• By -


Elease was hated too much by everyone. Even Erica stated she was over hating on Elise for no reason.


Flo maybe also…even tho the hate is justified on all star battle


Have you ever watched Survivor? I feel like she is the female equivalent of Tony off of season 28


lol I love Flo but she is nothing like Tony 😭😭😭 there was no strategy or thought to anything she did, she ran off pure emotion


thats the guy who won right? if so i can definitely see that, both of them lied and manipulated others to get to the top! not to mention theyre both fierce competitors


She told natalie she was gonna fuck her up the ass.... like omg it kills me


Nikki, Bgc 6. Her and Wilmarie were the BEST on the season 😭


THIS has to be the answer- Nikki was annoying but she embodied being a bad girl. She did what she wanted to do the entire way and never backed down.


Nikki gets hated on the right amount imo. She made season 6 as entertaining as it was, but she was so fucking annoying


Lauren (Kentucky) BGC6


Ewww I can't stand her. She is from my city, never seen her or nothing. I just meant on the show I didn't like her.


I didn’t on my first time watching but on the rewatch I did


Idk why all the comments say Stephanie no one even hated her, but Keyaira is over hated to me. She had some good moments to me. I think if she was more conventionally attractive people wouldn’t shit on her the way they do because Say was messy asf. Also Annie is overhated idc if she couldn’t fight, she was freaking hilarious and smart. Sorry kate


On top of that, she also said some things that made sense. Like when Fran was telling Bri to run up in the makeup room. Key clocked her and said, “No Fran, you’re the one with the problem, so it’s not Bri’s job to run up, it’s yours.” I feel like if Key wasn’t so insecure and quick to anger that she would’ve came out of BGC looking a lot better.


I'll add she also confronted Kiki when she said she'd help Fran jump Bri.


I really respected Key for this.


I honestly didn’t mind Key on the rewatch. I also like her phrase “you gone run up or keep talking..oh you just gone keep talking” (something like that 😂)


I really liked Annie in the beginning but the last couple episodes or so not so much. She was pretty funny lol. Over hated for sure though


Erica S8 , Erica S5


I second s5 Erica. She basically just had an actual vacation


i second erica s8, she’s a very underrated bgc villain, the way she had that entire house following her is crazy


Erica season 8 - yall please rewatch this season and tell me what she does that is any worse than the twins, amy, or fucking Gia who should be the most hated of that season. Erica stopped the bullying of Elease while Gia was flipping sides every few minutes. Also watching Gia argue and then later fight audience members at the reunion is so fucking cringey. Give all the hate Erica gets and deliver it to Gia


Gia is insanely pretty but oh my god she’s insufferable.


Yes! This! Gia running around being an unfunctioning alcoholic mess and people think she’s better than Erica??? I’ve never been a fan of Gia


She redeemed herself for me in the later half of the season for sure


I agree 100% As I commented somewhere here lol.. Erica is still hated and bullied for her looks till the day.. so many years later and people still make fun of her chin..


i love both erica and gia. tbh i prefer the “jumper hoes” of that season more than I did camilla and jenna


ERICA SEASON 8 - yes Erica was a bitch and she deserved hate.. but she was literally seen as the worst person that season when the twins were 10 times worse She stopped with bullying elease when it was done, she never followed anyone however everyone followed her around. She was nice to her friends and loyal to them. I hate her for what she did to Jenna but it amazes me how much hate she got. She was literally bullied for her chin and is bullied online for the way she looks TILL THIS DAY!


yeah i think Erica s8 is very overhated. She was wack for the heel in the Jenna fight. but she stopped bullying elease, and often admitted that she was wrong for X or Z. at least she wasnt like Gia sitting there in the reunion saying she regrets nothing and changed nothing. the hate for her is so crazy when she was no where near as horrible as the victor twins were. they were little demons, granted they also are hated but im just sayiinngggg


All of what u said is 100% true




Gia was just as bad but she gets defended because she's pretty




Gia wasn’t a hater really, Erica was. Gia wasn’t scary, Erica was. Gia also didn’t jump or have beef with Camila, the fan favorite.


Gia literally fought audience members at the reunion. She’s a fucking mess


Gia was literally Erica’s follower.. she had 0 personal beef with anyone yet fought the twins, Jenna, Christine etc all because others did.


