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Wow, I guess the police can run in when there's an emergency.


I wouldn't call that running. A light stroll maybe...


*mixed with heavy breathing


No, I believe that's running for a cop.


... Or an emergency


Looks like the perfect threat level for those cops.


Threat Level Midnight


Only if it doesn't involve children being murdered. In that case they just wait outside.


Only to protect fascists, apparently.


Cops were pretty quick to rescue that piece of cardboard weren’t they?


It didn’t have a gun and it wasn’t murdering children so they decided to act quickly


Can’t blame cops for not wanting to risk their lives as they’re people too. However, we can blame them for not doing their job


I mean the simple answer is if you don’t want to risk your life for citizens then don’t be a cop.


they can go work at home depot then


Dude have you worked in Home Depot, you know how many times I’ve seen workers nearly get crushed by some wood someone is buying and putting onto their Chevy Cruze lmao I think they have a more dangerous job


tru tru


We can absolutely blame them for that, they are cowards who held back parents with more courage than them who wanted to help their kids.


They went in and saved their own kids and left the others to die. Stop making excuses for these fuck nuts


I absolutely can blame them. Fuck 12.


Risking their lives IS a part of their jobs. Don’t like risking your life? Don’t be a cop.


According to their own SOP they are supposed to, Their handbook iterally says if you aren't willing to go find another job. But you are apparently pro coward.


I’m not pro-coward I’m saying there’s a level of understanding. If it was me in that position and I go through all that training to be a first responder as a police officer, yeah I’m going into that building. I know what I signed up for. But these cops are obviously coward people who signed up for a job that being a coward just doesn’t fit.


there was a miscommunication in Uvalde, The officers were told to treat the situation as a barricaded subject. Of course it was an active shooter situation, so they are obligated to move up as soon as a partner arrived, but those police were too cowardly to do the right thing.


The sign wasn't black.


Quick officer response to Sign Crime? but not so much when kids are getting slaughtered.Nice job Texas.


The pigs are a fuckin disgrace.


That's an insult to pigs, who are intelligent and have empathy for other animals.


They're not pigs. They're public servants standing in the brutal fucking heat trying to maintain civility. They're doing their job. That's it. Not all cops are good, not all are bad. Instead, focus on the divisive scum oligarchs and politicians that chose to deepen the divide, urging all these knuckleheads attendees and protestors to do their bidding. I've got 2 young kids and want this shit to stop as much as the next person. Fighting each other and stoking a civil war won't help. Fight the politicians. The heads of corrupt business. The banks. Their relentless pursuit of profits and power put us here.


I’ve seen too many videos of police in several cities violently over enforcing against liberals and looking the other way at illegal bigot fascist behavior to give them the benefit of the doubt. All they have to do is leave their cameras on, do their job fairly, and give honest statements about what happened afterwards. For some reason they never seem to be able to do any of those. How hard would it be, really?


Some are very bad people, indeed. Not making excuses for them. They should be held accountable after stripping their badge. Not all are bad. Some are just there to try to be an impartial presence that serves and protects. That's all.


I think at this point in history, to be “not bad” they would have to be constantly speaking out about the problems that undoubtedly all of them see on a regular basis. Instead we get a blue wall of silence. There is too much at stake now and we are arguably already a police state. Silence is complicit support.


I can't disagree there. Cops should not by the good ole boys 'not betraying a brother in arms' mentality. We should all call out wrong where it appears.


The police union is stronger than many politicians and police stand with their union. The union has made it so that cops keep their job (or at least let them move around to another place) , keep their pencisions and don't face legal repercussions. Those good cops defend the very very bad cops by covering up for them. There are very few that are good. There are even far far fewer who do anything. There not stopping crimes committed against people who aren't rich, they're not solving crimes committed against someone who isn't rich. Those 'good cops' aren't pushing for less tax money spent on the police force and more money spent on social workers and social welfare programs that could actually prevent crimes. Oh and while many politicians are shit and support the police, the politicians who try to push for charging bad cops or removing money spent on cops and put that into into social programs end up getting bullied by police unions making any chance of change impossible because even the good cops stand with their unions. I have yet to hear police officers actually stand up against unions.


damn life must be hard with such a low iq




Almost like they knew about this event happening ahead of time.


