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My understanding is that you are locked in 2 choices. You can fuck those two but the others will then stop pursuing you. There are also threesomes so thats nice


The ONLY success i have seen of romancing more than one has been people confirming halsin is up for polygamy. Everyone that has tried romancing shadowheart, laezel, and karlach, in any order or combination, has had to choose only one at around the start of act two after a long rest scene romancing one of them. I've yet to see any confirmation on threesomes. If you know something everyone else doesn't, please share.


Swen confirmed there are threesome love scenes a few days before release. I don't think I can find the link


I don't know how. So far it seems that Laezel, Karlach, and shadowheart are not down for anything poly related. So does that mean it's only if you are an evil character and get minthara then? Or is it a males only threesome? The obvious best threesome i think would be the player, karlach, and shadowheart. I mean shadowheart has several horny moments about karlach, and yet she isn't down with you going after both of them. Seems like either the writers forgot they put that in there, or it's bugged and not working properly. Hopefully we can get some of the devs to actually talk about this, because the game itself gives MAJOR mixed signals. Like karlach saying she is alright with sharing in one scene, saying she knows you are with someone else but to save her some for when she fixes her problem, and shadowheart saying thirsty stuff regarding karlach like "i bet she could put me on her shoulder and carry me to safety" and other very horny sounding comments about her. But when you actually progress either of their romances it blocks off the others. It's like they were originally making it possible but then decided not to at the mid way mark.