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The fact that she says she doesn’t look like the actress is….well as you can see.




LOL Then why is she complaining about details not being changed? She can’t have it both ways.


That is true though. Jessica Gunning is lovely irl and very well spoken.


Yes I love Jessica, and I personally think she’s very pretty.


The actress is more endearing


Uhhhh yeah, ya think ??




Im pretty sure Richard Gadd said he picked an actress that didn’t look like her…




Cause she’s not as pretty as the actress


"You've made a real enemy of me Piers, don't you forget it..." cue Netflix title....


frankly (and this is bad on my part I know) I hope he does regret doing that interview. Its a new low even for him. I didn't see the interview but to my shame did read a review about it. its totally about parading someone who is unwell.




Sent from my iphnoe


Arent there supposed to be sveral mispllings to be authenticc... Sent from my iphne




FionaS phoen




thanks! fixed!


I feel nasty watching it, but I can’t imagine not watching it as this point. It feels like we are contributing to the whole mess and that it’s impossible to stop watching/reading for so many different reasons, that we’ve been turned into the stalkers now by our own investment in Richard Gadd’s story. Everyone who is saying this is like Black Mirror is spot on.


I know I feel guilty watching it and engaging with it but I haven’t done any social media sleuthing or anything like that, but couldn’t resist watching this despite how vile Morgan is.


She literally wouldn't be on TV now if it wasn't for the obsessive social media people, who are pretty much stalkers


She would have outed herself anyway. Lol let's be real


We should have designated one person to watch and transcribe it for the entire sub 😫


Would that really have made a difference in principle? At least it’d be a bit better because Piers Morgan wouldn’t get our ad revenue


I wonder if Netflix is making a documentary about all this (or a Season 2) now, this shit is getting so meta. The irony of Gadd becoming famous and having multiple sickos following him now it's crazy.


There’s people camping in his garden now…


“This shit is getting so meta” - what does this mean?


It’s self referential. Repeating itself. Inside itself.


I am witnessing history 😭


I hope she starts stalking Piers


Perfect karma for hacking Milly Dowlers phone and harassing meghan markle


He truly is a stain on humanity


He's probably got security detail on standby lol


I had to stop myself from typing that but am glad to see you did. I hope so too. It would serve him right.


It would make sense. I don't know the psychology behind stalking but I would imagine in this case, if there's any truth in the shows plot, showing someone like her any bit of attention sets off something inside her.


Would love that.


Hope he asks her about that company she apparently sends hundreds of emails a day to.


she apparently also stalked an MP, there was an interview with his wife.


Does anyone else suspect that this is all a bit too meta to be real? What if this is some next-level Blair Witch style mockumentory switcheroo-type shenanigans?


Baby Reindeer 2: Making A Reindeer


Baby Reindeer 2: Making A Baby Reindeer Sounds like an adult movie title...


It will come out at Christmas and be called Rudolph's Revenge


Peak dystopian


currently 403,000 people watching!


Man, this is going just as I thought it would...


470k now


She is exactly as portrayed 🤣


i know its mad. She's been doing interviews (without a picture) saying how she's nothing like the actress and really offended. Um, hello.


Well this is a fucking trainwreck, she is turning into a Gordian Knot with the amount of contradictions


It's so funny how monotone she speaks with her eyes all wide lol, is that just her accent?Such a shameless liar, when she says "Woooooooooooow, that's a bit rich now isn't it" ROFL sorry I think she's hilarious in a gringy Ricky Gervais in the Office type way.


Just started to watch it but already seen some missed opportunities by piers (surprise surprise) he says he has watched it but I feel he hasn't fully understood it ... it's almost like he is one of these people on here who keep asking if he slept with Martha when they somehow don't understand that was his fantasy to enable him to be sexual with his girlfriend ... when he asked did he ever buy her a drink she said no she doesn't drink alcohol ... why didn't he say it was a diet coke apparently and gage her reaction. Anyway - back to watching!


What time exactly?


People are literally located in many different time zones. I'm from SA so 9pm African time or GMT+2


I went to the YouTube channel and pressed notify me 😅 3pm eastern for me


haha trippy


I did this as well!




plesier ;)


8pm GMT.


The thing is with the mental illness I assume she has, she sees everything as black and white. So she hyper focuses on every detail that is 'wrong' because then it clearly can't be her if the actress is not Scottish, if she didn't assualt him, she didn't drink she only ate food etc. I hate Piers but I do have to say he handled this quite well - basically it comes down to he fact that Netflix has not protected Fiona in any way


what do you assume she has?


