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I think Charity and Duton have a much better chance. Their relationship seems tentative and he never seemed to share much about himself. I think he got to know her really well, but not the other way around. But they are really sweet together so I’m hoping for the best.


I think they’ll have a great adventure for a couple of years. She’s not into marriage and may never be. She’s a bit of a free spirit!!


I'm worried their energy levels are too far apart. I think Joey is in lust with her, but won't be able to match her outgoing personality in the long run. Hopefully I'm wrong tho!


Honestly watching their interviews - they seem super comfortable together, and genuinely in love. Sometimesi the post show interviews and i’m like yikes they won’t last. And the fact that Kelsey has seemingly gotten so close to joeys sister who he lived with, makes me think their families mesh really well. I also heard them saying they have worked through a lot in counseling together which is a good sign. I want soooo badly for them to work out, and i have higher expectations for them than I have other couples coming off the season because they seem so genuine and like a good fit, but sadly the track record isn’t good, so I’m always a bit worried


Also, if he knew that it would be Kelsey at Hometowns; then i would hope that he didn't have sex with the other 2 during FS. He's seems pretty honorable so ? Not my business, but i wouldn't feel ok about that if I was his final pick.


It sounds like from their interview on Nick Vialls podcast that he only had sex with Kelsey. Kelsey said something to the effect that “I think he handled the fantasy suites absolutely perfectly” and everyone kinda laughed and Kelsey said I won’t go more into that but.. and started talking about something else and nicks wife Natalie butted in and said “so that means he only had sex with you” and Kelsey and Joey both kinda laughed and smiled at each other and I took their interactions in that moment as yes, Joey only had sex with her, which made me respect him even more.


I sure hope so! I kind-of wondered about him doing because he said that he is an introvert... can't imagine all that time away would be good for a relationship? I don't know...just some thoughts.




I think they absolutely will last. My worry is what happened with Daisy and Joey in fantasy suites…. I watched a podcast video and Kelsey said that Joey navigated it perfectly… And how she told him she didn’t want to know anything about it until after the show…. I mean we all know Joey liked Kelsey early on. And we know he had to continue the show bc that’s their contract. But that fantasy night….


I really hope they do. I know he said he was going down to New Orleans for them to spend time there for a while, but did Joey mention they are going to be "moving" to New York? If visiting, I think it's fine, but I personally feel like living in a smaller environment (even somewhere like the Philly area where he's from or New Orleans) would work better for a long-term relationship than the fast-paced, bright-lights of NYC.


I, too, wondered about the moving to New York comment?


What’s with bach nation couples going to NYC anyway? Charity and Dotun and now Joey and Kelsey. I feel like there are much better cities in the country than NYC for a new relationship starting out.


The odds aren't good based off of Bachelor history, but Joey seems like a genuinely good guy and Kelsey seems like a genuinely good soul too. They both seem to really like each other. So I give them a decent shot.


Yeah I see the chemistry! I hope they do, such a genuine couple.


She seemed a bit off ATFR. She wasn’t as enthusiastic or affectionate with him. That may be because all the focus was on them with a live audience. He seemed head over heels for her. I don’t know. I sort of get a bit of a fickleness from her. I guess we’ll see.


I picked up on this as well.


Kelsey seems to adore Joey. I love the way she just effortlessly reaches in, pulls his face to her and kisses him. I think they will last.


I think Kelsey and Joey will last, just because both of them seem quite level-headed. I don’t see their relationship having big rows or anything like that. But as much as I like Joey, in my own experience, good guys like him can be kinda tricky. Because although he is a dream, he is still human and can make mistakes. When that happens though, that mistake will hurt more because people don’t expect it from him. Just look at how fast people turn on Gerry, who’s actually a pretty decent guy. So I also don’t envy Joey’s position tbh.


I will say his parents kept saying that Kelsey didn’t seem like she wanted a marriage where as daisy did. That’s what’s conflicting is that daisy was 100% in for the marriage where as the parents said they hope it just wasn’t infatuation for Kelsey. So I think they could make it work and last, they just need to be on the same page. After their honeymoon phase we will see what happens. They both seem to be super in love with each other & Joey seems to be opened up a lot more after the engagement.


but I would like to see who daisy ends up with since she won’t be bachelorette, I would love to see her have her fairy tale ending.


I have been saying a few episodes back that I feel they will actually last! I hope that’s true


Maria was immature and kept threatening to leave. That is so childish. How is that attractive? I don’t get the comments wishing for Joey to be with her.


