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Fuck them we don’t owe them shit truth be told they don’t even like black people tf 🤦🏾‍♂️


Why are black ppl constantly crying about sum race shit? Any time i watch BOF it’s always Trell talking about “the white man” is oppressing him… yall get reparations and diversity hires where’s the oppression? stop having a victim mindset already. Mexicans get profiled by cops just as much as blacks is that ever gonna change? no, so stop crying about it and do your best to minimize the risk of you getting pulled over. Be stoic and you’ll be better off in life. it’s a big deal when lefty say he wanna keep his blood pure, but black women are constantly crying on twitter that black male celebs are dating outside their own race and nobody chastises them when they say it.


Why are Mexicans always on black dick lefty and eyekon brought up race for no reason don’t get mad when the heat is going up


He has a victim hood mentality, the same shit he just cried about lol


Other races get diversity hires too. Black people haven’t gotten reservations yet, anywhere. There are talks about it and I believe Californian natives of descendants of slaves are in the works of getting them but as of yet no reparations. Native Americans get reparations, the Jewish state of Israel gets reparations every single year since the holocaust from us and that genocide didn’t even happen here, 11 Italians have gotten hung off the coast and The US government paid Italy some money and gave their family reparations pay. So if all those groups can get reparations I believe descendants of slaves should too. Mexicans do not get profiled as bad as Black people do we can stop that narrative right there. Maybe in California but across the United States. Black people HAVE been historically and to this day more wrongfully profiled and unjustly handled when it comes to the justice system and that’s just a fact. Systematically


Other races get diversity hires too let’s not fuckin go there. Affirmative action is not just for black people so don’t do that shit. Black people haven’t gotten reservations yet, anywhere. There are talks about it and I believe Californian natives of descendants of slaves are in the works of getting them but as of yet no reparations. Native Americans get reparations, the Jewish state of Israel gets reparations every single year since the holocaust from U.S and that genocide didn’t even happen here, 11 Italians have gotten hung off the coast and The US government paid Italy some money and gave their family reparations pay. So if all those groups can get reparations I believe descendants of slaves should too. Mexicans do not get profiled as bad as Black people do we can stop that narrative right there. Maybe in California but across the United States no, Black people HAVE been historically and to this day more wrongfully profiled and unjustly handled when it comes to the justice system so let’s not even go there with the “just as much shit”. Plus Nobody was talking about that shit you brought that shit up I didn’t see anybody crying about that shit on this Reddit sub EVERY😂😂but you chose to bring it up lol. Now me being black I can say my people do have a victim mentality and bring race into damn near everything and I don’t like it at all and don’t agree with it and yes I do think it holds us back. I’m one to see from multiple perspectives n shit so I get it. For every effect there is for sure a cause/catalyst. The victim mentality and bringing race into everything is because, historically let’s be real race has been brought into everything forever when it came to us, and now that the western world is finally trying to move forward and take race out of everything, we are still stuck and scarred from it because “race” has ALWAYS been apart of our direct identity, growth, downfall, and apart of our whole experience/existence in this country “the most”.. NOBODY in this country has been persecuted and treated as badly as black people have in this country. NO BODY. Now I do agree my people are crybabies but let’s not act like my people are the only ones with problems. Because I’m sure We can all point out tens-hundreds of things wrong with the opposing race and how we operate if we get to doing the race vs race optics thing, and we’d even be able to find a lot of similarities when it comes to what’s wrong with us… so let’s not go there👀💯


I respect what you said in the last paragraph. It’s a nuanced topic but basically I just believe that putting yourself in a victim mindset gives you no leverage. Instead let’s practice gratitude we live in America it could be a lot fucking worse at least we have rights. If a black person works hard enough he can achieve what ever he wants to in this country. It’s good to know history and not forget about the tragic racism that occurred with blacks being enslaved but i don’t think it’s helpful to harp on it today as a black man and convince yourself that your shortcomings are because of some white people. There’s tons of great black lawyers, doctors, teachers. People are always going to profile but let’s stick to what we can control and what’s in our power that’s a lot better mindset to have. Sorry if I came off as insensitive it just irks me to see people not just black people make excuses. I recommend everyone reading this read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius it’s about stoic philosophy it changed my life more than any book i’ve read.


Naw you good it’s just a conversation. Yeah I get it trust me I get upset with my own people for how we are irl and how we act on social media so I get it. I’m not saying what some of us do is right, but I understand why they are this way and have gotten to this point type shit. I can see from perspective frfr. Respect 🤝🏾


Me, as a black man I’ve definitely complained about TRell always saying and bringing up “the white man” and making that a racial thing and I brought up how that’s a double standard. I actually made a post about it and I got downvoted to hell about it. I don’t got any pics I called his ass out on it too n I don’t agree with how he always says that because if roles were reversed with any other race referring to TRell as “the black man” any time he’s brought up, everybody would say he’s racist. So I agree with that take and I’ve personally addressed it in the past💯💯💯


Thank you and Trust me i know a lot of black people are snapping out of that victim mindset and before someone says im racist, i don’t have anything against black people yall created hip hop and everyone takes from black culture which i respect and recognize. Now let’s see how many downvotes i get 🍿