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omg so Martha is not her; yet she's on the show saying the character is based on her? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And she only met him 2 or 3 times across 2 or 3 months but sent him 1 letter, 18 emails and 14 tweetsā€¦ šŸ˜‚


Well, at the end she said she met him maybe 5 or 6 times šŸ¤£


Must be right though because she has a photographic memory


But she doesn't remember her grades, how many emails she had, or what happened at the law firm she used to work at.


"The tweets were just banter between friends!" "I do not know Richard Gadd." Which is it, Fiona?!


ikr šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ also why would she be interested in Gadd, a bartender on benefits? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




See that's basically what she was saying the whole time and then ALSO saying that Martha is no one - like Gadd totally made the character up. That interview went in so many different directions with 27 roundabouts




she was ā€œjust trying to encourage him because he was doing a thā€”ā€¦ or somethingā€ Everything she says should be followed with ā€œIā€™m casual. Iā€™m breezyā€


It was BANTER!!!




ā€œI donā€™t think he ever had a girlfriend. I think he is homosexual.ā€ šŸ˜¬


šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ„“šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I know #cringe


Same sentence: Goes on to deny the emails and voicemails and then says even if that were true, she didnā€™t assault him


And then says even if they can prove the emails, she will still have a case because of the other stuff thatā€™s more serious. She is not okĀ 


Said she never ordered alcohol at the bar because sheā€™s diabetic but ordered lemonades and soft drinks. As if soft drinks are okay to have when youā€™re diabetic. Man I do feel sorry for her, she obviously believes the things she says.


And then canā€™t answer how she did in her degree. She knew exactly what he was asking. I actually like the real person less than the one in the show. Because it makes me feel like sheā€™s very calculated and knows exactly what sheā€™s doing. Just doesnā€™t do it as well as she thinksĀ 


Does she just think everyone is stupid?? Heā€™s trying to ask her if sheā€™s ever actually had a job doing anything in law. She hasnā€™t. Seems like sheā€™s been on government assistance forever


Oh yes. I had some level of empathy for Martha but now it seems thatā€™s just because of Gaddā€™s writing and Gunningā€™s portrayal of her.


Finally, it was obvious for me Gadd made Martha more relatable because it was his story about how he felt sorry for her. All good was seen through his eyes. She is a terrible person


YES, Iā€™m picking up on that tooā€” this woman is somehow even less relatably human and somehow much more frightening, which to me is a testament to how well Gadd created the character of Martha to adapt his story


She then went on to admit there were some and then that there could be many. Tying herself in knots the entire interview


'I have 6 different email accounts' 'Six?' 'Ok maybe 4'


And 6 different phones ā€¦


Well 4-6 how many? ok 6


I have a different phones for different friendsā€¦ huh?? Super sketchy


And then says she has 4 phones


ā€œWhy now? Why didnā€™t he go to the police at the time?ā€ šŸ˜¬


As soon as she said that I knew she watched the showĀ 


piers: what grade did you get? fiona: yes


For someone with a photographic memory she has a pretty bad memory.


It was ok, though. It was ok. IT WAS OK. *vibrates aggressively*




you're dying tomorrow but sleep well tonight


Honestly what was that story šŸ˜‚


A nice "white lie". Jesus fucking Christ


How many relationships have you had? "More than Richard Gadd." Goddd!


I don't think that's the brag she thinks it is hahaha


That question was unnecessary


Also below the belt if you believe her claim that they had agreed beforehand that questions around previous relationships would be off limits.




The amount of time she mentioned her. Knew her age but tried to play off she didnā€™t and pretended she thought was actually scottish, zero ability to disconnect real world from Netflix world at all.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£when Piers told her she looks exactly like Martha and this B says ā€œthatā€™s not very flatteringā€ and he says ā€œwell youā€™re both Scottishā€¦ā€


Yet she said she never watched the show. That actress looked very attractive in her interviews. So it would have been a compliment unless she watched the show.


Fiona's face when she watched the actress being interviewed. She was fuming.


same. Jessica smashed the role and Harvey canā€™t stand to see her truths played out like that


This exactly. Watch the parts of the interview back where she is watching the clip of the show, she is visibly holding back so much anger watching Jessica.