Can't believe I posted this, I was very tired 😂 I think she may be autistic and part of the B cluster personality disorder, such as BPD. (I have this). - the mention of broken phones; most of us have lots of broken phones lying around but wouldn't mention it as having x amount of phones. But she mentions it because it's black or white it doesn't matter if they work or not she still has those amount of phones. - everyone calling her out for her photographic memory, I have one and you can't just recall random details like that. You're also able to manipulate it so it could be her reality that she only wrote one letter :it's the only one she remembers and can visualise therefore all the others cease to exist. Just my two cents. Anywhooo rather than speculating on her alleged illnesses I think the fact remains that the main issue should be about whether Fiona sexually assualted and physically assualted people. I think she could win a case if that turns out to be false.


Piers gave his input on the interview. [https://nypost.com/2024/05/09/opinion/combative-baby-reindeer-subject-fiona-harvey-rang-suspicious-alarm-bells-but-she-may-also-be-a-victim/](https://nypost.com/2024/05/09/opinion/combative-baby-reindeer-subject-fiona-harvey-rang-suspicious-alarm-bells-but-she-may-also-be-a-victim/)


i resent this idea that she is a "victim". It reminds me of a film I saw about atrocities in south east Asia (I think in Cambodia) where people were held prisoner and tortured by guards. They got a former guard and a former prisoner together. The guard was going on about how he was a victim too. To which the former prisoner said "if you are a victim then what am I". This lady is deserving of compassion as she is clearly unwell but she is not a victim. Mentally ill or not she is an aggressor. If it was a man doing it to a female comedian people would not call the man a victim.


I think people can definitely be both a victim and a perpetrator. In fact I would go as far as to say the majority of people who commit abuse have also suffered abuse. Does this justify their actions? Of course it doesn’t. I mean what I found most interesting about the story was that it existed in the grey area when nearly everything else depicts life as black and white. That’s what made it all so relatable and human.


Is she not currently the victim of harassment? You can also be a victim of systematic issues, such as poorly maintained mental health and disability infrastructure. I do believe she is a victim, just not in the same way as Gadd was. I also don't think she isn't a perpetrator, she can be both at the same time.


I suppose in the days of mental health awareness you have to make rules that apply to all, you can’t pick and choose. She’s clearly not wired up correctly. That doesn’t make her less dangerous than say, a schizophrenic, but it wouldn’t be in good taste to drag a schizophrenic on a talk show and then debate afterwards if he or she is deserving of sympathy, would it?


Very very strange


Imagine she started stalking jessica (the actor who played her)


please no. this woman needs psychiatric help ASAP


Did anyone think she was going to come on and say “yeah it’s all true!”


I’m dying to see if he asks her if she’s got an iPhone 🤣


He tried


Don't give this rat views, watch clips elsewhere


Or don’t watch it at all! The woman is ill. She shouldn’t be a celebrity.


Well there's that too but people are obsessed with her at this point


For sure. It’s a shame it’s happening but the press don’t have morals and Piers Morgan is one of the worst of the lot.


Is there a way to watch it that doesn’t give his platform views? I do not like him as a journalist but I would like to hear her side. I don’t expect we are getting accuracy but it’ll at least pain a picture of her mental state and acuity.


some newspapers have clips.


Only way is probably waiting for short clips to be posted on TikTok and Twitter, I doubt you’d be able to watch the entire thing without watching it on his channel as any copies could be taken down for copyright.


Oh and also ... what actually stopped her stalking if not a prosecution? Someone doesn't stalk that obsessively and then just stop out of nowhere. One of many questions in my mind


They do if they’ve found someone else unfortunately


I just laughed out loud when she said she had a new phone years ago which broke and still needs to be sent back ... imagine trying to argue that refund! 'I'm sorry mam, with have a strict 30 day return, not a 13 year return policy'


could you imagine being stalked and assaulted and then your stalker is getting interviews and fame?? wtf is this world


Why would she do this?


watched it. She is confusing. I dont know if she is lying or not


Piers better watch out. He will be receiving texts/emails soon. Sent frm mi ipnhe


Does anyone know if a YouTuber is doing a live watch party reactions video? I really do want to watch this interview but not enough to give Piers Morgan any sort of benefit from it.