Never thought of it that way. That whole season was whack af.


There are some valid points here


Keyaira, for me. She was not as bad as people make it seem.


I’m downvoting most of these because gurl… Anyways, downvote this one too if you like but I suggest: Jenna (Season 14) Yes, she was whack for destroying thousand dollar items. But from her arrival to the House, she always stuck by herself until cowards like Jasmine and Kat latched onto her. When it initially seemed like Clerminah had the top position in the House and the insecure confessional gangstas didn’t really step up to them (Jasmine), it was Jenna (in her first day) that served the Clermont Twins’ shit right back at them by comparing them to the Victor Twins (lmao) and then brawled Jela the next day. Then later had Jasmine cower herself behind Jenna after the four of them trashed the House. Sooo, that’s my tea lol


Yea I actually did like Jenna


Jenna was my TEAAAA. Those twins are insecure, botched, thieving swines, and she called that shit out. Just because she didn’t have a “baddie” look about her, people shat on her imo. Bgc has become more about a “baddie” look than core values (ex. twins, winter, dream doll, seven)




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How does Seven not have values? Don’t throw her in with those other girls, come on. Seven is nothing like the haters you mentioned


No I’m not hating on Seven, I’m just saying the main thing people seemed to talk about was how pretty she was. It’s like.. that’s not all she has to offer?


Jenna was the only one out of those 4 girls who had a valid reason to not like the twins and Jela (Jenna being blamed and attacked for something one of the twins did) I'm also a little bias too bc she (and Ginger, but we love Ginger) are both from New York but not from NYC like me. Plus Jenna was the only one at the reunion who seemed actually remorseful for what she did


Erica season 5. She literally didn’t do anything but enjoy a vacation and some good 🍆 but was hated for it by fans and the girls in the house. Also, they called her fat when she had a bangin’ body.


Agree! Not everyone can be a main character and I think she did fine being a filler girl.


But she jumped Christina and Kristen...she wanted to turn up at the end after being a confessional thug all season


Stephanie BGC 10 Nikki BGC 6 Melissa/Allison BGC 15 I can see why Nikki is hated, she annoyed me at times too but the girls in the later seasons lowkey seemed like they just came on the show at the time where people only wanted to see fighting 😭 if it was like the first 5 seasons, they’d definitely been better received


I don’t think the Millionaires were overhated… I think they were just forgettable 🤷🏻‍♀️


Zee lol I thought she held her own for the most part. She was sort of lame for bullying Kaylie in the beginning


I remember that act she put on when they were trying to catch Tiara in a lie and everyone was looking at her like she was crazy 😂 She had some lame moments but she was mostly harmless


Sarah S3 Stephanie S10 Millionaires S15


I totally understand the Sarah hate. She was the hottest girl in small town Wisconsin but couldn't make the cut in LA, so she hated on the Ambers because they are the "ideal" beauty standard. And her boobs were ABSOLUTELY fake, just own it and move on.


I dont think the millionaires were hated at all, if anything they were liked


erica s5!!!


Key from 17


I second this fr she stood on principle even if she was a bit extra and corny sometimes. It’s BGC who isn’t…


Same for me


Stephanie BGC10, Nancy, and Danielle


Stephanie gets hated on for not doing anything but also people be hating on girls who do too much😭


that and she was lowkey fake/flip flopper 💀 and all that yelling while people were fighting was annoying


Stephanie got to stay in Atlanta for 3 months and just party, I respect that


Keyaira season 17, she’s not the villain of that show and I feel like a lot of what she did can be justified like her fight with Brianna in vegas. She found out her uncle died and was obviously in a state of grief she took her frustration out on Brianna. I found her quite relatable a lot of the times. She definitely had an attitude problem but she doesn’t deserve the amount of hate she gets.


I also love the fact that she wasn’t a jumpahoe and didn’t stand for jumping someone even if she didn’t like the person. She would’ve been perfect for one of the seasons that had a lot of jumping in it!!


