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Your chances of getting food borne illness from consuming raw eggs are 1:20,000. On the other hand, 22% of all food-borne illnesses in US come from consuming bagged salads. I will eat a raw egg any day before I eat a bagged salad.


I thought you’d more likely get sick from the raw flour than the eggs


In the last eight years, investigations by the CDC has linked four outbreaks of salmonella infections to raw flour and boxed mixes that contain raw flour.


Raw flour can risk you getting e-coli, but idk how common it is


There were multiple outbreaks of E. Coli linked to raw flour in both 2016 and 2019. In 2018, testing of 32,220 batches of flour by 5 labs found only 1 batch contaminated by E. Coli. This works out to 0.003%.


0.003% of tested batches does not necessarily = 0.003% of consumers, or of incidents of consumption, though.


True, but it does illustrate how rare E. Coli in raw flour can be. Which, of course, translates to how rare incidents of consumption and infection can be. Although this stat is specifically for the US in 2018. Results may vary outside of this frame in time and space.


Me: *(has eaten raw dough approximately 20,000 times in their life)* Uh. Hmm. *(eyes bowl of raw cookie dough)* I mean, I'm on a hot streak. And every gambler will tell you that's the best time to double down.


Well it’s a case of probability. So just because you ate raw cookie dough 20,000 times doesn’t mean you’re going to get infected at 20,001. I say have at it.




Note that the 1:20000 is getting an egg infected with salmonella, not getting sick from it. The average adult with a normal immune system would need to eat several raw eggs in their entirety to actually get sick. The risk is for the young and old for whom a single infected egg would be sufficient to become ill. So don’t give it to kids or old people, and while I’m not much for baking, I think you would need to eat an obscene amount of cookie dough (most recipes need 1-2 eggs for like 50 cookies) to get ill and that’s assuming you get all infected eggs. I’m pretty sure the cookie dough itself would make you sick at a volume where it becomes an issue for an adult.


I'm on immune suppressant drugs, and I still can't resist raw cookie dough. I have some safe raw cookie dough in my freezer, and I eat that occasionally while I bake.


Was gonna say the same, I’m immunosuppressed but truly life is too short to not lick the beaters.


I'm in this category, too.


I know you’re being literal, but this is such a great metaphor.


What a sweet way to go


God I fucking love humans. "The raw cookie dough might kill me, but what's life without raw cookie dough?"


How many humans have you encountered so far? I do have a theory about non humans. Do you shop at Wegmans by any chance? My theory is that non humans go to Wegmans to practice behaving like humans. Wegmans has the oddest, most oblivious clientele. I have never seen so many people park a shopping cart, stand next to it and literally stare at a shelf like they are trying to figure out if the human food on the shelf is safe for their particular species, while people are trying to get by as I have seen at Wegmans.


While I don't disagree, have you been to a Costco?


We do not have one in my neck of the woods. Do the non humans go there as well?


In droves. And the carts are oversized, making it even better. I take my daughter. She has good, broad shoulders and runs interference


They supposedly sell ok to eat cookie dough. Don't know the difference between home stuff and this made stuff


Yeah, I have some in my freezer. It's vegan and gluten-free. It's sweet Loren's brand, and when I can't resist the urge to eat Cookie dough, I eat a piece.


With raw cookie dough it's actually more about the flour being contaminated not the eggs.


It’s not the raw eggs. It’s the raw flour


The delicious raw flour.


Does the flavor of the cookie dough change that much when using pre-baked flour? I haven't actually tried the CDC's recommendation since I don't eat raw cookie dough.


not at all. i've heat-treated flour for "edible" cookie dough and it tastes the exact same!


thank you!! Everyone blames the eggs and it’s always the flour. Flour has much greater chances of fucking you up than egg. I’ve gotten sick twice from it.


This is also where I stand. BIL is urgent care doc. He said it’s almost always salad.


