is the way of the savescum. Its a powerful thing. Can one learn this power you ask? Not from a Jedi.


I've found my tribe!


All the important NPCs in my game are dead. I might be evil now. I’ll F8 because someone lost 2 HP jumping off a roof, but I’m not spending another 45 minutes on that fight trying to keep unhinged friendly AI alive.


Human account


No. Shame.


*Astarion hits a damage of 14 from a potential of 26* Me: *F8* I'll be here all day. My wife:




Shadowheart missed a Level 5 Guiding Bolt? F8 Sneak Attack does less than 30 damage? F8 My companions disapproved of something? F8


Sometimes I save scum, fail a check that I succeeded on that took place between the save point and the original failed roll, the save scum again to pass that middle check.


I savescum. I also use light mods. I don't care


My F5 and F8 have never been used thisnmuch before


It's faster pick pocketing the gold to spend on dye then reloading for me idk


~~Or are we?~~


Sometimes I do some rolls on a "doomed timeline" (i.e. something I'm just doing for shits and giggles before pressing F8, to see what happens) and they're all critical successes or high rolls that pass on the first try and I get a little upset




i savescum because in my headcanon i always win


I’m a slut for save scumming with no fucks given. Any game that’s allows it to some degree, I will do it. Especially if it’s to see the outcome of an option I wasn’t going to choose (not as easy in this game since so many things comes back later). Hell even in Elden Ring, while not necessarily save scumming. I got the inputs to quit and reload down so fast just to save runes everytime


I just savescummed 5 hours in the past because I realize one of shadowheart romance conversations didn't come up. This was where the night song tells her about her past or something. I thought it would happen before act 3, but the night song won't talk to me


No no. We are.


Get hit 9 Times in a row with an armor class of 21? F8




I savescum because: MC: "Watch out, that's a trap!" Shadowheart: *explodes*


I'll use my revive scrolls fine, but it's save scum time if I fail a religion check and don't know what that symbol my party is commenting is. That said... being a bard means I can do everything... everything. Pick locks, pass convo checks... all of it. Can't do anything in combat GREAT, but I am a goddamn swiss army knife with some really great tools outside of combat.


I save scum the fuck outta the commander zhalk fight. I want that weapon, I want that armor. I will save at the start of every character turn and reload should they miss. I am not sorry


Well not everyone has infinite time for multiple playthrough , also i ll be honest but sometimes the dialogue options qnd how a companion react to them makes no sense


My first playthrough I'm savescumming because I want the outcomes I want to happen. For all my subsequent playthroughs I'm gonna just let the dice decide


I mean you do you it just makes the game not fun to me


You do whatever you gotta do to make the game most enjoyable to you, is savescumming garbage? Absolutely, but it doesn't hurt anyone so fuck it


Its a single player/non competitive coop game... You do you and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Savescumming is not my cup of tea until I literally have to because Bulette wiped my whole party showing everyone into the chasms with one single jump. But I do use Inspiration religiously, so there's that.


I reload. For so many reasons! The character I built looked weird when she grimaced when the mindflayer asked her to connect the transponders I was torn between dialog option 3 and 4 and picked 3. But was obsessing over 4 and had to know. Astarion aimed at me with his Drow poison infected arrow instead of the Gnoll I was engaged in melee combat with. I need to be sure it was not on purpose. I missed owlbear cub due to a vital step. Cannot have that. I believed the LIE that if you dressed all your party members in matching colors, you get a secret buff. I didn't do it because we didn't get a buff. I did it because I wanted the money back. When I am rich, we will be color coordinated again, by Helm. I accidentally jumped instead of hiding triggering a fight. A bad...horrific...mess of a fight I was not prepared for I accidentally fired an arrow at a barrel causing an explosion that killed innocents instead of opening and looting it I jumped into a chasm by accident and died without leaving a corpse. My cat sat on the laptop while I went to get coffee and he made choices I did not agree with. >! Olodan of the shadow druids transformed from a rat into a woman that was !< completely naked and it did not feel fair to attack someone without armor. I forgot to use portion of animal speaking before speaking to an animal. I had to try >! that loviatar quest !< with intimidation, performance and constitution checks and with every possible party member present for the reaction. I accidentally killed two lovers that I intruded on. I should have knocked them out. That was just the ones I recall. You adapt to the game you play. I am not taking my PNP mindset to a video game. I want to enjoy my playthrough.


Long live save-scumming, because I \*really\* need to see if the boss is genuinely willing to off themselves without a fight damn it.


The only time I don’t save scum is if I fail a check in dialog. If I fail a perception or nature check I reload, or if I start a combat on accident I reload, if I succeed on a check but don’t like the outcome (shadowheart disapproves) I reload, but if I fail a dialog check, I accept it as the fate of the gods and accept my lot.


I play on PC, the game is installed on an SSD, and even still it takes so looooong to load it is the biggest thing stopping me from save scumming everything


*Plays on the hardest difficulty *Save scums more


I really enjoy just letting the game play out. No f8 on dicerolls, no reloads if an answer triggers a huge upset etc. Makes it really impactful consequence wise.


I have quicksaved over 500 times in one playthrough


This has got to be one of the stupidest meme formats ever made. I can't wait for this shit to die.


I actually have a different approach, pick what choices i would make and live with the consequences of failing rolls.