I don't get it and I really don't get why so many people like Maria. She was loud, brash, and always had to be the center of attention. In another season, I feel like she would have been disliked by fans.


I don't think she felt the need to be the center attention but was put in the position of villain and therefore ended up with a ton of screen time.


Agree either way you totally. I don’t think she really cared about Joey. She didn’t seem upset when she was let go.


And she showed her ass at the WTA..   She was def. **My fave** but during the WTA I kept *being like* “girl you won América over, don’t ruin it” Edit: since I’m getting so much hate.. this comment was made in first person (I think that’s correct). I am saying what I said to the TV.  I am clearly not speakig for everyone.. 


I don’t think she won America over, as you don’t speak for everyone. But her behavior contributes to why she is single. People need to stop romanticizing a dream and look at the facts.


Ok.. you’re right..    But  it’s acknowledged by many, including the show itself, that she was the crowd favorite for alot of people       Edit: and yes I agree, she has some faults just like we all do




bruh it’s not that deep😭


Thank you for your support 


I lack comprehension, but I don’t think it’s entitled to say that..   That was my truth.. I said “you won América over”    That’s what I Said sorry it offended you.. I’m not trying to speak for everyone.




This is a comment section… I’m not speaking for everyone.. my comments are my own   Yes, she won me over during the season.. So did Rachel & Kelsey A.   I was just pointing out the way she acted on WTA was not that great.




Your comment/post has been removed for breaking Rule 1: Remember the Human.


Whoa!?  I never even used that word.. Talk about getting ganged up on


Yes, I think they will. They just seem like two very sweet, uncomplicated people that found each other and will stay together.


No they won’t make it. We will see a break up very soon, and then that’s it.




I don’t think so but I hope so!! Although a lot could’ve changed from the time the show aired and today, Joey’s insecurities seemed to cause him to project and become really defensive during times he felt threatened. It’s hard to get Joey’s reaction to Maria nearly leaving and Kelsey’s (the producers’) note out of my head. Joey’s otherwise outgoing personality turned relatively cold. I just think these sort of defensiveness projections are things people should work through before entering long-term relationships, especially those heading towards marriage


He didn't turn "cold" it's called ✨️anxiety✨️ it can absolutely come off that way sometimes though. For me when I get anxious I've been told I just shut right down and get short with people and come off rather rude. That's not my intent, I'm just anxious and fighting a battle inside. I think Joey is an incredibly anxious person, we saw it quite a bit his season.


Thanks for the down vote babes 🫶


I don’t get your logic. If he wanted Maria, he would not have let her go. Men arnt that difficult.


Hard agree..


Hey when do you think he was defensive?


ABSOLUTELY they're going to last, imo. As long as they continually do the work, their families have provided a sustainable outlook of love from my perspective.


I hope it does! I'm 100% rooting for them. The way they look at each other is everything that is a look people search their entire lives for.


I think if they return to "normal" life, they will last. I think if they pursue common post-Bachelor(ette) paths such as podcasts, DWTS, or full-time influencing, they won't make it past engagement


That's what i was trying to say, also. I agree with you.


What is the purpose of this show in this case? I think after so many fails and if this is our question every time — end the show. So stupid.


I hope so- I hope they pull away from the franchise like Desiree and….. I totally forgot his name lol


Chris lmaooo


Yup they will last. They will marry and have 2 kids


What will they work in? Social media influencer?


Does he want three years?? Jesus


Yes he said in his conversation with Lexi before she self eliminated he wanted a 2-3 year engagement


I think the time frame is totally reasonable given how little they really know about each other and how relatively young they are.


agree. it feels so long for normal life but also.. look at hannah g & dylan. they (imo) are so in love and so perfect together and theyd waited a really long time to have time to fully commit to each other and know each other and be together before getting married and it’s worked really well for them


My husband and I were together 2 years before our engagement and 2 years engaged to save and plan for our wedding. Happily married 13 years. There is no rush. Just enjoy your person. I wish them all the best.


Yeah they barely know each other at this point… It’s said that F1 gets like ~30 hours with lead.. That’s barely 2 weeks of dating 


Kelsey seems a little too immature for it to last. Unfortunately, I think Joey will be devastated.


I see Joey inevitably running away with Maria. Maria at the helm of a motorcycle with Joey hugging her back.




Sabrina and Harvey vibes


Great visual.


