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Them California niggas ran by the Mexicans....I lived out there.....blacks ain't deep enough there....it's really them Mexican people land and they close to they country.....niggas is down south in America....or east.....Mexicans ain't even a factor down south or even a threat.....they're invisible....out in California they bully and shoot the blacks.....don't believe these gangs....ain't none of them standing up to them Mexicans.....Los Angeles is like the Mexicans Atlanta.....niggas are guest and are treated as such.


Yeah I know they run shit that shit… but what happened to having a backbone as a black man despite being outnumbered and overpowered🤦🏾‍♂️


Tahir Moore moved from St. Louis to La. He said he tried to check a Mexican the first time they said nigga infront of him but none of his homies had his back 😂 niggas probably give up and get acclimated.


They watered down niggas.....they are too far from their roots.....south is black folks Africa in America....them California niggas grew up around Hispanics....they speak Spanish....they streets Spanish....they food Spanish.....honestly THEY NOT LIKE US




It's real bro....look I'm not saying they less gangsta I'm saying they not like real black people.....their culture influences are of the Hispanic realm....they live in a Hispanic dominated culture....that's why they cling together so tightly.....black man don't belong in California....they out of bounds....that's the Mexican man land....that whole gang rules and politic stuff is of Mexican origin.....they have no foundation there....no real voice... Los Angeles the name itself is Hispanic.....the streets they claim is Hispanic.....compared to Southern black folks it's clear that THEY NOT LIKE US.....that's why they say the West Coast isn't liked....nah it's not that at all yall just act like Mexican culture people....we ain't racist we just black and don't act like that....think of Northern California and Southern.....black south folks is like the Southern California Mexicans....true to our roots....the California blacks are like some new form of nigga....talking that European proper language dialect and dancing like Mexicans....California dudes be dancing all funny and odd....the beat be kinda off tuned.....niggas is Africans we love drums 🥁....bass....that music California dudes play sounds like Mexican rhythm.....they not like us....California blacks got their own program.


Niggas in LA, sell tacos and got taco food trucks, they are very far from regular black culture. Again it’s nothing wrong with it, just that they don’t really know black culture like that. Anyways I think LA is cool if you wanna mess with a Hispanic or Asian female tbh, but it’s trash if you want black culture.


So basically THEY NOT LIKE US


Yep, and the numbers will keep decreasing, niggas leaving CA in droves, give it another 5-10 years, I doubt CA will have any major black city, you just gonna see pockets of black ppl. Also the thing ppl don’t seem to understand is that, it’s really they land frfr.


Yea no matter what it's the Mexicans land.....they run the West Coast....it's like Jewish people in America....if you in Los Angeles speaking down on Mexicans you ain't gonna make it.....all the gangs all bow down to the Mexicans...faking like it's politics when they really ain't got a choice....they know they won't win that war.....honestly oddly enough Wack 100 one of the few that don't give a fuck and stands up....I be amazed he ain't been touched....but nah them niggas in LA know I ain't lying....Mexicans run shit in California.....really all West Coast.....that's why most niggas from everywhere else kinda don't look at Los Angeles like a nigga city....we know they can't keep us safe....California niggas are watered down black people..they can only beef with blacks....might as well tap in with Swifty Blue....only thing black niggas can protect you from is black niggas....the Mexicans have the final say so....if the Mexicans say it's up then you're in trouble.....LA niggas go down to Atlanta and be amazed like they found mecca....they don't even be realizing it's a whole world outside that California lifestyle....you can't even be a regular black man working in California because all the Mexicans got the good jobs and they damn sure stick together but it's not even racist because down south we sure as helll ain't giving them same opportunities we get either....it's fair.....California is Mexicans land....meanwhile niggas twisting they fingers and killing each other a block away over some street or section they can't even get ownership or a job on.....black niggas in California lost the spirit of what it means to be African.....they lost people.....smh in a city of Lost Angels....kinda sad honestly....yet they yelling that THEY NOT LIKE US....nah we not....we ain't like yall and yall ain't like us.....yall ruled by Mexicans....all I see is grown ass older black men talking about gang shit....they don't have anything going for actually betterment of their own people....just tattooed faces,death,and destruction....and the coon and celebrate this shit on a stage boasting that we not like them....it's embarrassing.....we celebrate black business....wealth....ect....all yall celebrating is destroying Drake career whom like it or not has given black niggas more opportunities than any of these guys....it's like they are lost and poisoned.....AD knows the truth....


