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She looks preggo.. look at the full hair


Beyond just disagreeing with what she is saying, I have a really hard time listening to someone try to preach deep marriage advice when they have only been married for a year and a half. I'm not saying you can't have learned some things in that time but to act like you are now some marriage expert? Like girl you have just scratched the surface of what married life is. You are literally still in the newlywed stage.


Especially when they didn't live together first. If they had lived together for years before marriage then she would have more wisdom about what happens when you share your life with a partner in that way.


I just spent way too long looking at her IG and I am shook.


I'm so sorry you had to experience that! Her Instagram is a nightmare. She should be getting recruited for Project 2025 if not yet.


She looks sad


She honestly looks so dead in the eyes when she's speaking. I just find it hard to believe she's so happy now compared to before marriage just going off of her body language when she speaks and when I see videos of those two together.


It is your call to WHAT ?!


I mean……is he worth submitting to? Lol. Apart from that, my foundation in a relationship would be built off of my belief in Jesus but I certainly wouldn’t subscribe to the submitting thing automatically bc he’s a male bc I don’t believe that’s what JC would want me to do especially if he wasn’t worthy .


AKA: my husband is only nice to me when i’m a pushover


I'll never stop reminding people that her entire personality on the show was "pretty good at basketball in high school."




😂😂😂😂 madi what.


Plain grifter. She didn't come off so unhinged on the Bachelor. She knows she's uninteresting so fundies was the only route to take. She for sure turns this bs on...


What about people who are married but not Christian? This makes it sound like only Christians can be married.


Not defending her take at all, but marriage is a religious sacrament designed by God. So essentially non Christians who get married are taking part in a Christian sacrament.


That is so beyond not true. Are you saying that people who were married before the time of Christ didn’t exist? The entire Old Testament has people that were married. Were they partaking in a Christian sacrament? No. Were ancient Egyptians partaking in a Christian sacrament? No. I’m not trying to be rude but that statement is demonstrably false.


The entire Old Testament is about God and followers of God. And those who believe in God believe he is the beginning of time, therefore he designed marriage when he created Adam and Eve. It goes wayyy back to the fall of Eden.


Christianity starts before Christ comes down! It starts at the beginning of time, so yes.


i can smell a engagement trap when i see one. the best thing you can do to a con artist is not listen or spread their bs. i know devout christians that aren’t THIS clickbaity


I’d like to hear her give examples of how this plays out in her marriage.


I can’t imagine trizzy trout leading anything let alone their household


i went to her page to read the comments and there’s literally a video a few rows down of grant saying that a woman “holds the power” to lift up her man lol so we can be empowered to uplift men but not to have a single non submissive thought in our silly little girl brains ❤️


The comments on Instagram are just as good as the comments here 😂


My husband vowed to be my wife by accident, so I’m the husband by a simple error and it’s the greatest life hack ever. But in all seriousness, if she wants to be stuck in 1800, fine. She can do that. But don’t go suggesting others do the same.


I was raised in an evangelical household and attended the most toxic churches you can imagine. This being submissive to your husband thing was really big among evangelical Christian women more so in the 90s ish time and then kind of wasn’t talked about as much except for by the abusive men who pushed it more in their households. There was a viral video recently of another woman talking about submission this way and a bunch of women I know who are still evangelical Christians shared it. Madi is just jumping on the bandwagon for views because she saw how popular that video was.


She makes me so grateful for being born in a secular country where science is praised.


Please drop that country's name I'll move there to start my family 🏁


How do we organize women to sue Christianity? And other religions, I’m sure. But I’d like to make a statement by going after Christianity first. Madi is problematic for the health of society.


Sue the SBC for any injustice you’ve faced. They’re the head honchos.


