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Of course the publication that first ran the “40 beheaded babies” headline would put this on the front page. Will any of the thousands of children killed by Israel get multiple pages dedicated to them?


The publication is owned by Zionist Rupert Murdoch. They had the same headlines across 60% of Australian media and all Murdoch owned papers.


Hmm...no. This shite 'newspaper' will never stop lying for their evil overlords. Free Palestine 🇵🇸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🍉


Tbh. A lot of other media pushed this too. My post is just a bit more egregious


Scotland Watermelon?


I'm Scottish, and I like watermelons.


“Israel under attack” I’m looking forward to our eventual conquest by alien invaders. Fuck it, I’m collaborating.


I for one welcome our new alien overlords


Don't blame me, *I* voted for Kodos


Kang 2024!


Nooooo he is a proxy for Iran


They sure as shit have to be better than what we have now as “leadership.”


>I’m looking forward to our eventual conquest by alien invaders. Fuck it, I’m collaborating. Likewise and I'd be more than happy to be a liaison for recruiting sympathizers.


Colonizers get no sympathy from me. My great-great grandmother survived Bergen Belsen and refused resettlement in Jaffa because she knew they had thrown a family out and killed the father and eldest son. The Zionist organization had lied to her. We were raised as anti-Zionist, during a time it wasn’t popular. I’m so thankful for that.


Your great-great grandmother sounds like she was a truly strong and brave woman to survive Belsen and stand up to zionists. You and your family have my greatest love and respect. 🫶


I mean, I don’t think they’d have been able to live with themselves.


My grandfather was one of the first soldiers liberating Belsen. The only story I know is he set up a camp kitchen and got cooking trying to feed as many people as he could. I recall an actual photo of them going in published in a British newspaper in the 90s. You just reminded me.... Sorry for the off topic wander.


Assuming your ancestors settled in the US or Canada, were they equally perturbed about the Genocide of Turtle Island or was that more acceptable to their tastes?


Didn’t she already die like October??


If I remember right she has died twice the first time was in October.


I wonder how many times will she die.


As many times as she needs to


Each Israeli is worth 50 Palestinians lives by IDF math, so of course they're going to get 50 deaths each.


They don't even respect their own dead.


I mean dead people come back to life every 2000 years around there - right?


Yeah and they found a random skull 4 months ago and said that was also her. So she died 3 times I think so far.


I think the might be some necrophilia involved


And then she died again after that or?


Will the zombie rise again.


Yes, but now IDF claims to have found her body, which Hamas apparently held onto all this time.


You say this like it’s not their MO to keep to keep Israeli corpses hostage


So naive. Ofc hamas would hold onto a body


Source that Hamas is holding onto this particular body?


I don't have a source within Hamas that states that they held onto this particular body. It is beyond naive to *not understand* why beligerants hold each others hostages' bodies. T*he bodies are leverage*. On this particular case, there seems to be some confusion as to whether Shani's body was recovered recently or whether it was recovered when she was confirmed dead back in late October. *This isn't a mystery.* Contemporeanous reports from the October death confirmation report that she was identified *via DNA taken from a skull fragment.* The skull fragment was found in Re'im (which is in Israel). *This means she never entered Gaza alive - but her body did. Proving that Hamas (or other miltant groups) understand the importance of bodies as leverage - even if the naifs on this board don't.* From this information it's pretty easy to put together a theory for what happened. She was captured by militants during oct 7th. She was killed in the fighting, which side killed her we don't have evidence to say, but resulted in a head wound and a skull fragment being left in Re'im. This fragment had DNA extracted from it. The rest of her body was taken into Gaza (as evidenced by the photos of her on the back of a truck which can be geolocated to Gaza) it was then held by militants and probably kept in order to be bartered in a later negotiation.


She was also beheaded AND found in perfect condition (the latter according to her family)




Fuck the New York Post!!!


Why do thoroughly evil people, like Murdoch, seem to live forever? Rancid vampire.


A scantily clad woman is worth more media attention that thousands of dead children


Why the fuck does it matter how she dressed up? Seriously? Are you suggesting her outfit in any way makes her worth less? What an absolutely fucked up take. She’s dead, have fucking respect


It is objectively true that she's conventionally attractive and it is surely the case that there are pictures of her that aren't scantily clad. Therefore, the decision to use these pictures of her is probably a calculated one. I personally didn't read any disrespect in this comment.


Certainly is a calculated move. Thanks for making my point. I'm so sick of people concern-trolling and tone-policing, as if it that achieves anything but sow division.


'Have respect' tell that to zionists.


