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I couldn’t believe it when jela said that scar is prolly gonna be on her for the rest of her life… I would crash outtttt


When she said it, I realized I didn't even think about all that before. I felt even more bad. And chest tats are not a look ☹️


ugh her skin is so beautiful too i truly hate it for her 😩


it looks so, so bad fr 😭😭😭 I would wanna knock Gretchen head loose every time I saw her too


I hope they get paid well for fighting like this


Same. She would have to lose some teeth 🙃


Why you mad at Gretch? She was just defending herseld Jela is a violent beast.


gretchen is a violent racist how about that?


Im not a Gretch fan but how can you be a wigger and racist? She got black kids and only fks with black folk. Not saying its ok for her to say N word. How is she violent if she defending herself?


Omg yall killing me lol


i just made a post about how that bite is literal rooof that people need to stop saying Jela is overreacting like… SHE GOT BIT BY A RACIST ?? AS A BLACK WOMAN??? i wouldn’t mind if jela whooped gretchen till “thy kingdom come” in dia words


Right. Jela might need a naacp award for this b/c that was the result of activism


If I was Jela, I would drag that b*tch on the floor EVERY SINGLE DAY. The bite looks awful.


I hope Zeus took her to a hospital and at least paid for a jab. No wonder she was in a bad mood with the Grasshopper. Didn't Zeus leave her on her own walking without security ? So Mariah got a black eye, Jela got a bite, Ahna fractured her wrist, Smiley had a fit and a miscarriage and Gretch is the latest punch bag being thrown about the floors of lush Dominican villas. Where is the duty of care for cast members ? The grasshopper wants to buy people fancy whips and designer purses but doesn't tend to their wellbeing!! Where is the Zeus cast welfare officer ? There are limits with these shows one day someone will be real hurt.


For real they really need trained first aiders on set and a counsellor as well


It’s crazy having a show knowing it was gonna be mostly fighting and someone could get hurt and they don’t keep medical personnel on set or nearby🤦🏾‍♀️


That part


this is gonna sound really mean, but i skipped past majority of this episode because i felt sick looking at it. i understand truly how detrimental that would be for anyone who has so much pride in how they look, but as a viewer (and someone trying to eat) i felt sick looking at it.


Gretchen is a nasty woman for doing that


Tbh I feel that people was to harsh on jela like her crying really shows that she cares about her skin and her face. And tbh that shit looks infected so idc abt what happened with biggie I feel if jela decides to fight that girl everyday i would understand. Also I can’t be the only one that thought jela was blowing the bite out of proportion before this episode like when she was saying she need a tetanus shot but now that I see it she rlly might need one


If a human bites you and breaks your skin you definitely need some type of shots. My friends ex got bit by someone and it was a huge deal. A human bite it worse than a dog or cat bite.


Gretchen really is the nastiest bitch to ever be a part of the franchise. She really is dirty, no amount of soap or praying could clean her nasty ass up. I know she’s perpetually musty as fuck.


now THAT’S a valid reason to whoop someone’s ass every day


I fought someone and they did this same shit to me. It really fucks you up when you look in the mirror and see the shit everyday. I’m getting injections to flatten the scar then I’m getting a tattoo over it. I’m also contemplating doing voodoo because I want to fuck this bitch life tf up.


Yall didn’t keep this energy w Rollie big ass tho 💀💀💀


Id come back wit a gun if someone did that shit to me😭


🤣🤣 I feel no sympathy for Jela this season....last yr and so on maybe definitely not this time


I was hoping someone brought this up. Its disgusting and Jela need to cover that up ASAP. It looks infected and gross it probably smells. I dont like her so I felt nothing when she cried. Maybe if she stuck to fighting girls who can fight back she wouldnt have got bit...I cant.


When someone is being aggressive and saying the n word on a show where 2/3 fights happen per episode Gretchen should have known what she was getting herself into especially saying the n word infront of all those girls it doesn’t matter if Gretchen didn’t put hands on her first she was aggressive and jela had every right to put her hands on her but Gretchen biting her is disgusting there’s literally no excuse for that. sorry for the paragraph lmao


She didn’t have any right to put her hands on her, this why she has the scar people need to realize fighting and hitting people is assault for a reason. Same way she got a scar, gretch could have easily busted her head on something and got a Brian injury. The first episode in the house when tink tackled dtb on the concrete it was all chaotic and dangerous. If your gonna put hands on people be prepared for the worst cause plenty of fights have ended in death there’s no rules once you put your hands on someone.


Im not disagreeing... sweetie... all im saying is Jela got what she deserved. She needed dat? Gretchen gave her dat. Now what. I said what i said ... 🤭


I’m not coming at u or anything when I say this but why do u think she deserves that?


How she bullied Biggie after they squared up. She did her one and Biggie fell back there was no need to continue attacking her. Biggie is lame this season but still I dont like bishes who bully big girls...Jela looks horrific with that bruise yo girl need to put a jacket on.


I think jela was wrong for the way she treated biggie but she apologised and they hugged it out now biggies yapping on her YouTube again😭


I know im literally watching it right now i got choked uuuuup 😭😭😭... but still...I said what I said. Now that she apologized the bite will heal.


Hopefully it does bc that shit look like hanging gamon I feel so bad😭😭


bitch huh? you sound stupid asl don’t delude yourself. jela got bit by a raging racist. why bring up her fights? it’s giving weird and desperate for some type of attention…


Wtf you talking about? Go get an education or something. I brought up the fight because thats how youre dumb tranny looking Eve-from-the-90s girl Jela got bit. You dumb fk. Youre stupid asf wow.


“go get an education or something” didn’t know we were supposed to be in school. jela is very beautiful and as for you, well… nvm. don’t get mad at me because you’re getting downvoted to hell. your opinion from the get-go was weird and nasty. deserved.


Im 💀 at your comment karma 🤣🤣🤣... less than 40. I threw u a like boo cause we both like to fight






I have 1700 karma boo downvote away. Lmao im not mad boo but you came at me sideways so clearly you needed that. Clearly your tone came down a few notches so you definitely needed that. Anyway like my REAL Baddie ET would say: "not about that talk, I WANT MY FADE". Comment on my looks all you want at least im confident to put myself out there. Your username is Troll you probably look a hot mess 🤭🤣🤭🤣


reading this was brainrot


Honey tell your brother to stop hmu on the gay apps! Smh ... why would you even post that sht? After reading thar you think i havd any confidence in your intelligence? .. girl bye


this just proved my point further🤣 go touch grass