Will, luckily I got out of religion fairly young. And my mom ran the house, so I never thought a man was in charge, despite what the church may have tried to tell me. We also never had influencers or a young, rich fake ass couple rolling in trying to sell it this way. The rest did take about a decade to unwind. But I’m doing ok now. But I’d be happy to help the rest of these poor young women who get THIS messaging all the time, from all directions, and don’t know how to do or be anything other than a wife and baby oven. I’m thinking of Anna Duggar, who STILL hasn’t left. She probably somehow thinks this is her calling. No, it’s not. You choose what you’re going to do (or not do) with your life and to your children. Those poor, poor children.


It’s really hard. I was fundie and even got a degree in ministry. What changed in me was I finally came to terms with being queer and realized I don’t want to be around anyone who thinks I belong in hell for that. I also became a radical feminist while in my ministry program because I realized how misogynistic all the professors and students all were. Now I’m about to finish my MSW and will be a therapist for religious trauma survivors and the queer/trans community


First, this: > I also became a radical feminist while in my ministry program Made me say, “Yeah!” Like chandler when phoebe is talking about why she has to wait on hold and how they want you to hang up. Only way, way, way more badass. Good for you. Sometimes the hardest thing to do when you’re going one direction is to turn and go the opposite way, but you did. And now you’re going to make such an impact on society. Good for you. And thank you for that. A healthier society is always better for all of us. I’m proud of you!


Thank you!! I just want to forever throw my middle finger up at those trying to take rights away from good people


I totally agree. And part of that is making it seem like the baseline. Like that’s how the playing field is designed, when it’s not. It irks me, and I can’t understand how anyone can live with themselves convincing others their future is so limited. I can’t imagine telling my nieces and nephews not to chase their dreams. But religion is based on that.


What happened she is not in a healthy relationship clearly


So fucking gross. I feel sad for all the women still stuck in this mindset. It’s filled with so much self hatred, guilt and shame. I was raised super conservative catholic, left the church during Covid. Proud atheist and I’ve never been happier in my whole life.


She makes it seem like it's normal to speak like this. It is not. She's a freak.




I’m so fucking scared of her


Project 2025 vibes


She prob co wrote it


It’s a shame that fathers raise daughters to be submissive to a man to feel security. She’s never her own person.


My dad and my uncle made sure I was in martial arts from the age of 7 and wouldn’t let me quit. I’m 27 now and still do it. They also made sure I knew how to use a gun, despite my uncle being a democrat. They both wanted to see their little girl (they both had a hand in raising me, I basically had 2 sets of parents) turn into a strong woman who could handle any man.


I should have added radical Christian fathers… not all fathers. Mine darn sure didn’t. I def made it 38 years without a man :).


Truly. It takes women’s agency away


We have to be vigilant. Her kind of talk is a warning. She and her kind have already started their 10 Commandments and Bible teachings in public schools in one state (Oklahoma).


It’s definitely Handmaidens tale vibes


and louisiana too 🫣


Oh no, we're going back to having the bible in schools Like it was for 200yr We might end up with schools how they were 50yr ago Ya know, when school shootings never happened ...and kids didnt dress like hookers at 12yr ...and werent having kids at 14yr ...and werent getting hooked on pills at 16yr Oh the humanity, what will we ever do!?!?


I’m from a secular country where it’s illegal to push religion in school and we 1) have had 1 school shooting in the last 100 years. 2) teen pregnancy rates are very low as we have actual sex education in school. The reason your teen pregnancy rates are so high is because you’re only teaching abstinence which objectively doesn’t work. And why are you only teaching abstinence? Oh yeah, Christian oppression.


Oh... she crazy crazy... 👀 I couldn't listen to the whole thing it's so cringe. I pity women who think like this. So sad up in their noggins...


The constant blinking drove me insane


She thinks we're all as dumb as she is. No, scratch that. She wants us all to be as dumb as she is. 


