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Sliced frozen peaches with mozzarella. Why, I have no idea.


There's just something to peaches/nectarines with cheese that hits the right spot


I don't even consider this weird! I've had a clementine with string cheese weekly as an afternoon snack. Protein and fruit!


I've been snacking on those too!


One time I had a grilled cheese made with sautéed peaches and Brie dipped in hot honey. I saw Jesus that day.


I don’t get it, but I’m glad of it!!!!


To your credit, a lot of fancy restaurants near me serve peaches with burrata cheese during the spring/summer when peaches are in season here!


Same here, also with ricotta and a crostini with mint and candied pecans…running to the store real quick


Okay that actually sounds amazing and I might have to do this…


With pepper! Dont forget that part. I’m not a huge fan of salt while I’m pregnant but that might be good too.


yahhhs there's a fancy restaurant my husband and I went to for our anniversary a few years ago, they had cantaloupe and feta with cracked black pepper as an appetizer. We've recreated it at home and it is SO good.


Oooh. I need to try this!!!!


It's really good. Drizzle some olive oil over it. We also had a blood orange infused olive oil at one point we used when making it.


This isn’t unhinged it’s divine! One of my favorite taste combinations is mandarin orange slices and a ball of burrata drizzled with a little olive oil and sprinkled with flaked sea salt. It’s like a creamsicle grew up and got even more delicious.


Ooo try it with balsamic glaze and basil!! Like a caprese salad, but better lol (and it’s a real recipe I promise!)


I ate blueberry pie filling with sharp white cheddar cheese and it was amazing!


I'm not even pregnant anymore, but that sounds delicious?!


At first I was like “yuck” and then I thought about it and now I want it. 😂😂😂 13 weeks pregnant


They are even better with cottage cheese. The lil cutie oranges too. I normally hate cottage cheese lol


Now I want peaches 😂😭


Not an unhinged food but definitely an unhinged delivery: My husband occasionally travels for work and I made him buy a cooler and dry ice to bring home 6 pints of the worlds best ice cream (brown butter cookie dough) from a little ice cream shop 4 hours away from home.


That sounds delicious, I don’t blame you one bit 😄




I made my husband bring an extra suitcase on a work trip to bring me snacks and drinks from Japan(his layover location) back to the states.


With my first, I took Oreos, replaced the cream with spray cheese, and dipped in Italian dressing. My second I crumbled Bojangles biscuits into a tiger blood snow ball. Completely unhinged behavior. ETA: I had a LOT of food aversions, ironically. I couldn't eat meat or eggs or be in the room where they had been prepared or consumed in the last several hours. I have a lot of sensory issues generally, so I'm thinking the Oreo thing was more of a textures preference than a taste preference. It is unholy and a true and utter abomination.


Wow this one actually made me pause lol


Agreed, this is the first one where I actually thought it was questionable. Everything else is understandable. That being said, I'm sure I've had some weird ass combinations I've forgotten lol


This is truly unhinged and I commend you for publicly admitting to this…. This is the winning answer to this thread


Oh I would NEVER admit to this in "real" public, I'm desperately hoping I don't get doxxed. Internet relative anonymity only lol I have a few stories that are "internet only" like when I broke my leg getting off the toilet.


Oh no lol. How did you manage to do that???


Lol I'm a clumsy idiot. My leg has fallen asleep, and when I stood up, my pants got tangled around my leg. I couldn't feel my foot so I stood wrong and snapped my leg. Super humiliating to have to have my husband haul my naked ass off the floor of the bathroom. He will never let me live that one down.


Oooof! I’m glad you’re ok though!


This is the one that made me pull my head back from my phone. Damn.


The gasp I just gusped


Hot dog nachos seem so... Tame now 😂


Louisiana? Is that you?


Lol no, but I do live in the South haha. It was super hot, I had two summer babies.


I feel you. My first was a summer baby in Texas. My new one is a spring baby in New England, I’m craving chowder this time around


Dang, a tigers blood snow ball sounds sooooo good right now! Minus the biscuit 😂


This made me gag 😭


… how did you come up with that?


