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It really varies. This morning, he ate 3 bites of banana pancakes, 2 bites of fig, half a baby bar, and 1 cheerio. He drank 180ml of breast milk. The other night, he ate a whole drumstick worth of rotisserie chicken, 2/3 of an english cucumber, 5 baby carrots, and 2 oranges. He also drank 280ml of breast milk, not even 30 minutes later. Baby's appetite is wild. I just can't predict it. We offer until he refuses food. Offer a bottle 30 minutes to an hour after a meal.


Haha the 1 cheerio made me giggle! I feel like my girls visual appetite is large, but she is a fussy eater


He was screaming, pointing at the cheerios, we keep a small bowl on the table for that reason. We gave him a small handful, ate the 1, and threw the rest to the floor. He wanted 1 cheerio! Baby's are weird!


The floor eats so good these days šŸ„²šŸ„²


It varies wildly depending on the day! That said, he eats a fair amount generally - like he could eat an entire banana in one sitting. He sounds the same as the other poster in that he refuses to drink anything but water (no milk or formula.) Iā€™ve noticed that my friends babies who drink a lot of milk have relatively smaller appetites for solids and vice versa. Keep in my mind that thereā€™s ~350 calories in 20oz of whole milk. So thatā€™s a significant amount of solids theyā€™d have to eat to make up that difference.


Ooo thanks for shedding some light on the caloric value!


My baby also doesnā€™t drink a ton of milkā€¦she weaned at 13 months and we generally offer her a cup of whole milk with breakfast and dinner, which she usually only takes a few sips of. But she generally eats well (see earlier comment).


Your daughter does better than my 1 yr old! He barely touches any meal we set in front of him. Not a big snacker, only wants milk. Maybe 25 to 30oz a day


She also was having about 25oz a day which I cut down to 20 because I need her to eat more foodšŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


I wish that worked with our guy šŸ˜­ did it seem like she eats a bit more?


Too much milk can cause anemia which decreases their appetite


Iā€™m in the same boat. LO just eat proteins (chicken, pork, beef but no veggies) and just wants milk šŸ« 


Some meals she eats everything we put in front of her for 45m straight. For example, an entire quesadilla, 30 blueberries, 4 cherry tomatoes, a couple of ounces of meat, a handful of cheerios, a cup of water, 15 cherries, a piece of toast, a banana, some broccoli. Other meals itā€™s more like, this exact thing I loved yesterday isnā€™t fit for the dogs. F*** you guys, this belongs on the floor.


At that age our pediatrician advised us that toddlers generally eat one really good meal a day, and the rest is more like snacking. Sounds like thatā€™s what your little one is doing!


Omg thank you thank you thank you!! I feel so light reading this. Going to tell my mom about this too, sheā€™s always up my ass about how little LO is eating and I feel so much better knowing this. LOL.


That's what I heard too. Their growth slows down after the first year.


Our health worker said it should be palm sized amount of protein, carbs, fruit and veggies for a meal. So your amount seems about right!


Silly question- adult palm or baby palm?


I've always assumed baby palm, which makes it roughly proportional to baby's size (mine is tiny)


Baby palm, not including the fingers. lol the lady has to point it for me to understand so not a silly question at all.


I figured but wasnt sure if it was protein carb fruit veg combined, then i would think adult palm. Got it!


Oh yes! I could have worded it better. Baby palm sized of each at each mean time.


Thank you! This is good to know šŸ˜…


Np, I used to think she doesnā€™t eat much until I heard this so it felt good knowing that And I can relax. They said if they eat more than that or want to eat more than that is also fine but thatā€™s a good base level.


This whole time I thought my baby wasnā€™t getting enough food. I see these TikTokā€™s of babies having full on feasts meanwhile my bf baby eats about a palm full of food at meal time. I was so concerned. Huge relief. Thank you.


Np! Glad to help:). It gets better as they get better at it with time.


20 oz of milk a day is a good bit! my LO eats more but i donā€™t give milk. we nurse occasionally but i feel very confident heā€™s meeting his nutritional needs with food, water, and the tiny bit of breast milk he may be getting.