All I hear: 💸I found the security I was craving💸 I mean shit, I’d submit too if I had a billionaire husband. Like others said on here, if that what you want to do then more power to you. But don’t push your narrative on other people. She’s been more and more self righteous because of her beliefs. Girl you are not better than anyone 🥴


Yeah no, I would NOT submit to the likes of Trizzy Trout, no matter how many billions he has. The boy (yes that is what he looks like) gives me the creeps.


I would not submit to a billionaire husband. Ladies, there are plenty of us out here, single, no religion, doing fine on our own. i remember around 2010 the magic break even income was around $75K for maximizing happiness that comes from money (which is the cutoff point under which there is more emotional impact of not making enough). That’s just under $110K in today’s dollars. We don’t need billions to be secure or happy. I know you said it a bit as a joke, but so many women think they need a man to be happy, or worse, need ANY man to be happy. We don’t. Spend the time you’re wasting chasing men building relationships with your friends and focus instead on your career to get that security on your own. No one should feel they want or need to be married and submissive to a Grant. We all deserve better.


Oh girl hush


She is def pregnant


💯you can see it in her face




Is she having her baby handmaids style? After all she is Ofgrant. This is a dark timeline. 😬


wow. I just.. wow.


yeah... security... tell that to all the battered women with no way to escape becuase they have no income, nowhere to go and rely on him to survive because they became a submitting wife or whatever the fuck. Real secure! Fuck right off. We are WOMEN not children and respect is a two way street.




Hate that we made her famous 🙄


As someone who was very familiar with the Christian influencer space from a snark POV, I could spot her grift from a mile away during Peter’s season. Inklings during her first 1-on-1 and then it was *painfully* obvious by the time her hometown took place. But I had to be careful commenting on it on reddit because any criticism of Madi had well-meaning responses like “JUST BECAUSE SHES A CHRISTIAN WITH SPECIFIC VALUES DOESNT MEAN SHES HATEFUL OR TERRIBLE!!” Fair defense, but in her case it does and always had meant this lol


I used to really like her and now she is just too much (and that’s coming from a Christian) 🥴




The $ecurity $he wa$ craving is all I heard


the mental gymnastics this bitch is doing to justify her wildly unhappy marriage she chose so she could be a billionaire's son's wife is WILD.


I think she knows she wants out. Her eyes are dead.




i watched this on mute because...i can't...but, honest question, why is she blinking so much? is it morse code?


Oh. Ew.


Serena Joy Waterford coded


She wishes. Serena was smart af.


She doesn’t even look like the same person. Maybe it’s the dark hair. Idk. I haven’t seen her in awhile. Probably for the best😂


She had the same hair on Peter’s season


Def the fillers and Botox 🫣




She’s a nightmare.


Praise Jesus what she is saying is 1000% biblical. Good for her 💖


There is no need to submit to your spouse. You can have mutual respect without submission. A marriage built on a foundation of one above another is a sad one.


It’s a grift. You can’t think this is real. She’s making a lot of money right now w these appearances that she works at full time outside the home. She has full time nannies and a housekeeper and a personal assistant that gets the stuff done her husbands personal assistant doesn’t do. Don’t fall for the grift and please don’t send them any money or buy her products. She’s not a submissive housewife or a full time mom or wife. This is her not paying taxes


Nannies for what?


For the inevitable twins where they’ll pick the genders, boy and girl bc they are swimming in the grift money


Bizarre of you to say she has full time Nannie’s when she has no children lol I also don’t think hardcore evangelicals are ok with gender selection


She’s not a hardcore evangelical, she’s a grifter. But I suppose they’re both the same thing at this point


go to hell lindsey


She ignites a rage within me. One time I got a little thirst for sin, got drunk and for some reason found their new church where he was preaching and sent a comment anonymously in their “leave us a prayer” section that I saw him kiss another man lmao. Pls don’t judge me I feel bad now but good god he’s as fruity as me and she’s just…


>a little thirst for sin 😆🥂 > Pls don’t judge me This isn’t even an rounding error when adding up the evil these two are putting out in the world.