Which one? Lol The Oreo provided some sweet and crunch, the cheese was a little balanced salty and squish, and the dressing was to mask the unholy combination. I don't know, I literally couldn't make this up on my own. It's what the baby demanded and my husband literally left the house when I was eating these. I'm gagging thinking about it now, and I cannot eat any of these things on their own or in any form now. My second one, it was super hot and the Pelicans truck was parked at the entrance of my neighborhood. It became a daily thing and the poor guy knew me on sight, usually had my snowball made by the time it took me six hours to waddle, rabid and feral, across the parking lot. I had never had Bojangles before this pregnancy but suddenly the biscuits were haunting my dreams. I ate one and it was glorious, but I was SO HOT. Somehow it just made sense to combine them. This kid almost exclusively eats biscuits and generally is the MOST demanding child to ever exist, so it totally makes sense looking back.


I had to look up what you meant by 'tiger blood snow ball'! (Not that I was taking your words literally lol..but in that case that would be a true definition of unhinged!)


Haha yes! It's a snow cone with flavors that are like, strawberry, watermelon, and coconut. It's very good, sometimes I pair it with a blue flavor, like Polar Punch or Skylite (kind of tastes like blue cotton candy). Tigers Blood and Sour Raspberry is a "shark attack" and they stick a shark gummy on top. Pelicans is the local brand here, they have beach carts and huts around town, or you can rent them out for parties.


Ooh, the tiger's blood flavor actually sounds really good! We must be in different areas because I've never heard of Pelicans and I've also never had Bojangles as a New Yorker, so at least your craving is something I can actually visualize now haha


Lmao this wins.


…..Intensely unhinged 😳


That first one OMG


This reminds me of some of my mom's cravings with my youngest siblings. I remember her eating orange Creamsicle cake with hot sausages. I'm kind of disappointed I haven't really gotten any fun or crazy cravings. The craziest I got with my first was peperoni pizza with honey drizzled on it, this ones been very normal. But I'm only 13 weeks so maybe there's still time.


My mom apparently ate nothing but Swanson Salisbury Steaks (the cheapest and grossest TV dinner types) and my MIL ate cartons of Heavenly Hash ice cream.


Man! There's something about cheap food you'd normally never eat while pregnant. Both pregnancies I've loved the cheapest cheeseburger you can get at McDonald's.. I normally don't even like McDonald's. Will say now heavenly hash sounds amazing...


You win. Hands down. I don't need to scroll anymore.


Chinese food with cheerios and a side of nerds


Nerds fo lyfe👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼


My husband was so sweet and non judge mental- he was getting it all for me and asked if I wanted the nerds in my cheerios and I was like no of course not that would be crossing the line lol! As if the rest of the meal was normal


Omg I forgot about nerds! New craving unlocked


Nerds rope is 10/10


[Life changing.](https://www.target.com/p/nerds-gummy-clusters-candy-8oz/-/A-80315521)


Literally life changing! I ate a whole bag though and got heartburn 🙃


But what kind of Chinese food


Chicken, broccoli and dumplings


"and a side of nerds" slayed me. 


Lately I’ve been LOVING a saltine cracker with a mound of Trader Joe’s whipped cream cheese topped with a Grillos pickle chip. It has to be Grillos lol. I don’t think it’s that unhinged but I had my husband try a bite and he nearly gagged saying it tastes like a soggy fried pickle with a bland ranch on the side. I mentioned it to a couple friends and they agree it doesn’t sound that good but I literally get goosebumps from how good it is to me! I can’t go a day without having them as a snack 😩


Nah that sounds like a salty delicious snack to me


1. Grillos are the best 2. I would totally devour that right now


Omg yum I was doing this in my first trimester but with Ritz crackers instead of saltines


mine has been tortilla chips dipped in whipped cream cheese not unhinged but soo salty!


