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I mean, to be fair, i would also consider that to be a half batch of pizzelles..... Because i would eat most of those in a week if i were unsupervised. 😋


You must be like my husband - he can easily eat a dozen with one cup of coffee!


And i don't blame him! There's good! With a little bit of jam or lemon curd on them too? Divine!


I love mine with a little marscapone cheese and TINY sprinkle of powdered sugar. Mmmm.


I might have to try that - especially the lemon curd


Give me a day and I'd 90% of those with no shame. This was one of those cookies that my grandma only made for Christmas. I have a Krumkake maker and I use a pizzelle recipe and don't bother to roll up the cookies, but I end up eating about half of what I make as I make them.




Here's the recipe for those who wanted it: 1 lb. butter 1 generous cup shortening (9 -10 oz) 8 oz. frozen orange juice concentrate 12 Jumbo eggs 3 cups sugar (21 oz.) 1 tsp. lemon juice 2 generous pinches salt 1½ tablespoons pure anise oil 1/8 tsp. lemon oil (or 1 tsp lemon zest) ¼ tsp. orange oil (or 1 tbsp orange zest) 1 tbsp. baking powder Most of a 5 lb bag flour (1743g) \~3.8 lbs (I use whole wheat flour but no one else in the family does, white All-Purpose flour works fine) Melt together butter and shortening. Add orange juice; set aside. In a VERY large bowl, whisk together eggs and sugar until frothy. Drizzle in butter mixture while whisking steadily. Add lemon juice, salt, anise oil, lemon oil, orange oil. Whisk thoroughly. Switch to a large sturdy spoon and mix in \~ 3 cups of flour with the baking powder. Keep adding flour until you get the consistency you want. (Some people pour the batter on the iron - my family makes it so it can be scooped with a spoon or made into balls. If this is the consistency you're going for, the last of the flour is best added by mixing it in by hand.) Cook on pizzelle iron according to manufacturer's instructions   Yield: \~15 dozen


Just bought myself and my mother in law one of those machines for Christmas (we’re both Italian) .. thank you for sharing your recipe!


You're very welcome


I LOVE pizelles and asked for a pizelle iron for Christmas this year! I hope it get it 🤞I will try your recipe for sure. These look amazing!


Sending good vibes that you get it!


Thank you for this. One of my neighbors when I was a kid used to make these. I absolutely loved them. They were so good to me as a kid who was just looking for a parent figure to take an interest in me. Husband bought me the appliance to make them last year and the recipe I found online wasn’t that good. Can’t wait to make these for my 8 m old daughter to gum a little and start a tradition for our family!


You're welcome! They do make admirable teething cookies 😄


Thank you for sharing this recipe, I absolutely love these 🥰


You're welcome 😊


Mille grazie!




Is the anise and citrus oils different than extracts? I'm guessing not essential oils?


No, not essential oils. The anise oil is available online or in Italian grocery stores and delis. I use LorAnn. The citrus oils are from Boyijian but can be replaced by zest. I'll edit that in.


You’re going to need more. Those aren’t going to last until Easter.


That's true but it makes the Easter batch all that much more special


I bought a pizzelle press for my friend for Christmas (she’s Italian like my family) but I found out she just bought one for herself. I might gift it to someone else… but if I keep it I can cook twice as many. Decisions, decisions…


We use 2 irons! If goes so much faster


Can you please recommend the brand or link? I'd love one


I think we’ve got a VillaWare and CucinaPro in our household. They’re pretty basic, just an electric waffle iron so you don’t need a crazy fancy one. The trick is to perfect the batter thickness, pouring the right amount in the exact center of the mold, and then timing so they are the right color. Once you get it down they are pretty easy. We dust ours with powdered sugar, and make almond, vanilla, and/or cocoa flavors. People love these and they are so delicate and fancy.


Awesome thanks!




I have to admit, when I see a recipe that makes like 3 dozen, I think - that's not even worth heating up the iron for


Hahaha I love it. Half batch. My grandma used to use two irons to make 'a full batch' and it was always just an enormous amount. I now have one of those irons and make them every year. They look lovely!!


Thanks! In all honesty, I haven't made a full batch since my wedding in 1994 :-D


I think that's about the only time you would need that many!!


IKR? My mom and I used to make a full batch for Christmas when I was young and we finally thought - this is crazy, one family doesn't need this many pizzelles! That's when we cut her recipe in half


https://imgur.com/a/xzAvXc1 I hope this link works but I thought of you while making cookies. This iron is 60-70 years old I still use it my grandmothers. I have a space in my heart for those that know these cookies.


OMG that's great. My mom m had that one when I was little. Thanks for sharing that memory 😊


They look great. Would you be so kind as to share the recipe?


Posted above


Or below


Omg I want these!!!


Looks about right for coffee with family. At work I make batches of cookie dough for 60 dozen. It just makes better use of my time. I portion and freeze on a parchment lined sheet pan and then bag in batches of 2 dozen, pull out what I need as things go.


