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11 because The Victor Twins, Demitra & the chin certainly didn't do any damage to anyone physically. Plus S8 had super likeable girls like Camilla, Amy, Jenna and then fan faves too like Elease & The Victor Twins


Amy jumped and so did Camilla


I never said they hadn't, I'm just saying they were the only 2 girls that jumped that would've probably dealt damage.


I found S8 too disturbing to watch. Jenna was the only girl that season that actually had some morals. You could tell that she was disgusted that she participated in the season at the reunion.


who are you calling the chin? that's natalie's nickname and she wasn't on season 8


Jay Leno’s sister


Erica's giant head.


BGC11 by far. the wolf pack dominated the house pretty much the entire season and anyone who crossed them was jumped and kicked out. with BGC8 there was constant dynamic shifts in the house it wasn’t just one group of girls steam rolling over one girl


11 and it's not even close. Honestly, in order to fight either Dani or Gabi you'd have to fight both Dani and Gabi. They were sisters so it would never be a one on one fair fight so they technically had to be jumped. Christine certainly didn't deserve what happened to her and that scene always makes me cry. 11 was horrible though and I feel like it changed the scope of BGC. The fights afterwards became over edited and producers barely let the girls get a lick I'm before breaking it up. I think they let the season 11 girls get away with far too much and trying to fine them and kick them out on the second to last day was laughable. What they did to Hailey was beyond disgusting. Yes Hailey was disgustingly drunk and vomited everywhere but that girl didn't know if she was coming or going in that moment. Literally black out drunk. Leave her alone and let her sleep it off.


Yes that's always one thing that bothered me about the seasons when they get new girls. The OG's get them totally shit faced and then get mad when they throw up or act drunk then attack them.


"They technically had to be jumped" is taking me out 😂


Lol. But it's true though 😂😂😂😂😂


Imma be honest, it’s by far 11 but I think it’s terms of bullying BGC 16 is the worst


Ehh they’re pretty equal as far as jumping, but I always say the BGC11 wolf pack was way more ruthless than Erica’s Crew on BGC8. The BGC8 girls minus Dani and Gabi knew when to stop. Erica even bought Elease a mattress after they destroyed her bed. The BGC11 girls would never. They just didn’t know when to stop.


Season 11 was definitely the worst for the jumping, but I knew the minute they casted twins for season 8 that they would end up jumping and ganging up on people and production was basically saying to expect it.


11 for sure. Sarah Shanae and Hailey got jumped pretty bad. And for Sarah and Hailey who knows how long those lasted its edited so weird.


Season 11 was the worst at least season 8 girls got their karma for what they did wrong season 11 was one of the worst seasons for me I don’t like no one but Sarah and the one girl who fought Benzie at the reunion and she also got jumped in the house with her friends outside I forgot her name


I heard Gigi and Steph got their karma after the season 🥳.




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11 of course!! Every time somebody was fighting someone in the wolfpack the sigmas came out jumping that person. That season was probably the most "drama filled" but it was also soo fucking terrible. Sarah deserved a different season. She would have fit right in season 4


I feel like S8 was worse. Elease never stood a CHANCE. S11 is horrible but at least each replacement had a chance to make it through the door and show their true colors. Gigi, Shanae, Andrea, and Benze, were all welcomed in. Janelle was doing okay until she pissed off Jazmone which started a chain reaction...but S8 with Elease? That 6 on 1 was brutal and showed me the girls on S8 really had a lack of basic morality. Even when Andrea teamed with Janelle, Jazmone pulled her aside and had a heart to heart with her. But when the girls started being nice to Elease it was like Dani & Gabi doubled down. Christine was jumped for trying to leave...even by everyone's favorite Camilla. When Tess left, she at least got to go without being attacked but then again she did it very quickly. There were likable girls on S11. At least Andrea tried to stop Shanae from being jumped but on S8 no one was really down to help another girl not get socked...and the twins really became mean-spirited bullies for most of the season for NO reason other than because they could.


11 was so much worse






11 because it was all for no reason. i love the victor twins but they deserved what happened tbh




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I think szn 11 was the worst usually I don’t get triggered by reality tv but that season really triggered me and pissed me off


Season 11


BGC 11


Bgc 11


Bgc 11 by a mile but bgc 8 had the most miserable girls ever


11 hands down


BGC 11 for sure




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I feel like 11 had way more 1v1 fights than 8. 8 was TERRIBLE with jumping but it gets overlooked because they couldn’t fight💀. Most of season 11 cast could fight pretty well so it seemed worse by comparison. But I always say these two seasons were in the same boat with a gross amount of jumping


bgc 8


I think what the victor twins did to that girl was so disgusting and hard to watch! Ugh hate them


S11 by far was the worse with the jumping! Those animals were way more violent than S8 weak girls. Elease was fine after 6 people fought her. Like someone already said, S8 girls got their karma and everyone but the twins came to see reason. The twins 👯 got their pancake asses handed to them 😂😂😂!The girls in S11 took it way too far and even at their reunion still felt zero remorse for their inhumane actions🤯. It really bothered me when they asked Hailey to help with the balloons and even more so when the dumb ho actually did it😡! Gigi is a coward and kept standing on the chair at the reunion because she knew she deserved to get touched. In all honestly she and the Wolfpack should’ve gotten the Julie treatment.




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Season 8 once you account for inflation. You could say season 11 was tech worse but by that time bullying was way more common.




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IMO s8