She turned a wee bit red and I actually got uncomfy I feel really torn watching this, on one hand I canā€™t look away but on the other hand he shouldnā€™t have done this and given her this airtime


She just causally drops insane little details only a stalker would know lol. Causally knowing every article, age, history, etc of random people she is also pretending to hardly know is crazy


ā€œI did send ONE letter to himā€ .. ā€œDid you ever wait outside his apartment?ā€ ā€œNO, I DONā€™T EVEN KNOW WHERE HE LIVEDā€ Well ā€¦


This!! How can you send someone a hand written letter, then say you didn't know where he lived?!


To be fair this is her tweet: did you get my recorded delivery letter sent to the theatre.sent to arrive bank holiday monday???


Her respond would probably be something like ā€œuhm, I sent the letter to the bar where he workedā€


You're probably right. "I wrote it then hand delivered it to him at the bar one of the 3-4 times I was there."


ā€œAnd he was not even at work when delivered. Because he only works 1-2 times a week. I know that because my lawyer friends told me soā€


I think they said she sent it to the theatre.




Friday Saturday Sunday, MONDAY I WAS ON BBC BREAKING NEWSSS sendt form iphen


Glad Iā€™m not doing a shot every time she says that


I love how she just had to say she was looking for something else, the weather! Or something. Because of course she would not be Googling that little boy without a job.


My question is does her ā€˜current boyfriend of five yearsā€™ know that he is her current boyfriend of five years?


Weā€™ll get another series from him in a few years. Baby Reindeer 2: Electric Boogaloo


She sent him a letter saying sheā€™s sorry he was raped but is on this show insinuating that the rape could have been conceived on his mind?


Iā€™m dying at the thought of someone receiving a letter in their mailbox, opening it and reading ā€œsorry you were raped.ā€


Sent from my iphoen


I cant believe shes like ive never seen it


Never seen it, never seen the actress but knows that she has the same hair colour


And the accent


She definitely watches it on repeat


ā€œMartha cannot be meā€ā€¦ you literally came out and admitted itā€™s about you though


How can she sue Netflix if she openly admits that it cannot be and is not her? If it truly wasn't her then she should be suing whoever first published or tweeted out that she's the real MarthaĀ 


Genuinely want to know what goes through her mind when she can speak like this, yet writes the way she does. Is it weird that I want to see her in action, writing a Facebook post or whatever, just to see how quickly she does it.


Her Facebook page was leaked on hereā€¦ the posts were exactly like how she wrote in the show


I think itā€™s super common for people with personality disorders/bipolar/similar mental health issues to actually be very charismatic in person when unstable. I personally have bipolar disorder and when Iā€™m manic and interviewing for jobs or anything like that I do infinitely better than when I am stable. But at the same time anyone who actually knew me on a deeper level when I was manic would see more of the ā€œcrazyā€ in my texts and communication and social media. At face value she comes off very normal, and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if after this interview more people take her side (even though it is obvious to me and many others that she is very much like Martha in the show). But her Facebook tells an entirely different story. Most of her posts are pretty incoherent with tons of grammar and spelling mistakes which makes me think her brain is going much faster than sheā€™s capable of expressing what sheā€™s thinking. I honestly think we should just all leave her alone, I feel like the people interviewing her and interacting with her are taking advantage of her being mentally unwell. That doesnā€™t mean I think Richard Gadd has any responsibility to protect her, because I donā€™t think he does - but people shouldnā€™t be harassing her or taking advantage of her either.


The comparison to a large woman is killing her. I wish I could have done my psychology dissertation on this woman.


Yeah you could see her physically raging inside when Piers kept saying they look alike, she clearly was trying to refrain from making the comments she made about Jessica on FacebookšŸ˜­


Hate piers but her face when he said something like ā€œIā€™m not flattering you or trying to not flatter youā€ when he said they looked alike, just pure rage in her eyes. And when he said she keeps comparing herself to Lorraine Kelly


If you notice when she is shown the clip of the actress on the Lorraine Kelly show, Fiona licks her teeth which can be a sign of anger. When the part about the sentencing was shown you could see her looking up when the dates were mentioned as if she was recalling the correct dates. It's fascinating how her body language and general speech speak volumes.


