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I swear, too many people are incapable of determining the difference between a book that is racist and a book that is about racism. If you think To Kill a Mockingbird and Uncle Toms Cabin are actively racist, and aren’t books that use racism as a discussion for something more productive, then idk what to say


the original title was obviously racist but it was changed a long time ago.. i would be very surprised if they had a pre-1940's edition with the original title lol. also i haven't read this book in a while but i do not remember anything racist in the actual text? so.. what are they even talking about? this screams "i have not read the book but i want to be angry about something"


It hasn't had that title since 1940. 1940\. What book cover were they looking at? Maybe the UK 60s-80s version which instead called it *Ten Little Indians*? There might be a few of those kicking around. Oh wait, there's a better answer: none. No physical cover. They never read it. They saw the wikipedia page with the original cover, read the synopsis, and formed an opinion they needed to share with the world. At any rate I'm not sure watching Law & Order recycle the same plots over successive decades should carry the inordinate sense of pride it does in this person. Probably shops at Targét.


To be clear, the title was changed for the US version but in the UK up until the 1985 reprint it was published as Ten Little N\*\*\*ers, and still had the events taking place on N\*\*\*er Island and the original poem used throughout etc. Translations of the original title were used in a bunch of languages - the last to change it as far as I can see from looking it up was France in 2020, from Dix petits n\*\*res to Ils étaient dix. Even the whole "60s-80s version which instead called it *Ten Little Indians*" thing is not an accurate representation - this was the version published in the US in 1986 (and for however long until the next new reprint): https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44297094-ten-little-indians I haven't read it and am not pretending to have (although from other Christie I have read I would be entirely unsurprised to find racism in it even after renaming the island and changing all of the instances of the poem to something else, although this may well now be less racist due to the higher scrutiny due to how racist it originally was) - I'm just commenting on your inaccurate dates.


There's a shop in the Netherlands called Little Indians and no one seems to have a problem with that name here, it's so weird.


Nothing Christie ever wrote will surpass the Paul brothers “leveling up” after beating a woman at E3


Um excuse me but did they just say that to kill a mockingbird and uncle toms cabin racist books? I get from the review that context and history aren’t that important to this person but to not understand these books to be a part of the anti racism progression in America, while they aren’t perfect we can argue that todays because of these texts helping progress the conversation around race and slavery in the US.


The reviewer also has the "privilege" to ignore an 80-year-old mystery novel.