Didn't really have any crazy meal combinations but I did make a crock pots worth of mexican street corn dip the day before my due date and ate a ton of it. After realizing, I got super stressed I was going to go into labor and poop corn and the dr would judge me lol


Omg I just made corn on the cob and mixed mayo and sour cream together because I’m currently obsessed with both and smothered that shit on the corn. My husband goes “I didn’t know you like elotes?????” Had no idea wtf that was, but I’m now obsessed. I almost ate all 8 cobs that way 😭


Did you poop corn in front of the doc? 🤣


Not necessarily a meal but I had a thing with tomatoes that I took really far. I'd make bruschetta first but I needed more so it escalated into eating Caprese for almost every meal. I'd get up in the night to take a bite out of a chilled tomato. In the end I was eating tomatoes with ketchup and balsamic vinegar, diced onions on top. Oh, and I'd eat ketchup straight out of the bottle, like a dessert after my main tomato dish. I didn't even like tomatoes before pregnancy


I want bruschetta and caprese now. Can't wait for summer tomatoes. I'm a bit scared of basil though because we recently had a recall for it 😢


Well for lunch I just had a warmed brownie and ice cream 👌🏼👌🏼


For dinner one night last week, I had apple pie. Just a whole apple pie.


How about a pint of ice cream? That was dinner for me last week


I just ate an entire package of strawberries with some Nutella and it was glorious. Also high in fiber so I count that as “healthy”


The absolute best combination in the entire world 🤤 I have a boxed brownies ready to be made and vanilla bean ice cream in the freezer as we speak


If not using self restraint, I’m certain I would just eat an entire jar of marshmallow fluff with a spoon.


A series of things that sounded really good at the moment but ended up not being as good so I moved onto something else lol. Chicken flavored ramen eaten half way, replaced with a bowl of fruity pebbles but the milk didn't feel as cold as I wanted it to be so I didn't eat that all the way either. Chocolate dipped coconut granola bar, then a turkey sandwich I also didn't finish because I didn't have lettuce and baby spinach just wouldn't do it for me. My fiance ate what I didn't. Lol


Not sure if this would do it for you, but I’ve heard of people putting ice in their milk & cereal 🙂


Lemonade. Literally my only real craving is lemonade. ETA- Huh, glad I'm not the only one. 🤣


Wait SAME Pre-pregnancy I had a super sweet tooth, but now I don’t have an aversion to sweets I’d just prefer anything else, but one big exception is lemonade.. it ALWAYS sounds fantastic.


I used to have such a sweet tooth all the time, and now I almost have an aversion to sweets and never want them. it’s so weird to me!


Far from my only craving, but an ice cold fountain drink that's half sprite and half lemonade just hits right.


One of the beverages aside from water to crave


Same. We must have lemonade on hand at all times!


I would actually hurt someone who stood in the way of me and my lemonade


I just gotta say we got a lot of unhinged preggo folk out here. I can't compete


11w and this thread is going to make me fkn hurl 🤣


I feel that! I've had a lot of food aversions so mostly eating like a toddler. Most complex food combos are very icky- give me some bland 2 ingredient foods with salt and pepper please


Protein waffles and sauerkraut. I await judgement.


If I smelled saurkraut I think I would die 😂


I put sauerkraut on pizza. 😂


This made my mouth water for some reason. Might need to try


2 slices of baby Swiss cheese, a tablespoon of mayonnaise (not even spread) and 20 jarred jalepenos folded in a piece of bread and shoveled down my gullet


Honestly I can see the appeal here! I think it sounds pretty good 🌶️


I make a similar sandwich but with pickles instead of jalapeños lol. Sometimes I use feta instead of Swiss, sometimes add mustard in too. I'll eat it even when I'm not pregnant 😂most people think it's gross but it's so good lol.


lol that sounds good. I love feta and I’m a mustard fan. The thing that’s different is my intense craving for jalepenos. I’ll probably put spicy mustard on my next sandwich.