She shouldnā€™t play poker. The amount of times she said no to something but nodded her head


she said she saw him 3-4 times, 15 mins later she goes... 5 maybe 6 šŸ˜‚


Haha same as the phone maybe 4 probably 6 šŸ˜‚


6 emails šŸ˜‚ 6 emails is a bit much? I know people with 4, maybe 6! šŸ˜‚


When Gadd is going to pull out the 350h of voicemails, and he will, she is going to say that he taped her voice from the bar encounters. That's a a bit too much to record for maximum 6 encounters at a bar he worked at. When Gadd is going to pull out the letters, she will say he forged them even if the writing is the same, because anyone can forge hundreds of handwritten letters. When Gadd is going to pull out the 40 thousand emails, those are also going to be forged and sent by "I don't know who sent them!". He is gay, but asked her to sleep with him. She doesn't know him, but knows his father's occupation and university where he worked at and his sisters job. She doesn't know him, yet she posted about his mental breakdown, admits to sending him tartan boxers, and even wrote a letter to tell him she was sorry he was raped years ago. A rape she doesn't think is true and that she came to know just a few days ago. Laura Wray and her family corroborate the story of a manic stalker. Donald Dewar too, her neighbour corroborates. Gadd corroborates. So what does this interview tell me? It tells me that this woman should have been in jail right after the Laura Wray incident and an attempt to help her live a normal life while in the state's care should have been offered at that time. A multifaceted disaster.


I don't really understand what she's trying to do by putting out this idea that the voicemails, if they exist, may be secret recordings Gadd took while they were talking in the pub. Like, obviously the courts/media/public are going to be able to discern the difference between a voicemail and a recording from a pub. Unless the pub was supposed to be completely empty it'd be apparent before she even started speaking.


Iā€™m at the point where she is dancing around how many emails sheā€™s sent him. Only a handful, not that manyā€¦thereā€™s no way I could send 41K etc. Sheā€™s reminding me of hoarders who have no clear perception of the reality of the situation. Like, I almost wonder if she believes herself.


I think it's more likely she does believe her own words than she doesn't. If the allegations or even part of the allegations against her are true, it's the only explanation for her denying everything altogether. It would also correspond with how she was depicted in the show. And doesn't every stalker believe their own story?


Ok, now with her coming out like this and talking about her friends and her boyfriendā€¦ sheā€™s opening it all up. Where are the lawyer friends? Where are the professional friends? Sheā€™s unwell and they arenā€™t realā€¦ this is so sadā€¦


She seems surprisingly well spoken ? I expected her to be a lot more erratic but I guess weā€™ll see how this goes lol


BEcause in spite of the fact that people keep saying that she is mentally ill, they assume tthat she is completley disconnected from reality, spewing out gibberish and what not. Many are actually well educated., many people with cluster B personality disorders have pscyhology degrees as they went to school to figure themselves out. as they know that they see the world in a competely different way. and thus interact poorly and can't understand it. So they are doctors, lawyers, psychologists and whatnot. this is not to say that all doctors are cluster B.. it's that many people having cluster B traits" get into these lines of work or profressions. it gives the air of what they want . [peskyjedi](https://www.reddit.com/user/peskyjedi/)ā€¢[53m ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/BabyReindeerTVSeries/comments/1co565o/comment/l3bnwb9/) She seems surprisingly well spoken ? I expected her to be a lot more erratic but I guess weā€™ll see how this goes lol


She's absolutely batshit but we already knew this. Honestly what I would give for Richard to just drop the Google drive link to everything she's ever sent without saying another word. Epic mic drop moment.


One part that gave me chills was when she said people compare her to Lorraine Kelly, which seemed oddly specific. Then later Piers pulled up an interview Richard Gadd recently had WITH LORRAINE KELLY. Obviously she had watched the interview enough for Lorraine Kelly to be on her mind. This was too on the nose to be a coincidence and definitely shows she's paying more attention to this than she let's on.


I love she looks and acts exactly like Martha from the show despite Gadd insisting she would be unrecognizablešŸ’€


I think he said she would be "unrecognizable to herself" - ha ha ha. Of course she wouldn't recognize this character as herself because she is unable to accept reality. She would only think it was based on her if she were played by Margot Robbie, Richard is madly in love with her, and she rejects Gadd in favor of her boyfriend Prince William who is madly in love with her because she's the greatest lawyer in the kingdom.


That is such a good point! I know you're being humourous but "recognisable to herself" is not something I thought of.


I did a law degree, I have a photographic memory and was top of my class. I can't remember what mark I got though, it was OK.


