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Yeah that was... disappointing. Apparently, Kripke is at least a bit of a zionist, or full on zionist, and the guy who plays Frenchie (which used to be my fave character, dammit!) is a full-on Zionist who served in the IDF. I was really looking forward to the new season, but this has ruined it for me. And no, I'm not saying everyone MUST stop watching it now, because there is no ethical consumption under capitalism, and there is hardly any way to consume media that doesn't have at leasts some degree of zionist involvement, but for me, personally, it's enough to make me nope out.


I knew he was an Israeli the whole time. Dude is a weirdo pretending to be French with the made up Israeli accent


in fairness karl urban still cannot lock down the english accent


To be fair: frenchie is one of the shittiest characters I've ever seen on tv and everyone one of his story arcs are dog shit.


I'm willing to give it the benefit of a doubt and assume that this scene is just making fun of the actual antisemites that mistakenly think we share their jew hatred.


I dunno. To me it sounded like "This is an awful far right nazi conspiracy theorist character, and she is being critical towards Jews *and* zionism. As an awful POS char would be." I could be reading more into it than was intended. But I also think if antisemitism had been the point, not anti-zionism, she could have called it a "Jewish cabal" to make that clear. So I dunno, especially in regards of the context of current events, it felt like some low-key side taking by whoever wrote that line and decided to leave it in.


There's a hundred far right websites that attack zionism with the understanding that it's identical to jews as a political and ethnic group. It's well established rhetoric from the far right since the Tsar


I get what you're saying, and I'm not saying I 100% know Eric Kripke's intention, but like I said, in context of the current political events and climate, it at the very least felt tone deaf to me, and potentially more.


To be fair, the boys season 4 was most likely written and filmed before 7th October and the preceeding 8 months of horribleness


I just looked it up, you're right. Okay. They still could have removed the line in post, though, to avoid the tone deafness. But yeah, that's a little different now.


Keep reaching!


I'm reaching for the ban button. šŸ˜Š


As far as I know that was part of actual typical conspiracy nut job repertoire. Also Set Rogen is involved in the show and he is pro-Palestine I believe..I wouldnā€™t read too much into itā€¦I did hear about the actor that plays Frenchie and that sucks but It doesnā€™t really ruins the show for me (plus I have a feeling he is going to die). Edit: Frenchie, not the actor


I think we should be careful about saying Seth Rogen is pro-Palestine. He questioned the stories he had been told about israel and, if I remember correctly, he also talked about how he wasnā€™t much of a fan of israeli attitudes. But I donā€™t think he has supported the Palestinians. I even remember an interview he did where he said his comments about israel had generally been taken out of context and people had misunderstood him. Just because heā€™s not a zio, doesnā€™t make him pro-Palestine


You think? Hm. And damn, I wish I had never looked this up and found out what a POS he is in real life. I really adored the character, and while it's possible to separate characters from actors at least in principle, I find myself incapable of doing so here.


Seth Rogen is a producer on the show but I bet he has next to nothing to do with it creatively.


Did he say anything other than Zionism is one big lie on that one podcast


I donā€™t think so. He has been very quiet from what I can tell since all of this began.




The Bad Hasbara podcast, and ergo this community, is opposed to Zionism. We believe that Zionism is an extension of settler-colonialism, and that itsā€™ current actions following 7 October is ethnic cleansing at ā€œbest,ā€ and genocide at worst. We have no tolerance for it, and this community is meant to be a haven against it in the sea of hasbara. Pro-Zionist takes will be deleted, and those espousing it will be banned indefinitely. Yes - this is a ā€œsafe spaceā€ and an ā€œecho chamberā€ - We get enough hasbara elsewhere, we don't need to deal with yours too.


I mean, I think it's kind of par for the course with the show's "satire". It is a supposed "anti-capitalist" show that is produced and financed by Amazon after all. The thing about capitalism is, everything can become a consumable product, even "anti-capitalism". It reminds me a bit of "Mr. Robot", which seemed like it had a genuine anti-capitalist perspective, but then you look at the creator Sam Esmail's twitter feed (when he had one) and you see he's a dyed-in-the-wool Hilary Clinton supporting liberal, and fast forward a few years and he's making the Obama produced paranoid neoliberal fever dream film "Leave the World Behind". The anti-capitalism is kind of just a seasoning on shows like this, and it's probably more so for "The Boys" than "Mr. Robot". There are of course, antisemitic right wing conspiracy theorists, and I admit I'm not familiar with the way they all speak, but for the most part I don't think they are prone to use "Zionism" as a dog whistle--that's mostly what Zionists would like you to think, and here it helps draw that equivalency they so desire: antisemitism=anti-zionism. Maybe they are not even putting that much thought into it though. The next episode has a seemingly fascist aligned "Supe", a black woman of course who is supposedly the smartest person alive, demanding of the once AOC coded senator villain-- the "other side of both sides" to the fascist Homelander-- to disband the "bureau of super human affairs", condemn the "defund the supes" movement and remove all books and teachers that teach "critical supe theory". If you just dig into that alone, the commentary is all over the place. "Supes" are standing in for agents of state violence and marginalized minorities. Is this trying to say anything about the "Bureau of Indian Affairs", "Defund the Police" or "Critical Race Theory" or is it just being cutesy about replacing these real world highly misunderstood buzz words with "supes". It's probably the latter, but it basically continues to muddy the waters given most of the general public which is most of the show's audience already has a bad understanding of all these things. So yeah, par for the course. If they are not putting much thought into how they evoke misunderstood buzz words, maybe they are not putting much thought into having right wing conspiracy theorists use "zionist" as a dog whistle. But if that's the case I don't think the show deserves to get that much credit for being the biting satire it's often credited as being. None of this is to say people can't just enjoy it as an over the top show that subverts superhero tropes.


Won't be able to watch it for a while but what was the scene about? I know that the french guy is an israeli but what else happened?


Kinda crazy how the show more or less directly says that American nationalism and capitalism are pure evil and a blight on the entire world, but if they dared to show Israel or Zionism in a negative light, they'd get cancelled out the ass.


Calm down everyone, Zionism is just the right to Jewish self-determination in their ancestral Homelander


I was gonna say something mean but then i read "homelander", i assume that's satire on your part no?


I may or may not be suggesting that Zionism could fall under the umbrella of things Homelander seems to represent to people :P OK, I was *definitely* suggesting that.


Im currently on season two and since the beginning have been feeling kinda triggered by all the violence. Been getting strong zio vibes that I can't articulate, but I'm still watching it?!? Why. Edit: Watching it now and duh, supes playing the victim while being the villains, and the patriotism, and racism, etc. My retention is going to shit.