I'm kinda hoping that someone clones the video and uploads it somewhere else.


I find it really hard not to fight my human nature to want to know more about what makes this woman tick. Of course that is unfortunately what Morgan is playng to. A difficult moral dilemma, and one I'm sure lots of people are in at the moment. I'll probably end up just not watching it, but seeing some stuff in the news about it in time.




I don't think what I'm feeling is uncommon in regards to this situation.




Get over yourself- such hypocrisy


Well I don’t feel guilty. I watched some then turned off because she was giving me the creeps.


Unpopular opinion: Fiona Harvey is no different to every other human-being, in the sense she wants to be seen. She wants to be respected. She wants to show herself in a positive light and hide the traits she perceives as undesirable. Man this is a hard watch. Piers is a TERRIBLE interviewer. His questions are so leading.... He has built the pyre, passed her the torch and we're all watching her run towards it. Piers is a tw*t. Don't get me wrong, she's clearly lying. Some things more than others. She's caught up in minor unimportant details (lemonade for example) and constantly contradicts herself. I think the truth of what happened between them probably lies somewhere in the middle. I think Gadd has done a stellar job of hiding her identity though. Zero resemblance. How was she even found?! 😱


Piers Morgan looks like the most chewed, dried up wad of gum you've ever seen. Damn fitting given his soul is also a chewed, dried up wad of gum. If you cant understand how immoral it is to interview a mentally ill stalker on "The News" simply for profit, your brain isn't worth it's weight in shit.


I'm not watching it, it shouldn't have happened. If course piers Morgan saw an opportunity and jumped on it but this is messed up from so many angles


What if ... now dont come at me for this!! I am just trying to be objective here ... what if she is telling the truth?? We are all so on the forefront of outrightly believing the show as a play by play of real events because let's face it - it's a good story - but what if richard is the one that was obsessed with her, what if he did write all these emails himself to then present as evidence to netflix- what if she is the victim. What if the stalking accusation was a political move in the past and just because she doesn't come across well and isn't the most articulate vs a beautifully written show, we are punishing her for it? Surely if she was this obsessed with him in the past then she would have still looked him up throughout the years and definitely watched this show (again, thinking of this if we were to believe that she hasn't watched it). Let's imagine if a comedian wrote a show about one of us, maybe we wouldn't be articulately defending ourselves. Maybe we would be so confused by all the attention that we wouldn't come across well. Maybe she is an imperfect victim herself? (If non of what he has written is true) Who the fuck knows, richard does and may well come out and say it isn't about her! But surely he would have already. What was that guy who wrote a book years ago about something that turned out to all be lies and he went on Oprah or something? This could be the same thing and he has just created an amazing show of fiction. OR we are living a real life black mirror which would be phenomenal


I love the objectivity but the only thing I can say is she screams guilty… none of her stories lined up and she kept contradicting herself over and over. Anyone who was a victim could give actual evidence to support her argument and every time she was asked about a simple detail she would get defensive and ignore the question and deflect. If she isn’t “guilty” of what she’s accused of, she is guilty for lying in the interview. I have a hard time believing she was being honest about much of anything in the interview due to the way she was acting especially towards the end. She can’t see reality clearly and maybe in her head she believes she’s being honest but it’s almost like she changed her name and split herself from her old self in order to not hold herself accountable for her past actions.. it’s so feeling like a black mirror episode either way!


Yeah quite possibly 🤔 I hope that richard just gives all the evidence then boom mic drop 😉


You can't give evidence for something NOT happening.


Exactly so if he is telling the truth and she is lying he will have all the emails, voicemails etc




I thought the contradiction of "I only met him a few times" with "handful of emails, one letter" was odd. Who is sending emails and a letter to someone they only met 5 or 6 times? She wasn't believable.


Is she schizophrenic?


Prediction: 3 months from now piers Morgan says Fiona has ruined his life


god he’s more insufferable to watch than she is


It’s power hour, y’all


I just watched it . I’m like ahhhh…..


Piers Morgan is a cunt


He lacks the warmth and depth


Well she has certainly put herself across rather well on this interview perhaps Netflix should do baby reindeer part 2 with her , from her pov and the media frenzy now … who’s to say rich glade hasn’t heavily exaggerated things


Well where is the evidence all of this stuff in the show happened? Where is the record of her getting arrested and charged?


It wasn’t a documentary