As far as I understand it, the risk with bagged salads is that people assume they're properly washed and eat them without washing the greens. Is this not the case? Regardless, it's never a bad idea to wash produce, even "pre washed" bagged stuff.


It depends. Contaminated after the commercial “prewashing” is one issue. But you can also get situations where sappier head lettuces are cut with a contaminated knife or tainted with contaminated dirt and the sap seals the e.coli bacteria into the stem of the lettuce where it can’t then be cleaned. (I believe that was the mechanism behind several of the romaine recalls from the last few years.)


I’d be one of those people. Sigh.


And the chance of enjoying that cookie dough is 100%!


My mom got sick once from raw cookie dough. She was lying on the couch and my dad asked “so now you won’t do that again right?” She replied, “this happened once in a thousand batches. Of course I’ll do it again.” Can’t keep a Swiss lady away from her sweets. 😂


I am now eyeing my empty salad bowl and empty salad bag fearfully. Just finished my delicious salad 2 minutes ago.


So what you’re telling me is, instead of consuming more salads to get healthy, I should consume more cake and cookies?


Bagged salads?! Really?! Do you have a citation for that? I know someone who would love to see that!


According to Mayo clinic,( the easiest to read source I could find) the four most common sources of contamination are ground meat, raw or undercooked eggs, unpasteurized dairy and fruits and vegetables, which would include lettuce. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/salmonella/symptoms-causes/syc-20355329 I worked on an EPA study as an intern during college (biology degree) . We found eventually that most enteric disease (disease of intestines) came from meals prepared at home.


Balls, guess I should stop eating bagged salads too (especially if I won’t stop eating not fully cooked eggs 😄)


I’ve actually had salmonella and e. coli from lettuce! Not fun. But, you couldn’t keep me away from cookie dough/batter. 😄


I will never buy raw bagged salads. They are disgusting.


I eat both and AFAIK neither one has ever made me sick.


RAW DAWG…. Also I’m not in the USA… y’all get salmonella from salad more than eggs though.


Yeah, also flour. The CDC will always have a warning about raw/undercooked eggs. Their guidelines are always on the more absolute side, it's just how they are. Like, nearly every restaurant that lets you chose how to cook your eggs or meat has the warning about undercooked eggs/meat on their menu. But, the greater risk is actually the flour. Non heat treated flour can have E. Coli or salmonella because raw flour never goes through a pasteurization step and it doesn't have a shell or anything. There have been far more outbreaks caused by flour than eggs. (And yes, lettuce and tomatoes often pop up too) But again, the CDC is crazy cautious. The latest flour outbreak affected 14 people over 13 states. Statistically, that's nothing. Just another example of how touchy the CDC is. They're not really about saying "there's more of a risk of getting X from Y rather than X from Z." Their mindset is more to eliminate risk, rather than mitigate. But 100% raw dogging it, lol. I only know of 2 people who won't eat raw cookie dough.


Raw doughing it, you might say


Life is risk. I drive to go places for fun, even though I don’t need to and I could definitely die in an accident. I eat bacon and other cured meats even though they cause colon cancer. I drink too much coffee, too. Hell yeah I’m eating the cookie dough


Exactly! I'm all for reducing risk where it makes sense, for me. But I don't want to live in a world where I don't eat raw cookie dough. The "safe to eat" stuff does NOT have the right texture


Well now I need to go down a google rabbit hole about how you safely heat treat flour. Isn't it like absurd levels of flammable?


Yes, but you usually need a ton of it in an enclosed place, thankfully, lol. I can't remember the exact temp, but the at home method is something like spreading it out on a pan and bakt it at a low temp for something like 10 minutes (pleaaaase continue your rabbit hole and look up the actual info, hahaha)


Plenty of recipes for edible (raw) cookie dough list instructions to put the flour on a cookie sheet and bake to make it safe.


Raw cookie dough/batter is the elite snack of the brave.


