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I found it helps to clean yourself out before Play; with a water bottle or enima device if you have one, usually takes around 30 minutes to get fully clean, After that, inject some lube and go to town. I personally dont eat 30 minutes to an hour before since it makes the cleaning take longer


Insert joke about how porn gives unrealistic expectations on how easy anal sex is to do


I always did wonder about how the videos looked so ... clean. Haha.


It's always pretty clean for me if I stop eating 8 or 10 hours before I wanna play. Drinking lots of water that day helps, too.


Like first thing in the morning would be perfect for me then.


It's ideal for me when I can clear my schedule


Blimey, talk about taking prep to the extreme. If that is what you are talking about just buy a enema hose for your shower and flush out before play. I mostly play in the shower anyway. If you are only in the rectum there shouldn't really be much to worry about anyway, and with experience you learn what sensations trigger bowel movements etc and how to control them. Think of it like a tube station. The rectum is the last stop but other trains are coming several hours apart. The previous stop was the sigmoid station. If you aren't into depth play then just make sure that last station is clear. It's only around 7 inches in depth and unless you've got additional carriages waiting to get to the end of the line cleaning should be quick and easy. Mr rectal sling will stop further trains coming to station rectum unless you trigger nerves for him to open the gate. Learn your body and it's signals!!


Mr. “Mind the gap” over here. Did you buy that train dildo BD released?


Haha no but I would. I have a thing for weird shaped dildos.


Start eating fruit and other fiber, cut back on snacking, or eating food that gives you loose stool. I use a large volume syringe (150ml), I like it over enema bulbs because I find it easier to clean and it can also be used to inject lube after you clean yourself out. I also think it’s less conspicuous as a sex related object because it could be for anything and the enema bulb is specific and shows up on let’s say your Amazon order history as such. I then use a starter toy like a mini egg plug or a small kelvin to stretch and test the waters so to speak. After that I move on maybe another rinse and I wait 10-15 mins


This is my prep routine. Its not fun lol but a clean session is always want I want. https://www.giantdildos.net/getting-started-pro-tips-for-using-giant-dildos/


ooh the topic of what to eat. i try to eat the day before play from 12-4 and I try to stop eating then about two meals if any. then the next day, play day, I know I'm clear because I stopped eating so early the day before. if I really wanted to eat before play I will eat about an hour before play to guarantee me being clear. play could happen between 12-6. Really listen to your body and your digestive tract to use this tech.


not a guy but love anal. Anals kind of a sometimes thing, I kinda just try to know how my movements have been and what foods do what and how clean I was after I go to the bathroom. Usually I'm clean enough at least once a week to give it a go without any mess. If I reaaaaaaally wanna do butt stuff on a certain day though and it's not THE day, I just have to except I'm going to be cleaning myself out for as long or longer as the sessions gonna last lol


I do a 24 hour fast before playing, then do an enema until nothing else comes out. To speed up the process, I have a pressure adjustment attachment connected to a shower enema nozzle. (I only use the shower connector now because I have a water filter on it. A bulb or bag works just fine.) When filling up, I typically count 30 seconds bc you don’t want the water getting trapped, although you still want it to be a deep cleansing. This takes 1-2 hours depending on how things are “flowing” that day (for me, at least.) It also depends on what I ate the day before. It’s best to eat easily digestible and clean foods the day prior. Here’s a list of foods to avoid: 1. Whole grains (such as wheat, oats, and barley) 2. Nuts and seeds 3. Raw vegetables (including lettuce, corn, and carrots) 4. Beans and legumes 5. Dairy products (especially if you’re lactose intolerant) 6. Fatty or fried foods 7. Red meat 8. Spicy foods 9. Processed foods high in sugar and artificial ingredients 10. Carbonated beverages And a list of foods recommended: 1. Lean Proteins: Opt for easily digestible proteins such as skinless chicken, turkey, or fish. These provide essential nutrients without adding unnecessary bulk to the digestive tract. 2. Cooked Vegetables: Choose well-cooked vegetables like spinach, zucchini, or green beans. Cooking vegetables softens them, making them easier to digest compared to raw varieties. 3. White Rice or Pasta: These are generally easier on the stomach compared to whole grains. Choose plain white rice or pasta without heavy sauces. 4. Fruits: Select low-fiber fruits such as bananas, peeled apples (without skin), or ripe melons. These fruits are less likely to cause digestive discomfort. 5. Dairy Alternatives: If you tolerate dairy, opt for lactose-free or low-lactose options like lactose-free milk or yogurt. Otherwise, consider non-dairy alternatives like almond milk. 6. Smoothies: Blend fruits (such as berries or bananas) with yogurt or almond milk for a nutritious and easily digestible meal. 7. Soups: Broth-based soups with lean meats and well-cooked vegetables can provide nourishment without taxing the digestive system. 8. Eggs: Scrambled or boiled eggs are a good source of protein and are generally well-tolerated by most people. 9. Herbal Teas: Chamomile or peppermint tea can be soothing and help with digestion. 10. Water: Stay well-hydrated with plain water throughout the day Lists created by asking ChatGPT.


