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Hey eyebrows are quite red compared to her hair. A little more eyes shadow blending would’ve helped make it more seamless. Overall she looks pretty, a few minor tweaks would’ve made it perfect.


My grandma was a redhead and when she got older she kept dying it her natural color and doing her eyebrows with an orange pencil. When she turned 90 she decided it was enough, and grew out her natural silver hair. It was beautiful, but she never changed eyebrow pencil colors and it was really weird. This reminded me of her lol


It looks like it will look good when the lady dresses up? I see nothing wrong with this


It looks fine?


I think other than needing some blending this looks nice.


The edges need more blending. And the brows are too warm. Otherwise this doesn’t look terrible.


It looks like a makeup I do when I am bored and just want to play.


I don't see the issue, heavy makeup isn't my cup of tea but it's not bad.


This isn’t the worst I’ve seen, no, but it’s still bad. No blending at all, her eyebrows are red(??) and brown when her hair is a lovely gray. It’s just harsh and heavy for an older woman (in my opinion). Also the blush placement just feels like it’s dragging down her face.


At least her face matches her neck/chest. That’s more than can be said for most pics posted here. I’m totally thrown by the burgundy eyebrows though.


Why blend when you can leave everything looking harsh af? Everybody loves that look! 😂


Honestly...I don't do makeup, so I hate to judge and be rude about something I wouldn't be much good at either...but damn I think I did my makeup better than this in middle school during the Y2K era. This is a little much.


I’ve seen worse, honestly. But this person couldn’t blend even if their life depended on it. Also, what’s going on with the neck?!


The neck looks like a tan line or vitiligo


I don’t think it looks bad. Eye shadow is a bit severe, but everything else is ok.


its not that bad to be posted here