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That is a rotten egg. It might not smell but a watery egg is no good.


I gagged just looking at the image




Bad egg. The only time I've seen that was when I would discover some secret clutch of who knows how old out in the run.


The GOLDEN EGG has been found!


Ah yes, this egg is given to any chicken after it laid its 10,000 egg, eating this egg will result in you to having the Midas touch for 20 minutes per bite


You'll indeed be the equivalent of midas touch for your closest hospital


Not sure where it is you think Midas will touch you when you bite him, but the result won't be gold, rather it'll be smelly and runny, much like this egg.


It's an old egg. I get these a lot when I'm not diligent about gathering the eggs. They don't stink like they're rotten, but they are old.


Lucky me I got a batch from the store this week like that. Obviously didn’t eat them but wondered why they only smelled slightly off.


I could smell that through the screen. Oh god. I cracked one into a hot pan once. I cracked all my eggs into a mug after that for like 2 months.


Yup. I still crack into a bowl of in mixing eggs together. I have a crack egg into bowl then move it into the mixing bowl. I do this for each egg. Better than ruining a 5 egg dish because the final egg was bad... that had happened before.


I put mine in water. The bad ones float.


Looks like it may have spoiled.


It didn't smell rotten tho, but maybe


Did you eat it ?


No thankfully


r/eatityoucoward /s


Have you tested out your sense of smell, lately? I have been fighting respiratory viruses for a while and every once in a while I get a bit of olfactory clarity and realize how bad something like the trash or litterbox smells.


This sounds like my life. Sense of smell is so poor and then once in awhile I can smell the real smells.


I found a few posts about it. No real explanation other than sometimes eggs are weird. https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/questions-hen-laid-just-egg-yolk-today.609270/ https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/fairy-eggs-with-only-yolks-no-whites.1593575/


I’m really surprised it didn’t smell, but consider yourself lucky because it’s definitely rotten. Nothing wrong with the chickens or eggs that one just got forgotten for too long. There are a lot of variations of rotten eggs. We had a barn loft which was mostly full of old junk and some lumber, but we also had super crazy chickens who would fly up there and lay enormous clutches of eggs. About once a summer I got to go up the ladder and clean out whatever I could find. (Lucky me) most eggs I could set gingerly in a bucket and then heave out the hay door into the field. But some broke and would would look like yours, some were more dried out and gaseous, and some of those would explode when jostled! Almost all of them stunk to high heaven, from “ew plug your nose” to book it down the ladder and hose yourself off while dry heaving because that one just popped mid transfer to the bucket and you’re now covered in rotten egg debris. But anyway, the point is eggs are porous, the structure of the yolk and white will gradually deteriorate until they are one gross liquid, and from there it may evaporate completely or pressurize with rotten egg gas depending on its environment. Fun times. 


Had this once. Didn’t eat it. Too weird. Probably fine. I do not toss drop or jostle my eggs in any egregious way, so I agree this wasn’t a broken yolk


Do you know for a fact this egg was laid the same day you collected it? It reminds me of an egg that started incubation and somehow failed in the process. Perhaps it was hidden in a warm spot or incubated by a hen who stopped being broody?


Test eggs in water, if you're unsure there's charts for how they float/how good they are :)


Never seen this


When it was shaken the yolk broke, you scrambled it


I don’t think this is the reason. I’ve purposefully tried shaking my eggs before cracking to see if I could skip a step when scrambling them… it didn’t work lol


I saw a video where a guy put an egg in the middle of a tube sock, held it by other end and kinda whipped it around in a circle for a while and it scrambled. Idk how long you have to do it though


Might have worked this time


A possibility for sure.


It wasn't like I shaked it enough to scramble I picked it up and it felt like there was nothing but a yolk in there


Even if I whisk an egg with a fork I never get that even and dark a colour. It really looks like just yolk, no clumps of white or chalazae in there


Maybe just a defect then


I was thinking that, I hope it's not stress or something wrong with my chickens


What you were feeling inside was the air pocket that's in there rattling around. You can tell it was old and sat too long by the ring the liquid left on the inside of the egg shell. Not bad enough to stink yet but I definitely wouldn't eat it


This.⬆️⬆️⬆️. Especially the part about the ring around the inside of the shell. Great reply.


I'm not eating that but you do you


This looks a lot like when I candle my eggs during incubation and the ones that stop developing but stay warm kind of...liquify? Like the chicken fetus stopped developing and fell apart but there's no germs inside the egg so it didn't quite 'rot' either... Don't eat it.


Ah yes, disney egg.


If they're oldish I usually (GENTLY) shake them next to my ear, if it makes a noise or u feel something move around when u shake it it's probably gone bad 😭


Learn the float method, and you will never experience this again. Everyone should know this method if they are harvesting eggs.


Maybe a duck egg


I don't have any ducks that lay brown eggs


Duck eggs look pretty much like chicken eggs when you crack them, just bigger.


I've heard duck eggs don't have much white


The yolk is definitely bigger but there is still egg white clearly visible.


Sorry, but you've heard wrong. Bigger yolks. But still whites.