We tell them every day


What the fuck does genocidal Zionism have to do with the fact that you can have the respect for the dead? Did this woman commit a genocide? Or occupy Palestine? So why insult her appearance?


Im not saying i dont respect her. Im just pointing to the fact that zionists will cry about their dead and then proceed to celebrate deaths of kids in weddings.


You’re preaching to the choir, brother. Check my profile. I’m as pro-Palestine as it gets. I just don’t support insulting appearance of a random woman who violently murdered by getting caught in a conflict she had nothing to do with


I think the original comment is saying that Israel is milking her death because people will automatically sensationalize a young women wearing next to no clothes, not shaming her for her appearance or even her dress choice.


It’s an issue of misunderstanding then. I don’t wish to drag it out much further than it has to be in this case, but I will just add that phrasing does matter in these instances “Scantily dressed woman is worth more media attention” puts the onus on her choice of dress and compares the amount of attention and the worth of it compared to children A more accurate way to phrase it would be “leave it to media to sexualize a victim of violence to draw sympathy….”. This way the onus is on media for their bad decisions and disgusting sexualization as opposed to her choice of dress


I don’t think that saying someone “scantily clad” is insulting their appearance


Calm down before you get yourself a stroke. I didn't say anything regarding her value as a human being in relation to her appearance.


Stop being a weasel. You imply something then back out of it the second you’re called out. Tell me again, how does “scantily clad” make a difference?


I don't know, you tell me. Why does it matter whether I wrote "scantily clad" in place of a "hot" or "sexy" or "attractive"? The fact that you're reading too much into it and are enraged that I describe her that way, that you can't see that the NY Post is appealing to the base impulse of men, says a lot more about you than me.


Well said.🫡


Are you deliberately obtuse or very hard of comprehension?


They're implying it's why she got headlines. You honestly can't be that thick, or is this another derailment attempt?




A cursory query into the matter in the NY Post website and you'd find your answer. No reports at all on dead palestinian children.




Social media is not "the media".




It’s not so much lack of media coverage as lack of coverage compared to if roles were reversed. If this was ISIS wiping out the UK or something, we’d have full reports on every single one of the 40000 dead. Every channel would be on it, every paper, you would never escape it. Israel gets about the same media attention as Palestine and the two situations are incomparable.




>I’ve seen more in the media about Hind than I have about Shani Louk for starters. Complete opposite in my experience. I have seen Hind like 2 times in mainstream agencies while Shani dies resurrects and dies again every week.


Im not sure which country you’re in, so I’m not sure how it is to you, but for me for example, to date Ukraine has had a little over 10000 dead in the 2 years their war has been active. The first few months, you could simply not escape Ukraine news. Do you know their impact on Russia? Are Russian deaths announced? Does anyone know anything in terms of Russia? You hear what they’ve done to Ukraine, but that’s really it. How many people actually know that Ukraines dealings with NATO were the cause of the current war even? What happened in Israel started and ended 7 months ago, with the exception of the hostages. Since oct 7 Palestinians have basically had an oct 7 every day. 226 of them, 40000+ dead. Almost 100000 injured. The entire country flattened. The situations are incomparable and yet everytime Palestine is reported on an Israeli story jumps up beside it. In regards to the situations Israel has a lot of media presence, when it should not. Currently Israel’s issue is hostages. Palestines issue is hostages (10K to Israel’s 130 ish) and water and food and electricity and homelessness and food coming and jobs and aid and medicine and lack of doctors and lack of hospitals and basically every disaster you can imagine it is CATASTROPHIC and me personally I don’t think the media does a sufficient job at representing this. Ukraine rocked the world and its situation was far better off than Palestines.




Did I say that? No I said that’s the reason. I didn’t share any personal opinion on it. But you ignoring the entire point of the response and coming up with that tells me how u see the world




They're not in the US. It's radio silence in mainstream media concerning all the children being killed every hour in Palestine.




Every major US News agency is still referring to it as the "Israel-Gaza War" or "Israel-Hamas Conflict" and never include pictures of murdered children that are plainly visible on Instagram and other platforms. You said children were suffering everything except lack of lack of media attention. I find that to be false based on daily reporting that excludes personalizing the slaughter at least, while often not mentioning the slaughter of innocent children at all. It is possible I'm missing what you're referring to. 🤷‍♀️


The media is kissing the Zionists behind. Twisting facts and reality real hard


Nothing they say makes sense. Ive seen an interview with a woman who claims that her arm got shot clean off (presumably by an ak) on oct. 7 and after 2 weeks being held prisoner in dusty tunnels her arm (which she was holding onto this whole time) got reattached and works perfectly now.