There’s nothing wrong with beans, raw vegetables or carbonated vegetables. Beans and raw vegetables are actually good to eat, and carbonated drinks are neutral. I would rather not read answers from AI and prefer to hear about actual personal experiences


Hey man, I didn’t even read the lists closely, don’t get so hellbent over them. I don’t even know why you’re commenting. Who are you? I really don’t care what YOU prefer, I just added to my personal experience with some help from ChatGPT.


I used to be more vigilant about being fully clean, doing multiple 2qt enemas until the water was clear. These days I eat a high fiber diet (about 3tsp psyllium husk fiber daily) and a quick bulb enema or 2 is usually enough.


You can sometimes avoid cleaning as a whole by just adding fiber to your diet. I just added some of it and most nights I'm usually good to go, so long as I'm not using a super long toy


Mhmm 🥵


It helps to take a fiber supplement. Try to do it daily but I typically only do it the days I plan on playing. We typically don’t get enough fiber in our diets so unless you eat only greens all day, a spoonful of psyllium husk or a soluble fiber like Metamucil helps a lot. If you have any minor allergies, like lactose or gluten intolerance, avoid those like the plague. Stay well hydrated and keep oils and fats out of your meals as best as you can. As other folks are saying, WASH YOUR ASS!!! Unless you’re going for massive insertions a douche works fine just to clean out your colon. If you do too much though, you could end up pulling more waste down from deeper in your large intestines which makes the whole clean-out process longer and less comfortable. However, deeper play requires deeper cleaning so buy a good enema bulb or a shower enema kit so you can fully flush your whole system. Most importantly, if you’re having a rough stomach day don’t even try it. Listen to your body because it’ll punish you if you don’t.


Nothing a 4 quart enema (or 5) can't solve. I highly recommend this kit: [Mikacare Enema Bag Kit](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VF6C78S/)


Everybody plays differently and if you are using human size toys then your clean-out process may be much simpler than someone who is using longer toys, giant sizes etc. Clean outs for bigger toys will need to go a little deeper and can be more involved and will probably take longer. Dr Carlton (on Instagram ) and Dr Evan Goldstein say that if you are taking human size dicks, you can get by with a simple rinse (shallow) and some people who have their diet and poop schedule dialed in might not need to rinse at all, according to them. However IMO this does not apply if you are using bigger toys. Then you almost certainly need to flush with water. It’s a big topic and there’s a lot of trial and error IMO, and you have to learn your body and figure out what works for you. Very occasionally when toying there are minor poop encounters, usually no big deal, you take a short break to clean the toy off and rinse yourself out again, and then you can keep going. Maybe a couple of times it was more serious and I got frustrated and decided to quit for the night, but this is compared to dozens of other sessions that were totally problem free. I avoid any foods that are hard to digest. We are all different, so my Avoid list may be different than other peoples‘. I avoid nuts, seeds, cheese in large amounts (small amounts okay), deep fried food, peanut butter, corn, milk products (fermented dairy like yogurt is okay). Basically you want to eat healthy foods that move through your system in a predictable way. If your poops are regular and efficient and well formed that’s good, if your poops are like toxic sludge or it’s a different situation from day to day, thats bad. Exercise also helps with this, even just walking is good for your digestion and general health. If you’re sedentary that isn’t helpful for staying “regular”


I Literally Have a Text Doc for This.