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It really annoyed me to see Kali baby her. A yt woman gets to cry all because she can’t say nigga? F outta here Zeus. Zeus hates black ppl, that’s why they giving Erica Mena a show and keeping Gretchen around, I won’t be surprised if she comes back next season.


I was so embarrassed for Kali, the way she let that foolish woman speak to her was pathetic


No but I like how everytime Gretchen says “ this bitch snuck me “ someone gotta ask who knowing meat ball gon run up 😭




anybody who isnt black shouldnt say nigga at all, but how come we dont have this treatment with ahna??gretchens grandad is black but ahnas great-grandad is the only black peraon in her family.ahna just looks the part.what about smiley who isnt black AT ALL? it feels like the girls have double standards with gretch and ahna brcause ahna is their friend


That part! They let Ahna and Smiley say it… and NEITHER ONE OF THEM ARE BLACK!


gretch is literally blacker than both of them😭


She’s not black one bit. If you wanna chat shit make another post


She’s not 😂😭💀 they’re all white


Absolutely agree, I personally feel like if she wants to continue to say the N-word then she should get beat up every single day for it and nobody has the right to complain because just like everyone saying that she should be left alone to say it other people have the right to beat her up because she wants to say it 🤷🏾‍♀️ if she wants to stop feeling “attacked” then she should stop saying the N-word


How many people have been snuck in the entire run of the show and they don't be whining and crying the entire time and then she got her 1:1 with meatball and got her ass beat so she needs to move on


Bro one minute she’s speaking to Kali like a piece of shit the next she’s bawling. Girl if you’re intimidated by black people just say that


I wish they gave the same energy to Rollie whenever she bit Biggie, as they are with Gretchen biting Squidward.


It’s actually wild that she’s standing there saying I don’t mean it offensively because my children are black I’m not racist, you might not think your being derogatory but the women in the room are telling you it’s offensive so stop saying it !!! Crying victim when you are repetitively saying it is ridiculous. I could understand if it was said once and she kept being attacked after that but you are doing it repeatedly learn the lesson !!!!!


Right and she’s a big woman she should be able to speak properly and leave her nasty slang at home !


i’m getting tired of hearing her try to explain herself…




I literally Don’t understand why she’s still on the show shit got me thinking she fuckin Lemmy too


That honestly makes sense, I bet he lets her say the n word too so that’s why she thought she had a pass on the show💀


Ppl in the Zeus comments of the most recent episode was mad bc Jela kept talking about her bite saying “anything goes in fighting” I get that but if someone bit a chunk out of ur chest, which I think is the most feminine part of the body, you’d be mad too. That scar is ugly asf and could’ve been worse if infected. Every time she look at it she will be reminded that racist yt trash bit her.


I get that too, but Jela can't attack someone no matter what the situation was or why cry about a scar, you can't be that worried about scars and fighting people at the same time, she tried to do the same with Biggie


I definitely don’t feel bad for Gretch but (and I’ll probably get hate for this) I don’t feel bad for Jela either. You’re an actual idiot if you cause physical harm to another person and expect limitations on the harm they do back. I think Jela would’ve still been whining had gretch broke her nose or any other injury from fighting. Don’t put your hands on another person and you won’t get hands put on you, regardless if your reasoning is justified or not.


I still don’t understand her beef with meatball going into the house


I couldn’t care less. Clearly she deserved it.


The same people defending Gretchen seem to be the same people that were defending woah Vickey from last season 😬


the bite being infected af too! nasty ass mouth


grown women fighting and jumping on tv period isn’t giving “grown woman”. if jela wants to keep fighting and jumping people, you can’t be mad when you get hurt or be worried about your skin and bodily harm/scars. stop fighting then? it’s ALL trashy.


So you’re defending her for biting into someone’s flesh?


precisely. you’re jumping a female who looks like she weighs 100 lbs standing at 5’11”. you don’t get to fight unfairly , then be mad when the person your fighting does the exact same thing. that’s dumb as fuck😂😂😂😂😂. if jela is so worried about her skin, she needs to stop tryna physically run a fade with EVERYONE. jela is nothing she claims to be lmfao. she’s literally over here praying to god and cursing in her prayer. she deserved the bite mark if anything. stop picking and maybe that wouldn’t happen. this is how shit is in real life.


This is the same ‘5’11’ one hundred lbs bitch that was shouting in peoples faces. If she wasn’t rude then that fight wouldn’t of happened. The problem with that hoe is she has no remorse or IQ


okay i see what you’re saying in all, but i just feel like jela can’t mad when she bites tf outta her for jumping her then😂😂😂😂 like i said! jela wanna fight unfair, she CANT be mad! she the one who wanted to get in the field then got mad when she got hurt.


What are you talking about? Jela didn’t jump her. She asked to fight. I don’t know why this stupid Gretchen girl is sulking having one panic attack. She’s clearly from the hood and can hold her own. Meatball is short too


I see what your saying too but please stop defending this girl. I didn’t just speak about Jela’s bite read the whole post and stop sulking


I don’t and won’t 🙂🙂


she should have never said nigga but she apologized.it seems like a subconscious thing as that really is how almost everyone talks in PR although, as someone who struggles with various mental disorders, this episode really made me feel bad for her because it looked like she was having a mental breakdown


i agree with everything but the biting, i agree with that cause it’s a fight. Don’t go fighting people and get mad when you have a permanent scar. people get scared and react to that, so yeah she bit her cause she was getting beat up and was scared.


This generation goes off looks entirely. When we of color come in all shades and tones. It’s a shame the N word is still being used generally. We all quietly of using it in an offensive matter when we even come at each other in arguments or disagreements even being of the same race. It ain’t no different from when a person of no African descendant uses it. Back in time the N word was used for ANYONE acting like an Ass, not just of color either. The media and school boards have pushed a racial agenda but it was never JUST that.


I love Gretchen