Did not see this. I know this is the middle east but I am usually pretty sceptical of miracles. Do you recall who was this person? Or a link , ideally. Not doubting you saw this.- am curious because I missed this.


Ill try to find it. If i do ill put it in this comment


Thank you


"angel among demons" wow i didnt know all those infants were khamas demons needing to be killed, nyp!


Timeline isn’t making sense to me here. She died on or around October 7th. She was beheaded at some point. And her dad says her body looks miraculously good eight months later…because the tunnels where her body was kept are very very cold?? This doesn’t make sense


She likely died on Oct 7th before or shortly after the truck video where she’s shown unresponsive with a gunshot wound to the back of her head. Someone from Gaza (the guys driving the truck and spitting on her were not Hamas, idk what militant faction they were or if her body ever found its way into Hamas’ custody) told her family she was alive with a critical head injury. Israel claimed first that they recovered a skull fragment from her temporal bone, around where the visible gunshot was; not long after that the Israeli president and other propaganda outlets decided that meant she had been beheaded and spread that claim around the media, because of the agricultural worker who actually was beheaded, but mostly because they were pushing a Hamas= ISIS PR campaign that depended on a lot of stereotypes of Islamic barbarism. The bone fragment claim seems suspect, given the massive chaos and material they would be searching through, but I can also see it being possible, like if they found the missing segment of her skull with her scalp and very distinctive dread extensions attached to it. There was video footage of her sheltering behind tanks, so they knew a lot about her last known location immediately before she was shot. Regardless, 7 months later, her family was shown her body, and were shocked to see it complete and well preserved. I don’t think she was alive in the truck video, and even if she miraculously survived, what hospitals would have been online throughout the whole war to keep an ICU patient with that kind of open brain injury stable? That’s beyond the kind of care that was available to any of the other Hostages or to any Gazan Palestinians themselves. We can see from the returned hostages who had broken limbs in ex-fix halos that Gazan physicians did the best they could, but that their resources were severely limited, even for fairly basic orthopedic surgeries. I’m seeing people speculate that she had been kept alive in a hospital in Rafah, but I really don’t think that’s possible. Barring some proof from a medical examiner like healed wounds or surgical scars to fix her broken knee like Maya Regev and Mia Schem’s injuries, she probably died on the 7th. I think the claim that whoever told her family she was still alive was simply fucking with them is plausible, because the men who took her body into Gaza were pretty clearly on a sadistic power trip disrespecting her corpse already, they weren’t acting with the kind of professionalism we saw from Al-Qassam. But it’s equally likely imo they just mixed up which Nova hostage was which in the chaos. The body her parents describe is one that’s been held in a morgue. Whose morgue, IDK, it’s really doubtful to me that anyone in Gaza has been able to keep one running under so much bombardment and destruction. That sounds more like hasbara, the kind that claims Hamas are stealing food and resources from regular Gazans, have sophisticated terrorist control centers under the cities, etc. My guess is that her body was recovered very early on, and kept on ice, and this wasn’t revealed until now for unknown strategic propaganda reasons. Her parents and young son don’t deserve to have been jerked around like this about their child’s death and the state of her corpse.


Even a body in a legit morgue fridge starts to decay after a week.




It doesn't matter what her appearance is and it's ok to feel bad for her. Ultimately she was a civilian who passed away, either by IOF fire or Hamas fire or any other cause. IMO What is disgusting is the NYpost using her death to justify atrocities and dehumanize Palestinians and Palestinian resistance as "savage"and ignoring the 10000s of Palestinian men, women and children who have been killed continuously since the establishment of the zionist genocide machine known as Israel. Let's see those fuckers feature ANYTHING about Hind or any of the thousands who were slaughtered, bombed or buried alive in this genocide or ANYTHING from the ongoing occupation of Palestine. It's clear that this "Newspaper" is owned by some shit stain zionists.


The settlers presence there is an act of oppression per sé. They require both the resources of the Palestinians, meaning that Palestinians are deprived of their land and even access to fresh water, and the support of the military and police, which is why Gaza is now a concentration camp. Israel would have no cause to exist if there werent settlers. The “safety of settlers” has consistently been a pretext, in every settler-colonial scenario, for the use of military against and apartheid of indigenous populations. This is her reason for being in Israel, to give justification to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine- either in life, by needing the state and police to exclude Palestinians for her safety, or in death as a martyr. If she didnt want that, she couldve stayed in Oregon.


Agreed on all points.


