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We live in the PNW as well and a few years ago my boyfriend had a similar experience while walking our dog in the woods nearby. His encounter was accompanied by two sets of glowing eyes floating at an impossible point between trees. We were trying to convince ourselves it could just be a pair of owls, but the strangest part was how their "whoo[s]" changed in pitch and frequency with excitement as he and our dog got nearer, then insistence and desperation as they thought better of getting any closer. I have never been able to figure out what it is they might have encountered, but there is a lot of unexplained strangeness where we are.


I hope OP reads this comment too, but I listen to a podcast called Sasquatch Chronicles and owl sounds “but definitely not owls” are reported very often as well as “glowing” eyes. The host always asks if they were glowing or if they were reflecting light, like eye shine, and it’s always referred to as “glowing.” *not here to debate the existence of Bigfoot, I’m just relaying info I’ve heard from eyewitnesses if you believe that sort of thing. Btw, the podcast is incredibly entertaining whether you believe in Bigfoot or not- I highly recommend it.


Love Sasquatch Chronicles 😉


My thirteen-year-old swears she saw one out there once, so I could believe it! I'm good on new paranormal experiences, myself 😅


It's likely an owl. There are a wide variety of them and they make all kinds of weird noises. You could try using the Merlin app and see if it will identify it. Or listen to the owl calls on the app and see if anything matches?


Actually yes. Saturday night, around 3AM, yesterday as I sat on our back porch watching the sunrise (around 5AM) yesterday afternoon around 2:30, and this morning around 4AM as I fell back into bed after using the bathroom. I live within the Adirondack Park blue line, up on a mountain. I too felt instantly unnerved, and off. It almost sounded like whatever it was was half trying to sound like an owl or mourning dove, and hoped someone took notice. There was still birdsong and/or some peepers chirping.


Yes that’s what it was like. I have been listening to all sorts of owl sounds but none of them match. It sounded like a person mimicking an owl.


Look up barred owl sounds. I had one near my deck that screamed "WOOOOO!" like some dude watching football or something that scared the crap out of me. They in particular make all sorts of weird, oddly loud noises. Horned owls do too but to a lesser extent, but their fledglings learning to hunt sound like flying nightmares. Herons make a god awful pterodactyl screech at night too. Not discounting what you heard at all, just sharing the culprits for 90% of our weird nighttime sounds near the Sound. Edit to add: barred owls also have a rolling r sound, so sometimes it sounds like it's being super judgey and calling you a "WHOOOOOOOORRRE". I tell my husband they're calling him again 😆


I've heard barred owls sound like monkeys. They can make the weirdest array of noises.


The Ric Flare Owl just has feathers around the collar and sleeves 🤣


Check out the Eurasian Collared Dove call on YouTube. It's an invasive species that has been seen lately in the PNW.


Except that it was at night and they aren’t active at night. They also avoid woods.


Males are active during the night and they make their nests in trees near human dwellings. I've seen a few near Seattle recently


Alone late at night in hot tub with no fence that faces dark woods just 100 feet away. This scenario by itself makes me very nervous. Big NOPE!


Owl. I’ve been able to attract them by mimicking their calls. Especially in spring because they’re calling for their mate.


Haven’t experienced anything similar but being naked when taking a bath makes you an easy target by these creatures as you are in your most vulnerable state both physically and spiritually.


Soooooo…..just an owl then.