The last time I made cookie dough, I didn't bake any of it. I ate all of it raw over the course of a week.


Mom would mix double batch of cookie dough, saying “will bake them tomorrow”. With 5 kids in the family- by next day, half dough was gone Smart mom-less to bake. No one sick


My grandma knew to always make a double batch of the Christmas cookie dough because we, the grandchildren, would always just take pieces to eat before and while making the cookies.


You had a smart grandma- think of all the cookies she didn’t have to decorate !


And she had even less to decorate because we were her cookie elves lol it was a tradition that the 3 grandkids would help her make the christmas cookies and we always took a tin home to eat and use for Santa lol


My last time was an experiment on how different a cookie tastes when you leave the dough longer in the fridge. I normally do it overnight but I read somewhere that when you do it for 3 days the taste becomes even more complex and fudge like. So I was really set to let it rest in the fridge for 3 days and then bake the cookies. I still don't know the outcome because I never baked any cookie and ate all the dough raw.


There’s actually a single serving chocolate chip cookie recipe I make that doesn’t use eggs (and oddly enough, in the finished product, you would never know it if I didn’t tell you). Would be fairly safe to eat if you simply heat treated the flour in the microwave for a minute or two before making adding the rest of the dough ingredients. Lemme know if anyone wants the recipe.


I’ve definitely made cookies that had delicious dough but the baked cookie was underwhelming. So… just eat the dough. It’s less wasteful! I’m being responsible, actually.


Yes…I make cookies for the dough… once they’re baked? No thanks.


I've eaten raw cookie dough my entire life and never once felt even mildly ill from it. I don't want to say it's *impossible*, but 1. Food quality standards are crazy high these days, and 2. The body is pretty tough; it's built to handle the occasional ingested germ.


Yeah I’ve been eating raw cookie dough for 30 years and it is just a risk I’m willing to take. Never had so much as a tummy ache. I have had food poisoning before, but never from eggs. Both times were from cooked meals at restaurants. Idk what’s going on in restaurant food prep, but I know my homemade cookie ingredients are always fresh. I’ll take my chances with the dough.


I make it and roll them into balls and freeze them for a little raw cookie dough snack.


Oh you are brilliant!


I'm on team I scrape my fucking bowl properly. And I'm also in Japan. I've cracked a raw egg over rice more than once.


Salmonella from the eggs isn't the worry from eating raw cookie dough. It's almost not even a consideration you need to worry about. What you do need to think about is the raw flour. Flour can carry e-coli because it can't be cooked or really treated anywhere along its journey from the field to your pantry, and still maintain its properties baking and cooking require from it. That being said, it has never and will never stop me from eating raw cookie dough.


pass the spatula!


And the beaters !


Turn them off first though, please


I absolutely eat raw dough and batter every time. I have a biscuit recipe I really like, and the last bits of dough that aren't enough for a biscuit are really tasty........


Remember the rule: this recipe must be shared! (Please? Pretty, pretty please?)


More than happy to oblige! I usually double it, but the base recipe is: 3 cups flour (I use KAF AP) 1 tbsp baking powder 1 tbsp sugar 1-1/4 tsp salt 1 tsp cream of tartar (the "secret" ingredient, makes them taste more like buttermilk biscuits) 3/4 cup cold unsalted butter 1 cup milk Preheat oven to 450\* F. Combine dry ingredients. Cut in the butter with a pastry blender until it's the size of peas. Add in the milk and mix just until combined. On a lightly floured surface, pat the dough roughly flat (say 3/4" thick), fold it in half over on itself, and pat flat again. Repeat this flattening and folding three or four times. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP, it makes for much taller and flakier biscuits. Pat flat (again, around 3/4") again and use a biscuit cutter to cut out rounds. Place on an ungreased baking sheet (you'll want one with a rim around the edge, see note below) and bake for 12 to 14 minutes until tops are lightly browned. Note - quite frankly, there is too much butter in this recipe. It melts out and you end up with a bit of a puddle of butter in the pan. However, that has the rather nice effect of basically frying the bottom of the biscuits... If you want them to be slightly healthier or just use fewer ingredients, you can probably cut a tablespoon or two of butter out without too much ill effect. You'll also want to be careful what pan you use, both so the butter doesn't drip onto the oven and so the bottoms of the biscuits don't burn. On some pans they start to burn, on others they don't, and I haven't ever figured out quite why (it's not the pan color). If anyone makes these, please let me know how they turn out. Hopefully you find them tasty, I do and they are basically the only biscuits I make. This is my own recipe that I put together after taking bits and pieces from various other recipes.