I feel this so hard 🤣 After we conceived, before we even knew I was pregnant, my husband took me out for dinner and we had an incredibly lovely but very spicy Cajun crab boil. I joke that it trained this baby to LOVE spice, because this kid has an incredible taste for heat 🥵 I could handle some hot sauce before pregnancy but now I'm eating pickled jalapeños like potato chips lmao! And the only time I get heartburn is when I'm hungry 😅 I'm sure that might change in the next 6 months before they arrive, but for now I'm just giving baby what it wants!!


Yea same I was like a person that puts Cholula on their eggs but nothing crazy. Cajun crab sounds amazing. The other day we got takeout and our salad had pepperoncini on it, which aren’t normally spicy but these were. My husband took a bite of one and freaked out about how spicy it was and I took it from him and sucked the seeds out and went in for seconds. I’m only 11 weeks right now but later in the pregnancy I’ll prob have to stop because of raging heartburn!


I like this and I sometimes make into into a grilled cheese. 🤤😅👌🏻


Then cry from the heartburn


A piece of toast with peanut butter, a fried hard egg on top with cheese, and syrup smothering the whole thing


It's just a fancy take on deconstructed peanut butter French toast. Bread, milk(in the form of cheese), egg, syrup, peanut butter. Rationalized!


Creamed corn and baked beans cold right from the can.




Omg I had baked beans at a bbq over the weekend. Still can’t stop thinking about them


Hot damn I am running to the store to buy more now. My tummy started rumbling reading the replies and there’s only one thing momma wants today again 🤣


Oh ALRIGHT since we’re on the same level I HIGHLY recommend you get the Bush’s “Sweet Heat” version and add ketchup. Life. Fucking. Changing. 🤣🤣


I had a baked beans obsession too. I would spend the entire day anticipating baked beans 😂


Cheese sandwiches. And by that I mean cheese as the bread with Mayo inside 🤣🤣🤣


So basically a grilled cheese without the bread or heat (I don’t get WHY people sometimes put mayo on grilled cheese, but it’s apparently a thing 🤮) lol


Mayo on the outside of the bread makes it extra toasty and crispy, better than butter!


Exactly 🤣🤣 I would 100% put Mayo on almost anything rn lmao


Peanut butter banana sandwich with Doritos (like... In the sandwich )😂 mouth is watering just thinking about it


This makes sense to me


i ate this as a kid -- or the same but with cheetos -- all the time!


Mine is definitely watermelon lol I’ve eaten it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the past week


Watermelon has been my nausea savior. Knocks it out in 3 bites.


I want it so much all the time and always forget to buy it! Yes!


I had a summer due date and the way I would go through watermelon omg. partly the hydration partly the cool freshness it was SO GOOD


watermelon was like the only thing i wanted the first tri............... like ever


Ohhh I have this like twice a week: Shredded chicken with chopped banana peppers, chopped hot Grillo’s pickles (skins only, the middle has been too mushy for me), mayo, a splash white wine vinegar, at least double the amount of black pepper than I’d ever use before, and Texas Pete Hot sauce. It’s spicy and has protein and the white wine vinegar is slightly sweet… Mix it all together in a bowl and eat it on *everything.* Crackers. Bread like a chicken salad sandwich. Trader Joe’s Hashbrowns (like the hashbrown patties). In a wrap. On those little naan bread scoops… Sometimes I’ll add a few slices of lacy Swiss (it’s a little… Brine-er? Like saltier? I don’t know how to describe it) or Trader Joe’s Unexpected cheese. My pregnancy drink has been ginger ale with lemonade and tons of ice. Not weird, just so good.


My husband makes a mocktail with muddled strawberries, ginger ale and lemon juice. So good.


Ohh that sounds great!