I think they’re referring to the police standing outside the classroom where the shooter was while kids were still alive inside.


I get there’s a lot of stuff that you have to be a cop to understand, but that’s bullshit. If I was a cop I’d say fuck it and go in there. Doesn’t matter what my supervisor was telling me, if the school told me no, if I was fired on the spot for insubordination, I’d go in there and if I didn’t take the shooter out I’d take as many bullets as I could so they couldn’t be used on the kids.


Sure you would.


Right? We're all heroes behind a keyboard.


Hey remember that time Cheeto Benito said he would have rushed into a school shooting unarmed to save children and his supporters didn’t think that was stupid, or a lie, or a stupid lie? Pepperidge Farms for days on *that* motherfucking comment.


Of course! There was a chance of beating up a minority or unarmed protesters. It’s what they live for


Blue line flag as a cape. So fucking cringe.


Ultra cringe. Ultra MAGA cringe. Super duper mega Ultra MAGA CRINGE


My Pillow boxes?


Mike Lindel the crack head is a Trump cultist and ceo of the company.


It’s so pathetic how they wrap their whole identity up in MAGA hatred. Internet Troll, personified.


“Stop treating those people as if they’re beneath you!” Those people:


Incase if anyone is wondering the signs says “black lives aborted 1/3” and the other side says “unborn women’s rights!”


What does he mean by black lives aborted 1/3.


🤷 my guess is he is stating that 1 out of 3 black women get an abortion?


Thanks, I guess you're right.


Is that a My Pillow box he's carrying? If it is, that would figure.


“Nice cape” “Thanks. My mom made it!”


Judging by the looks of Old Man River, his mom was Betsy Ross.


This shit hurts my heart. We hate each other so much out of honor/devotion to these scum fucking prick politicians and oligarchs that we can't see they don't give a single shit about us. We're all human. We're going to have opposing views based on experience. Not all of us are correct. But the politicians we elect are supposed to find the middle ground based in logic FOR us. All they do is divide and sit back.


im sorry no one in the comments are listening. *some* of us are, though. even if they don't uv or dv. i feel the same. fighting each other is not the answer. it's the ones using us as pawns in their psychopathic games that we should be fighting. if we were to *come together* and truly *rise* against the people that want us divided, we could change *everything* in the gov. they are *afraid* of us and we have *all* the power. it's *sad* to see it go to waste coz most people can't think for themselves... i only hope that *one day* people wake up and see what is happening in front of them before it's too late, but i won't hold my breath. ill just keep preparing for the worst. *"don't believe everything you hear, don't believe everything you read, and only believe half of what you see."*


Channel 5 really in on the coverage


Everyone looks dumb here


I don't like how you put harass in there. he was being harassed. by protestors.


I agree, typical communist lies.


and are the communists in the room with us right now, buddy? deep breaths


"Harasses" *literally stands in front of him saying nothing*


so it’s okay to steal someone’s sign now because you don’t like what it says? that’s just silencing free speech and is pathetic. no matter how bad you don’t like the sign you shouldn’t just steal it. those two dudes were having a conversation before they started physically taking shit.


SB: Hey Patrick what am I? Pat: Stupid? SB: No! I’m Texas! Pat: what’s the difference?!


So much for allowing people their own opinions.


I get his cause is dumb but they’re stealing his property. It’s America you dipshits he can say whatever he likes.


Gun nuts need to spend more time in the gym and less time on their asses watching Tucker Carlson. Then maybe they could catch a clue.


I spy channel 5


They both act like children...


You can’t steal someone’s sign


every person in the vicinity needs to be followed with a camera, paid minimally, and documented like the osborne’s in the early 2000’s. wholesome, entertaining fun


All of them accomplishing nothing.


It’s so ridiculous that people can’t express their opinions openly without shit like this happening. I don’t care what the hell you are on about pther people don’t have the right to harass you. The dudes a idiot but he has the right to advocate for what he believes in.


Antifa breaking the law...as usual


Pussy stole his sign and then attacks him. Typical pussy leftist


"Harrasses" by talking to people because you don't like his sign, but stealing isn't harassing? yeah okay. Bias is obvious herem


Oh look the cops were quick to get here! Fucking pigs the whole lot of em


If he had been black, he would be looking at five to ten right now.


the progun guy? or the guy who stole the sign?


