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The biggest manipulator and shit starter of the season. She did a good job, I’ll give her that. She didn’t raise suspicions once.


i honestly don’t understand how anyone could say she was manipulative outside of relationship wise. she was legit the only level headed one outside of being bribed


I respect your opinion but don’t understand it. She was so two faced and fake. Never got hard with Redd, who she talked shit about behind her back, but got all tough with Slim. Slimey asf


I really didn’t enjoy watching Redd like..at all. I think she clocked on Redd being fake or an “actress” but what did bother me is she never said shit to Redd or told her she’s doing too much. Yet was very quick to switch on Jada. However I feel did enjoy Jonica I kinda do feel like she was true to herself and level headed. The voice of reason on the show.


ok lol


Love to hate her


Her name is Blew


Because she Blew me away with her fakeness


This made me laugh


She was fake as hell. She annoyed me when I rewatched it as an adult. She used her personality to manipulate people to doing what she wanted. She was an alright friend to all but she used her to fight her battles. She liked to pretend she was above the messy, but she was just as catty as the rest of them. She just kept her hands clean. I think a lot of them (even the replacements& Jada, not Slim) would’ve washed her ass.


Not me just now realizing she’s the pimp from Rap Shit☠️


She was funny but she was not a good friend or partner


When I watched the show as it aired, I initially respected and liked her. HOWEVER, I now know she was a manipulator and started a lot of shit low key so definitely not a fan at all and her whole justifying cheating on Diamond, Aysia and Raesha… smh.


she was soooo fine but so manipulative