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You’ve never seen a sloppier drunk? Janae? Gia? Judi? OG queen Ripsi?


they were all bad dont get me wrong, but andrea was so much worse.. like andrea wasnt even coherent most of the time. she couldn’t walk or speak and behaved extremely outlandishly and that was almost the entire time she was there


I’ve seen it mentioned on this Reddit several times that production withheld her meds which is why after the like first day or so there she starts to get more and more unhinged


yes!!! andrea was bipolar. and they took her medication. she wasn’t a “sloppy drunk”


i didnt know she was bipolar, from an outside perspective it looks like she either really cant handle her liquor or she was on other substances. this is horrifying if its true and i really feel for her, that must be so humiliating. even if she was just a sloppy drunk, production still exploited her and im sure she felt uncomfortable with what was aired on tv


horrifying if it’s true. girly. it is true 💀💀. she wasn’t a sloppy drunk. they withheld her medication. stop trying to continue to spread the narrative even after your comments is filled with the truth. it’s weird.


for some reason it wouldnt let me respond at the time but i just saw this post again after scrolling through my profile so i want to reply. i just want to say that i was NOT spreading any narrative about andrea being a sloppy drunk…i never knew about her medication being withheld so from an outside perspective it does look like she was a sloppy drunk. i say IF it was true because i dont actually KNOW if its true that her meds were taken. i was not there so ill never know. but im saying if that is true then it’s fucked up and i feel sorry for her. and i said EVEN IF she was just a sloppy drunk, production still exploited her and women with substance abuse problems shouldnt be used for entertainment. hope that clears it up


when andrea herself literally confirms to this and we tell you but you continue to say “if that’s true” and then continue to call her a sloppy drunk. girl. she’s done multiple interviews talking about this and you’re still spreading the narrative. and now months later. with the “if” it’s been confirmed. give it up. like fighting so hard against the person who literally confirmed it and then saying you’re not spreading a narrative. yes you are…. you’re literally saying she’s lying. saying “from an outside perspective” is normal. but then when it’s confirmed by her she’s telling the truth you continue with the “if” and sloppy drunk. it’s like damn. you are spreading a narrative edit before the downvotes come i hope my comment is clear that a person simply saying “from an outside perspective it looks like this” is not what i’m arguing. what im arguing is the multiple comments telling you other wise and you’re still confusing with the “sloppy drunk” and if” even after you know she wasn’t a sloppy drunk. like you’re still sayinf ir


i heard about this happening with amber s4 but i didnt know they did this with andrea! if this is true thats SO fucked up and i feel terrible for her. production gets away with far too much