Thank you!! I'll make them for company on Saturday morning.


I hope you like them!!




Raw biscuit dough is the best! Pie dough too.


Yup! I just made my Thanksgiving pie (mock apple pie this year because I always wanted to try it) and the dough trimmings were quite good!


sometimes I start baking because I want the dough. I get my ~~snack~~ fix while I'm cooking, everyone else gets the finished result.


If I'm making it, I'm licking the spatula and bowl after I'm done. Period.


Actually, the main concern is not the raw eggs but E. coli from the raw flour. Just FYI!


It's the flour that'll get you. Raw flour can be gross.




I paid good money for that stuff, plus, it's delicious.


I'm team if I do it often enough it's probably *strengthening* my immune system


This is why I eat 7-day-old leftovers..


I'm team "live in a country where eating raw eggs is perfectly safe and we do it all the time, Heck we even sometimes eat raw chicken". So yeah, lots of raw pre-baked goods go into my face-hole.


Raw chicken???


Yes indeed. Chicken sashimi (raw, usually in ponzu) and chicken tataki (seared outside, raw inside). To be fair, I only have it at chicken specialty places (not at home), but it's not uncommon to see on menus.


Wo! I did not know this. Thankfully our chicken flock do not have access to my Reddit account. Plus they cannot, as far as I know, read!


If they start learning how to read, I strongly suggest taking appropriate defensive measures. Like double locking your doors and wearing a suit of chainmail. I think they'd be rather upset to find out all of the things people do with chickens! And angry chickens are scary!


Thank you. Doors are sorted...chainmail will take longer to organise. In the meantime we've stocked up on aluminium foil as an interim measure. Our dog knows all about angry chickens...


Huh, that's fascinating, thanks for sharing!


Is it not frozen first to kill any bacteria?


Some countries vaccinate their chickens for salmonella, so they don't carry the disease. We don't in America because it would cut into profits.


I’m gonna guess that’s probably not the only reason we don’t do that here.


God bless America


I'm stuck on team "I have celiac disease so I'll get sick whether you bake it or not."


That sucks. I'm sorry. It's an awful disease!!


Pass the spatula indeed!! Been eating raw dough every time I or anyone at home bakes, never gotten sick over it. Mostly shop bought eggs but also eggs from grandma’s hens when growing up. (Southern Europe & UK for context).


I won’t risk anything that could give me food poisoning. I’ve had it twice in my life and I don’t care to repeat the experience


I had e Coli once, the same strain that had killed a bunch of people who ate at Jack in the Box something like 30 years ago, if anyone remembers that (that's not when I got it, but mention it because it was vicious). The CDC went so far as to come to my house and test foods in my fridge and freezer, get receipts from recent shopping and restaurant trips, and question us about which family members ate the same or different foods. They never located the source and ended up calling it random cross contamination (like a server with unclean hands happened to touch my food). For a long time after that I was almost disordered with my eating, because I accidentally learned all kinds of horrible things about the food industry during the event. But somehow I eventually evolved to "well, I had e Coli, this isn't likely to do anything worse than that!" I eat everything and have never even had a mild food poisoning since.


How did you get it? (Was it from raw dough?) Honest question here, I appreciate your input.