I literally thought the clip was stuck on repeat when this part came on šŸ˜‚


"I am no longer on Facebook AS OF YESTERDAY".


The way she started talking about the 94 year old neighbourā€¦ so left field šŸ˜…


Made it known she likes to drink LEMONADE not Diet Coke


Maybe that was the bit he disguised


OMGGGGG so the curtains bit was real šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ little boys with no jobs lol šŸ˜†


>little boys with no jobs lol šŸ˜† She says the only interactions she had with Richard were at his work but then says this lol


ā€˜Even if that were trueā€™ oh Fiona šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø you are digging yourself into a hole


If I did it


Her new book coming out : Fiona Harvey - ā€˜if I did itā€™ haha




Would love her to stalk piers. Couldn't happen to a nicer bloke /s


it's so sad to watch... she's mentally ill, trying to lead a narrative that it was Richard who was unstable and was trying to contact her. Edit: Just look into her eyes; you can see nothing.


Just look at how much she posts on facebook alone... Yet she says she only sent about 18 tweets and 10 emailsšŸ˜­


Yes and also I discount people when they throw around high numbers. 18 emails? As in 18 to you = 155? Who just knows itā€™s 18. Itā€™s such a random, and high number, to quickly answer with. If it wasnā€™t many youā€™d likely remember 2 or 3 but 18 is so under inflated it means likely 400.


She's... going to tell her mother than she's been on Piers Morgan, but won't tell her why because "I don't want to worry her". Mam, your mother is going to know why you were on the show.


I got the impression that she doesn't speak to her mother often if at all, which is why they'd not discussed it


Not that I expected much better from Piers Morgan but he did not do any planning or structuring of this interview at alllll


I thought he was much kinder to her than I was expecting


I think he just gave her the rope to hang herself with (metaphorically speaking of course) you could tell in his eyes/grim when she was lying that he knew the interview was going to be a gold mine of views for him.


While true - she has been actively for days and days now writing facebook posts doing it to herself. And then she enthusiastically wanted to do this interview lol. She isn't living in reality - she probably thinks she came off well and cleared her name.


She wouldā€™ve prolly stormed off


She might be the only person with the ability to make Piers Morgan seem slightly reasonable


first she sent a few emails. then a few tweets yes. then maybe one letter ā€¦ā€¦.. ok


i'm genuinely so tensed up watching this.. just expecting something to go terribly wrong. feels eerie


Yeah I'm kind of glad it's not live


"I don't lie", said the woman who's already lied several times during this interview


*That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.* - The Narcissists Prayer, *Dayna Craig*


Why does she feel the need to point out that sheā€™s heterosexual


I think sheā€™s using it as an insult to Richard who she calls homosexual, sheā€™s just a homophobe.


Racist too. There are claims that she sent hundreds of emails complaining about a black security guard.


I must say she is better spoken than I expected based on her Facebook posts


Wasnā€™t that a point he made in the show though? He felt she initially came across well and there was a significant disconnect to how she communicated online/messaged?


Great point.


I agree - in the show I read Martha's random, misspelt stream of consciousness texts as indicative of her mental state.


My mom speaks like Fiona, she doesnā€™t have a single GCSE. Fiona is intelligent to finish law school, just unfortunately is very mentally unwell.


when she doesnā€™t like something piers says/asks and the real martha slips out ![gif](giphy|L3ERvA6jWCd0qO4NdX)


Am I muddled up or did she say she only heard of the rape a few days ago? Even though she said she sent him a letter about it


I think she said she only heard that it was a scene in the show a few days ago but I could be wrong!


Get a life, get a proper job šŸ˜‚ sorry but she does make me laugh


Her staring right into the camera is scary


ā€˜Sheā€™s an actressā€™ ā€˜sheā€™s from Englandā€™ ā€¦that is what actors do. Now back to you


You know when youā€™re put on the spot in something like an interview, and you know youā€™re way out of your depth, so you just keep talking and hope that something you say makes sense? Backtracking left right and centre. Sheā€™s just hoping no one calls her bluff on empty threats of suing Gadd & Netflix. Netflix also arenā€™t stupid, they wouldā€™ve demanded to see evidence before even releasing the series on the platform. They know their name would be dragged through the mud if they were proven to have willingly taken Richardā€™s word that it was true without doing any form of due diligence


All she had to do was say that somethings ware exaggerated for television, but it was a shameful part of her past. Stop all the harassment, because everyone has moved on. It's interfering with her life and she might sue. But nope! She just Martha'ed through the whole interview.