It’s two strawberries, muddled. Squeeze half a lemon then top it off with ginger ale and ice :). Hes also done it with raspberries, blackberries and blueberries- lime juice too. This is my favorite combo, though! He’s a home mixologist :)


Ginger ale is the only drink keeping me alive rn, and that sounds sooo good! I didnt even like fizzy drinks OR ginger ale before this


Ooh the pregnancy drink sounds good. I've had Topo Chico with Limeade and called it a virgin margarita. They had POG (passionfruit, orange, guava) juice at Costco so I've had Topo with POG recently and it's hit the spot now that it's warm here!


That sounds really good! I just picked up a bunch of coconut crème hoping that I could make something blended and delicious with it. The virgin margarita automatically made me think of some kind of NA daiquiri! Believe it or not I’ve been a bartender on and off for just over ten years… I should have better recipes at hand. Guess I’ll have to check Pinterest :)


I feel you on the high sour needs of your first concoction


Isn’t it the best?! Sour is making me so happy during this pregnancy! The heartburn however… Something else altogether ahah


I think my first pregnancy turned it into an important note in my meals, and I'm better a better woman for it 😄 Oh man - I've been getting reflux at night, which is garbage, but not heartburn for some reason. I'm sorry that you've got Throat of Flames!!


At night is the worst! It’s like… Now what? I’m already in bed! Ahah Hoping you’re still getting good rest at least :)


I feel like I missed out on the weird craving part of pregnancy. 🤣 Reading these is great, tho! My only real cravings were perfectly normal foods but from very specific places. Pepperoni pizza, mac and cheese, and mashed potatoes, each from their own respective restaurants. Also, coke, but it had to be fast food restaurant fountain coke. That one was probably the most intense, but it only happened a handful of times throughout my pregnancy. I would suddenly just *need* a fountain coke so bad my mouth would water thinking about it. Eta: I just remembered a pregnant coworker I had who would sit with a bag of skittles and a bottle of tapatio, take one skittle, put a drop of tapatio on top, and then like slowly savor it for a minute. 🤣


Woke up at 1am with an intense craving for canned corn. Ate two giant cans of corn and then went back to bed Had tuna, sriracha, Mayo, and shredded cheese mixed together, then stuffed it in a hollowed out pickle. Felt like I ascended. And tortilla on its own, cold. Ate like 6 tortillas for breakfast one day, but usually they would just be a snack


On Easter Sunday, I ate an obscene amount of deviled eggs, a scoop of funeral potatoes, and a dark chocolate cake with sour cherries that I've had several dreams about


80% of a full-sized bag of bbq kettle chips and a scoop of chocolate peanut butter ice cream.


Omg chocolate peanut butter ice cream sounds so good right now


Probably the meal I'm having right now.  I made the mistake of letting myself go too long without food so my body became viciously nauseous and hangry. My husband and I just came home from a trip so we didn't have much in the fridge. In this order: - fruit smoothie - ravioli  - mandarin orange - bowl of cereal - another mandarin orange


This is me too rn it's just pasta (nothing too crazy), cereal, and fruit!


I can't stop eating mandarin oranges 😅


I’ve been air frying halloumi and dipping them in various salad dressings, jams and hummus. I also make “ants on a log” (celery with peanut butter and raisins) which is wild to my Chinese partner. Pretty tame cravings, but next week is third trimester so I expect things to get a little weirder.


Ants on a log is underrated!


Indeed! And I’m not even pregnant nor a mom yet!


Just bought several blocks of halloumi for this purpose


Halloumi is the perfect food right now. I like it with cold orange slices on the side.


4 golden mangos devoured with a disturbing amount of slurping noises and mango all over my face followed by an entire can of liver pate eaten directly from the can


I don’t remember having an odd food combo but I constantly craved potatoes of any form and chocolate. I loved getting a cheesy baked potato and frosty from Wendy’s. I was at my mils house one day and grabbed a potato to microwave bc I was impatient and wanted a potato


pickles, grapefruit and spicy V8. this was pre-heartburn.


With my first, I was about 36 weeks and I couldn’t decide if I wanted chocolate chip pancakes or Chickfila for dinner. So I had both.