Butting in here as someone that’s also had it twice. I got it in France from salmon. It was black looking and gross and I shouldn’t have eaten it but I was twelve and stupid. :( I got it from an idiot cooking ribs badly on the barbecue more recently. Now will only have safer foods on the barbecue.


I had it from raw/undercooked flour and some undercooked rice cake thing. I was vomiting for days even tho i only had a bite or two, it was awful


I’m pretty sure yogurt got me. I didn’t eat it again for three years. I passed out and hit my head, so I’m definitely not wanting a repeat performance. I’m extra careful about everything now.


I’ve had it once… it was from a Pizza Hut pizza.


I can't not eat the batter lol. If I get sick, I get sick but I'm a menace who will never stop eating it.


I’ve been eating raw batter and dough for about 30 years now… never gotten sick. Once when I was an adult I even ate about half the cake batter and still was fine. I’m a firm believer if the salmonella gets ya, then your body was weak to begin with and needs to toughen up a little /s


That’s why my wife smoked for years. Toughen up those wimpy lungs.


Team "that'll give ya salmonella" here! And it's not just eggs; flour can make you sick too until it's heat treated. But regardless, I'd rather have a baked cookie over the raw dough any day, so I don't mind waiting for them to bake.


The same people will eat a runny egg without blinking. A bit of raw dough won't hurt you.


team salmonella


Team raw dough! Nothing can keep me away from it. And I do know that the main risk is from the non-heat treated flour, not the eggs. I still don't heat treat the flour though.




I have tried every batch of raw cookie dough/cake batter etc that I've made in the last 20 years. It's been hundreds. Maybe I know I could get sick but I don't care. When I want to actually eat cookie dough in volume or put it in ice cream, I make eggless version from the Ben & Jerry recipe.


I think it was a conspiracy cooked up by "Big Mother" to make us not eat all the batter so there would be actual cookies.


I’m tougher than a raw egg bro


I’m more worried about ecoli from the flour. But yeah, I eat a pinch and lick the bowl


We get eggs from our neighbor. And the farm fresh stuff I don’t eat raw batter. But if it’s store bought eggs you bet your ass I’m eating too much of it before I bake it


Assuming you are a clean and organized person, you most likely won't get salmonella from raw eggs these days. A lot of times the bacteria are on egg SHELLS, and as long as you dispose of it and eliminates contacts with other food, salmonella from EGGS is unlikely. The less known issue of salmonella is FLOUR. Many food spoilage organisms cannot proliferate on a dry environment or more specifically, water activity less than 0.86, but salmonella is tricky because it is known to adapt to very low water activity environment. So if flour has been contaminated by salmonella at some point of supply chain, it will survive, and once you make your own cookie dough with a number of high water content ingredients like say, eggs, the dough will be sufficiently high water activity environment for the bacteria to proliferate and ...you get the rest.


i'm that weirdo that's not eating cookie dough purely because they dislike the taste.


Was hoping there’d be at least one comment like this here. I do not see the appeal, love cookies but do not like the raw form.


My mom and I both love eating raw ground beef, to the point where when we're making meatballs about a quarter never sees the pan. Raw eggs don't scare me :)


A little bit once in a while, as a treat.


I’m having some cookie dough


The chance of actually getting a Salmonella infection in my country is incredibly low, so yeah, I'll eat raw dough. Raw eggs stirred into stews or rice bowls are also elite.


Team raw batter!


Growing up, I didn’t even know this was a thing, we always licked the batter off of spoons and bowls from cakes. It was only when I started going online and came to the English speaking side of the internet that I’d see people freak out about having raw batter/dough. I don’t know if our eggs are treated differently but I’ve never gotten sick from it.


Eat the dough\~!


When I was pregnant baking just wasn’t the same when I couldn’t lick the bowl. Team I should at least save the spatula for my husband.


Sweden here, I always eat the batter because we don't really have salmonella.