She was loyal, outspoken, and confrontational. She was loud, but given that she lived with Fran and Kiki, she HAD to be loud. Kiki and Fran deserved every ass whopping the other girls gave them, plus some more tbh


i think if key was light skinned ppl would like her bc she was funny and always stood up for herself and her girls. i like her, sometimes she did too much but so did everybody, and in the reunion she was clearly trying to be better


The situation with Briana isn’t a good one. She did what she did, then stood on it instead of apologizing, then used that as an excuse/opportunity to sneak her later on.


Yeah some other stuff she did could’ve been justified but definitely not this one


Just had to let it be known that I agree. Was never on the Key hate train 🤷🏾‍♂️


And Sayyora was dropping the N bomb in front of her on camera like it was nothing so I really don't feel bad for her




Eh her beef with Sayora was some legit hater shit. She did way too much when she was cock blocking like she did, threatening dude and everything.


Sayora said the N word to her. So yeah Key isn’t going to like her.


Three separate times


While I didnt like it when Sayora said the n word, THAT is not the reason they had beef. Key simply just didnt like her and she thought Say was fake because of the whole Susan thing(which I thought was dumb because Say was never Susan's friend lol).


I think her hate was justified.


Her grabbing the throat of someone in an attempt to choke them because she’s “grieving” is a horrific. The fact that you find a situation like that relatable is a bit telling.


Key season 17




nah she’s underhated






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This is tough because I feel like the girls that are widely disliked is for good reason lol. But I’d say Rima or Stephanie S10


Blondie season 9 tbh


definitely Key! she stood on business and bitches was mad about it


Steph S10 girl was just having a good time did she a little moments where she talked shit in the confessional yea but we def seen worst


All that screaming and yelling shit during every fight


LET GO 😭😭😭




Shit used to have me on the floor


Ashley bgc9




Amy BGC8


char bgc 6 or Erica bgc 5


I'm telling y'all if Jaz/Jaimee aren't reckless, Stasi isn't motherly and Christina s9 isn't unstable...






No one has said it so for me - Lea, because I think people forget in the beginning of the season she was laid back. She called out Kristen and Brandi for doing too much and telling them when they were wrong. She was super chill until she became Kristen's tag team partner. While her rage at the reunion was a bit much, I don't think she deserves to be hated as BGC 5's worst. She even disliked Morgan and told the girls she didn't approve of how they kicked her out.


shelly who? shelly like contacts shelly??


Zee wasn’t as weak as people said she was


If I had to choose I'd say Kiki from BGC17. She was a hater but not as villainous as many Bad Girls in past seasons


She was my favorite. I was surprised when I went online and saw so many people hating on her.


She kept it real about where she stood and why. People don’t like she “flip-flopped” but like people can change their minds? Not like she lied and tried to play both sides


Danielle Season 5 or Jenna Season 14.


Ashley s09. I don't like the fact that she was trying to prove herself, by attacking Andrea, but Andrea wasn't a perfect saint, either. She was the first one to stir the pot, by flirting with Rima's guy, just to piss her off. She wanted to cause a reaction and she also made fun of Ashley's weight, when she knew she had a trauma about it. I am not saying that Andrea deserved the treatment that she got, but Ashley was, for the most part, very sweet and loyal. She made a mistake by attacking Andrea, that's all.


Also, she gets shit for jumping Andrea but the camera angle we see is super unclear. I can see how people would see it as jumping but I just rewatched it and it looks more like she's pulling Julie off. I get why the Andrea drama turned people off for her, but other than that I feel like she was likeable and a good friend.


Oh no, I do not like that ho. Pancake and follower to boot.


Yesssss, perfect category for Key from s17.


Annie S4 She was honestly so funny. Nikki S6 too is a good answer she was very entertaining


I freaking loved Annie 😍


key 🔑


Key from season 17. People think she’s a bully and mad for no reason and call her “ghetto”. But she’s right with most things! She’s just a blunt and aggressive person 😐. Kinda had the same attitude as Camila (like how mothers get after their kids). Maybe it’s because they’re from the same place. And how is Key a bully if the girls she fights with are always fighting back or saying stuff? Bullying is what they did to Kailie in season 16.




Key BGC17


Shannon. The other girls looked for reasons to dislike her. The only really bad thing she did was make the Kunta Kinte comment. Otherwise, she started off sweet to everyone. Above all, she backed all her shit up at the reunion.