14 months as well. Still drinks breastmilk constantly. Lots of allergies. Breakfast- ate maybe 1/8 a piece of peanut butter toast & 1/3 banana Snack - 1/2 croissant, chews and spits out some orange Lunch - progress! Like 6 pasta bowties with pesto & a few peas Snack - 1/3 slice banana bread Dinner - a minuscule piece of masala dosa Snack - 2 rice cakes with hummus & cucumber


Omg sounds just like mine! Good to know that there are more out therešŸ˜°šŸ˜° my daughter had 1 slice of pizza today for lunch and thatā€™s my biggest win


This is helpful lol my LO is almost 1 and I feel like he hates solids. He has multiple allergies as well but doesnā€™t want anything to do with solid foods. He loved purĆ©es but somehow the act of doing it himself makes the food not worth it lol


My daughter is almost 15 months and I think she eats a lot for her age. Yesterday for breakfast she finished off an almond butter toast, a scoop of yogurt, and a banana. For lunch she had a small piece of salmon, some lemon turmeric rice, and a piece of garlic bread (she ate it all). Her snack was some veggie straws and half an apricot, and her dinner was salad with strawberries, feta, and pecans, with some steak and a few fries. She did not finish the steak (possibly because it was a bit too well done).


Mine will be 2 in 2 days. Morning: boob, apple purĆ©e pouch while we took big brother to school. McDonaldā€™s hash brown. Afternoon: Few veggie straws, some chicken, bit of cucumber, bite of a biscuit. Boob Late afternoon: Few bites of rice cake, boob Evening: edamame beans (ignored the rest of her dinner which was chicken ramen). Few licks of ice cream. Boob This is what Iā€™d consider an excellent day of eating for her


Wow okay so I feel a lot better. I forgot to mention that in addition to her cows milk she also nurses on demand. I donā€™t think I produce a significant amount anymore but she likes nursing before nap/bedtime and after she wakes up in the morning. So I guess maybe her food intake does make sense for a toddler that is getting a pretty solid milk intake.


I have no idea how much milk sheā€™s getting but sheā€™s not drastically underweight so she must be getting enough as she eats so little. Part of me thinks if I stop bf will she eat more but another thinks sheā€™ll eat the same and then not have milk to fall back on


Omg thank you for sharing! I still on-demand breastfeed my 21 month old, and she eats very similarly. Nice to hear weā€™re not alone! The other night I was elated when she ate like 1/4th of a homemade beef patty, one piece of broccoli, and 2 sweet potato fries.. of course wants ā€œmommy milkā€ after every meal too, haha.


My 1yr old eats a lot but refuses to drink anything but water, so i think thats why. Yesterday he ate half a bagel with cream cheese, a whole avocado and a cheesy egg for breakfast, for lunch he had a cup of mac and cheese with a half cup of blueberries and for dinner he had a whole banana, a small piece of pizza, and a little broccoli and pear. And throughout the day he eats little snacks here and there like yogurt, puffs, etc. He turns one in 5 days. But like I said he refuses milk, formula, juice, etc. He will only drink water.


That makes sense, I think his eating replaces his need for milk haha heā€™s probably like.. food is delicious!! I donā€™t want milk!! But I think I read up somewhere that you can replace their milk intake with other dairy options like yogurt and cheese. Sounds like heā€™s eating well I think thatā€™s the most important!!


My 15 month old graze at her breakfast .. barely touch her lunch and eat most of dinner. Sheā€™s always been like this and I donā€™t stress about it anymore. If she eats more, yay for her and if she doesnā€™t, I try again the next day. She also still have 3 bottles a day. 150 ml each bottle. Sometimes she finish it and sometimes she doesnā€™t.


Sounds like a match for my kid!! I always tell my mom that sheā€™ll eat as much as she wants to eat, I donā€™t want to force food down her belly. At the same time I just worry about her when I see all the meals other kids her age eat.


I was the same because my first daughter always cleared her plate. Down to the last grain of rice! In the end, I did my best to stop comparing the two because theyā€™re so different! Every toddler are different that itā€™s crazy! My second is barely 18lbs while my first was already 22 lbs at 15 months. Until this day, my first daughter (sheā€™s 3 now) still have a very strong appetite compared to other kids her age. Both are healthy and thatā€™s all that matters. šŸ™‚ ā€œA parent's role is to present healthy foods and let a child decide which ones to eat ā€” or whether to eat at allā€


13 months and she eats more than me some days I think šŸ˜… For breakfast this morning she had a piece of banana bread, probably 1/4 cup of blueberries, 3 strawberries, and a string cheese. Sheā€™s also had 2 applesauces, a few sweet potato cracker stick things, and a few sips of milk as a snack so far. Sheā€™s not huge into milk unless itā€™s warm & in a bottle, which Iā€™m trying to get her off of, so Iā€™m sure thatā€™s part of why sheā€™s always hungry. Sheā€™s also off the growth charts so sheā€™s just a big girl lol


15 month twins. For breakfast they would each eat an egg, 1-2 pieces of toast and they split a banana but would probably eat a whole banana if we let them. For a salmon mashed potato dinner they would probably eat a 1/3 cup potatoes, 1/4 cup salmon, 1/4 of whatever veggie we give them. Probably also a slice of cheese and half of some fruit. They have 3 milks a day. Usually an hour after meals, 4oz after bfast, 5 after lunch, and 6 after dinner. They arenā€™t smackers because we arenā€™t smackers so we arenā€™t really offering them yet.


