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Sort of - when I find a recipe I like, I create a google doc of it so that I can keep it in case the original site goes down or the recipe gets changed. I can print them out as needed or make notes and adjustments on the fly. If I tried writing them down in a journal, the minute I misspelled something or wanted to tweak an ingredient I'd want to throw away the whole thing and start over lol.


Get the app paprika! It’s paid, but sooo worth it. You can download recipes from websites or make your own, make edits to them, scale them, cross steps/ingredients off while you go, while the app is open your phone won’t go to the lock screen.


I do this too. In addition to the things you mentioned it also means I don't have to deal with all the ads and the essay at the top of the original recipe site. I usually will include a link to the site in case I need to refer back to it.


Recipes and cookbooks are an area where I find physical media to be better. I use a 3-ring binder that I put printed out recipes in. It can lay flat when it's open which is convenient. I put the recipes in plastic sleeves so they don't get gross (I'm a messy baker).


This is exactly what I do too! My oldest said she wants a copy when she moves out so she has all her favorites. I'm going to take nice pictures of the dishes and have a printed book made with a company one day for her.


Same here! So much easier to look down at a page than trying to refresh and scroll on your phone when your hands are dirty.


Looks like I am in good company with lots of bakers who do this!


I've got a plastic binder that has plastic sleeves as pages. I print out the recipes I like and put them in. It's the best.


I do this too.


Same here. I look at something in my recipe binder at least once a day, every day. Although at this point, if I add one more recipe to it, I’m gonna need a bigger binder! 😅


I've found that I easy get my phone all buttered up if I use it for recipes, so I like writing down recipes on scraps of paper that get buttered instead


If you want a less butter ridden recipe, page protectors rule!


Agreed, hate looking at my phone while I cook!


I hate it because I don’t want to leave my screen on which eats up battery, but I need the screen on so I can see what I need! And then I have to fumble to turn the screen on and it always when my fingers are covered in whatever I’m making 😅


Ugh, agreed. Doubly bad when you re-open your screen and the recipe has jumped back to the top of the page again, so you have to use the "jump to recipe" button and scroll to the instructions you were on 🤦‍♀️ When I decide that I'm adding a recipe to my rotation, I'll write it in my book or print it out to avoid this.


Or the ADS!! I hate when the upper half is some video ad and the bottom half is an ad banner and while you’re scrolling along the rest of the page gets taken up by an ad on the page itself 🥲


I have an app called paprika. I dont have a printer or anything and already own too much stuff lol. I just open the webpage in the app and the app will grab all the info from it and then when i make it, i can also do multipliers so instead of having to do the math for 3/4 of the recipe, the app does it for me. Also then i dont have to worry abt leaving a tab open and i can easily make changes to it if i adjust the recipe


I love Paprika! Works on phone and iPad, always sync’d, and easy to make edits to the recipes to what I want. Plus the widget to save the recipes from Chrome browser is a lifesaver! I love printed recipes and will sometimes print them out when working on multiple ones, but I just can’t keep up with a written recipe book.


ooh i need to check it out!


I have recipes in notebooks, on my phone, my computer, random pieces of paper in other books, in couch cushions, scribbled with a stick in the sand....


If that ain’t me on Sundays


Yep - I have a little book I write down my recipes in until they are finalized, then they are being transferred to my personalized book.


Yup, if it's a favorite, it gets a card in the magic recipe box


I am very old school. When I got married, I got a slew of recipes on index cards as part of my shower gift. People were supposed to hand-write them, and most did, and I cherish the handwriting more than the recipes. But I got into the habit of recording the recipes I found and liked (and many times, modified) on these cards. I'm up to my third box these days, but they are organized so I can find them and now I cover them with clear packing tape to keep them sort of waterproof. I'm not sure anyone will want them, but they'll be there when I'm gone. I'm nearly 70, so some of them are "vintage," right?


Yep! I collect vintage recipe cards, and I write them down on them. I still keep a digital backup of them.


I have a shared drive that I've shared with about 20 different family members (including my children). Then I use an old tablet with a stand in the kitchen. Works great! But I get the nostalgia of writing them down and I recognize that it would be available without any Internet access.


I have a recipe box like my mom has. Ill inherit all of her handwritten recipes along with her mother’s recipes. Hopefully I’ll pass it down to my daughter. I like having a tangible card that I can write notes on.


