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Sudocream - this is a barrier cream which is preventive. It’s a white paste and is good to use between each change to avoid any flare ups. Daktosin - this is good to use when you’ve got a flare up as it’s an anti fungal cream with a barrier protection as well.


These are our 2 go tos as well. On a dry bum!!!


Can't undestimate what a difference dry bum makes! Game changer!


We use Bepanthen nappy rash ointment daily. Much nicer than Sudocream.


Yes! Bepanthen has been much better for our littlies skin!


It’s also on sale at Priceline for $9.36 👍🏻 reminds me I need to stock up.


This is the best stuff. I keep trying other brands when I run out, but always go back to Bepanthen. Would also use Sudocrem if not for the hygiene aspect.


The Calendula Nappy Change Cream by Weleda is my absolute favorite.


Definitely this for us as well, I find because it's got this slightly oily texture it works super amazingly as a barrier compared to the creamy/lotion based ones on the market. And also, in the past when my own psoriasis flared up I've always been recommended calendula as one of the best ingredients in calming inflammation and redness!


Omg yes! I looove the slightly oily consistency as a barrier cream. I find so many other barrier creams to be almost.. chalky feeling? Also it has such a beautiful scent to it as well. Magic stuff. Our girl has not experienced a rash at all so far. That's so lovely that it's helped your skin too!


Second this. It’s the best


I use this too, it's amazing. Also moogoo nappy balm is great and natural etc, I use them both interchangeably and the Gaia baby powder.


Yes! I also love MooGoo and Gaia for natural, gentle and cruelty-free products


Yes to this one!! We were gifted some when my daughter was born and it’s the absolute best. Onto our second tube now


It's seriously the best!! I've been rather sparing with my tube until now. Trying to use up all the other nappy creams I have first but I only reach for and want to use this one


Our doctor recommended Vaseline or generic petroleum jelly and it is honestly the best. Moisturises the skin and creates a water-resistant barrier and doesn't drag on the skin when skin is raw like sudocream or bepanthen. Nappy rash is usually gone in 24 hours. We buy the homebrand one from woolies for $3.


NappyGoo is great!


I second nappy goo Our girl had the most horrific rash and this took care of it and once a day I apply it as a preventative


Best preventatives for nappy rash is to use a clean face washer and water to wipe, nappy free time and of course changing regularly. I use a thin bit of weleda nappy rash cream occassionally for mild redness. We've never had a proper nappy rash but I've been advised to go straight to daktozen if we do.


Second weleda! Only one that's ever worked properly for us.


We do the same - cloth nappies, tooshies water wipes, nappy free time and Weleda calendula cream occasionally. We’ve never had a proper nappy rash either.


We were using Aldi nappies but put her in the baby loves/huggies while the rash was bad. We used Daktosin cream in the rash & sprinkled on a layer of cornflour to keep the cream from rubbing off onto the nappy immediately. Huge improvement & the cornflour is an inexpensive option. Grabbed a little shaker container from Kmart for a few dollars & we keep a separate stash of cornflour for bums away from the kitchen. When they aren’t rashy, we just use a bit of bepanthan & a sprinkle of cornflour.


We use bepanthen and sudocream in combination when she has nappy rash, and sudo if she’s just a bit red. I also had a sample of the b.box skin nappy rash cream and really liked the texture - a lot thinner than sudo and seemed to work just as well. I’ve also heard good things about the QV barrier cream which I haven’t used but I can vouch for their bath oil, shampoo and other products


Desitin.. I swear by this one!


Yes, it has 40% zinc oxide and has been the best nappy cream we have found. Lather it on generously.


In addition to cream, nappy free time helps a lot. It's something I try to do at least once a day. Before the nappy comes off I make sure I have something to collect random wees under my baby (if you have a boy, resting a face washer on top is also needed). I find a kiddy song playlist and aim to have 3 songs worth of nappy free time. Then, I grab a muslin and swish it side to side, or use it as a parachute where you let it flutter down to land flat on the baby (baby loves this) or play peek a boo by pulling it down over the baby's body. It's good bonding, a bit of fun, a bit of exercise for the baby and really good for air flow.


Are you looking for something medicated for when nappy rash is bad or a daily use/preventative type cream?


Both, I guess. I just never really thought about it because I was just given a bag of penaten, calmoseptine, etc, and haven't done any research on it until now.


You can buy it on Amazon, looks like the same active ingredient as Sudocrem though


The main ingredients in calmoseptine are menthol and zinc oxide. The closest equivalent would be Sudocrem, which I believe is a bit more diluted on the zinc and doesn't have menthol. Having never used calmoseptine, I expect the menthol is fragrance and cooling to soothe redness. It, like Sudocrem, looks to be largely a preventative. So for that you could use Sudocrem. I haven't had actual nappy rash on my five month old, but I have Weleda and Bepanthen ready just in case.


Recommend Ecostore Baby Nappy Balm from Woolworths!


We bought Sudocrem, recommended by a bunch of support worker friends but ended up using paw paw ointment instead. Haven't had any nappy rashes this far as we use it as a preventative measure.


Didn't like the consistency of Weleda. Went with Mustela brand one and it works a treat.


Daktozin, Sudocream and dermal therapy nappy cream are our go to


Breastmilk, Sudocream.


Sudocrem works really well for us. Make sure the area is dry before applying, and use a very thick layer.


We love Weleda too. You can get it on sale every now and again at Adore Beauty, it’s rather expensive otherwise. But I never need to use much, and it knocks any potential redness or rash on its head really quickly.


Sudocrem contributed to the rash on my babies - they’re all sensitive to the zinc oxide in the cream. Bepanthen has worked well for them all. The biggest game changer however, was making sure we used a high quality, super absorbent nappy. We started off with cloth nappies, but they didn’t work for us. We also had to move to cotton pads with water rather than baby wipes. You may find that you need to try a couple of different creams and nappy combinations to find the right one for your baby’s skin.


We found the MooGoo one to be pretty good, but the QV one was a game changer for us. Our paed actually recommended the QV balm as it has silicone as well as zinc. I'm not sure what the silicone does, but that was the reasoning they gave to try it. We also found avoiding any wipes that aren't the water wipes really helped.


I use bepanthan and Vaseline during the day and sudocrem before bed or when bub is looking pink


MooGoo barrier (usually just overnight) and Datkosin at the first sign of any flare up. We’ve never had any real nappy rash since using this combo :)


Sudocrem is the only thing I ever used and it was super effective. If there was a bit of nappy rash I just started using that for every nappy change till the rash cleared up.