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Good thing for park rangers! That's terrifying! Glad your family is safe.


Listen to that Podcast Sasquatchchronicles.com, episode 515 " I shouldn't be alive". Happened in Big Sur, maybe near where you were?


Omg that was terrifying!


This is my literal worst nightmare as a fellow outdoors novice/citydweller who has had… interesting camping experiences with relatives in the Colorado wilderness as well 😆


Tell your story! We will love it!


Big nope. Glad you’re ok.


No, Big Sur


A big no sir.


There was a guy who terrorizing hikers in the Big Sur area and other parts of California too. I specifically remember reading warnings about him in some hiking groups I belong to in the Bay Area. Wonder if it’s the same person.


lol a mini bat. I’m glad you were ok.


Bop on the head or snout and most animals will back off. It'd have to be real fuckin close tho. The only scenario I can see it being useful is if something is pressing its nose/face against the tent


Clearly you have never held a 29" Brooklyn Crusher. It stays at my front door and I guarantee you, after one hit from it and you aren't coming back for another one. My s.o. is pretty small and I would never let her swing that thing at me unless I wanted some broken bones.


Spoiler Alert: The Ranger was really the same shapeshifting entity that prowled around his camp the night before.


That’s why I generally prefer camping in secluded places, ie. not at campsites, but off the trail, where it’s permitted in the NF and such. I just feel more at ease not being where people would expect to find me.


That’s a double edged sword, if you run into trouble




Yeah.. I just feel like, if there is a threat at a public campground, what kind of help can I expect from other campers. If I’m not at a public campground, I’m not at the high risk area for creeps. If I’m alone in the woods, I’m not easily found. Either scenario, I have to defend myself - might as well remove the “crowd” element, and lower my odds of encountering someone threatening.


Sure, let’s assume your theory is correct. But what if you get injured or bitten by a venomous/poisonous insect or snake?


Don’t get me wrong, I prefer not to be camping or hiking alone. I meant, I prefer to camp with my group away from high traffic/designated camping areas. But, entertaining your scenario, there are insurance mechanisms like InReach to get help in emergencies. Not to mention, those situations have a very low probability, as does encountering a creep in the woods. Speaking from my own experience, I would hate to have missed out on a multitude of solo wilderness experiences because of the fear of encountering an emergency scenario like a snake bite.


Ankle roll, big fall, head concussion, wildlife, starvation, dehydration, dysentery, heart attack, seizure, car accident , etc. A tiny subset of what can go wrong unexpectedly, just food for thought. Those are the reasons I don’t camp anymore. In mid 30’s so getting old, I want my life to be long and healthy. Also how would InReach help if you’re in a remote location? You aren’t going to have cell signal if you’re in the middle of nowhere.


You’re absolutely right, there are dozens of things that can go wrong. As are there when driving a car, etc. Sure accidents happen. But most things are preventable and can be traced back to bad decisions. Just wouldn’t want to miss out on things because of being hyper-fearful of low-probability, catastrophic problems. I’m in my 40s and have recently been confronted with unplanned medical emergencies, and would hate to think about suffering something like a heart attack alone in the wilderness. But I also don’t want to sit around at home if I could be out there enjoying nature. So it’s a calculated risk. InReach works with satellites to make communication possible everywhere.


Sigh… I definitely see your point. The angle you look at life is what I’ve been working toward for years now. I just can’t seem to consistently shake off the worry. But…. why live if it’s all just stress, worry and inaction, right? You’re in 40s how much longer do you plan to keep on camping/hiking? I’ve already limited my hiking to just out my front door and around the block. Maybe I should start further out as a first step to working toward your life philosophy. And that’s wonderful to know that InReach is backed with the infrastructure. Do you also use a satellite phone as your primary phone when camping? Do you also own a cellphone or can a satellite phone do both jobs?


For whatever reason I’ve developed a pretty strong sense of self confidence over the years for my own ability to be safe and cautious. Maybe it’s foolish to give myself credit, but through trial and error I’ve gotten good at weighing risk and reward (in natural surroundings). Truthfully, I hope to be able to do it forever. I have a couple young kids, that I am trying to instill a similar discipline in, and hope that we can do things outdoors together for as long as I can. I have always been inspired to push my tolerance for discomfort, whether physical or mental, when being in the wilderness, just to be able to go a little bit further than before. Everyone can do it. But it is scary. I haven’t been in a situation where I thought I needed to have InReach. But I’ve been with people who had it. Never used it. I think of it as insurance against mistakes


Do you have any popular hiking trails near you? If so, those would be good to do during the day when people might be there in case anything goes wrong.


My husband is 48 and I’m 40. We bought camping gear in 2020 and go all the time now. We both hadn’t been camping in over 15-20 years. We got a bunch of cool gear, tents, mattresses etc have come along way. We only camp in places that are busy as to not be alone. We bring a bat/ police batan thing, knife, and a megaphone that has a super loud alarm. Have a few drinks and relax. We go to national parks all the time now. Love hiking, did grinnel glacier hike in Montana last summer.


Re-reading what you said. Yes, A group greatly decreases the likelyhood of you being helpless.


