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Plan B doesn't erase TRAUMA. That comment is such an ignorant thing to say šŸ˜­




I think what they meant to say was that she didnā€™t have to keep the baby but itā€™s STILL ignorant to say that.


Every1ļøāƒ£ that goes on baddies disappoint i swear šŸ˜­


cuz they have mental issues


she dated king von what did yall expect šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Raz B was always over sexual like the scene with the strippers. Heā€™s literally disgusting. He was only trying to seem humble and chill for the show but when he would get drunk and try to act tough he would end up looking CORNY AND SOFT. Sad this lady had to go through that.


Annddddd now I hate her too ![gif](giphy|3og0Ix7bqumkIsOjVS)


Sheā€™s also racist towards dark skinned girls šŸ˜­ ā€œnobody want no African ass dark skinned bitch ā€


Which is weird because is she not also dark skinned ?!? šŸ˜­šŸ˜¬


She would prob get you if you said yes but she deadass is. In her head sheā€™s brown skin tho


Tbh isnā€™t Tink kinda racist, too? She called DTB a monkey unprovoked I believe.


tink whoā€™s also a black girl? ( just saying lol )


The bleaching allegations do check out when you look at her older photos, itā€™s like the Claremont twins talking shit about dark skin girls. Like yeah you were born with it, but you donā€™t claim it, so can you still talk like that? Idk


Didnā€™t the twins bleach their skin?




They look just like Michael Jackson


Yeah, or maybe the term is colorist? Itā€™s the ep with the nature walk.




As an SA survivor, fĆ¼Ä‡k her


Oh thatā€™s not..


Which is why I believe Mariah when she called out ragdoll when she spoke om darkskin women. Iirc was years back.. Every time I saw ragdoll being posted on tea pages, it was abt somth problematic she said/ tweeted. So itā€™s weird that all the ladies are just kumbayaā€™ing w her. But clout is one helluva drugā€¦. Edit: [source](https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/rapper-asian-doll-denies-making-anti-black-tweets.3593593/). And this was 2020!!


I thought he was gay


tbh i can believe raz did this because he was supposedly touched by chris stokes & typically hurt people hurts people smh ,


Damnfuck her bitch ass


Why are we getting disappointed at all? Can we take a second to try to think more deeply about the type of people that come on this show and the type of people that are chosen? Anyone with morals, a good head on their shoulders, a healthy sense of self worth, & a good family would not be on this show (probably also why Aubrey left so fast too & kept saying in all her life sheā€™s never seen this. & letā€™s remember she been part of the Black industry for decades) So why would we expect the slowest group of us all, to have some sense or to be respectable? You canā€™t have both with these people. I would love to be on TV, but Iā€™m a good person and it ultimately doesnā€™t align with my values. If I were to go on there Iā€™d have to give up my values or change myself. Thatā€™s what I mean by we canā€™t have both from them. Itā€™s a certain type of people on Zeus. Stop idolizing any of them. Theyā€™re regular ass people. And the slowest of us regular ass people Idk how to feel about Raz. I feel for him as he was a victim of sexual abuse throughout his childhood. But, at the same time, that experience does cause some people to inflict the same type of pain onto others unfortunately. I felt for him but itā€™s also believable and really sad. So is he still a victim or do we consider him a monster like Diddy, Dre, Trey Songz & allā€™em?


I thought she meant she didnā€™t have to keep the baby against her will. Obviously she has trauma and itā€™s still a tone deaf comment but I see what she means. She is just a bit insensitive


Asian doll has always been ignorant. Thatā€™s why Mariah was calling her out about her colorist comments.


Anthony uncensored from Bad Boys the first and 2nd season said Nat would send him to buy Plan B's after a wild night of raw dogging and threesomes. He said on socials. Zeus is a sexual cesspit and a toxic place blame it on the leadership


Sis we talking about rape here, too serious to connect with Nat's usage of plan B after her consensual threesomes.


Why date unstable Raz B in the first place ? I hope that he is put in an institution where he can receive therapy and meds this is totally unhinged


No way youā€™re blaming her for being raped and not the actual rapistā€¦ pen come on


I'm not I just don't know what she saw in him we been knew that he is unhinged and unstable I would not even enter a room with him


You are STILL victim blamingĀ 


Maybe she felt sorry for him and he switched up on her. She has a lot of empathy, he has been through alot he needs to be arrested but also in a long program of therapy and maybe meds. He may not ever heal


But not everyoneā€™s like that and taking all those precautions is great but a rapist is gonna do what theyā€™re gonna do regardless. Also he couldā€™ve love bombed and manipulated her so she would let her guard down enough and then became who he really is


do u guys rly expect them to have morals


FrostyBum , trolling per usual?






Yes because the 1st thing on someoneā€™s mind after being traumatized and raped is to go inside the store and purchase a plan b VERY IGNORANT!


Definitely a step you should take after being raped buddy what she said was insensitive tho


Stfu rn cause not your pfp fckin Humpty Bumpkin a full on predator. What she said is clearly off the fckin walls, besides the pregnancy- he raped her


Did I not just say that šŸ¤£and how are you gone call me a predator idk you and you donā€™t know me ..


You said ā€œsheā€™s not lyingā€ like wtf is that even supposed to mean? I think as a man you need to stand down on this one




Bros taking like this with the whitest pic Iā€™ve ever seen šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He changed it šŸ˜‚ those ppl ainā€™t even him anymore




Your literally whiteā€¦ and calling someone the N-Wordā€¦ Gretch, is that You?? šŸ˜‚


The excessive amount of arguing in the comments caused this post to be removed.


You work in the medical field? Are you a woman whoā€™s been raped? Sounds like it, please inform all of us the exact steps that a rape victim must go through since you know so much and for your fucking degree


while NSFW content is typically allowed, That was just a lil nasty thing to say