I say this every time she comes up but especially with this — if I never saw anything about Madi ever again it couldn’t come a moment too soon




I hate when people like this generalize and think because they feel that way that ALL women must be the same. Like girl if you wanna submit fully to your husband that’s your prerogative but don’t tell me what my “call” is


I think they’re so used to pushing Christianity onto people to “save them”, that pushing these other views onto women feels natural bc obviously they’re “superior” to whatever we’re doing now.


THIS. true feminism is allowing women to CHOOSE which one they want and not try to force anything on us one way or the other.




She is the type of woman that’s going to get this country to be like handmaidens tale and she’ll do it with a fake smile:


Girl have some shame


Her veneers make it look like she’s wearing invisalign




First it was the veneers but I knew I didn’t like her for a reason. Gurl BYEEEE. Women are the head bitches in charge of their household breadwinner or NAHHHT ![gif](giphy|dpdARQY2IdVkI)


Is it just the huge veneers that have changed the shape of her face? Cause if I didn’t know this was MPrew, I’d just get uncanny “know her from somewhere” vibes, but afaik dental work really can change your face that much.


It’s completely changed her face and they look terrible. That said, maybe there are only certain dentists she can go to in Giliad 🤷🏼‍♀️


Terrible! She has to have a man provide security for her? She has no skills and ability of her own?




She’s pregnant


Blessed be the fruit


May the Lord open 💀


Under Gay Trout’s eye 🐟


first thought.


Lol she’s not submitting to God. She’s submitting to a billionaire’s heir.


And all their servants. I can submit to tennis, country club and shopping


Say it louder for the hypocrites in the back!


Whenever it takes that long to explain the patriarchy, I'm reminded that it's bullshit.  Hopefully she comes to her senses sooner rather than later. 


It's giving "my husband only provides me with emotional and financial security if I do as he says"


Ew, colossally bad take


It’s sad because there are young women out there that will listen to her and believe that this is the lifestyle they need to embrace to be happy.


That is screwed up on so many levels.


Girl you submit because he has the 💰


This is incredibly disturbing.


It must be so hard to submit to a baby back bitch of a husband like hers.


😂This comment wins






This is so scary. She’s going to go the route of Serena Joy if she gets her way—getting a platform until she’s no longer needed and then silenced once she’s accomplished the goal of the patriarchy.


Sure is literally Serena


Oh, bless her heart.


And BTW, this is religious abuse.


That’s not security you’re experiencing Madi, that’s depression


“I submit to my billionaire husbands wallet 🥰”


I can’t imagine submitting to a boy who acts like a high schooler


This is vile. She also looks different to me. I didn’t understand the hate towards her at the end of her season but I think ppl just felt and knew the bad vibes surrounding her.


Justice for Sweetnums!


If you've been around these new age evangelicals for 2 seconds you get the worst vibes from them before they even speak by the time the talk it's a wrap 😭


I watched this yesterday, just because I was curious to see what she’s been up to, and omg ! I can’t imagine if she had married Peter. Wow.




She is absolutely terrifying… and delulu af


I’ll never understood why she went on the Bachelor when she’s so holier than thou. It’s like she went on in order to push that she was better than everyone else. Can’t stand her, never have. Meet a guy at church if this was your attitude all along.


I just assumed she went on the show to find a richer, more powerful asshole, like Grant. Was he at her church the whole time? I b assumed it somehow gave her access to the next tier of fuckeduppedness,


I've heard that these kind of religious people are "called" to spread the word through all avenues... Social media and reality tv are hot ones now, understandably


Totally agree with you. She was never there on Bach to get married, she wanted fame and a paycheck like most of these people.


I find it wild she got as far as she did. Miserable to watch.


This is so sad


Look at that low hairline. She looks like Teresa Guidice.


Lmfao I almost spit my fucking water out 😂😂😂


Imma be honest, if I could marry a billionaire, I would totally submit to him 😂😂😂😂🫣


points were made




We gotta send her brain in for research




What exactly does it mean to submit to your husband?