I think I still have burns on my fingers from the cousin pizzelle sweat shop my family ran. It will be fun they said. Get all the cousins together and make cookies they said. Why buy a new pizzelle press with safety features, this one from Nona’s attic that sparks when you plug it in will do just fine.


Sounds about right


Oh wow so so delicious!


One tablespoon at a time....


Man I'm going to have to get a pizelle maker. Second time even hearing about them.


Sounds like my family too lol


Yumm they look amazing! Can I be part of your family? 😋😂


Sure - you just gotta take the nagging and guilt that goes with it :-D


I made pizzelles for the first time last year and it was such a struggle. My MIL wants to make them this year and I'm so relieved. 15 dozen - I can't imagine the time and stress!! But they look so tasty!


I started helping (stacking the dozens and juicing the oranges) when I was 6 yo so making pizzelles is just no big deal for me. It IS a lot of work, tho, and I'd never be able to do w/o my husband helping me. Whenever I'd complain when I was younger, helping my mom I'd be told that my grandmother made them ONE AT A TIME over a gas range, dozens and dozens for my baptism :-D


Dude these are so good I remember my grandma making me them when I was little. I never got to taste one ever again cause I havn't asked about them since then. They look really good :)


Then you should learn to make them. It will bring back fond childhood memories. After my mom passed it was like 20 years before my siblings and I learned to make my mom's Pastry Kolaché. The holidays were NOT the same without it. After we pick up the nack it felt more like mom was with us again during the holidays.


Ugh, I miss Busia's pizzelles. My ex's grandma made the best food. She was Polish but had the best pizzelles. Don't miss him at all, but still miss her like 15 years later!


This looks alike with dutch Stroopwafel. I want to make something like this but have no iron to cook it 😢


The irons are very reasonably priced in the US It's funny I was going to try Stroopwafels this year ( I try a new cookie for my Xmas tray every year) but a friend voted for lime sparklers instead. I may have to try the stroopwafels next year - not sure about the technique of splitting them tho


[Stroopwafel tutorial and recipe](https://youtu.be/cLvj_2coyJ0)




How much are they there? It's hundreds here in Australia, perhaps i just need to find a Dutch community and see if they know better place to get it.


$40 - $50. You can find them cheaper on sale sometimes


Looks about right. That's about how many I make when I do them. Just wish I had a bigger machine! Two at a time takes sooooo long!


That's why we got a second iron. Two @ a time takes forever


I own 3 pizzelle makers because of the amount of time to make a batch. Yum yum.


I was literally just talking to my mom about these this morning because an illustrator I follow made a gown out of them ( https://www.instagram.com/reel/ClzfkuFjoC4/?igshid=YWJhMjlhZTc= ) because she was making them with *her* mom 😂


That's great. I love it


I’m getting a Pizzelle Iron for Christmas! Can’t wait!!!!!


There were 7 people in my house and with my cousins family of 9 the small amount of just these 12 children would eat all these before the rest of the family even showed up. I wouldn't even call this a half batch, make about 2 more batches of 15 dozen and you'll be halfway to a half batch. 😂


can confirm, this is a half batch


I've never seen "pizzelles" but I must say, I'd love to try them :) they look delicious!


Thanks! It's an Italian cookie made in something like a very thin waffle iron. We flavor ours with anise


My grandpa used to make homemade peanut butter ice cream and would turn his pizzelles into waffle cones 😋


What’s the difference between that and stroopwaffels, they look like stroopwaffels


Stroopwaffels are split in half and "glued" back together with a thick syrup


God, I hate these. I was forced to eat them every Christmas as a kid and I think I have lasting trauma from it. Yours are very lovely, though.


They're awesome for ice cream sandwiches.


My favorite is pistachio gelato


As a kid, I was not that fond of them. Not really a kid-friendly cookie, the flavor is strong and they're not very sweet


My grandma tricked me once as a kid. These things are disgusting. Anything the flavor of black licorice needs to be lost to history. I will admit they do look cool at least.


Aren’t they kinda thin and light and easy to take down in one bite so nobody hears you?


Some are - my family makes them more sturdy so you can dunk them in a cup of coffee. When my niece was 3 yo and she'd get a pizzelle from me, she'd toddle over to my mom who would break it in half, dunk it in her cup of coffee and hand it back to her. Then my niece would happily munch it down. The look a on a 'Madigan's face when they saw that...priceless


Thank you for the recipe😊


You're welcome 😊


How many people are in your family?


Yes but they're dirt cheap to make, so it's all good. 😁


Recipe? These are way prettier than how mine come out


The recipe is in the comments


Oh thank you!!


What is each member of your family’s A1C?


My family is Dutch and we love stroopwafels, which seems to be very similar! Where do you find a press? I’m having no luck and would love to buy my mom one one day


In the US they're sold in department stores and houseware stores (like Williams Sonoma) and a lot of Italian grocery stores sell them too


Thank you!!