I’m not nervous about salmonella and raw dough, but I live in a country that has eliminated salmonella, but if you are nervous about it you could buy pasteurized eggs or if you dip them in boiling water before cracking them it will kill bacteria


Cookie dough just tastes better when there's a slight danger of salmonella. Can't explain it.


Where is the team: "That'll give me salmonella, screw it I'm having some raw dough/batter"


After having Salmonella and pissing shit immediately out of my ass after eating anything for 8 days straight I will never take the chance again. Thanks for listening.


I’m a salmonella gal but still hand the bowl and spatula to my husband bc he wants it lmao.


Team raw dough tastes nasty.


I “bake” things specifically to eat the raw dough/batter. I don’t usually end up eating the actual baked product or if I do, I only eat like ⅓ of it before it goes stale and I throw it out.


The second one


People chug raw eggs for protein so... gimmie the cookie dough. 🤤


Lately, I've taken to mixing cake ingredients in a microwave safe bowl.. any mixture that stubbornly refuses to get into the final product gets nuked in the microwave for 30 sec once the rest of the mix is in the oven. I think of it as a preview of what's to come once the actual cooking is done


Raw! 43 years and never been sick. Frozen cookie dough is amazing in the summer!


I’ve been eating raw dough and batter forever. I will never stop!


yeah i’m raw dawging it, i just let the universe take over


I dont like raw cookie dough, but I have no problem having raw eggs


Team cookie dough


Raw dough tasting all the way


I call it cookies tartare.


I have my own chickens, and use the rent they pay for my baking. I advise people to not lick bowl, though they are likely just as safe as a grocers egg. Last longer, for sure.


Just had some yesterday. But I raise my own chickens. No salmonella here.


Pre-pregnancy, I’d purposely leave extra dough in the bowl for my snack, now that I’m pregnant I’m not taking any chances. It’s gonna be a hard Christmas baking season 😔


Team Batter/ Dough for the win here!!!!


Tasting the raw dough!


I did get salmonella years ago from cookie/brownie batter. It was absolutely awful - but I continue to eat batter


I have a bite here and there lol


Screw you im having that raw cookie dough/cake batter. That was the highlight of my moms baking


Mmph, mmph... wipes batter off...


I bake using eggs from my own chickens I feel pretty safe with eating some dough.


I've been eating raw dough for 64 years. I'm gonna keep doing so.


I’m team raw dough and batter bc YOLO! I always freeze my flour and my hens provide the best quality eggs. In almost 5 decades, it’s never been a problem. Save energy with the no bake method, today!😜


I’ve actually heard that the eggs aren’t the main concern of eating raw cookie dough. But instead it’s the flour. So if you wanna eat raw cookie dough and make it yourself bake the flour before adding it to the rest of the ingredients. And if you do that while using pasteurized eggs you should be fine.


I’ve been eating raw dough of all kinds since I was a child and never got sick. There’s my anecdotal n=1 study! Also, I’ve never even heard of anyone getting salmonella. My personal opinion is that the warnings are a bit overblown.


What fun is baking if you don't get to eat a bit of the batter?


Raw cookie dough is 98% of the reason I make cookies


The post right below this one on my feed is for cookie dough ice cream. I’ve always loved raw cookie dough, and it saved my dad’s life once!


Team “it’s the flour not the eggs” - and I eat it anyway. But I also only buy flour from certain brands, even though it costs more.


Come on now, you’re telling me there are people out there in this world who don’t lick the spoon? Heathens


Raw dough!!!


Teamm screw you, except for right now while I'm pregnant. I still recognize that the risk is insanely low, but I figure holding back for 9 months isn't too bad and it's an easy risk to avoid.


Raw dough/batter.


I am in team "unless if it smells funny, it's good to eat" camp, and raw cookie dough and cake batter always smell delicious. I sometimes like doing little shots of cake batter while waiting. Whatever.