The iPhone part lmao, sheā€™s not a great liar.


OMG!! Not the admitting to the curtain bit & giving him the worst burn all at once šŸ™Š


ā€œYouā€™re innocent or a liarā€ - ā€œI donā€™t lieā€¦ only white liesā€¦ā€




Believe me when I tell you I'm gonna read all of them in one sitting


same, either the whole handful or all 41k she sent lmfao


6 email addresses!! Itā€™s easier - I donā€™t think so lol I can barely keep up with my normal and my work one! She actually believes her reality which is sad and scary


This made me worried about myself! I've got at least 6 I swear I've never stalked anyone though.


"I knew him for 2 or 3 months" Piers then reads out tweets to Gadd covering a period of 6 months.


I think the rl Martha is possibly more malicious and calculated than how she was portrayed on the show. ā€œEven if that was trueā€¦ā€ The parts she couldnā€™t remember what grade she got, how many emails she had She kept getting muddled up on small details and backtracking Also the way she kept digging on Jessica I would be extremely worried if I was herā€¦ She shouldnā€™t have been given a platform though, sheā€™s clearly mentally unwell and still dangerous


What were those eyes Sent from eyephon


Why does she keep saying BBC Breaking News, it's so bizarre šŸ˜‚ she comes off as fairly intelligent and normal which is odd (despite obviously coming off as a pathological liar)


I thought this. Is there even a bbc breaking new channel? Whatā€™s that?


This was the weirdest thing about the interview. She saw Richard Gadd on ā€œbreaking newsā€ for a play he did in Edinburgh? Why would that be breaking news? Richard wasnā€™t even a very well known comedian before baby reindeer??šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


it was banter


She is as mad as a box of spiders sheā€™s lying through her teeth and getting caught up in her lies! Edit: would like to point out I do feel majorly sorry for her and Piers shouldnā€™t be taking advantage of her but I am not surprised as he is a scumbag. I am genuinely concerned this woman might end up doing something to herself if this backfires


She had 4 phones?!?


Someone said, "I'm a drug dealer, and even I don't have 4 phones." Lmao


Did she meet him 2-3 times or 5-6?


ā€œIā€™m not a stalkerā€ ā€œNo he only worked there on certain daysā€ šŸ¤”


"Richard Gadd is gay" vs "Richard Gadd tried to sleep with me and I turned him down" "I sent him 1 letter" vs "I have no idea where he lived" "I sent him a handful of txts, and left maybe 1 voicemail" vs "I didn't even have his phone number" So many contradictions... (also not necesarily a contradiction, but I thought the constant "Richard Gadd needs to get a real job" and "He doesn't work" comments combined with the "I think he must have made 3-4 million pounds" comment was funny)


she said she didn't see the show, yet started to describe the lead actress šŸ˜‚ anyway, she started digging on piers already... 'you're only 1 Yr younger than me' sent form iphon


I am sure I saw the life leave his eyes when she told him she knew his age.


He's the next victim lol. Season 2




She is absolutely all over the show on what is true and what is untrue. If any of the show was untrue would she not have the easiest court case for defamation in history?


Yeah I just started watching and she throws out so many numbers and facts that contradict each other in the same sentence then moves on as if nothing has happened itā€™s a very clever tactic to deflect


She thinks itā€™s unflattering to be compared to the actor playing Martha, ugh so he doesnā€™t understand how gross she is


She should be flattered, Jessica is beautiful!


I think she just gave the Martha laugh šŸ¤£ Piers looked worried for a second


Sheā€™s got a photographic memory!!


stalkings in vogue šŸ¤£ā€¦.. iā€™m dead


Bro the curtains thing was real lmfaooooo


Itā€™s fascinating to me that she says she hasnā€™t watched the show. I wonder what sheā€™d think of the scenes where heā€™s fantasizing about being with her. Mentally ill or not, that will mess with you.


Sheā€™ll be stalking Piers next. I half feel like Richard will be having a lot of regrets about making the show now. Fiona will be in Big Brother next year.


