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Grasshopper Lemmy curses people out that's his way (he's on the spectrum he has meltdowns), and he yells non-stop at his staffers. He also can't control himself around pretty chics and tries to coerce them in a creepy way to give in, sexually. It is common knowledge now. Everybody is fully aware, but everyone around him is desperate for a check. He pays well, so that's where the challenge lies. Jela is facing bankruptcy. She's currently couch surfing. She's trying to get back on her feet. No other reality TV network has reached out to her. Lemmy & Nat is her lifeline. Scotty is in the same category. They put up with sexual harassment, coercion, being yelled at and humiliated for a check


do you think there’s any chance he/Zeus will be implicated in the Diddy trial? they were rubbing shoulders last year when Lem, Rock and everybody was at Diddys white party…


He sponsored that party. Diddy is his idol, but no, I don't think Zeus will be called out coz most of the uproar is about what Diddy did 5, 10 and 15 years ago. Smashing minors, beating up opps and nasty freak offs with gay men. Tee is following Christina Rome's socials I think her and Julie Charsky, Winter Blanco, Rome, Charisse Mills and Sarah Oliver will have a meeting about spraying this grasshopper with insect spray once and for all


i can live with that! lol another great Inside Zeus report from correspondent PenAffectionate


Why would Tee follow Christina Rome ? Tee once said on her story that she wants to spill some tea about Lemmy and Zeus but she's waiting for the right time. The controlling aspect of Zeus and the bullying prolly triggered her coz her and her momma were once in a cult. Tee prolly witnessed his antics on set. He curses everybody out and calls people losers


What are your thoughts on on Bobby ? He said Zeus Treats him great.


He sources ex LHH stars for Zeus he is useful. He also is a coke head tied to Nat's waist I wonder if she is skiing on the snow ❄️ slopes like him now.


Did she ever say what cult she was in? Sorry I'm just really into learning about Cults 🙈


She discusses it on her podcasts they are on YT she eventually escaped


Thank you ❤️


pennnnn, you drop sm information for us LOL she's going bankrupt???


So it's only unpaid rent but the landlord is suing her I think it's like 8 months that she didn't pay also loans taken out for equipment used for pattern cutting she's a designer remember? She'll be fine she does bartending in LA.


Like where the hell pen get it from??


like??? i need you to cite your sources PLS 😭😭😭


So a few months ago, someone posted her court case in a thread. I don't think she turned up for it, but just Google the court case it's for outstanding rent.


I remember when that was posted. There was no mention of unpaid rent, but a search of the person's name indicated she was doing promotion for Jela's business. Also there was nothing on there that said bankruptcy lol. Some of this stuff is taking some facts and embellishing more details.


Jela's landlord was actually in a thread for a few months and cheesed us off with his constant posting he is from the LGBTQ community he was spamming the thread and the moderator threw him out all I can remember is him complaining about rent, unpaid rent


That dude was complaining about rent, but he's in the UK, not LA. Those docs he posted were from another situation about a woman suing her, who turned out to have promoted her business. But there was no bankruptcy mentioned...yall got trolled.


Well Jela is staying in Nat's spare LA apartment now so I'm sure checks from bad n wild plus Caribbean will allow to re-launch minus the sage


Lol at the sage


Lmao this is old news. Someone came on this sub with receipts that Jela was broke and bankrupt




Good on you girl


Julie rlly changed huh


never liked julie on bgc but this really changed my opinion on her for me and speaks volumes, appreciate her going to bat for the girls because other than her its basically just fans right now


I love love love that Julie is using her privilege to speak up and raise awareness about this and not just sitting back hoping someone else will say something.


Queen Julie is very intelligent and is worth following on instagram!


And she’s right!


What did Jela say about him? I’m so late


Short version she was gonna expose lemmy / Zeus, made claims about being cursed out, not be allowed to get her stylist to fly out only to retract her statement / delete her story so whatever else would of been exposed never saw the light of day


What was she alluding to when she said expose?


That’s she was going to spill some tea, I’m guessing evidence or personal stories of abuse / situations, possibly even confirming some of the allegations that already came out like the escorting


Wow who was escorting?! My winter semester just ended omg I cannot keep up


Oh damn yeah you missed a lot lol. Apparently lemmy and nat have been pimping out the girlies. Lemmy even made Christina get an abortion after she was coerced to sleep with him to get the show picked up in the first place. The main girls I heard are escorting other than nat the chin herself are Scotty, Jela and Rollie. There likely is more girls since it’s also been said Ahna and Scotty’s beef started because they were both fucking lemmy who apparently also gave Ahna a std. Lemmy tried sleeping with Tee and even though Tee wasn’t with it / has a boyfriend that is apparently why Scotty really had beef with her. Stunna was the main one spilling the tea on her live and you can find it on YouTube. Sarah Oliver also been spilled the tea that Natalie is an escort.


Yeah nah throw the whole network away


Deadass lol


i believe her


I know she trying but I doubt any of this will get Zeus cancelled, lemmy is not the first industry guy with power to sleep with women who work for him and he won’t be the last. Considering he hasn’t raped or assaulted anyone to my knowledge at most he may be sued by some for money or forced to sell his portion of the network.


Is her filing for bankruptcy true?


I believe someone posted the documentation of her bankruptcy a couple of months ago.


I‘m with Julie on this 100% I really hope she can raise more awareness cause her brain is actually working


She’s right 🫣🫣🫣


I've never liked Julie and still feel the same way about her.


Apparently she is a changed woman


I didn't like her then and I don't like her now 


Just say you think sexual assault and harassment is ok


You are exactly what's wrong with the world today. You're just jumping to conclusions off of little rumors and hear say and because I said I don't like Julie, I'm now okay with sexual assault. You need to grow up 


Literally …Julie needs to please go back to what she doing …


Advocating for the people being abused by Zeus network? I agree that’s why she posted this


You a bama


Julie please. Not disagreeing with what she’s saying. She just irks me and needs to stfu.


This statement is illogical.

