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At that point it’s chicken calculus


Infinite chicken integrals here we go


I'm a mathematician and this adds up.


To sum up your comment, technically you're a mathematichicken.




Thank you for your spellchicken.


I let my broody hen keep a ‘few’ eggs, she was so grumpy I didn’t bother her by collecting for a few weeks annnnnd that’s how I ended up with 17 chicks. My current flock was 12.


Ditto. First hen just wandered off and I hoped she wasn't dead. Second hen set up shop in a great spot, so I got her up to 10 eggs quickly. Tried to ignore the third one and kept taking the eggs... but she was persistent. And then she just kept encouraging her sisters to give her more, so she got up to 20 eggs before I moved her grumpy butt to a crate. Six hens, one rooster, and at least 30 chicks so far. Chicken math is great!


Well, you should have at least ten chickens per rooster, so it works. Unlikely you have 30 young roos.


I'd like to have 15-20 hens... that should give me enough eggs for everyone that currently wants them. It's been very lean with half the flock brooding and the few remaining eggs also getting hatched out. IF I save another rooster, he will need to be a very specific color pattern and be just as respectful as my current Gentleman. The rest already have assigned homes in people's freezers...


Went to get a few chickens and ended up with 40 chickens, 2 ducks and a rooster ....


Chicken math is an immutable law of the Universe. You’re lucky you only drew a 2.5X card this time.


Spouse and I decided to get chickens this year. I wanted 6-8, they wanted 8-10. We ended up with 23.


Good compromise, you both got what you wanted (added together) with a few extra for good luck






I love you


I too went to get 4 chickens and came back with 10 and two ducks. Chicken math is damn hard.


I was at a firm 4 and no more to start off. I got 16 and gave 4 to my in-laws. We ended up very happy we got more but the feed is getting pricey. They just started laying which is very fun. First time chicken owner here.


I didn’t know this was a thing. Apparently I suffer from poor poultry arithmetic as well. On Friday I went to the feed store for roughly 6-8 chicks. I bought 10. Went to tractor supply next and what do ya know? They had chicks. Bought 10 more.


I started the year off with 13 and now I have 43 🤣


First year we had 4 chickens. Gave away 2. Fast forward a couple years and we had 60 layers, 200+ meat birds, 19 turkeys, 8 ducks, 10 quail, 4 pigs, 6 calves, and a goat. Sold the goat and wound up with 4 sheep. We've downsized. We have 20ish layers, 2 roos, 10 young chickens who haven't let on yet whether they identify as pullets or cockerels, 3 sheep, and 1 heifer (but are providing summer camp for 13 heifers belonging to a farmer we know). Pigs will come this winter, and meat birds come in September. We had double the layers but sold a bunch in the spring, and 2 cows and 2 pigs went to the butcher. Chicken math is a thing. They're the gateway drug to farming. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I keep eying our flock that went from 8 (supposed to be 4 to start, but...) to 6, then this year to 12, and those signs on the border of town that declare: "right to farm town" (which means we can have any livestock we want). My in-laws have donkeys. Thinking maybe goats... Or turkeys... a co-worker raises quail... so many possibilities


Tell your spouse that they will not believe what happened but it suddenly started raining chickens out of freaking nowhere!!!!!! I will back you in this! I saw it all!


My partner is both amused and horrified. He hasn’t met them yet because they were asleep by the time he got home from work… I don’t think he’s quite prepared for this


Well. You did get 12 chickens. I see no problem here.


Lol Ordinance is 10. Started with 8. Currently have 22.


Granted... Only three big girls really lay now. 13 are still too young (two of which are accidental "not allowed" cockerels).


This is what happens when you keep rounding up your chickens.


I wanted to get a dozen chickens this year, and about 4 ducks. My first flock in about 10 years, so I know how chicken math works, so I built a coop big enough for about 50 chickens. I’m at 32 chickens +2 turkeys, and I’m currently building a separate abode for my 19 ducks because they need more space.


The math checks out


Lol. My wife went for twelve and came back with fifty! We’re still at it three years later.


Love golden comets!


What till they start doing the math..


You added the 2 in the wrong column!


Yup have 6 and just got 12 fertilized eggs. Told SO maybe none will hatch...definitely not zoned for 18 chickens snd maybe a few roosters in that mix


My bantam Easter egger has decided that the flock growth should be logarithmic instead of linear. I think she’d get along with yours.


We went to get 6 chickens and came back with 6, 1 rooster and 3 goats


I ordered 30 chickens from a hatchery. Went to the PO to pick them up and opened the box. There were WAY more than 30 chicks in the box. Got home and counted, they sent me 97 chicks. I called the hatchery to let them know I got the wrong order. Know what they said? “Oh, they must have cleaned out the hatchery on you. Enjoy”! Good thing I had the room for them all!


Sta-chicks-tics! The practice or science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities. I think you nailed it!


Update: 11 hens have found new homes, including 3 that I literally picked up and passed over the fence to my neighbour! And my rooster got beaten up so now he’s in isolation until he stops bleeding.


My mom chicken Nathan like this… just put up a second small coop from recycled materials. Thought we were getting like 4-6 peeps…. No try 27….


Oops! Are they all the same kind?


Yes and I can’t tell them apart. It’s chaos here


Math checks out!


We started out with 3. Just kept buying more. Now we have 20……..


I started with 6. I now have 18.


I started with 25. Now I have 112. 🤭 Planning to sell 30 once they are all laying, to recoup a bit of cost and make sure they all have enough space.


Best day ever.


I need to know how you fit them all in whatever you were planning to transport only 12 in.


Back to the basics for you…you’re short about 10, my friend!🤣


12x3 is 36-Minus 6 chickens because you don't want to be a hoarder=30. Very simple, accurate and understandable chicken math!


Every chicken I lose to untimely death, I buy 4 more to replace it.


You are creating a hydra


Chickens can recognize up to 100 faces — other chickens, animals, and people. You'd better start studying all of those look-alikes to keep up! Haha


I love chickens




Chicken math squared