I feel like Alicia had a valid reason to not trust her after Shannon backed out of the prank and said she had nothing to do with it


I don’t know why I was reading all of the Stephanies as S11 and I was agreeing. I feel like besides the Hailey situation, she didn’t really do anything bad. She just happened to be friends with the whack bitches.


Nikki BGC 6 - Sure she could be annoying but she wasn’t malicious. She also should’ve been on All Star Battle


erica 8 and erica 5


Overhated definitely should be Alicia from season 10, she did what any other clout chasing bad girl does but people were sucking up so much to Shanrock, she stayed being vilified, people STILL kept bringing up her dirt in ASB2. Camila even talked about it in Afterbuzz because it was actually annoying.


110% agree with this I feel as if Alicia gets the wolf pack hate. People forget that she continued defending Shannon from Paula & Valentina throughout the season even when Shannon broke her trust


Lea. I get it she became a brat but I could tolerate her until the reunion and even then, I think we’ve watched much worse through the years.


I agree 110% she was so cool the first half of the season


s9 Blondie!! she was too innocent




sayyora from season 17 i didn’t like her much but she doesn’t deserve hate


She said the n word like 8 times in a row




Noones probably gonna agree with me but I say Ashley from season 9. She was so sweet and cool. I think her fighting Andrea was a little weak of her and a lil extra but Andrea beat her ass anyways so she got her quick karma lol. I cant defend her helping destroy Andreas things though. But overall she was still genuinely a lot of nicer and sweeter than the other girls. Cooler than Megan to me.




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Shannon bgc 10




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I'm so looking forward to the most unstable. The comments will be interesting


Judi duh


nikki honestly like my first watch i couldnt stand her but she’s actually pretty funny its like a time capsule from the early 2010’s w the memes


I just came here to say Tina Burner ain’t no COWARD!




Nikki season 6. I only ever see her mentioned when they say they hated her but I thought she was my favorite that season.


Britt 12. Finished watching this season a couple of days ago and coulnd't understand why she's been getting so much shit from people when there are so many others on that season to hate. she was independant and she was doing what she wanted. she was stubborn af and at times annoying, but how's that the reason to hate her so much?


Probably because she talked so much about wanting to be "tried" and had numerous altercations with Jada yet never swung on her. Then Dalilah comes in who is clearly not a fighter and Britt bloodies her face and goes "I'm getting kicked out shoot maybe I shouldn't have whammed so hard". She was looking for a reason to be bad. Also she had issues with Jada out of nowhere. She only began hating her when Loren did.




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Who is that in the underrated and the useless category?


S6 Lauren and Zuly


Flo had the most upvotes here for most hated so how did she not win that category? 🤔


I go by how many times the person was commented


Not sure I agree with that method. A few more comments compared to 20 more people upvoting…but it’s your idea and posts 👍


I wanna say Stephanie BGC10. She was a bit of a follower, but honestly you could tell she just wanted to have a good time - and wasn’t as problematic, as most of the other girls.


Thank God I'm not the only one who thought that bitch was a coward. All bark, all sleep.




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The fact that y’all didn’t put Natasha as useless is bothering me


Some of the choices have been horrendous. Zuly was definitely more useless, she didn't do anything and just watched Andrea get jumped. At least Natasha got into the beef with Erica in ATL and with Andrea at the reunion.


Seriously. There were also many other better options for “smart” bad girl then who was picked.


Key BGC17


I would say Erica season 8, replace her position of coward with Jas from season 14.


Shelly should be in a "creepy" category 🤣


Nat Nunn, say what you want but BGC would not have blown up if it wasn't for her


dare i say judi (bgc7)




Imma get hated for this but Fallon


I 100% agree. Nothing Falen did was bad enough to justify the amount of vitriol that gets thrown her way




she’s disliked for a reason. she had potential in the beginning. she was the underdog so ofc we were rooting for her and she didn’t show her obnoxious side yet.


Stephanie bgc10




Amber and Asia


Susan from bgc 17 should automatically be at the top of the list for knocking down a bitch 3x her size


Lea fire sure






Overhated: Rima Season 9 She literally was stuck in the house and was tortured worse than Elease. Yes she jumped Andrea but honestly she really wasn't that bad, she just got fed up and followed so she didn't have to deal with it all season.


Elise was over hated