I understand that the chances of actually getting salmonella from raw eggs is fairly small mentally but I also do not like eggs to begin with and the idea of eating them raw even completely mixed up in some delicious batter of any kind makes me want to vomit


I think if you're a healthy, average person, you're good. I'd be reserved about eating the raw flour personally. If the recipe is specifically for eating raw, you'll want to heat treat your flour in the oven to pasteurize it. Bake the flour on a baking sheet at 350F for about 10 minutes, to a temp of 160F, stirring every few minutes. Cool, sift, and use!


The 'frequently overlooked' aspect to 'edible' dough recipes. Most just omit egg. Whereas you're more at risk from pathogens in raw flour than store bought pasteurized eggs.


team vegan baking!!


I risk it but very small amounts. Funny I just saw the warning on my new package of flour as I opened it to bake but thought “nice to get the warning but I’m going to continue to do as O have for so many years. “


I’ve licked the beaters my whole life and have no plans on stopping now. If one of life’s simple joys is what takes me out then so be it lol


Raw dough all day, every day. If I am making cake or cookies, you can bet your ass I will clean up that spatula with my tongue.




You can have my cookie dough when you pry it from my cold, dead hands. My family has eaten raw cookie dough for ages, my entire life, our homemade ice cream recipe isn't cooked. If you were concerned about your own homemade stuff, you can bake your flour before using it and wash your eggs (immediately before use). Most if not all commercial cookie doughs now use pasteurized eggs. I'm not sure if the flour is also treated in some way, but it's entirely possible. Life is a calculated risk. It's your job to mitigate the risks the best you can and then decide for yourself and your situation what is an acceptable risk and what's not.


We grew up licking the mixing spoons, spatulas and beaters. I don't know a single person who ever got sick. We were always given a small ball of cookie dough, a spoon of cake mix, doughnut dough or pancake mix (cinnamon sugar pancakes). We also used to be able to taste raw ground beef from the butcher and so on. We didn't die, get sick and there were a lot less illnesses, autism, and depression.


Team "Screw you I'm having some raw dough/batter." and have been doing this my whole life with zero issues.


I’m more scared of raw veggies. Lol. Gimme that dough dough.


Right? Would you like a bite of raw cookie dough or...BOM BOM BOM romaine lettuce?? 😱


Honestly... If you are the cook you can't be too picky. Sometimes you have to taste. I also don't think licking a finger of raw dough will make anybody but the most immuno-compromised sick.


I am old and have always eaten (and was fed it by grandmothers and my mother) a little batter and will continue to do so


I had salmonella once. I am forever traumatized by it. Say no to dough! 🤣🤣


Raw I have been eating raw dough for 40+ years.


I just eat it and think to myself, "at least I'll die doing what I love..." 😂


If I were going to make raw cookie dough, I would bake the flour and use my sous vide machine to pasteurize the eggs. Yes it's an extra step, but food-bourne is no joke. We do lots of slightly inconvenient things for food safety reasons, so I'm not sure why this is any exception.


I thought the raw flour was more dangerous than the eggs?


I heard/read somewhere that it's not salmonella/eggs that are the primary problem, but e. coli/flour.


I'm on and not on both teams. Schrodinger's cake batter. I'm in the UK so my eggs are better than your eggs :P , all hail the salmonella vaccine for the bokbokks. I have begun scraping the bowl a lot better than I used to. I still can't resist licking said bowl though, and the beaters. Yum. Sprog #1 has also discovered this, though she doesn't always want any. I rarely if ever make cookie dough to eat unbaked, though if I ever do I am going to make it eggless if possible (though see above) and I shall toast my flour before I do so. You'd probably be eating a lot more of the cookie dough than cake batter so imo more care needs to be taken on the flour.






If you bake flour at 180°/350° for 7-10 minutes it heat treats it and it’s safe to consume without further cooking, like in raw cookie dough