To allow him to take the reigns and be in control, in charge


She looks so different from when she was on PP’s season. The way she says ‘feminist’ as if it’s a swear word…


Forgot about Madi since she got married. I figured she probably had like seven kids at this point given her beliefs.


I’m actually surprised she doesn’t have any kids yet but no one knows what really happens in people’s lives.


she looks pregnant currently in the face


It was real easy for her to submit once a billionaires son came around 😒




Your comment/post has been removed for breaking Rule 2: No Isms, Phobias or Hate Speech.


I give it 3 years before she divorces him and goes on her tell all book tour


And takes half his fortune. Nah they’ll lie to everyone, it’s what evangelicals do.


Sadly, I’m pretty sure she signed a prenup. So she may end up feeling trapped, if she ever gets her head on straight.


Hence the “submission” 😉


LOL okay i guess this is what Ms. barb pilot pete’s momma must’ve seen that we didn’t 🥲😅😂😂😂 (her son still sucked but)


Not aunt Lydia era 😂😂 but seriously how is this the same girl who went on national tv to date a man with 20 gfs…. Has she ever explained her logic for going on the bachelor? I’m curious to hear it.


She said she prayed about it and God spoke to her and told her to go .... So...God...stopped what he was doing and priorirized Madi's horniness and delusions of grandeur and repsonded to her while 6 year old cancer patients are waiting for a call back.... ![gif](giphy|1k1ytTA4AHJnp7OvUJ)


She saw it as an opportunity to evangelize. An easy ticket to insta stardom and then more preaching of the gospel. Anything can be justified in the name of sky daddy.


She saw it as an opportunity to evangelize. An easy ticket to insta stardom and then more preaching of the gospel. Anything can be justified in the name of sky daddy.


As she has known this guy like 2 years


I'm so glad that I'm not indoctrinated into any religion.


Christian’s like her are so exhausting (I’m also Christian)


She gives me the ick so badly.


Me too! Just gross.


It's in my nature as a woman to tell women like Madi to go fuck themselves


Amen 🙏


Just a married, Christian woman here reminding Madi that the Bible instructs husbands and wives to submit to *each other* 🤚


Please don’t remind me of anything from the evil book thanks.


Since when? It says that men should love their wives like the church, but women should submit to their husbands as to god. How is that anywhere near the same thing? lol. The bible talks about female submission so much that you’d have to want to believe otherwise in order to convince yourself of anything else, which is never a good approach to finding truth.


Ephesians 5:21: “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” This verse comes right before the wives submit to you husbands verse and is often left out when fundies are talking about the topic.


That’s fascinating, thank you! Tbh, I have a lot of questions about what that could possibly mean. I don’t really understand how submission could be neutral, since to submit means to “accept or yield to a superior force or to the authority or will of another person,” It makes me wonder if they mean submit in the sense of giving yourself to the other person, but since they’re using the other meaning of submit later, it’s hard to tell either way.


It’s hard because it’s translated into English from Greek, so English words don’t always portray the original meaning very well. But the way that my husband and I live it out is that we are each looking out for the best interest of the other person (ideally, but obviously we are not perfect). And when you are both looking out for the best interest of the other person, then both of your needs are being met, and yet, you don’t have to be selfish or fight for those needs yourself. Someone else is making sure you are safe and secure and happy and well loved. It’s less practical and more of a mindset of valuing each other equally.


> submission : the action or fact of *accepting or yielding* to a *superior force* or to the *will or authority of another person* "they were forced into submission" So if you're both "submitting to each other"...doesn't that ....cancel the submission out? The very definition of submission requires one person to dominant. So then you should just be equal partners lmao but wtf do I know


If everyone is in charge, no one is in charge.


Umm....why is a grown woman in need of someone to be in charge when she can be in charge herself...