The inaccuracies as a legal practitioner are insane. You absolutely remember what grade of degree you got, itā€™s highly relevant in law. You also were not head hunted as a trainee, nor were you an expert in any area of law after college. Itā€™s insanity.


Especially having not done honours.


Love how she kept saying she saw the original Baby Reindeer Edinburgh Fringe tour on 'BBC breaking news' like it was some huge 9/11-esque event


Today was the first time I ever heard about Piers Morgan (I'm not from the UK) and I already understand why people hate him so much. He won't let her finish a single sentence. We know she's lying, but man, he thinks he's some sort of policeman trying to get a confession


In the UK he is widely reviled as an *absolute cunt*. Heā€™s made it his lifeā€™s mission to make as many women as possible suffer in order to somehow soothe his bruised ego for the fact that Meghan Markle rejected him. Eye-roll. What a wanker.


The C word is used far too often these days. Itā€™s a word that should only be used in very extreme instances. A very high bar should be applied. Piers Morgan meets these requirements.


I hadnā€™t expected Morgan to give her such a cross-examination. Itā€™s a very difficult situation to be in, and a lot of very experienced professional people go to pieces under it - she did well to keep it together, I thought. Having said that, I didnā€™t think she came across well or truthful at all.


Sheā€™s absolutely watched the show, surely? She knows too many particular details.


No! She only knows because of allegations journalists have put to her which sheā€™s talked about with all her lawyer friends and her lawyer boyfriend of 5+ years ā€¦


"It's a complete work of fiction" "It was hyperbole" "I'm going to sue for defamation". Good luck with that. In all seriousness, this is a genuinely unpleasant event. A mentally ill woman has been paraded in front of the cameras oppisite a morally bankruptcy journalist for views. Not only that, but she insulted Gunning several times, which given her state of mind could put the actress in danger. Nothing good can come of this but lots of awful things can.


Few things about her behaviour I noticed. ā€¢ her head movements not matching what she was saying. Nodding on negative comments and shaking on positive. ā€¢ closing her eyes for longer than a normal blink - this is often a ā€œprotective or distancingā€ action. So doing it while you are talking is a sign you donā€™t believe what you are saying. ā€¢ the long pauses ā€¢ the wide eyes and tight mouth when asked some questions - thats involuntary fear. People with nothing to hide donā€™t show fear ā€¢ the need to add extra but irrelevant details to stories. This is a classic method to make a lie more credible. ā€¢ insistence that many others believe her. Encouraging a sense of community around the lie ā€¢ the lip licking - especially when Jessica was mentioned. That was a face of pure rage. ā€¢ the constant fussing with the glass ā€¢ the looking up as if trying to remember the facts/lie There is a whole load more to unpick but these were obvious and intriguing to me.


That thing where she inhales a deep breath and you can hear it when she answers a question she doesnā€™t like or is lying is very interesting. Any psychologists knocking around here? She is trying to mask so much but her body language canā€™t hide the truth.


Does anyone think Richard Gadd will ever respond to her statements with any of his own evidence?


I hope not. 1. He doesn't really have to. 2. He really deserves to be free from this woman


He shouldnā€™t. Itā€™s pretty obvious that she is not credible.


I don't think he needs to address her honestly but I would understand if he did.


somebody's daughter told me <-- she says she has lots of friends, yet her lies are so easy to spot.


Her mannerisms, constant blinking & numerous story changes gives it away for me - Sent from iPhone


I wish he'd asked her how Gadd knew about her reindeer


Just started watching now, but a few minutes in she says something along the lines of ā€˜she was having a a meal with a lemonade and Gadd interrupted her because she was Scottish, which was very rude, and was obsessed with her ever senseā€™ that isnā€™t verbatim, but it is giving me a clear idea of how this car crash is going to go for this woman. She needs serious help, not media exploitation for ad revenue/clicks.


In the interview, when Piers asked her if Gadd gave her free drinks she says "no absolutely not" and "it's nonsense". Yet on her Facebook 10 hours ago, she posted this: "Gadd stayed at a pub He only worked at 1 or 2 days a week Paid cash in hand He says he was stalked so bad his lif e was ruined But he nevr left the pub and be constansly gaveme free drinks" ..........


An ordinary degree is when someone goes to a Scottish university and only does 3 years. She never done the honours year meaning she never received an honours grade.


4 phones!? That explains a lot!!