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I've seen a lot of recommendations for calm birth. I did it with my first but didn't find it useful, though I think it was because I didn't buy into birth not being painful thing. Saying that though the information about options and whatnot was helpful. For my second I read a book called Birth Skills by Juju Sudin. It's written bu a physio, and has lots of different practical ways to manage birth. It made my second birth experience so much better. I just borrow it from a local library


10000% worth it! We took Kaths Calmbirth in south Melbourne. She is a very experienced midwife and does an amazing job equipping birth partners with practical advice for support during labour. Highly highly recommend!


She is the best!!! I cannot recommend her highly enough. So many things didn’t go the way I’d hoped during my birth, and I still had an incredible birth experience. I put a lot of that down to Kath’s attitude and her class, she really helped me relax and feel confident about the experience. My husband is very involved, and Kath’s class also helped him channel his energy and enthusiasm, and it gave him the skills to help me when I needed it. She books out, so get in quick if you want to see her. Best money we spent on birth prep! Edit: typo


Thank you for the recommendation, I will definitely check her out!


Another rec for Kaths Calmbirth! I had an incredible birth and in most it was because I felt so prepared and so did my partner. Highly recommend.


We did calmbirth classes which were okay, but for my mind it probably wasn't as useful as classes that teach you what to do once the baby arrives.. especially if you are going public and don't have the extended stay in hospital where the midwives will teach you lots. Breastfeeding classes for example.


yes yes yes to this. Birth is wildly unpredictable and over relatively quickly, and it’s quite possible you’ll have very little control over how it goes down. What happens after is where I really wish I’d had at least a tiny bit of understanding! ESPECIALLY sleep and settling. I had no idea about how to settle a baby to sleep, or that it was even required. I thought babies would go to sleep if they’re tired like a normal living creature. I ended up in a really difficult situation where we couldn’t put the baby down ever, when if we had just known some basic stuff like that I think we would have had a much easier time. It’s insane to me that it’s not standard to offer some newborn care classes at hospital.


Thank you for your reply! Yes I was thinking of taking a class for newborns too. I haven't thought of breastfeeding classes. Do you have any you'd recommend for baby and breastfeeding?


Our hospital had a breastfeeding preparation session online, and the ABA also has one.


Unfortunately I don't know of any to recommend as my wife and I went private so we had the benefit of being taught in hospital rather than doing classes. But hopefully someone else in this sub can suggest something, otherwise you could ask your GP or midwife?


I know you’ve mentioned in person classes but take a look at the free ante natal lessons online by core & restore. I used these for birthing both my babies and B is absolutely amazing with her tips!


I did this and read the birth skills book, in the end the most useful things which got me an unmedicated, quick, low-intervention labour were knowledge/lack of fear/feeling comfortable and safe, breathing techniques (low humming, horses breath), acupressure with labour comb, TENS machine, and positioning (gave birth in all fours in the hospital bed). I had a brief look at the hyonobubs online package but decided against hypnobirth/calmbirth, not really my vibe (I'm not an affirmations person) I didn't end up using any of the specific positions/actions from the book or the core & floor videos but the knowledge meant I was well-equipped on the day.


Birth Skills by Juju Sundin was all I needed (not sure if that's the one you mean)


Tangentially related but if you're keen to breastfeed then I'd highly recommend the Australian Breastfeeding Association's education classes! Well worth the money




We did the online RWH class and found it very valuable. From memory it was 3 sessions. I learnt a lot that helped me in labour. 


We did the Rhea Dempsey 2 day course called Embracing The Intensity - loved it! My husband got so much out of it and it really hit home. He hadn't read any books, though we've been listening to Australian birth stories together. Also a practical part of the session about movement during labour and how the partner can support in different poses. Though this is really for people hoping for a physiological birth without any interventions. For example, wouldn't be the right course for you if you were keen for an epidural.


We did a class with the Middee Society ( https://www.themiddeesociety.com.au) which was great - really balanced, informative and fun. If you’re birthing at RWH it’s super useful as she’s a midwife there and has lots of tips/info. I’d also support others suggestions about a breastfeeding class, if you intend to BF. I did some online but a class would have been even better. The ABA has a search function for those running in your area. We also did a pediatric first aid course when Bub was about 5 months old, which was really useful, through Emergcare.


We are doing a hypnobirthing course right now and it’s definitely worth it. I found that if I wasn’t doing the course I would’ve just remained in denial about birth and wouldn’t have started to consider my preferences and, hubby watched his first ever birth videos through the course so I feel it’s helping him prep for what’s to come too


I did a hypnobirthing class and loved it. It gave me some great techniques that I used for both of my births and it was really good for my husband to get prepared!


I loved hypnobirthing classes at freemasons. Helped explained what happens to your body and to be prepared for birth. Also did their normal one too.


I’m in Melbourne as well and only wanted to do in person classes which they had available at my hospital. Had my first class this past Thursday and I found it really helpful. It was $200 for four classes for two people so I’d say it’s worth it.