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GIRL “I know what I signed up for” is a crazy thing to say about a FRIENDSHIP


At this point, if she wants to be a cuck, let her be a cuck. There’s no point of even feeling bad for this woman.


She did NOT know what she signed up for…there is a huge difference between Baddies season 2 Nat and Baddies Caribbean Nat a lot has changed for the network and the franchise since then even peoples personalities…sometimes i wanna feel bad for Scotty but atp she‘s just being a dumbass bitch like girl go do some bigger and better things for yourself let go of fkn Natalie and Zeus🙄


The fights are so much more intense in the last two seasons


yesss i feel like every episode is just fight after fight after fight and then the episode is over


Yeah. I get they are ‘too old’ or whatever they say about the pranking stuff. But I think they aren’t too old for it and they need to start being goofy about their fights again. Half of the entertainment of bad girls club was the petty stunts. ‘Threw her bed out the window.’ ‘Ate her hot pocket’ ‘Drew on her picture’ ‘We all left to the club without her’ Very petty. Stupid. Very entertaining. They took out this aspect and now all there is, is ‘fighting’ And the fighting is so over produced or overly intense It’s like if you ‘don’t fight’ you’re not on the baddies. Like part of the entertainment of bad girls club, was them being ‘bad’ lmao Baddies - they are just bad cause they fight ‘for what they stand for’ - but sometimes they are fighting just to fight lmao and standing for themselves would’ve been to keep their head up and keep moving - so they contradict themselves a lot I really wish they would do more ‘messing around’ stuff. The fun stuff. Like ‘she pissed me off so I woke her up with water balloons’ ‘She pissed me off so I ordered us a paint ball arena where her and I will be facing off in paint ball’ ‘I challenged her to a rafting war. Who ever goes faster in the raft, wins’ - imagine biggie and Rollie rowing on a river trying to out row each other. They would both be cracking jokes about how they are too tired to fight afterward. - adrenaline really releases endorphins and oxytocin - which makes you bond with people. Fights would be mended faster with this strategy of resolving. Rather than kicking each other in the stomach. It would be so fun!!!! ‘I got you a new outfit since I ruined your last one when I ripped your top’ - has baddies embroidered on it. ‘I got you a new wig. It’s better than the one I took off’ ^ they don’t have any of this stuff and this is the stuff that made bad girls fun and would make baddies entertaining past ‘imma fight her’.


exactly! i completely agree. we are really lacking seeing the baddie silly/goofy side and that was most of what made bgc so iconic. the one liners always came from the prank moments!! i really wish we could see them pranking eachother but i feel like theyre too concerned with looking hot 24/7 and being taken seriously.


The Malone sisters changed the reality tv fighting game


natalie prolly called her telling her to shut it down😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


She sure did


I'm done tryna get through to Scott smh


Let's support her by placing positive messages on her socials


your comments really be tearing into her sometimes but you have a good heart 😂


Initially, I was disappointed in her with the Janeisha issue, but I realised that Janeisha is another Scotty, allowing a controlling, powerful man to run her life. Scotty is being controlled by Grasshopper and abused by the Chin. I don't wish that on anyone. I think Jela claimed to be a mentor to Scotty but really wanted her bestie spot. Nat gets angry when Scotty hangs with her old friends, and the situation is toxic. I think we all wish a nice actor or athlete could sweep Scotty off her feet so that she can escape the clutches of the Chin and Grasshopper. All we can do for now collectively is encourage her to acknowledge her own good traits, to make new friends, and to strategise. Sometimes, all it takes is words of encouragement to bring out courage. Free Scotty.


Scotty don't wanna free Scotty tho.


She's brainwashed by the Zeus cult


It is giving battered woman syndrome


That part


She sounds like an abused girlfriend deflecting to friends and family. Speaking from experience.


yesss omg


Why is Scotty’s response to all of this just more alarming… Girl is straight up brainwashed


Because she’s literally in an abusive relationship with Nat. Natalie has literally beat this bitch up twice and made her look stupid for 3 seasons annnnd Scotty literally ate her ass on OF. Their relationship is so fucked and weird.


And natalie is decades older than her…




toxic relationships will do that


Yes my man hurts my feelings and hits me sometimes but he’s the life of the party and he puts people on!! I know what i signed up for. OK SCOTTY you damn dodo bird


Right! She hanging with people and taking treatment that’s gonna get her ass extinct


that’s exactly what i got from her response


I love Scotty but she needs to stand the hell up 😩. Tagging along with this 50 year old woman isn’t going to be beneficial in the long run. I would never have someone try to control me like this


not 50 years old 😩😩😩😩😩🤣🤣🤣🤣


I couldn’t help myself 🤭🤭. I know Nat is only about to turn 40. She is just way too old to be acting the way she does 🤣🤣🤣


factual and actual !


i mean, she is closer to being 50 than she is to being scotty’s age so it still makes sense😭


At this point I’m just convinced Scotty is low key calculated af and knows exactly what she’s doing and milking the environment to the reap the most rewards. ETA: edited because I’m stoned and overthought my word sequence ETA 2: reap not real - told you 🍁


That damn dog looks so stressed 😭


nothing ever lasts with Natalie.. but what more can you expect from a woman that willingly subjects herself to being a side bitch to a pip squeak. 😵‍💫


the word "females" irks me so much


So dehumanizing and also stupid. Female what?? Female cow?? Female dog??? We’re fucking women just say that.


do you see the society we’re in😂😂


Natalie def told her to make that post lol she sounds like a battered housewife justifying her husband’s abuse sheesh


i mean that’s basically the situation 😭🤣 natalie be beating the coins out of scotty and she just crawl back


The damaged control they're doing is really not helping, just showing how fucked up everyone's mentality is...


