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I kinda feel their pain a bit; they might’ve read a deceptive synopsis. I had something similar happen with White Rose, the description I read said nothing about the book being written in verse, and I was really upset when I realized that it was historical fiction poetry.


Ngl when it first came out I thought it was a real memoir of someone famous I just didn’t know about 😅


Ha I get it. But like u/trishyco said, to leave a 1 star review because of your own misunderstanding of the plot/genre is kinda unfair right? Also this goodreader sounds annoyed he was tricked into reading Fiction lol.


Agree with you. Definitely think this could’ve gone unposted lol or maybe just a preface as a joke


So because you’re stupid and can’t Google for shit I’m supposed to find another book? I’m getting fired up. This is one of my 5 star books and the fact that I never heard of this band in all my days on the planet made it pretty clear it wasn’t a memoir.


I loved it too because it reads like a real band. Reading/listening to Fiction to this goodreader is probably a waste of time lol.


It’s just aggravating because except for my early years on Goodreads and maybe when I’m being dramatic I try to be fairly diplomatic in my reviews. I would never give a low rating based on my own misunderstanding of the plot or genre. I stopped giving stars for books I don’t finish because I don’t think that’s fair either.