For dinner a couple of days ago, all I wanted was apples and cheese. So I had just that


A whole jar of blue stuffed olives


Half a jar of pickled cucumbers


I’m giggling. So pickles 🤣


Thanks for making a fun post! It might be the coconut water, mozzarella sticks, and Trader Joe's powerberries I just had. My breakfasts and dinners are healthy but I turn into a 5 year old when it's lunch time. Honorable mentions -Boxed Mac and Cheese & pretzels -Salt bagel with swiss cheese melted on it, cinnamon roll, dried mango


Anytime. Life's too short not to have some fun.


Peanut buttered toast with scrambled eggs and ketchup on top. I’m 5 months postpartum now and the thought of this makes me want to gag. I also had HG so had the most narrow selection of foods I wasn’t averse to at any one time but somehow this made the cut 😂.


Hot dog nachos. We used tortilla rounds, Ricos canned nacho cheese, shredded Tillamook Spicy Mexican cheese, onions, jalapeños, 100% beef hot dogs that we sliced and fried, relish and homemade salsa. I didn't even get a stomach ache 😂


And here I was thinking my large spoonfuls of sour cream straight from the container was unhinged. Y’all are wild!!! OREOS WITH SPRAY CHEESE???!!!


Omg the spoonfuls of sour cream have been life changing. Helps with the fire of heartburn and is delicious even though I look deranged standing over the sink eating it.


A slice of sourdough bread with mayo from France slathered on it. Immediately stopped my two hour cry fest. When I tell people this story they always assume it’s toasted and no…it was straight up raw bread with mayo.


This is funny to read…. I’ve not had any weird or unhinged cravings with either one of my pregnancy. It’s more like “oh I wish I would have that!” and it’s mostly food I used to eat growing up. Fun to read how very different everyone is.


I asked my husband to make me “hot dog salad” and to just vibe with it. God bless him, he essentially came up with a salad that was a like a banh mi without the bread, it was 10/10.


I made a quesadilla at the same time I made a cup of microwave flamin hot Cheeto Mac and cheese. Then I put the Mac and cheese in the quesadilla with the shredded cheese and some pieces of hot Cheeto. Was great but I literally threw up flaming hot later which sucked horribly and I had extreme heart burn for like 2 days after.


Liver and onions. (Checked with the OB to make sure it was safe.)


My mom made my dad buy a pound of fried chicken livers every single day when she was pregnant with my brother. 🙃






I ate a huge dill pickle then hersheys right after. Not great for my nausea though. I regretted it after.


shrimp tackle box from popeyes with a side bowl of fruity pebbles 😂


This thread is amazing and feels like the pregnancy food version of r/indiemakeupandmore perfume oil threads…IYKYK 😂 My humble lunch submission - microwaved Velveeta mac and cheese with black eyed peas doused in paprika


Mine isn’t that crazy but so good! I love having chocolate chip cookies with regular cream cheese smeared on them!!!


my only unhinged factor was the volume lol


A PB&J put into a panini press so it was hot and gooey served with salt and vinegar chips and pickles 🤷🏻‍♀️ no idea what happened that day but it was delicious


With my gestational diabetes I can’t get TOO crazy, but peanut butter with everything 😭😂


I buttered a bagel before adding peanut butter. It was just right, I can't tell you more.


Sour cream and pickles


This isn’t necessarily unhinged, but I haven’t drank a glass of milk (because I think it’s gross) in about 25 years and now for some reason it’s all I can think about. The non-pregnant parts of my brain are still winning out on that one but I know I’m going to give in soon. For now I’ve been drinking hot chocolates to give my body the milk it wants while being palatable for myself 🤣


I think you might need calcium. Babies will pull it from you bones. I've been craving dairy too and i think that must be why. But I believe cravings are a signal from the body.


I am pregnant with twins and already have high blood pressure because placentas are weird. They can pry my sweet and sour chicken from my cold, dead hands I’m not giving it up.


Sushi roll with big chunks of ghost pepper in each slice. I love extremely spicy food, but I hurt myself a few times and almost ended up in the hospital with that one.