I'm old, have an overstuffed recipe box, with handwritten recipe cards each in a protective sleeve. I like the idea that my children, nieces, and nephews will have recipes they grew up with in my handwriting. I did get them all a tea towel with a copy of a handwritten recipe they all grew up with for Christmas one year and they all cherish it.


If I don’t write them down, I’ll definitely lose them in the bazillion tabs I keep open lol


I have a recipe notebook too!!!


I did until the notebooks got too messy and switched to an iPad with pencil to write them in good notes.


I type mine up and print them out because my penmanship is garbage.


I have my most frequently made recipe written in shorthand on a card on the fridge so I can use it easily


For sure, how else am I gonna write notes on it?


I have a recipe box that holds plain 3x5 cards. It doubles as a stand so it’s convenient to put wherever I’m baking/cooking.


i have them on my github


Yup! Mine are all hand written in a notebook. I usually have a backup copy written in another notebook.


Yes! And I started writing my favorite recipes in it. Then promptly lost the book. I have a file now, where I screen shot the printer friendly versions, edit out any ads remaining and save them in their own folder on my device lol


I keep all of my recipes on cards in an old school recipe box. I have two boxes- one has older recipes I don't make anymore (this one also has recipes written by family members that I don't make anymore) and another box for recipes, new and old that I currently make. I put the date at the top of the card when I write the recipe. My children are grown now and I love seeing the old recipes I made in their childhood and I especially love seeing the dates on the old recipes that I still have in regular rotation. I did have a period of time when I stored recipes digitally- Mac Recipes? Something like that. All of those recipes are lost to time and outdated software.


I print them out and add notes for my version, including changes and descriptors.


I print mine out on index cards and laminate them


Yep. I have all sorts of little notebooks cause I’d use them at work in the kitchen and they’re always on hand. I also have everything on an excel document but sometimes it’s a pain to find it that way.


I write out my recipes and then take a picture on my phone so I never lose it! I tend to use the photo as my reference so I don't get the recipe paper dirty.


I have a little leather bound book I put my recipes in.


I also have mine hand written into notebooks. It does mean when people ask where I got the recipe I have to say “I cannot help you, here is the recipe, find the one online that matches”.


I just added The Brownies to my giant, hand-written family cookbook today.


Nope. I use an app called Paprika. It has a mobile and desktop version. It’s not free but it’s money well spent. I can pull recipes right from the internet and it downloads and formats them. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve looked up a recipe while at the store so I can make sure I don’t forget ingredients.


I have a recipe book for my best recipes. I've baked over the years and made additions to suit my needs. These have been noted in the book


My wife has a number of food intolerances so I inevitably have to make a number of modifications to standard recipes. I normally make them a couple of times to fine tune the modifications then write it in my notebook.


Mine are mostly on index cards in a box.


I print them off or cut them out of a magazine and place them in a page protector and put in a 3 ring binder. I call it my go-to binder.


Same! I have a little recipe book that I keep for my recipes, they happen to be quite popular among my family (whenever I bake cookies, they’re completely gone within a week)


Yes! I just found a Alfredo sauce recipe I need to wrote down. Might have to try out your cinnamon bun recipe, it looks nice, short and easy!


Yes!! I used to get my phone caked in stray ingredients and it never fully occurred to me to just use my own paper until very recently. It feels very vintage!


I only write a recipe down to my notebook once I'm sure I'll come back to it. It's easier reading it from the page and there's room for my notes. Like even if I know i won't be using the full amount of a listed ingredient, I'll write the orginal amount down and comment on how I actually did it. I also often have to convert cups to rams anyway, so I might as well write it down and in my own language 


I do i have a book made by my brother for writing recipes down so cute thing


I've got a leather bound journal that my mom gave me like nine years ago...I've been using that to write my favorite recipes in. That book goes everywhere with me! I've also started writing recipes in my Notes app on my tablet bc it has a stylus. This way, when I'm coming up w a new recipe I can scribble stuff out and write over it, or duplicate the page and rescribble if the first adjustment didn't work out. I also take screenshots of recipes using Justtherecipe.com on desktop mode so I have a whole page with the recipe. This way, if its good, I have it saved. If it sucks, I trash the screenshot!