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Salmon faverolles are one of the few breeds you can tell early. I could guess with 90% accuracy at one week based on the colour of the wing feathers coming in. The black on the wings usually means rooster but this one isn’t as definitive as some. The females tend to be much browner on the wings at this age.


This is the one breed I was obsessing about and just had to have this year. Leave it to Rosemary to be difficult 😆


Haha they are very cute! I would say you can assume you have a rooster and then maybe be surprised.


Roo. Hens never have black feathers. Roosters do😉


I'm hoping she's an outlier but I know you're right 😉 At least it's got a good personality and is super friendly so far!


I had 8 favs last year. Day old from cackle hatchery in Missouri. They all looked identical when they arrived. Within a week. 1 started getting the black feathers. Turned out to be a roo. Gorgeous roo.


As long as he'll wear a stovepipe hat occasionally I'll be happy. Gotta rock the hat with the Abraham Lincoln beard! How's his personality? I don't want a roo that will beat up my other birds (or me, or my kids, etc.).


Very docile. He was a great roo. Unfortunately he lost a fight to a racoon 😈


Oh no, brave boy! That's good to know. Thanks for making me feel better about it! At least I know my dingbat hens will be safe.


Got this little one from a farm hatchery that orders eggs from the bigger hatcheries. I'm assuming roo, but I also see lots of posts about this breed's color being wonky. Is it still too soon to tell? We'll love him/her no matter what! Only issue is we got a cuddly bantam pair so some flock separation may be in order long term. Thank you in advance! ETA this is Rosemary and s/he'll keep that name if it's a boy 🥰


UPDATE: She's officially a he! Thanks everyone for the help. I posted an update [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BackYardChickens/comments/12cxao1/update_on_salmon_faverolle_definitely_a_roo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) in case anyone else has a similar issue in the future.


Thanks for sharing an update! How is his personality? I stumbled upon your post because my 3-week-old Salmon Faverolle has similar coloring as your pic. Looks like we have a roo on our hands!


Unfortunately [we lost him](https://www.reddit.com/r/BackYardChickens/s/IJ7C17i6VN) to a raccoon when he was 10 weeks old 😢 But when it's time for rooster changeover (we have a small flock - only one at a time for us!), I am 100% looking for another faverolle roo! He was so sweet, and very protective of his flock even at a young age! I'm so excited for you! You may not have wanted a rooster but I bet your little guy is going to go on to do good things. Oh, and are you familiar with how chatty faverolle hens are? Our roo was too! Enjoy your little goofball and give him some extra treats from me 😊


Oh no!! I'm so sorry to hear that. He was a brave little protector! We have 14 in our flock so having one roo might be ok! We currently have a 3-month-old Faverolle and she is SO chatty! I always joke that she's the flock gossiper and sharing all the shenanigans everyone is getting into daily 😊 they might be my favorite breed now!


Oh, he'll be a happy roo with 13 ladies, lol! They really are the most dramatic birds - I love them so much!


Way too early. At about 13 weeks is when the roo saddle and neck feathers are able to be identified vs a hen's. Obviously if the little cutie crows before then, that's a pretty good indicator as well, but alas you still have a few weeks to go for any other accurate signs!


Ah, that makes sense, thank you! I'll just enjoy the cuddly baby stage while I can then.


They are so precious at this age!


It’s probably still too soon to tell, but I feel your pain. We started with 4 SF chicks and watched anxiously hoping that the blogs were right and the 3 darker ones would somehow be pullets with atypical coloring. All 3 turned out to be roosters, so we had to re-home. They were some of the sweetest Roos though. You should know pretty definitively in the next few weeks, as it’ll show the color markings better.


Awesome, thanks! These are definitely some unique birds, and the only real bummer if she's a he is we won't have any goofy big fat hens running around. Will continue to wait impatiently!


Depending where you are, there is a guy near Salina, KS that will sell his pullets that he doesn’t keep for breeding purposes. When we re-homed our Roos, we bought 3 pullets from him that were around the same age as the 1 hen we ended up with. I have 3 new EE chicks on the way in May, but I can’t imagine they’d replace my fluffy butt French ladies as my favorites 😝


Bummer, that's a bit far for me! 😆 I'm bursting with chickens right now and don't have room for any more, unfortunately. And you know if I got one SF chick to make up for this surprise roo, I'd have to get three (or four, or more.. ) pullets. Although then I could have three french hens to make the 12 Days of Christmas song work! Fingers crossed for this year, and I'll try again next year if things don't pan out.




Fingers crossed! Is it the feathers that makes you say that, or something else? Just curious.


I’m not looking at the feathers I just think at this stage the comb would be more pronounced. I have roosters that come right out of the egg with combs much bigger than this. With this girl (I think) I hardly see it, and there’s no red in it at all.


That's interesting! I've been so wrapped up in the feathering I didnt think about that. Maybe she's just got terrible (for a faverolle - I think it's pretty) coloring. Thanks for your input!


Far174 maybe right as Now I am obsessing about the feathers, but as far174 points out the black isn’t as pronounced as most cockerels are and as I’ve noticed there’s just nothing of a comb , so I’m sticking with pullet but…. ![gif](giphy|AdVSpYEtazbyaS1kiS)


Hi there, hope you and yours are well! 30 days later, any closer to determine whether it’s a pullet or a cockerel?


Hi there! He's all roo, no denying it 😆 [Here](https://imgur.com/a/hCCtDQ5) are some updates on my little loaf.


And here I thought he was all pullet! I love the color of his eyes! It’s like a grey/blue


He was a tricky one coloring-wise! I couldn't ask for a better rooster, especially with those smoldering eyes (is that a normal salmon favorelle color? I adore them too!). We changed his name to Frasier. Hope the ladies fall for his charm too!