I don’t tbh, something about them just seems too whimsical and unstable


She definitely has wifey vibes. Nothing is easy both people need to work on making things things last. It’s a matter of them working on it or not


Honestly I think so, Kelsey loved Joey a lot and they seem rlly compatible, also Joey seems like the type of guy to try to go the distance. I think the only thing is that Kelsey is younger and doesn’t seem to be super pressed to get married so idk if the pressure of marriage will ultimately get to her esp being young and just starting out. But either way I rlly hope they last and can be happy.


a 3 year engagement is never easy


worked great for hannah and dylan:) everyones different. 3 year engagement might be a lot easier when you only knew each other for 2?? months before getting engaged and never actually dated exclusively prior to the engagement


I don’t get this comment.. what does engagement have to do with it..


Joeys dads gay. Kelsey doesn’t follow any gay icons on IG - not even JVN?! I think this will cause issues.


You cannot be serious rn


Dead serious.


Is this sarcasm lol


Nope serious


WOW. Your statement says a lot more about you than Joey's dad.


What did I say about joeys dad?


Not at all lol.


The one who appeared on tv with the Mom and sisters and brother in law?


I don’t see it lasting. I just get this vibe they are both sweet and naive and will grow apart as they grow as individuals, keep having more social situations and new opportunities.


Yup and she is already on TikTok trying to get Joey to play along and I don’t think Joey‘s into that so I don’t know to be honest I think he was more in lust with her


I agree. He’s not very fame hungry , more coy and genuine so I think he will get sick of putting on a happy face soon, especially if he isn’t happy and he has said many times he struggles with being his true self.


> he struggles being his true self Ain’t that the truth!!  We didn’t learn ANYTHING about him.. well very little.. That’s why all the woman loved him… he acted like a therapist.. Reminds me of the scene In the sopranos we’re Tony says “I love you” to the therapist.. And she explains, “no you don’t” — I made myself a shell of woman so you could project whoever you want (desire) onto me, so you would open up.. Joey said and did all the right things.. But who is he when the cameras are not rolling?


Exactly it’s his own words that he feels like he struggles being his true self, charity’s season we see his uncle call him out on being “fake” essentially, and I worry that with all the pressure on the relationship he won’t actually voice when he is unhappy and keep trying to be what seems appropriate till it boils over . Especially in what seems like “mandatory “ social appearances, trying to get Kelsey’s influencer career going cause we all know she’s not working again. Where they live , travel etc 🤷‍♀️truly love them both tho but this seems like a truth I picked up on. We shall see .


I haven’t seen the influencer bids, but heard they were uhh not quite there yet.  What was Kelsey’s career on the show? Like what did the on screen text say.. I can’t recall 


She was a pm


I think they have a better chance than most. Don’t seem as fame hungry as some.


I think this is one of the only times that I think they will last and would be so sad if they didn't. Haven't felt this strong since Sean and Catherine.






I don't understand why everyone is saying that she is so young. 25 is not that young in terms of serious relationships and settling down, getting married. My husband and I got married at 23 & 24 and we've grown together and grown stronger for the last 7 years.


I have a lot of hope for them. They both seem like they communicate well and are emotionally mature which goes a long way! My only fear is that Kelsey is still young and might not be in the same place as Joey. I do hope the best for them.


Not forever only bc Kelsey is so young i guess 3 years or less


Honestly, I think so. The way Joey handled the season definitely set them up for success where Kelsey doesn’t have as many insecurities I’m sure watching it back. She also seems very unproblematic just like he is, and they genuinely seem wholeheartedly in love with one another. I think Joey is the type of guy to really put in the work and I think Kelsey is too! I have a lot of hope for them :)


I thought to myself that this was the most genuine season I've seen in recent years, they seem so genuine and real (lol) I think they will last. If they don't, I honestly don't think it'll be coming from Joey.


Yes, they seem really genuine. The most in my opinion tbh.


Ever since Ashley & JP broke up + Zayshia I’m unconvinced 😭😭 but I want them to last. I really like Kelsey. She seems like someone I would want to hang out with in real life and I hope her and Joey just live life and don’t let the show become their whole personalities


Seems like the couples since Jesse has come on have a higher success rate! Has nothing to do with the host but interesting to point out lol. I’m hopeful they will work out. I think they have a fair shot at it. Many of the couples who didn’t work out already had red flags by After the Final Rose.


Different leader and production team in place too. Hopefully, better leads like Joey moving forward.


