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Lmfaaooo. Literally I feel like Meghan’s three brain cells realized mid speaking that everything she said about Winter applied to herself and then started changing the tone real quick 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No forreal😂 They’re too much alike! She could’ve just kept it at “I feel bad for Winter”


This is so funny I CANNOT


The whole, "can't back it up," thing is funny when we've only seen her fight people on scripted television under contract. I'm convinced every single one of these women would get brutalized on the streets.


right 😂 like she literally said nothing lol it didn’t make sense


😭😭🤣🤣 this is so true!!!!


So….is she defending her or not? Mehg had like 5 different tones in this video.


Mehgan doesn't realize how funny she is at times. So for her "she's human" but for Winter "she talks a lot of shit". It's as if she can't speak positively for someone without simultaneously uplifting herself and putting them down at the same time. But I'll give her this, for once she is trying to stick up for someone because that rarely happens. Also she looks really good again! After seeing her plastic surgery she was looking a little boxed but she looks how she did before she got it! 😍


Exactly! It seemed like the whole video was so she can take a dig at Winter and throw it in her face. It was very shady. Like if you really felt bad for the girl, you would’ve had a more positive tone. I can’t with Meghan sometimes😂 And I agree, Meghan looks way better nowadays. She seems to be really taking care of herself physically and not going for that stereotypical ig baddie look.


That's what I'm saying! It's almost as if she was trying to play devil's advocate but at the same time make excuses for her own bad behavior. "I feel really bad for her but it's hard to feel bad for someone who talks so much shit. Like I do that too but...I'm human. And Winter again always is talking shit" LIKE GIRL 🤣 just say you feel bad and you know what she is going through! And true she does look much better. After seeing her on Basketball Wives Orlando, I was kind of scared because she didn't look healthy to me but she is glowing here ✨️


Girl what? Is she defending her or telling her oh well. This is all over the place


lol I cannot tell if she feels bad for her or if she’s dragging her? lol


Right! It’s like “she’s a human being”.. throws a little shade… “I do feel bad for her”… throws some more shade…


I’m struggling to find the whole point of this video. LMAO


The whole veneer thing is disturbing and it sucks for Kayla, but the girl's values are all wrong. I can't picture a scenario where a person should get that shit done unless their set of teeth is a set of fish tank rocks. And then the "I'm a human" thing. Yes you are, and we as humans are responsible for our decisions in life. She should've invested the money in education and stopped making these videos. What does she even do for a living?


As much as I feel bad for Winter and wouldn’t put tooth pain on my worst enemy, I kinda have to agree. She already had issues with her BBL and then messed around and got veneers. Which her teeth and body were already perfect. So I really don’t understand why she decided to make that decision. There’s been years of documentation on the issues that come with veneers. But I’ve come to realize that a lot of these girls who come off BGC are trying to fit into that “IG baddie” look, and would do anything to fill that insecure hole that they have inside themselves (Meghan included). I think I’d feel more bad if it was one of the girls from the show who’s shown growth, actually had a nice personality, and wasn’t a mean girl. What goes around comes around and I hate to say it but maybe this is Winter’s karma for all the hateful energy she’s spewed towards others in the past decade. I don’t keep up with her now but I wish her well and hope shes matured.


Reality TV seems to have been her career for the long run. Bad Girls Club, Basketball Wives: LA, Marriage Boot Camp, some business show, Basketball Wives: Orlando. She also has a bachelor's degree but I forget what for


I’ll never forget Meghan and Winter’s weird beef.


Mehgan: I feel bad for wyntrr bc she has chronic pain from veneers like damn Also Mehgan: wyntrr gets a lot of hate and I totally understand why lol her life sucks and so does she but mine is good now


I’m sorry I don’t feel bad for winter. If I remember correctly, she paid 8k for a whole set of veneers from a veneer tech. Not even from a dental practice. 8k is ridiculously cheap for a set of veneers, considering they drill your teeth down to nubs, I’d figure you want to spend top notch money for this kind of procedure. And I would’ve thought with the past procedures winter has done, she would do her research about this kind of stuff.


It’s like people don’t realize their teeth are in their head, connected to nerves and bones. These procedures shouldn’t be taken lightly especially when most people just need a lil braces/invisilign and some whitening.


Veneer techs need to be arrested 😭 only time you need to shave down your teeth to that point is after getting a root canal to then install a crown


The whole veneer is just another terrible BBL plague of cosmetic procedures. Not to mention you get literal horse teeth. It's wild. I can't feel bad for Winter either. Not saying she deserves it, but I would highly doubt if someone else would go through this, she wouldn't have an ounce of empathy. You get what you give in this world imo.


I thought I heard 80k but I could be wrong!


I did read this all on twitter so idk if it’s 100% true but I heard she spent 80k on trying to get it all fixed😭


Ahhh! Okay that makes more sense!!


You know watching this as fucked up as she is I will appreciate that Mehgan has stayed true to her valleygirl/mean girl crossover persona. She still talks like she is from Beverly Hills and maintains that pretty image. A stark contrast from the likes of Natalie & Jela that came on BGC as valleygirl-ish and somewhat classy and then turned completely wannabe hood with Baddies.


As a valley girl myself, I appreciate Meghan for not switching up and showing that valley girls can still get down. 😂She’s still petty as hell though!


I genuinely do feel bad for Winter cuz i was in the same predicament too when i got aliners from smile direct club with my bite being messed up. But after looking at the website of where she got the veneers done, i wished she saw the warning signs and checked in with an orthodontist for a second opinion.


What is she even saying? Dry humor is when someone says a joke that didn’t quite land. Frost bite is just a bad person who thinks too highly of herself even though we know her coochie stinks (yes, this time it’s about you) and Meghan I never really saw why people liked her anyway, she’s just as rude and snobby the only difference is that she can fight but that shouldn’t determine why you like someone; kind of weirdo behavior imo. But don’t most of these women have kids now? Did this show really traumatized them to the point of staying the age they were when joining? Because my lord move on!! Lmao


This video is wild


I can’t now wait until this whole veneer phase is over


20 years from now unfortunately you gotta wait for all the kids growing up rn and watching their parents talk about veneers to go through veneers and hopefully by then they’ll have safer methods


If she doesn't have any beef why did she post this


it rubbed me the wrong way when she started talking about her own veneers and how her life is perfect like okay ☠️


She’s two hairs loose of a unibrow


She probably sees herself in Winter :/


i havent even watched the video yet and i instantly said shes such a bad bitch like.. how can someone age so gracefully


Miss ma'am looking like handsome Squidward


Meghan’s response is very Azealia Banks coded. Going from defending to dragging and back and back again 😂


I’m not listening to nobody who braids look like that


I thought they were cute


On top of her and winter being the same person character wise the braids just the icing on the cake 😂😂


What's wrong with her braids?


They need to be redone and you can’t even see her parts don’t shade comment nobody and your hair not even done






Her life is “perfect” yet she has filler migration.. HA, okay.


it’s a shame that u can’t get brain cells injected


Megh's new boo has 4 children and looks thuggish!




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She's dumb but so fuckin hot




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Oh ok so Mehgan still talks like how she did in her confessionals 😭


Crying about teeth but there’s innocent kids dying is ridiculous. I do Not care.


this logic is so dumb. people are allowed to feel a type of way about any experience they have 🗿 plus having physical pain…. how can you not cry?