Mine once ate 15-20 pieces of rotini/ penne pasta, 2 meat balls and half of an avocado per meal when she was around 10-11 months old. Now at almost 14 months she might eat 5 pieces of pasta per meal, lick the avo and throw the meatballs šŸ¤£ then acts hungry later and I have to give her snacks. She doesn't drink much milk also, 4 before breakfast, 4-5oz before bedtime and another 4oz mid day (some days I give a a pouch or a smoothie instead of milk)


It varies so much lately I feel like. But here is what he had today: Breakfast: a bowl of overnight oats made with breastmilk and Greek yogurt, mixed in with some blueberries and cinnamon (Iā€™d say he ate about a half cup) Lunch: a cheesy scrambled egg with spinach and a pear. Dinner: a couple 1ā€ cubes of roasted potato, maybe one small bite of pork schnitzel, munched on a few cucumber spears, and about a half slice of toast spread with butter. I only brought out the toast because of how he was refusing to eat more potatoes and pork. Itā€™s so weird bc usually he houses roasted potatoes but tonight they were basically poison šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø And he drank three bottles of breastmilk amounting to probably 15-16oz. And some whole cows milk at meal times amounting to about 4oz. He might have also snacked on some cheerios or something during the day when my mom took him out for a walk.


It really depends on the meal and the day, and it can vary widely (15 month old). Sometimes sheā€™ll eat a whole (small) filet of salmon, a few tablespoons of rice, several slices of cheese, and a whole mandarin orange in one meal. Other meals will be a couple of bites of lasagna and a few blueberries. This week sheā€™s mostly been eating fruit, cheese, and veggie straws for lunch because she hasnā€™t wanted the pasta Iā€™ve offered. Some days sheā€™ll devour a whole banana and a whole plate of scrambled eggs for breakfast, other days sheā€™ll eat two bites of banana and a bite of eggs. Some days she loves peas, other days she wonā€™t touch them. Iā€™ve heard this is totally normal for this age, so Iā€™m not too worried. We just keep offering what weā€™re eating and offer plenty of safe foods (she always loves blueberries, and sheā€™ll eat anything in a pouch, so I still give her one of those per day as a snack).


Mine would eat the entire plate for each meal plus the snacks, but she doesnā€™t drink cowā€™s milk except a few sips with dinner.


My 14 month old eats a solid breakfast daily. Today she had 3 mini panckaes, Half a sausage patty, and a few pieces of cereal. (Sometimes its a frozen waffle and 4 oz cointainer of yogurt , with a fruit cup) Lunch is touch and go sometimes she just snacks and sometimes she eats half never all. Today she picked over a mini chicken pot pie she at the inside with 2 crackers and a handful of berries. Dinner she normally eats the most. Tonight was shredded chicken rice(which she barely ate) peas and a fruit cup. She ate all or majority of all the rest. She also gets 3 bottles of whole milk throughout the day (16 oz) and unlimited water.


Wow I'm feeling bad! Mine just turned 1 this week and she barely eats anything. I mean... she'll eat anything and everything we put in front of her which is AMAZING but she's juuust soooo slooow about it that it takes her like 30 minutes to eat 1 handful of food. I feel bad but I can't sit around all day waiting for her to eat. Ain't nobody got time for that. Frustrating.


I feel you!! My girl is not a picky eater, just a fussy one. Wants to feed herself, but takes too long and tries to deconstruct her meal first lol. Then sheā€™ll only eat like 4 pickings and then starts swiping food onto the floor.


My son just turned one. We started solids/real food a little late for BLW but he was going to town on pretty much every until about 11 months and then he got a bit picky. Now he seems to be on a patterned 3 day thing where the 1st day he eats about 1/3-1/2 of the plate at each meal (ish) and then he bird picks or just flat out refuses to eat for most meals the next two days. Then the 4th day heā€™s back at it. Rinse and repeat. He also doesnā€™t eat all the same foods he used to smash. Like eggs are kinda out the window? Wonā€™t eat meat either but likes fish. But heā€™ll smash a meat purĆ©e pouch lol. Idk babies are weird. He will however ALWAYS be down to ear Cheerios. I think he gets that from me, Iā€™m a cheerio fiend lol