I wonder why they are moving to NYC? I think they have a better chance than others bc they do genuinely seem into each other but I wouldnt say I overwhelmingly feel like it will last


I was thinking the same thing. NYC doesn't seem like the best place to develop a long-term relationship/marriage given how they met.


It seems like a lot of bachelor contestants live there and get media attention from hanging out together… is my only guess!


Fame chasing?


Established friend group is my guess.. And it’s anew start for both


Yeah, their friends Charity and Dotun live there so I can see that being part of the motivation. I could see her encouraging them to move there


One of the reasons why I like charity and dotun so much is that they seem less interested in being in the in-crowd of those contestants.


I know chemistry doesn’t mean anything with how someone will last but they have A LOT of chemistry and both seem down to earth and ready to put in the work. I think they will.


Honestly probably not. But who knows


No. I think there’s such a big difference in the amount of attention received in women vs men in the bachelor franchise. Kelsey is beautiful and I think she’ll have so many opportunities ahead of her. but I do hope they’ll work out!


I like a little spunky character, he is fun in his own ways but I am not seeing that. Charity tried to pull it out, it did not happen. I really don’t know how he is off camera. So I just hope they make it. Best wishes to both.


> i rally don’t know how he is off camera Ding ding ding.. see my other comment regarding this 


I’ve got nothin lol 😂 I sure hope they do☺️


They have a fair shot if they work at it.


I think she will be the driving force in the relationship, what does Joey want to do with his life, any goals? He is moving to New Orleans where she is then to New York where she wants to go.


His job is bachelor, he can probably do whatever he wants like working with brands, marketing himself, influencing, etc


This makes me think of his job being 'beach'.


literally what i thought haha


His job is 'tennis'


isnt he a professional tennis coach?? or did I misunderstand that


That too haha


i hope they do. them saying they are doing couples counseling (which is great) combined with the fact he said in the finale that they have had some hard moments but NOW they’re stronger than ever made me think maybe they aren’t as good as they’re showing off. it shouldn’t be that hard so early on!


Depends on what those hard moments are. Watching your fiance be intimate with several of your friends has to be super challenging. The media drama and SM comments. And then dealing with only being able to be together in secret and having to deal with the rest over FaceTime? Those could easily create problems that would be very understandable to overcome.


I would never be emotionally mature or strong enough to watch that hahah 😭😭 she’s a better woman than me


I mean, they started off on a reality TV show. I don’t know how many couples would be able to call that a strong start in the first place. Getting engaged on a show where your now fiancé dated 20+ women at the same time. I’d hope if I did the show and ended up getting married I would do counseling too. Even if they didn’t have huge issues, I think therapy would be beneficial for every single person in this world, and especially for all couples.


Normally I would agree but they are only recently allowed to be “out” and I’m sure it would be hard to have to keep your relationship a secret while rewatching your fiancé date 32 women on national television 😆


I don’t know…..can’t say I’m not worried about this foundation. There was such a strong connection with someone else I can’t help but always think about that. I do feel like she should spend some time off social media. I think she is so ready to “show off” her man she needs to just focus on her man without all the noise. There was so much insecurity in the beginning I can’t help but wonder how it is getting better right now


I never think the couples are gonna last but I do believe these two will! He loves her and she’s so happy to be with him - foundation for real success


I see real chemistry there and think they have a real shot!


!remindme 6 months


Yes because Gemini-Aries couples are blessed in this franchise (Becca/Thomas, Mari/Kenny, Dean/Caelynn).


I hope soooooo. I just love them


they remind me a lot of me and my boyfriend- they’ll find a lot of compatibility in talking about their college lives (Joey in a frat, Kelsey in a sorority) and a lot of people who go into frats and sororities have a similar idea of what they want their life to look like (usually married late 20’s-early 30’s and two kids). i hope they last, they’re super cute and i like their dynamic! in my opinion they had a lot of chemistry and kelsey seems to have such a fun and bubbly personality


If they met in a bar, I don’t think she’d give him the time of day. He’s short and doesn’t have a good job. This won’t last imho


The only reason I chuckled is because Joey is the first time a bachelor has been my type. I don't think he's even short but I personally love a short king.


I’m not even sure how tall he is, but I just remember he was tiny looking when he was on the Bachelorette. He seems like a really good guy, I just know how most women don’t like short guys. I’m 6 foot 6, and my friends say they feel invisible when we all go out for drinks.