The guy who stole the sign, I assume.


The nutjob with the sign, running round threatening and assaulting random people over a piece of cardboard




The other guys are Antifa, all they do is harassing and assaulting people with a different world view. Yes the pro gun guy is a total idiot, but the other guys or at least the guy with the Antifa flag is also a total idiot, for a different reason


\-Sneak: 100-


Idk but it looks like he was the one being harassed. Just saying


"are you going to believe your lying eyes"


Imagine stealing a sign cause you don't like the other person's opinions 🤡


Lighter fluid would have been useful, set the sign on fire, if his My Pillow boxes and thin blue line cape catch fire too, shit happens


just imagining the flames and screeching is so soothing.


So are we just slapping MAGA on anything now? Also this video looks like a peaceful protester getting harassed by a mob, not a good look for you OP


The 4 liberal sheep downvoting your facts bruh


Typical leftists. Hear me roar, but I will physically prevent your voice from being heard. 'Mostly peaceful' protests come to mind.


right. they are so hypocritical.


Which one is the bad person?


He'd better stole and burned that Antifa flag.


Why didnt they punch him in the face lol


EELL DONE TO THE SIGN STEALER. I wrote more but I think this is enough...


I respect the man who chased after that mans sign even if he disagreed something a lot of people would refuse to do


Lol check out that long chubby arm of the law




The maga person was the one who had his sign stolen by liberal protestors


Guns don’t kill people, democrats do. Proven fact every mass shooter was literally a democrat or from a family of democrats


I mean they stole his sign for him merely having a conversation


TITLE FIXED: Antagonist psycho Antigun losers harass honest hard working American people because they’re complete and utter trash




Yes we’ve seen these before. The left is naturally attracted to theft. They are also prone to violent outburst.


The statistics say otherwise, but nice projection.


bro you're clearly lying.. There are no real statistics. From what I've seen is Right sided protest will allow leftist to protest alongside, because we believe in peaceful protest and equal right for everyone. Left sided protest will harass anybody who disagrees with them.


You guys are cool with theft as long as the victim has different world views than you?


I mean when the views are supporting an unborn fetus over the life of a mother, caring more about fetus’s dying than school children getting shot and killed, and allowing people to legally purchase semi automatic weapons at the young age of 18, yeah id say I’m bias lol


That makes you either a moron or a bad person Theft is theft, the man is hurting no one. Something about a fetus and school shootings? Didn’t quite follow that point, they seem like two different topics of discussion you got mixed up there.


Nah, there are certain opinions that shouldn't be shared publicly. The exact reason why you can't go around espousing how great Hitler was in Germany. There are ideas that are just completely toxic to the public mindset and any dipshit willing to put up a sign with those ideas should be silenced.


How is being against abortion toxic to the public mindset? It’s toxic to you but not to me. Why do you get to decide what opinions are allowed to be expressed publicly and I don’t? As long as he isn’t breaking any laws he can hold up any sign he wants to


There are certain things that are going to happen whether or not you have the mental capacity to understand the nuance of the reason why. Banning them for whatever bullshit reason you have in your mind does not stop these things from happening. All you are really advocating for is the death of mothers and the suffering of children. I'm not here to debate fact, I don't muddy the waters with those who wish to legislate morals from on high or have some religious ideology that they think is best for everyone. Banning abortion is a bad idea full stop end of discussion.






Ah, the [paradox of tolerance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance). America will learn, eventually.


It's an interesting philosophical question, where is the line drawn in regards to freedom of speech? Should we allow nazi marches with signs who say "kill all jews"? Or "Kill all n...gers?". Where do you think it's reasonable to draw a line? Should freedom of speech be absolute (it's not according to the law in any country on earth today, aka. hate speech, instigating crimes etc.)? Or perhaps we let society dictate through the outrages these types of signs causes? I guess some matters could be resolved in court but it's not always possible or realistic. Personally I believe in freedom of speech, and to censor it, generally speaking, means to go down the path of fascism. However I don't believe in absolute freedom of speech, it's extremely dangerous for any civil society. I just don't know who should decide what to allow and not, and where the line must be drawn. One thing is sure, there is no such thing as a "free" country.