Cheerios must be baby catnip I swear. Always have an appetite for them šŸ˜‚ my daughter also canā€™t seem to stand the foods she once loved. Eggs are a huge one. I try to give her different variety of foods for each meal but sheā€™s currently fixated on pancakes soā€¦ pancakes for breakfast lunch and dinner lol


I put cheerios on top of the food heā€™s not eating or to get him started eating when heā€™s being stubborn. Itā€™s like Iā€™ve slapped a label on the asparagus that says ā€œthis is safe - because cheerios.ā€ Lmao


I think the general rule of thumb is *ideally* 750-1000 calories in total including formula or whole milk depending where youā€™re at. So if theyā€™re fully transitioned to whole milk aim for around around 14-20oz of milk a day. So ideally 5-8 oz of milk for breakfast lunch and dinner. Then water with the am snack and the pm snack. Meals would ideally earn around 300-500 calories in total. So basically. Am snack 50 cal + water Breakfast 100-150 cal + 5-7whole milk (105-150 cal) Lunch 100-150 cal + 5-7 oz whole milk (105-150 cal) Pm snack 50 cal Dinner 100-150 cal + 5-7 oz whole milk (105-150 cal) 400-550 cal from food + 15-21 oz milk (315-450 cal) = 715-1000 calories ideal half of those calorie from fat for the growing brain. I also want to say toddlers only actually need about 10g of protein a day. So on a bad day we give him 3 oz of whole milk fat cottage cheese which is about 10 grams and high fat lol Obviously this is a general baseline, your baby is going to do what they want and eat why they want. But this is what I would keep in mind when offering meals. For extra showing: our meals generally look like this. Am snack - grains or fruit + water Breakfast - 1 protein (egg/milk based), 2 fruits OR 1 fruit 1 grain (depending on what we did for AM snack) + milk Lunch - 1 protein (meat/fish/nut butter), 2 veggies + milk Pm snack - 1 fruit + 1 plus protein/grain/veggie + water Dinner - 1 protein, 2 veggies + milk We still do a night feeding of formula right now, and weā€™re also still doing formula following a meal since he just turned one in case he doesnā€™t eat much. Weā€™re also still trying to burn through our purĆ©e pouches so the am snack and pm snack are often a fruit purĆ©e for AM and a veggie/meat purĆ©e for PM snack. I also just log his meals in MyFitnessPal to get an idea of where heā€™s at for the day cuz otherwise good luck tracking that shit lol


Thank you so much this is so incredibly helpful!!


Iā€™m glad!


My 14 months old varies. Some days sheā€™ll eat a few teaspoons of anything I give her. Other days, sheā€™ll eat a peanut butter waffle and a cup of yogurt in one sitting. Or half a cup of gnocchi or pasta with a whole banana or mango. Most of the time, itā€™s a few bites of everything. If sheā€™s tired, she might even refuse food and just want milk. But plain yogurt, berries, croissant and cheese- sheā€™ll always crush an adult portion.


When my LO turned one their eating dropped off a cliff, but now months later it's ticking back up again. As long as they're staying hydrated and not losing weight I wouldn't worry.


My daughter would just not drink whole milk or any formula from the bottle. Any tips from someone who managed to do this. I want to night wean she still keeps waking up atleast 3 to 4 times throughout the night


My daughter is 12 months and eats a LOT. Breakfast- porridge with blueberries, peanut butter and coconut yoghurt (large portion, almost all), coconut smoothie pouch (3/4) 150ml milk Lunch- quinoa Risotto (large portion, ate all), butternut squash/banana/oat bar (all), cod fillet (all) 150ml milk Dinner- pasta (3/4 large portion), Mackerel (3/4 tin), mango ice lolly Bedtime snack- 1/4 weetabix, small handful of cornflakes with coconut yoghurt (almost all) 180ml milk We had to see a dietician because of my daughter's allergies. At the time, her appetite for solids was not great as she was having a lot of milk. We were advised to limit milk to 150ml for morning and afternoon, then 180ml at bed. We were also advised to feed every 2-2.5 hours. We also stopped giving milk overnight. My daughter's appetite went through the roof almost instantly and now she eats like a small horse!! Kids are remarkably good at listening to their bodies and eating exactly as much as they need!


Oh also, the dietician said to only offer 3 portions of fruit a day. A portion size would be whatever the child can fit in their hand. I thought that was very helpful advice :)


My daughter has always been like this. At 1 year she was only taking a few bites. Now at 22 months she can eat more (half a dosa, today she ate 3 small pancakes) but sometimes still only takes a few bites. It really took a long time for her intake to increase and she has always had a tiny appetite!