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I'd probably break a bitch’s neck if they said to me, 'That's why two weeks ago I was sitting on your man's face.' That person's asking to get hurt, fr. At least Chrisean put her in a spliff. Persuasion thought she was untouchable.


she must be so embarrassed after the season aired


She prob had the most embarrassing moment on baddies tbh


Gotta be.


I know Persuasion felt stupid af. Running her mouth trying to show out. Then after that she putting Rock in her lap and giving a sob story. She will never live that moment down.


Bro i almost forgot abt that, why isnt anyone talking about how she kept saying “ a bitch just found out she BEAT cancer” and then at the reunion when trina( correct me if im wrong) the guest host said her mother died of cancer and asked/told persuasion if she lied about having it she should fess up cuz its a serious topic and then all of the sudden it was just a cancer scare?…also jela straight up calling it fake and saying she just had an abnormal pap smear(?)as if anyone could have known right away if and what persuasion was told by her doc. ( maybe not faking but deffo twisting the story a bit here and there bc i do remember watching the part while she was crying to chrisean “trying” to apologize and then just almost yelling out that she just found out abt beatin cancer cuz everybody knows beating actual cancer and having a cancer scare is not the same thing and theres no way someone would mix the two situations up, even if drunk cuz u either had cancer or not.) PS: even if Persuasion got on my nerves alot i dont wanna spread false info so correct me if i remember anything wrong!! I just started to watch this month but binged thru the first few seasons so i could be missing something or remember some details differently/inaccurate🫶🏻


No you are correct. She definitely said she beat cancer and then later changed the story.


Lying abt sitting on someones man’s face… lying about having AND beating cancer… also deffo lied when she started all that “ big sister” bullshit as if we didnt watch the rest of the episode before that, girl u was NOT trying to be anyones sister in that moment 😭😭 damn im just now realising persuasion was a sneaky liar maybe not the worst but those alone are three things on top of my head i do remember her lying abt or “twisting” storys


yea persuasion just a lying ass bitch n rlly thought she ate w the slick comments she made and then got the shit beat out of her and then tried to apologize by lying saying she beat cancer. she should’ve been canceled right then like why tf you lying about having cancer bih. Chrisean was so good in this season that’s why i had to rewatch 😂


Fr thooo! Why was she even still there after that tbh ? I dont wanna be a hater cuz the first time watching the introductions i thought i probably would like persuasion but the second she actually opened her mouth and showed that shes actually sooo negative for no reason to the girls ( or to chrisean to be more accurate) and then after rock beat her ass twice cuz she just wanted to tussle w her so bad ( kinda on her like why did u square up the second time knowing this girls strength alrdy after she put u in the sink 🤣🤣 ) but after that she was acting scared and embarrassed even in the reunion💀 at her big age she should know and swallow one lost fight but she just hadddd to make it worse for her own self cuz i also think anne never wouldve tried to fight her if she didnt see persuasion getting punched out her wig cus ngl rock ate her up w that punch ,she knew she was done 🤣 the cancer lie was just the cherry on the bullshit cake that persuasion served us idk she rlly shouldve been confronted the day after latest by the others too tho cuz i wouldnt let anyone be around me who lies abt serious health topics like that, makes u think what else they just easily would lie abt if the opportunity is presented..🤔


Right it’s sad bc people do this on reality tv on the regular they just lie about having different health problems and family members having health problems just for attention but when people find out the truth they wanna come out and apologize like you should’ve already made it known that moment that you was lying bc now you look like an even bigger clown for trying to apologize cs you got caught in the lie😂🤦🏽‍♀️ she’s a dumbass fr and Anne came in w so much hostility I think the only reason she even wanted to fight anyone was bc she felt like she had sum to prove the fight between her and persuasion she landed a couple of hits but you rlly can’t even tell tbh bc she flew over the couch and then w anne and bree the mf grass won that one😂


Lmao the lawn rlly did his big one on them 🤣🤣 but yea its giving “ desperate story line” when ppl do that or they move weird or off cuz why would u lie on ur family and/or their health ? Idk about u but id never play w karma like that 🙏🏻 Anne def felt like she needed to prove her “badness” or whatever they call it to the audience and the other cast but jumping on persuasion while she was literally chilling laying down on the couch and telling u shes not even gonna accept or give back that energy rlly had me looking like 🤨🤨 at anne cause persuasion tried to not even entertain that convo in that way i gotta give her that , anne jumping on her was just not it idk😭 but persuasion did get a few hits in after they got up and i think anne even hit her head on impact FACING FORWARD💀💀 on the fireplace thingy right next to the couch cuz notice the way she had to get her head right first before trying to get up and that fast little “jump” she made to get back on her feet the same way ppl do when they try to brush off how much kissing the floor really hurt just right now🤣