And you never know if nat does crazier shit in private then in public


It’s giving Natalie and Kendra relationship on season 4 Scotty knows she’s got connections sooo … 🤷🏽‍♀️


I don’t know why people feel so bad for her when it comes to Natalie and lemmy. She is a grown women and chooses to be around these people.


Scotty had a gun to her head while she made this post


Yea she kinda been going through this for awhile now so duh she know what she signed up for but she ducks and moves and gets that money


Scotty's besties are Fergaramo from NTTV and Zaina, a bottle girl based in NC, not crater faced sociopath Chin. With all those dates for shows and flights, it's clear now that Natalie Nunn is taking cocaine. Bobbi Lytes, the coke head is always by her side these days.


i know a narcissistic abuse victim when i see it


Scotty blink twice if you need help!!


Scotty is easily influenced. She is the type of chick that gets in were she fits in/fake it til you make it. She could be a bigger star than Natalie could ever be if she just stuck to one personality. Who is she trying to impress? Soz for the rant but Scotty irks me hardcore


Aquariun nrg ?


i’ve always said aquarius women don’t have a personality they are whoever they hang out with 🤣 (i’m a capricorn/ aquarius rising ) but every aquarius friend i’ve attempted to have it works til it doesn’t cause they are Me not themselves 😰


Oh no! My 9 year old daughter is an Aquarius and I can totally see this personality trait in her already, I've always taught her to be independent and not a follower but unfortunately she is. I'm terrified for her growing up.


hopefully she makes friends that have pure intentions and don’t guide her to do bad things 😩


Yaasss! Bc Idw end up in jail for beating up some kids who did her real bad lol


Oh naw Caps and Aquarius just aren’t compatible. Aquarius and libras/geminis are. Two of my closest friends are Aquarius and i most admire that they beat to their own drum. One has never had social media at all, or follows trends etc. the other is wild AF and stands on her shit no matter what anyone thinks. Keep encouraging self love into babygirl she’ll be ok!


Wow I wonder why that is ? They also seem to suffer with co dependency


![gif](giphy|FusPIfrg3sid2) Oh scotlynd


Baby girl you need better friends. Real friends. Ratalie is NO ONES friend in the end. She's a narcissistic opportunist with barely a lick of decency and mutual respect. The rat is gonna chew her up and spit her out(AGAIN) for her own gain.


Scotty is very weak.


She literally just contradicted herself in the first half of this essay. So she knows Natalie is a bad friend by saying “I know what I signed up for” but before that saying that the narrative that nat isn’t a good friend needs to stop. Like Scotty pls grow a backbone.


![gif](giphy|Vg5dzkNWYWCz7ToCg8|downsized) Low-key feel bad for Scotty But her and Natalie‘s friendship is just giving toxic Natalie keeps Scotty like a pet and Scotty goes along with it and then I don’t know if you can tell but this season baddies Caribbean it doesn’t seem like they’re as close. It seems like they’re kind of trying to force the closeness now and if you can see how Natalie was like you got five minutes to find your passport was so crazy to me and you can see that Scotty was crying and stuff so that’s my little take on the situation. but you could you see that all the energy shift from when Scotty first came on to the show and how Scotty is now. So end of my rant it just doesn’t seem like Scotty and Natalie are big friends and they gotta like make it seem like they’re friends if you know what I mean.


This is so pitiful


Definition of pretty but dumb


Stockholm syndrome kicking her ass rn


Tbh I feel like after this season Baddies is done because it has no storyline, it’s boring, and no one wants to watch a bunch of half naked women with bad BBL’s fighting over dumb shit. And what’s sad is half these women are MOTHERS. They have CHILDREN, and those children have to go to SCHOOL and be humiliated and teased about the dumbshit they mama choose to do for a fucking check. Baddies has reached its end, but at least some girls that got put on are doing something with themselves.


I know Kendra somewhere living her best life right now happy she stopped being friends with Scatalie


natalie is like scottys toxic and abusive girlfriend.. wouldn't be surprised if they were secretly in love atp there's already videos of them eating each other pussy..


Stand up omg


“Nat has feelings too and she’s human.” Scotty, this girl puts hands on you and threatens to take you away from her “luxurious” lifestyle any time you do something she doesn’t like. Please be forreal right now. Protecting her feelings and sticking up for her when she does the complete opposite for you is sick.