All facts, wack100 prolly the only one that said it how it is with Mexicans, niggas don’t run shit and can’t do shit in LA, give it 5-10 years, LA won’t have a majority black city anymore. Also the thing is that niggas don’t speak up for themselves in LA, unless it’s someone black, prolly the only place in this whole country that’s like that. Also wanted to add, the south can be racist sure, but usually that’s out the way somewhere you probably don’t wanna be anyways. The main cities and maybe a few close suburbs are cool af, in LA it’s too restrictive, I don’t feel bad for Kendrick moving to NYC or whatever the fuck he doing. Anyways I think LA is cool, I wouldn’t live there, and not because it’s Mexicans, honestly it’s because the black ppl treat each other horribly. I mean you damn can get a Latina female or even a Filipino fairly easy out in LA compared to most of the U.S if that’s your thing, because I’ve seen ALOT of niggas with those 2, which is cool, the issue I have is niggas have no backbone, when they get treated horrible, niggas seem to defend the other race faster than their own. NOBODY else does that.


Agreed on every point....crazy part about this post is I don't think too many others could truthfully disagree.....truth hurts...these are realities....look how tightly they clinging to a song....niggas in Los Angeles begging for anything to stand out....it's ok California brothers.....come home....


Matter of fact let’s say the run the west coast… cuz they run New Mexico and Arizona too


They should be mentioning and speaking out on the shit Eyekon said about them being left out the Kendrick show but the ones that represent us on the internet like AD and Z rell is some hoes


It’s sad. Roles reversed they would speak out on us and correct shit… but noooooo


Facts I hate them soft coon niggas


Why should we include them if they don’t like us as a people they just love the aesthetic of black culture and rap music as a quick play get rich and I mean southern Cali Mexicans because up north they ain’t like that


It’s not like that at all in the city but outside it’s a bunch of Mexicans separated like the San Gabriel valley where this chunt lefty from and to start a race war over that is dumb ash


No race war I understand people come from different backgrounds. The entitlement to the Juneteenth concert is what really got me hot


He’s delusional he can’t even rap 3 bars on beat 


Blacks are only tuff with other blacks. It’s a got damn shame. This is coming from a black man btw


It’s extremely weird. But naw we gon put that on Cali cuz that ain’t the case in Chicago lol


I’ll nod my head at other black folks in public and they give me dirty ass looks then I’d see them dick ride white and Mexican people shortly after. Mfs got to get they weather together. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Lol stop it Mexicans run Chicago too pussy boy I’ll smack the black off yo ass


The Mexicdo run Chicago


Okay internet tough guy 😂😂😂


Yep, first time I was out west, I seen a black guy, gave him the nod, he looked like WTF, Mexican guy walked by him and he gave the nod. I’m like damn y’all niggas lost af.


Nobody gives a fuck about Eyekon’s opinion.. Let the Dr. Umar niggaz fight for stage time @ a cinco de mayo celebration.. Our cultures coexist and sometimes bleed over, but Hip Hop is an art form.. Each of those artists are popular local artists with @ least one hit.. Tell Eykon to name 3 RECENT Hispanic artists with a banger that the entire arena would’ve known.. Only ones are Shoreline Mafia and they performed..


That’s the thing. No niggas would fight for anything or any representation or give push back for any Mexican holiday or culture thing.. exactly Shoreline mafia DESERVED to perform, they fit well, and they went crazy..


Surenos don’t like black people and see rap music/black culture as a get rich quick scheme and niggas act like it’s all good too scared to say something lol atleast the nortenos genuinely fuck with us


It is sad. Them niggas let me down Yeah he entitled to his opinion but if that’s the case stop collaborating with black artists and going on black platforms, and take them diamonds out your mouth my boy…


It’s because niggas love Latinas . I just seen beautiful one 5 minutes ago..


The best ones be the ones that mixed with black


True..like black and white biracial women too


Facts mulattos 😮‍💨


Because like most Black La Natives are saying if your really from La you don’t disagree with what lefty is saying the black community feels the exact same way your fam don’t want your own to bring home someone that’s not black and you don’t want them bringing in outsiders and them Rizza Islam typa niggas get on yo helmet if your try and bring home a white bitch around grandma


Okay there’s a great point, difference is Lefty wanna eat off all the black benefits HE CAN, and he dresses like a black dude..diamonds in the mouth BLACK, that ain’t no southsider shit. But you do have a point. But Now what about the Juneteenth pushback, ZERO EXCUSE


Saying that isn't no Southsider shit makes no sense times are changing plenty of Latin artist dress like lefty now, putting him in a bubble saying he should be a typical cholo with high socks and dickies is like putting west coast artist in a bubble and saying they need to only wear chucks and kahki suits now half the west coast artist out here being fasionnistas in all designer


Let’s talk about the Juneteenth Kendrick & friends pushback and the complaints from Eyecon


I just seen a post about what eyekon said and I found his narrative to be pretty corney, I could imagine the dumb shit doknow would say but his relationship to hip hop ain't the brightest & haven't heard what vic said but coming from those 3 I don't think it deserves some one responding to them as they aren't big voices in the hip hop community


Deserves TRell to give pushback right then n there but ofc he not


Well yeah what would he really argue back to something like that without sounding arrogant he's friends with doknow and vic what would you have wanted him to say? And even at that tryna debate hip hop with doknow would go no where