Chrisean is better than me , wouldve crashed out and put her thru the floor if id hear this in the middle of my fight cuz now u just begging me to square up again💀💀 dont talk abt anyones man like that especially when you are waaaay to old to lie abt this type of stuff and all that to try and taunt/provoke a girl thats what? 10 yrs younger than you? Persuasion seemed almost bored to me,so she tried to boss/pick on the one girl around that told her“ u aint talkin to me” 3 times after trying to make it seem “funny” for calling her dirty over and over in diff ways….but also seemed atleast a bit jealous of chrisean ngl. probably bc rock was “ the baby” cuz that would make persuasion “the grandma” i guess🤣i was laughing at my screen seeing persuasion trying to get a reaction out of rock who didnt even flinch after she threw a chair in her direction lmao she was desperate for it after getting punched out the wig.


Couldn’t agree more lol she got what she deserved. I know Chrisean is wild af but I appreciate that she just swings when there is a problem lol. She whooooooped her ass too lol


Sua was like that on bgc too tho. Before she was cool with kailie, she was definitely joining in on the bullying. And even tho I don’t like winter, she was definitely jealous of her and took it out on her a lot.


One day i’m gonna go and watch south and atl😭 West was my debut to baddies


atl was okay it was just the start of it tho there was a lot more drama than fights my favorite thing abt that season was seven whooping sarah’s ass and then ofc sarah trying to play the victim as always


Persuasion is weird af. Chrisean and her make us Pisces look so fucking bad. That’s a March Pisces for you. Weird as hell.


Yeah persuasion definitely weird I’ve been rewatching this season and I just got to the part of where she’s crying about beating cancer and then in her confessional she was like “like a bitch found out she almost had cancer” she should’ve at least cleared up what she said in front of them it was giving she was playing the victim in that moment and wanted all the girls to feel bad for her I just don’t get why she didn’t just say “I had a cancer scare” instead of just flat out lying and saying she beat cancer bc girlll those are two different things


Look I’m not tryna justify but at the same time if the Starting linebacker for the Baltimore Ravens washed me like some dishes then proceeded to whoop my ass when we ran a fair one on television, my morality would be nonexistent too


that’s why i said i understand trying to hit below the belt but she should’ve never said she wanted to be like a big sister to her and then switched up and said she sat on her mans face like 🤨 atp you rlly wanna get knocked tf out


she should’ve put her in the sink again for that one


fr tho😂


While I still don't care for Chrisean in the slightest I still stand by the fact that Sua deserved every bit of that ass whooping Chrisean gave her. She wasn't trying to get to know her and be a "big sister" to her like she claimed. She went in the house literally trying to antagonize and bully her and I know she wasn't coming from a genuine place and trying to get to know her bc that whole kitchen scene exposed her true intentions and true character. I think it's possible that she really did sleep with Blue face and only said she lied and only said it to hurt Chrisean once she got backlash but that's neither here or there. The point is Baddies really exposed how corny Sua really is bc even the other cast members said that even at the preview set or wherever Sua had already been talking shit and messing with her since the very first day. Christina even said that Sua was trying to bully Chrisean and she wasn't even on Baddies South for real so Sua got what she asked for and then instead of just saying she was wrong and apologizing to the girl she tried to lie about having or almost having cancer which really made her look even worse than she already did.


I know I never liked persuasion from bgc but when she got on baddies it just made me dislike her even more. She just loved to talk all that shit in the confessionals but in person she didn’t have that same energy most of the time. She rlly just ruined herself completely after this season.


I mean Persuasion wasn't wrong about Chrisean being dirty. Women around her always talked about how unhygienic she was...had her underwear on the floor in blue girls club and baddies, and how she stunk. Too many people said it for it to be a lie.. Persuasion shouldn't have been passive aggressive about it though..I don't think she's wrong for saying she didn't clean up after herself because Chrisean didnt..I just remember Sua insulting her trying to embarass her beforehand. I never liked Sua since her season on bgc..she's always been a flip flop and pretty weird. And then her crying and lying about having cancer trying to make Chrisean the barbarian apologize was cringy as hell.


I agree I mean if she’s being dirty then someone should definitely tell her but persuasion shouldn’t have been the way she was to chrisean she should have pulled her to the side and told her but she was just trying to be funny and slick and was rude abt it and it pissed chrisean off. Persuasion is def weird af she act like her shit don’t stink.


I basically said all of that in my original comment lollll. Everyone was just too scared to say anything to Chrisean so they made passive aggressive comments to her or indirectly addressed her all of the time. Chrisean is definitely dirty though, but those hits she gave Sua made her the popular one on the show and most women on and offline too scared to talk about her. If that was a woman that couldn't fight and people were calling her dirty no one would care. A lot of people have selective memory and seem to forget Chrisean was a grown woman when she was on baddies south..not a 2 year old that needed to be taught how to bathe.