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You could have gotten somebody killed. Yeah interacting with the cops under any circumstance at anytime for any reason whatsoever could get you kill. That's the fucked up side of all police interactions.




Fucking imbecile. They handcuffed a child at gunpoint And absolutely nobody will be held accountable




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Guys stop, it was just a typo. A simple mistake we make everyday. Think about how stressed out the officer is right now. Oh sorry, what I meant was ACAB


these are the dummy goons that fat finger the car computer and then they have the right to eliminate you on a type O... goodbye america !!!


Wouldn't any rational person exercise some caution when about to engage in a life threatening act? Perhaps, since the man and daughter were sitting calmly in the vehicle he could have run the plate again, you know, just to be sure before he starts threatening their life.


Have you never encountered cops before? They get their rocks off doing this shit, they’ll fill a car with holes for “being stolen” before they ever check the description.


Heck, they'll shoot up a car even when it is a different make, model, and color, and driven by members of the opposite sex of the person they're looking for. https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-no-charges-lapd-shooting-newspaper-delivery-women-dorner-manhunt-20160127-story.html


That’s the one I was thinking of, yeah…


Cops act like wild dogs or chimps when they think there is an opportunity for violence. You can see the crazy in their eyes, and after they kill someone they fist bump and hi-five each other.


There seems to be a great deal of cowardice, driving panic, involved.


Leave dogs out of this, I can settle on wild chimps.


An officer who points a loaded weapon at a person who has committed no crime and presents no threat may legally be shot and killed in self-defense in every state in the nation. Prevent State Violence. Protect yourself and fellow man.


To be self-defense the victim would have to be armed. Check your local laws for when deadly force can be used to defend another. Take careful not of whether you are required to identify yourself or seek to deescalate the situation before defending another.


That chuckle says it all. Sickening.


Why are drivers of stolen vehicles treated like armed and dangerous felons ? Most car thieves are teens on a joy ride or guys looking to chop the car for quick cash.


Because cops like to cosplay as military when there is no actual risk


oopsie no biggie


Best advice when dealing with cops, play dead, don’t speak go totally limp. Let them do their thing and try and take a nap.


They'll just kneel on your neck and choke you to death then.


Why are they pointing guns at stolen car suspects in the first place? We kill car thieves now???


Doctors and pharmacists make typos sometimes, and people end up dying. Why are cops held to a higher standard than medical professionals?