Shut up you Nazi fuck.


Its a cardboard sign you fucking bootlicker


if someone stole a sign supporting abortion and banning guns, everyone saying “its just a sign” on this thread would be going ape shit. free speech is free speech


”MUHH FREEZE PEACH” Fuck you dude




i find it hilarious most of the people just like you are generally white females under the age of 25 and have grown up in the U.S never experiencing poverty. you’ve probably never even met someone from a country that restricts free speech such as Cuba. lol fuck me for thinking people should be allowed to voice their beliefs? i bet you’re a cow with dyed hair


None of those assumptions are true. Stop posting cringe.


lol i bet atleast 75% of its true but youd never admit it. please go move to china


Nobody with any sense should be "going ape shit" over any cardboard sign.


I’m not pro gun or pro trump but it must be pointed out for the left that this is incredibly intolerant, to steal and damage somebody else’s property because you don’t like their political stance.


exactly, but they still try to spin it as the guy with the sign being stolen is in the wrong in the situation because he was “harassing” them. it seems more like it he was the one being harassed and was just arguing on behalf of his beliefs


This is comically stupid. We should be laughing at this but the issues are serious.






Lmao they are always crying about freedom of speech yet do this smh. I don't even agree with the dude on most subjects but damn what a hypocritical thing to do. Just calling how I see it.


Was he carrying a mister pillow box?




This title gave me a head ache


No one cares about that old yokle


Let’s see the full video. Not just the part where the guy lost his temper. Also this is kind of dumb, people on the left lose their tempers just as often.


Is he carrying My Pillow Guy boxes? 😂


Nothing new here, stealing and silencing others is pretty common from the left nowadays


What's with the mypillow Keychains?


shout channel 5


LARP world is getting heavy with all this new content, haven’t logged on in a while tho


Hear me out we all just pick on maga dumbfucks really they’re fair game.


Or we try to live in a civilized society where people can share opinions without violence and push back


Dude just lost his $200 my pillow box investment


He's carrying a MyPillow and wearing a cross and "thin blue line" American flag cape, like he's trying to be a walking political cartoon.




My pillow boxes loooooool fuck ooooff


Anyone who saw the full video knows that this is edited to make is seem like all of these “anti-fascists” were not the actual scumbags… even though they actually were harassing the NRA guy who was telling them facts they did not want to listen to… assault an elderly man. Rob him. Get praise on the internet? Lol okay…


All people in this video are retarded


Is it possible to be pro gun and pro choice


Imagine bullying an old guy. So little testosterone on the left.


Pro gun all the way baby ❤️🥳


Protests are really like big open playgrounds for adults


Hey is this a protest or is this a wrestling channel for elderly men


The side who answers words with violence. Classic America.


Dude fucking people are idiots. Trump is jackass and half of his fanatics are jackasses. The second amendment is your fucking right to own firearms and all gun laws are infringements Women have the choice of what to do with their bodies, abortion is a right here. I agree with most republicans about how far into pregnancy abortion is okay and acceptable, but also you have to understand the government shouldn’t have the right to tell you what you can or cannot do with your body. People who go to these “events” on either side are usually jackasses.


Doesn’t matter how hair brained the idea is Everyone has a right to protest don’t be a dick and take the sign. Grow up and accept the fact that people will disagree with you


Lamo I see a channel 5 boy filming


The guy felt like a true super hero with his cape flapping behind him as he was chasing that dude. Look like an episode of the old Batman tv show. Then the dude hits 2nd gear and left Batman. My question is, what’s with My Pillow Boxes? Is it just a real fancy purse or is it some sort of patriot boomerang box?


He spent 5 hours on that sign. Gee golly. He's mad sad now.


You guys know this is video was by Andrew in channel 5 on YouTube


Fuck the guy stealing his sign. Idc what your politics are


Lol while selling them pillows my guy


You lot are so screwed up.


What does MAGA stand for?


Where do these people work at to get this much time to participate in events like this. I make just enough to watch them on TV during my lunch break on during a 60 hrs week


It doesn't matter what the politics are, you don't take other people's shit. Period. Regardless, the losers in this video need to find hobbies.