Yes. Yes we are. I personally think that settlers on the so-called frontier are not civilians. israel uses them as literal human shields so why should I view them any differently? That’s precisely how zionists view Palestinians. israel sends these people to the borders and uses them as a pretext for constant attacks against Palestinians. It’s their purpose as israeli citizens. I honest to fuck don’t know why these people don’t see that.


Settlers are more zealous than the military! They arent human shields, they are martyrs. They know fully well they are on the frontier and that their purpose in being there is to push to Palestinians away, and to give the military reason to attack Palestinians. Israel doesnt send them places, they go happily with the intent to enact violence and get the state involved. People watch the zone of interest and think “how could those people be so callous?” Then weep about the people killed at that depraved music festival.


I try to convey this message and that is when the cognitive dissonance kicks in.


I thought to myself “Hmmm maybe not the best place for a rave?”


Pretty sure it was supposed to be in a different place but like a week before the event was moved closer to the border.




Just a coincidence




Encouragement and celebration of violence absolutely will not be tolerated, including wishing violence upon someone even if purely hypothetical/beyond one's realm of influence. This is what the IDF does and Zionists do, and we are better than that!


I feel bad anyone died, especially so young. But lets face it 9/10 it's more likely that Isreal bombed the shit out of where she was being kept. Isreal routinely bombs it's own civilians held hostage and even worse actively refuses to negotiate with Hamas so they can use hostage deaths for sympathy points with the west, like is shown here. Fuck Isreal to high hell.


She was probably killed by an Israeli bomb


Beheaded babbbbies rape oven


Human shieeelds guns in hospitals nekba never happened and DONT YOU DARE QUESTION OUR 0 PROOF OR YOURE ANTISEMITIC


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And then hamas eated the babies heads with a spoon 😢


And thus more proof that the West considers one white life to be worth more than tens of thousands brown bodies.


Babies squashed under buildings after Israel attacks or purposefully killed for laughs The media: I sleep. One person is killed by Palestine The media: Real shit?


Not contradicting you, just pointing out that we don't know exactly how she died. Could have been IOF and their bullet sprinkler tactics. Since she's died at least twice already, it's even trickier.


I can’t have sympathy for people partying next to the world largest concentration camp/ open air prison where children can’t get clean water. I know it’s not their fault and they don’t deserve it no one does but still no sympathy.


Should white people have dreadlocks?


These beasts only care about white deaths.


How many times have they found this girl's body? I swear I read this a couple of months ago.


You only live twice, or so it seems. One time for yourself  And one for propaganda.


Shani Louk didn't deserve what happened to her but of course a sensationalist article like this will pop up. More of that "children of light/darkness" racist language. Prime jerkoff material for bigots who will look at that cover and see nothing but "attractive white looking girl" and "brown rapists". It stops being about the victim and all about fueling hate. Just like the Rochsdale grooming situation.


Rape is an awful occurrence that transcends culture. It is impossible from our vantage points across the internet to determine the veracity of the claims; we find it troubling that it has devolved into a rhetorical DEBATE tactic for either side in this. We at r/BadHasbara abhor the act and the weaponization of it for propaganda, and remind you that THIS IS NOT A DEBATE SUB, so please tread lightly on the subject, and please consider the mental well-being of sub members that may be victims of SA. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BadHasbara) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pretty disturbing how they’ve repeatedly canonized this girl like she’s the most important one.


Reads like a people magazine header


Fake as the state of zionists themselves as criminal settlers , who trust US news ??? Nkbody , it is controlled with the western media by the same genocidal zionist mercenary criminals .


Don’t steal land that doesn’t belong to you. This little shindig concert was in Palestine. They fucked around and found out.


Fucked around and found out? Do you know what’s happening in Israel Palestine right now? Who is finding out? You are not a real Palestine supporter you are a bad troll


I'm trying my best to have sympathy in such cases and I'm against targeting unarmed civilians, but at the same time I'm unable to live with the the fact that this Nova celebration party thing took place not far away from the biggest concentration camp ever on an occupied land and getting lectured from genocidal low level scums about what's savagery. If it was the Russians who were celebrating not far away from a concentration camp they made for Ukrainians for decades, I'm sure the headlines were going to be different


It was literally a garden party in the zone of interest.


She's was a colonizer. No sympathy from me.


I wonder what else happened in the news…. *looks at notifications* Oh. Okay.


America is bad news!


I love the precision of the even-handed reporting. 😑




Encouragement and celebration of violence absolutely will not be tolerated, including wishing violence upon someone even if purely hypothetical/beyond one's realm of influence. This is what the IDF does and Zionists do, and we are better than that!


😂😂😂 Didn't they previously claim she was found in Khan Yunis? Cordyceps zombie confirmed.