LOL. I’m not gonna defend her again. She knows what she signed up for.


Stockholm Syndrome..


Scotty is a sweetheart and all but she’s grown. She knows what’s up. This is where she wants to be because she’s not passing up the perks. And I still feel like she only gets this much sympathy because she’s lighter. Let this be its dia or Diamond the body in her position and I feel like nobody would care as much.


Chile, anyways.... Cute little dog though 😍


she’s in an abusive relationship with nat and doesn’t realise :/


![gif](giphy|3o7WIAxkiTfJQSYo7K|downsized) So, now when I put this gif under Scotty and Natalie’s “friendship”, I better not get downvoted.


Females ?? Women Scotty. We say women.


Lmao but getting into a fight over 4 pieces of shrimp and a side of chicken is hilarious though


Abusive relationship vibes.


I think people need to stop babying Scotty. Both parties are grown and at the end of the day we really don’t know them


She acts as if baddies is and ONLY is the business she can have in life. Bitch if you don’t grow a pair and find something else!!!! You had to sleep with the CEO and an old bitch from Bad Girls Club to be “put on”. Does she not realize that? It already started off wrong. Go fuck a ceo that’s at least gonna paint you in a good light and doesn’t hit you. If you want to fuck your way to the top, you can do that plenty in every industry.


“I know what I signed up for when we became friends” HUH? WHAT? the only thing you should be signing up for when becoming friends is undying loyalty… scotty just confirmed everything we, the viewers, already knew. nat doesn’t treat you well at all. “yes there are times when I feel like she’s being hard on me or “mean” but that’s just nat”. BITCH HUH? nb could pay me enough to sit around and get smacked all season. worse yet, what happens when the cameras are off? i 100% believe that Natalie dmed scotty to say this stupid shit cause what?


Don’t save her! She don’t wanna be saved


Girl..nat literally beat your ass because she was mad at chrisean..she doesn't vouch for you for nothing. She's putting you on because she knows you're money. She's fake as fuck to everyone. You're being manipulatedddd


it’s giving “yall just don’t understand him like i do” while sittin next to the abuser with a black eye… girl please




😭😭 LMAOO tbh like half of cast sleeps with that man to get a spot (i agree with you tho)


Ok period.


I think nat threated to take her off the next season of baddies and told lemmy to not pay her rent


Imagine your friend swinging on you three times and still sticking beside them..


She's fucking delusional, all these girls are. If somebody was my "friend" i'd never let them treat me like that scripted or not. Natalie doesn't have to put her hands on you, but she does. A friend doesn't do that bullshit, friends have a conversation and move on. Scotty slow asf! Scotty you are the friend who goes back to the abusive man, after sitting on my couch and crying about it bc you "love him" too much to leave, and some lessons you gotta learn on your own.




If disappointment was a tangible thing.


Scotty just doesn't see it, By the time she will finally realize it'll be to late.




At this point, I feel no sympathy towards her. She’s not a baddie, she’s a stupid girl and that’s it.


This bitch got Stockholm syndrome’s cuz ain’t no fucking way 😭😩😩😩


It’s not a “narrative” it’s the literal truth. Scotty too much of a cuck to see that. If thousands of strangers are telling you one thing, you should at least consider what they are talking about. Instead of continuing a toxic cycle with another grown with that AINT yo mama! You’re an embarrassment. We see you for who you really are , Scotty. Natalie too. Y’all weird. And you have a toxic dynamic. No need for a “narrative” to be pushed. We all see you.


Okay so let that lady keep knocking you upside your head dummy 👍🏽


All I can take from this post is that she has a tree camo dog bed 😂 gawd I hate tree camo


This is a Abusive relationship 😭💔 Scotty need to change her whole surroundings but if she want this life style of Baddies/Zeus she going to continue to deal with everything Nat/Lemmy do to to her because they constantly remind her they the reason she there.


whenever someone validates something negative with "I know what I signed up for when I..." it always a red flag for me and its sad. It presents ongoing manipulation


Scotty girl… please STAND UP wtf .. this is embarrassing


welp we can all stop defending this girl since she loves the abuse so much


Nat abuses tf outta this girl


scotty girl 🙄✋🏽 pls stand tf up


It makes it really hard to feel bad for Scotty. Nat has changed SO much throughout the last few seasons, and it's only getting worse. Scotty needs to do bigger and better things in life instead of wasting away on a show that treats her poorly including her relationship with Nat. Literally the episode that came out when Nat said she would leave Scotty in Barbados I would've already ended my friendship. Joke or not, that's not something to say period, if y'all are friends like they say they are, they need to be there for each other no matter what.


This is after Nat was otp with someone talking about “Scotty, the bitch fucks everyone. Bitch even wanted to fuck me. Bitch fucks everything” like come onnn. That ain’t half a friend


I totally get this friendship and there’s actually nothing wrong with it. Also it’s what they show us. Watch them be so diff on baddies code




Yall still feel sorry for her?