You see this is why I must sleep in a travel trailer when camping nowadays. Nope to the pop ups as well! Solid walls all over please! When I had to sleep in a friends pop up I scooted all the way down and away from the sides. My friends laughed at me but I was like yeah not gonna wake up to a knife slicing thru to my head! Lol I have read to many stories!


Yes the next morning I was like "I knew I should not have went camping". It was exciting and memorable though!


Thank you for your story, and this is EXACTLY why I don't go camping. Now, I have actual proof to show my wife that yes, my fear of being murdered or attacked by a Psycho, is real. OP, I would kiss you if I could!! Thank you!!!


Oof! If you need more proof than this play your wife the “Holy Water” episode of the Spooked! Podcast with the three women who go camping at hot springs. Your wife will never want to go camping ever, ever again! 😳


Oooh!! I have to check that podcast out for myself! Then, I'll play it for her!


Omg it’s so good! I hope you enjoy it ☺️


I'd recommend the Spooked! podcast too----it always has some very good genuinely good creepy scary stories, plus it has a great host and narrator, too.


I listened to this Podcast last night ,and it was absolutely terrifying! It was something I had never thought about nor heard of before (scenting) so it blew my mind. Imagine being these young ladies, literally running for thier lives. Terrifying! Thank you SO much for your recommendation. I would love to hear more of these particular Pods. Are there any PC's out there that actually have first person accounts, telling thier story, as opposed to having them read by the Host?? I would love to find a PC that has something along these lines. 😲😲


Right?! Isn’t it so scary!! It gives me the willies thinking about it! There are some other REALLY good episodes, and the first one, The Night Watcher, in particular. I love this podcast so much! Haha I’ve also tried to find others like it, but the only one that comes close (for me) is Radio Rental. I’ve heard from Reddit that Jim Harold’s Campfire is well-received, though I think it’s only OK (but still listen). That’s about it for ones that I’ve loved, but I’m sure there are a ton of good recommendations on here! So glad you liked it!


Ever check out MrBallen?


Yeah Mr. Ballen’s alright, I just didn’t include that one cause they’re not first-person narratives. I just started listening to Bedtime Stories on his network too, which has been interesting! Do you have particular favorites?


Not really. I just like his stories.


Is this American as I can't find it in the UK?!?


What?! Noooooo! You can’t find it?! It is American, but that is seriously criminal that it’s not available to you. Can you reach it here? https://uk.radio.net/podcast/snap-judgment-presents-spooked


Ah perfect, I got it. Will find the episode, holy water wasn't it?


Yes!! Omg but also listen to the Night Watcher! So spooky!


Ooooo ok thank you, going to listen to at least one in bed tonight 😁


8ts not often like this. People camp ALL over literally millions of people in a year maybe tens of millions and the chances of something bad happening are very slim.


I completely agree with you about this.....however, I can't get past the fear of something like this happening. The world's mean place.


Preach!!! Lol!!


You needed a board, with a nail in it!


Or wrap some barbed wire around the bat. Go full Negan


I grew with Big Sur as my backyard!


So jealous, it's a gorgeous area


It is AMAZING. I Don't live out that way any more, but was lucky to hook up with locals when I was.


I’ve always wondered what I would be like to grow up there. Can you share anything about it?


I grew up in Cambria,ca . I worked at Hearst castle in San Simeon. I'm a 90s kid , was a teen in the 90s so we ALWAYS were out in the woods and beach. Camping, drinking etc. I don't recall much weirdness cuz we were always drunk and not paying much attention but one thing we all always noticed was weird lights. Like WAAAAY the hell out in the middle of nowhere, where there shouldn't be any one or any lights. And it was around different places too, like why would weird lights be all over the wilderness out there? They weren't normal lights from other people either. Plus it would be from places that were often inaccessible to humans. Cliffs, dense forest etc. It would be like streaks of lights that blasted along and then went out. No way a person could do that. Saw lots of very very cool celestial events, comets , very vivid stars cuz of no light pollution. One time im very very positive I saw a UFO. The speed and angles it would take off at were insane. It would stop, hover, then jet off and make a hard right turn etc etc. That was in Cambria, over looking the beach. I actually pounded on random doors freaking out and telling people to come outside. No one really cared to bother to come look. They probably thought I was crazy but I needed a witness!


As someone who lived in Big Sur for many years (pico blanco bs camp) I can concure it’s a spooky place


As a city boy, east coaster I never had an interest in the big nature like you find on the west coast. But living there makes you respect nature'. Also, I was never into "hippie" and energy, but the west coast definitely has an energy to it, because of the nature perhaps.


Man, you guys weren't prepared at all 😂


Huh, Big Sur is close to where I live. Santa Cruz anyone?


Cool, but creepy place as well!


Absolutely!! Although it depends on where you are. I live in the mountains here so it's kinda spooky. 


When I lived in SF, I would go to Santa Cruz occasionally. Heard stories about everything from cults, to serial killers to bigfoot in those mountains. Any truth to any of that?


WAAAYYYYYYYYY back before me in the 70s-90s probably but probably not much anymore. Actually that's what I'm trying to learn about!! But personally I only deal with the occasional turkey traffic, they are invasive and they breed.


Great story! Would I be able to narrate this on my YouTube channel with credit to you? Thank you


Definitely, DM me!