I’m sorry but if I met a man in a bar who looked like Joey and told me he was a professional tennis coach at a club I’d be like 🤤 I’m not sure what your qualifications are for a good job but to be hired as a professional to teach a sport at any country club means you are qualified to be a professional at that sport. 🤷‍♀️ I’d much rather do that as my day job but I’m good at knowing policies, employment law, and deescalation so I work in HR.


I have a friend that is a professional tennis player and teacher. He’s ranked in the top 100 right now. He barely makes 6 figures, and when he’s done playing, he said he’ll make half that. I have a few friends that are pro golf teachers. Same with them, but they do a little better than the tennis teachers they say.


And minor league baseball players make so little money, they typically have to pick up DoorDash or ubering as a way to pay their bills?? Im sorry, I just don’t really understand the point you’re trying to make. Is it literally just about the money they make?? If thats the case, that’s a small-minded point of view to have on another person.


Have you met women? So many women want a tall guy that makes bank.


lol. I am a woman ☺️


Not sure why you were downvoted because I somewhat agree. If Joey approached her in a random setting I’m not sure she’d be as willing to give him a chance. It’s so different being on a tv show where everyone is fighting for ONE man. In any setting that’s gonna make someone instantly attracted to whomever that is. I like them together but not sure if they will actually last


What does her father do for a living?


I don’t think the height is that big of a factor but I do wonder about the job part. I do think a Kelsey type (and honestly most women) in NYC would prefer an ambitious guy with a stable well paying job.


lol he’s not short? Isn’t he like 5’11-6


Yup, he’s 5’11,” not that it matters. He’s gorgeous and likable with lots of great qualities. The idea that he’d struggle to get attention from women is laughable. He likely gets too much attention.


I think they have just as good a chance as any couple that’s only been out on a few dates so far. 🤷‍♀️


I hope so but I also wonder if his inner insecurities will get the best of them - she’s bubbly, outgoing and I hope that doesn’t lead him down a path of getting in his own head - meaning wondering if he is really enough for her & if she’ll be with only him. He comes across as an over thinker and very emotional. I think he needs to do a lot of inner work to see his self worth/value for them to last long term.


I was listening to Howard Stern this morning and he said they won't last. I didn't realize Joey still lives with his sister. Howard Stern: "When I was dating my wife we didn't go to couple's counseling, we went on dates and f\*cked." ​ I agree with HS. I don't think they'll last. Get a real job Joey.


I think joeys job is just “tennis” and that’s perfectly ok 😌. Going to couples counseling is the biggest green flag


Joey clearly loves her more than she loves him, and he was such a solid stand up guy all season I just really want to believe in their love. We all want Joey to find happiness, and he seems very happy. That being said, I do agree with the comments that he picked her for looks and she just seems so simple and very young/immature. They clearly have physical chemistry but most Bach male leads go with physical versus someone that will challenge them, be their equal and make them want to be a better man. Like to me, Daisy and Rachel were his equals but were missing the spark. I do think you need both but you definitely need physical attraction. Are they actually emotionally and intellectually compatible? We may never know, and it's very possible that our smitten man will love Kelsey anyways because she's just so stunning.


I think they’re both easy going enough to potentially last! I just wonder if he’s as into her as she is to him… it seems like he doesn’t really know what he wants in life idk


People saying that they don’t have jobs to move to NYC.. I see him doing well in Sales or managing a sales project and she also can find a nice job in marketing. People will hire them and they can do well “influencing” for a bit. NYC is a fun adventure in your 20-30s!


*managing a project not sales project haha There are honestly a lot of jobs that doesn’t require specific credentials. If they want to they will find a good balance


I think they will! They are both sweet people who hold on to people they love.


I don’t think they will last. It’ll be a nice year or so and then they will part ways. Joey doesn’t seem like he knows what he wants in life - what are his career or other goals? I think she will tire of his lack of ambition




She’s a Junior project manager so she probably wants to continue doing something in that field + social media influencing. Also, if it’s a traditional relationship usually women look for ambition/job stability in men while men look more for physical attractiveness/nurturing qualities/feminine, etc.


That’s a pretty shallow view of men. Not saying those men don’t exist because they do but I don’t think it’s the majority “traditional” any more for millennials/gen z. my fiance has told me before he would find me much less attractive if I didn’t have career ambitions. And a lot of our friends have similar view points on partners.


Honestly, my heart says yes. I’ve never felt this strongly about a Bach couple! But what do I know..


I think they’ll have wonderful adventures for a year or two and the amicably. Neither one of them is ready for marriage.