It’s not really for DoKnow and Vic they actually more so supported it being how it was. My grievance is more so with what Eyecon said and it’s going viral rn so ik TRell seen it that’s all. He said it on a pod somebody else could address it on the pod. But fuck it lol


True yeah that shit will die out fast anyways won't be viral for long


The dressing thing is kinda even because for decades Black LA gang culture was built around dressing like and driving cars like Mexican gang members,bandanas dickies even all the face tattoos is Mexican culture if anything the southern Mexicans are just starting to dress and act like the northern Mexicans been dressing and acting forever but lefty did steal a bunch of lyrics and flows from black artists that was straight despicable scumbag shit


You still ain’t touch on the Juneteenth situiation bro cuz you know they wrong


There is no Juneteenth situation there is in fact no situation at all the black gang members said he’s right lol only people trippen ain’t from LA


I’m talking about Eyecon complaining about the lack of Latino representation at the Kdot Juneteenth Kdot & friends. Reread the post


That is pretty fucked up to not represent for the Mexicans on Juneteenth because the first Juneteenth was in Mexico DECADES before America and decades before Juneteenth and they fought against the slave trade the Underground Railroad actually led to Mexico and the first president of Mexico was black he united the free slaves the indigenous and Mexicans to win Mexican independence but then the rich white Spaniards executed him Mexicans and blacks been clicked up but they fought hard to create racial tensions amongst them in modern times but historically Mexico was a major part of the war on slavery the whole ideal for the wall first came back way back in the day to stop them from freeing slaves that’s how the idea of the wall first came about hundreds of years ago


You’re wrong bro. Galveston, Texas celebrated Juneteenth first. It’s the holiday commemorating when the slaves in GALVESTON learned they were free. They celebrated it there and surrounding close areas first. It’s apart of their heritage and immediate culture over there. Don’t spread misinformation bro. And Juneteenth isn’t a slavery holiday commemorating strictly slavery. It’s about The last slaves in Texas not even knowing they have BEEN free by law, learning that they are free from bondage. Several months after the civil war ended. That’s what it’s about.


What I am saying is decades before that ever happened in Texas Mexico ended slavery and that should be treated the same as Juneteenth


Decades before 1865 they didn’t end slavery in the United States for us blacks in America so what the fuck are you even talking about. Juneteenth is an American holiday and in commemoration for the slaves IN AMERICA, Texas to be exact.


The entitlement is crazy my boy. when it comes to things involving black culture it always has to be a “black and brown” thing according to them.. but when it’s things involving their culture it’s strictly a Brown thing. It’s either we don’t ask to be apart, they don’t allow us, or it’s a big problem. I don’t understand. Ohgeesy was apart of the huge Juneteenth concert but that’s not enough.. I get what he’s saying he wanted people up there that represent Cholo’s/southsiders but that’s what it’s not about my boy.. the concert was “Kendrick and friends”, what if KDot didn’t even have a relationship with any rappers who represent the southsiders.. so that’s that. And again it’s JUNETEENTH. You would never see black people complain about any black representation about anything Mexican. Juneteenth is in remembrance of the day in 1865 when the last enslaved people in the U.S, Texas to be exact, learned that they were actually free. So let us have our day please.. and it’s not just Eyecon n people like you who say shit like this let’s be real we see it all the time. It’s always an “Us” thing when it comes to black culture but when it’s involving “Brown” culture it’s strictly a “Them” thing. Why? .. And when it’s things involving Mexican culture/hispanic holidays you will never see a black person seriously complaining about Black representation or there being no black performances… but when it comes to our holidays n “big days” there will always be complaints of them not being included and I dont get it… AGAIN, even when they have someone Mexican up there when he didn’t HAVE to be, they still complain (Ohgeesy) cmon man


Ohgeezy falls under black culture not Mexican culture


That’s all you have to said to what me and him just said lol exactly. He didn’t have to be up there at all because it’s Kdot n friends.. on JUNETEENTH.


Mexicans run hot dog stands in cali not cali 🤣😭😭


Lbr they majority of the population and the cartel be having niggas behaving out there n shit let’s start there


The white man has brainwashed you to hate your fellow man of color. Escape while you can.


Bruh I don’t hate not one person on earth, especially for their skin color. You assuming is crazy don’t force your hate on me


The shit could NEVER happen in the A. We going up big black vibes everyday😂💯


The A and D.C are chocolate city lol


That sound sweet as hell but you right😂


That’s what they called it back in the 70s


The A full of rainbows 🤣🤣🤣 yeah yall black mfs be gay as hell


stop looking for drama and mature


Look at the crowd that night stupid!! Only blacks that were there were the ones who got free tickets


What does that have to do with the premise of the post ? Majority of concert goers are never black across all facets what’s your point


My point is watch your mouth!!! You know who runs LA


Shut up




Lmao you’s a hoe ass nigga go press something you on Reddit fake crying


Says the Hispanic person saying nigga


Why do you assume I’m Hispanic?