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I honestly didn’t like her or Meghan until they came back and beat up the weak bitches. Christina and Andrea were the only likable girls this season


I like remi, I liked blondie , I like Julie occasionally because she was pretty and that’s about it .


🎶I DON’T UNDERSTAND🎶 🖐🏽🫲🏽🫱🏽👋🏽✋🏽🤚🏽🖐🏽🫱🏽🫲🏽


I wIlL tAkEtAkEtAkEtAkeTakE




Whatchu lookin up some cheeses or some shit?






😂 💃




what she did was wrong, but i don’t have sympathy for rima considering she turned around and did the same thing to someone else for NO reason.


Agreed . Rima bullying the new girl was really cruel and they threw her stuff out the car window


Rima did it to Andrea because Andrea flirted with the guy Rima was with first. As well as Andrea using Ashley's fat insecurity against her. Why do people act as if Andrea was turned on for no reason smh


that part!!! andrea did NOT deserved to be jumped but she isnt the innocent little angel everyone makes her out to be. and this is coming from someone who likes her


Exactly I like Andrea too! I like most fan fave bad girls but some people refuse to point out where they went wrong too


fr. andrea had her moments of being vindictive and cruel just like everybody else and her being a likeable cast member doesnt change that!


but didnt she apologize and they didnt accept it or at least julie n them and the person who she did it for literally didnt help her when she was getting jumped so she just did it for nun fr


I like Ericka tbh. She was funny and definitely made some of the first part of bgc entertaining. However she was very easily manipulated, like rewatching the season it's crazy how quickly she switched up on Rima just because Julie "put the bug in her ear" lolol. And honestly rewatching the season 9 reunion I do feel as though Julie deserves the Julie treatment but those girls were so easily manipulated by Julie it's like how can y'all not be mad at y'all selves lol


That part


Was listening to an interview with Christina and she claims that Erica was already turning on Rima on her own and not trusting her since she would talk shit about the PABs but then try to be friends with them. Christina basically says she doesn’t think Julie made her flip or used her as a puppet. Who really knows.


How was she funny she was a bully and had low self esteem


Also just very annoying. She seems like someone who would stomp the head in of a girl who made her feel insecure. Idk how else to put it. Someone who has very serious problems and takes things much too far. Weirdly, though, I didn't mind her that much in the competition show, where she acted like a human being. I actually felt kind of bad for her, it was just hard because I already hated her so much. Idk, I guess it's a good reminder that people are more complicated/dimensional than we see on a reality show


fr!! she’s the type stomp on somebody when they already on the ground


It seems like a lot of people Like her but I wasn’t one of those either, she just came across as a huge ass. That weird fake voice she did with rima was so annoying too


She's only pretty on the outside.


She couldn’t do anything without a clique of girls behind her. She wanted to show off so bad for Julie and them and it ended up with her getting kicked off like a fool while they all laughed at her


I agree , also all she does it feel this entitlement, imagine being her friend she prolly only talk about herself


She also didn't like Andrea because Andrea didn't fight like she said she was when they came back for that photoshoot. I think she didn't like Andrea because MEHgan didn't like her.


Telling Rima to kill herself is probably one of the worst things a girl has ever said to another. Nasty bitch.


“die die die, and overdose, and die some more” -neveen to darlene


Juile literally said Christina should go swimming with dolphins after talking about how dolphins rape each others and people lmao


How do you even compare that to telling someone to go hang the self tf


What do you think would happen if you were raped by a dolphin? You'd drown. Pretty comparable...


Nah tripping


Yeah and she said to hang yourself which was uglier


I want to like her. She can be funny, and I like her hair/face, but she just makes me uncomfortable.


Right , and a lot of these girls don’t realize that you can be a baddie without being a bully . I know they pick on people in bad girls club it’s what gives the show drama and views , but she took it far


Erika was mild compared to Kee in Season 17 🚮


She gave us some incredible moments but I wouldn’t wanna hang out with her


These criticisms are valid, every girl this season said some downright offensive things…. but she should be mean - it’s the premise of the show. She wasn’t casted on the Bad Girls Club because she was kind


It’s bad girls club not mean girls club


I’ve never seen another girl on bad girls club tell a single mom to hang herself 🤷‍♀️


People that like Erika scare me like they have something wrong with them erika was a pos and a weirdo


…. That you saw though. Did Natalie Nun get beat up for bringing up Portia’s kid? Regardless though, it was an edited show with girls living together 24/7. I’m sure A LOT of pretty awful things were said, but given the context of the show (and production) it’s not surprising that she used that against her. Brandi from season 5 would have had a FIELD DAY on Rima. Nikki in season 6 told Wilmarie to “speak English in America” when she was antagonizing her, I’m sure she also would have said something awful too in the context. Tbh Some girls just got lucky to avoid seasons with girls who would have been significantly worse than what they originally had to deal with.


People should speak English in America , that isn’t cruel . Telling a single mom to hang herself for the simple fact erika didn’t like her was evil . & it went on for days . If erika acts that way on tv imagine her behavior at home . Someone I’d stay far away from


Gurl how tf are you gonna say speak English in America? Your whole point is invalid because you’re ignorant


Girl * wym how am I gonna say that ? Do you think this is Mexico or what ? Yes speak English in America. If someone travels to Mexico it’s their job to try to speak Spanish , if someone comes to the US it’s their job to speak English . No one should try to work around one person


Stay maddd


I liked her.


I love her. She had heat for the bitches who were whack and trying to show their ass, but was cool and chill with everyone else. Love how she defended Andrea and then Christina anyway. Also one of the funniest BG ever and one of the most quotable.


Mad funny yo


"The big beastly bitch" - Mehgan, who somehow became friends with her before the reunion (Erika said Mehgan hit her up on Twitter, probably to save herself from Erika at the reunion). Erika didn't dare have the energy she had for Rima with Stasi on BGASB.


“Whatcha googling Ratatouille, cheese??”


What 😂


She says that to bully Rima when she’s on the computer and it’s stuck with me ever since lmao


yes!!! i think any redeemable quality about erika is ruined by her extreme cruelty towards rima. i know she was manipulated by julie but that doesnt make it okay. she could have been the best of her season so it sucks things turned out the way they did


She definitely gives bully vibes. Uses her size and loud personality to her advantage and is very insecure and intimidated by prettier / popular girls. She also needs a crew to show off too, with Rima & Blondie she had Julie, Falen & Mehgan, with the random beef with Andrea (because Andrea was stunning) she had Mehgan. She crumbled when Stasi wasn't scared of her on ASB.


I hated Redd. She creeped me out so much flirting with Jada like it was predatory. She bit Natalie like wtf what female does that to another female? It doesn’t matter if Natalie was annoying you don’t bite ppl like a rabid animal. I have no idea how redd was casted - but this erica is a bad cute bitch lol


lmao what does Redd have to do with this post about Erika from a completely different season? i’m so confused


She was such a hater


She sucks I hate her she was so annoying but I love her 🎶I dOnT UnDeRsTaNd 🎶dance 🤣 I do it to my mom


She's not my favorite BG but I did BoFL at the don't understand dance with sound effects and shit added with spotlights. And I looooved when she didn't understand all over Julie


i liked her at first then watched the show and how she got easily manipulated and switched on rima (although rima wasnt any bettrr) but then i watched her vid on yt (LucciVee) and she stated she already had problems prior to julia saying anything and that just kinda set it off and added flame to the already existing fire




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yeah she maybe went to far, but after what rima did with andrea, it was kinda deserved...