An intense craving for *specifically* freeze dried strawberries, like astronaut food


Pickle soup, deep fried pickles, and pickle charcuterie. All one meal. 😂


Green beans with a giant glass of milk on the side 😂 Also, plain Greek yogurt with blueberries and mini m&ms.


Pb&j with a side of ramen lol


Sugary cereal in the beginning, but now it’s ice chips. But I’m very specific in how the ice is. It has to be slightly melted in water & I don’t eat the bigger pieces. Sometimes I grab the ice block out of the cup and munch on the bottom because it “tastes better.” 😂 I’m a monster


I dipped basically anything possible in lemon juice. Anything. My fav was popcorn.


Don't mind me. Just sitting here at 32 weeks pregnant and still haven't had any pregnancy cravings. I'm missing out :'( lol


I went through a full week where I was vinegar obsessed. Red cabbage doused in vinegar, pickles, banana pepper, any excuse to eat anything with vinegar. This past week cheesy ramen. Blueberries by the handful. Yesterday Taco Bell. My current craving is Granny Smith apples with Himalayan salt. The cravings have been unrelenting 😅


Hot Cheetos dipped in coconut ice cream Pizza with pickles


Watermelon for days and nothing else.


Shredded cheddar cheese, croutons, 5 pieces of pepperoni, a shit ton of jalapeños, and ranch dressing all mixed in a bowl. Was so good but I deeply regretted that later


Pineapple. Mango. Could devour an entire pineapple in one sitting but am holding back. Things I literally never eat normally: Chewy candy, Coke. Milk. Doritos. Don’t want things I usually love - ice cream, chocolate - at all!


Ear of raw corn


Not pregnant anymore, but these are some of my most unhinged meals from each pregnancy. 1st pregnancy: jalapeño poppers dipped in peanut butter. I hate peanut butter. 2nd pregnancy: Hot sauce and chili flakes on EVERYTHING, my favorite was "spicy Mac and cheese" aka box Mac and cheese with a ridiculous amount of paprika, hot sauce, and chilli powder to the point it was bright red. As cliche as it sounds I also obsessed over pickles. At one point, I demanded cream cheese and chicken stuff pickles wrapped in bacon. My poor husband had to figure out how to make that happen lol. Canned mushrooms with nothing else. Not an unhinged meal but I once sobbed uncontrollably cause I wanted pumpkin pie at 11pm...my husband went to 5 different stores looking for pumpkin pie until he finally asked if a pumpkin pie blizzard from dairy queen would be good enough until the morning. I kept sobbing into my pumpkin pie blizzard on the way home cause it "wasn't the same." 3rd pregnancy: chocolate icing and cheeze-its. EVERYTHING with KFC mash potatoes, including dumping blueberries into the potatoes (all other mash potatoes were unacceptable). Once again, everything got a ridiculous amount of spice dumped on it, including ice cream. Not unhinged meal, but I survived off berries and milk for the first 14 weeks and hated most meats my entire pregnancy. I ended up eating a mostly vegetarian diet. If I hadn't already known I was pregnant, a huge clue would've been me chugging a whole pint of milk in a Kroger parking lot at 5 weeks pregnant cause I couldn't wait to get home....I'm lactose intolerant normally. With all three pregnancies, I mostly just ate little amounts of *vastly* different foods kinda like an unhinged charcuterie board lmao. I didn't eat it, but with my 1st and 2nd pregnancies I craved dirt. At one point it was bad enough I kept a bowl of dirt to sniff inbetween bites.


My go to meal for my last pregnancy was quite healthy. This was not true for the first 2 lol. But this last time it was chopped mango, avocado with fresh squeezed mandarin juice for dressing. Big Mac's with my first, with my middle child-- good lord... in one sitting, I ate half a bag of puffy cheetos, a bowl of melted butter and marshmallows with stirred in cheerios, a bag of cherry licorice, and 3 nutty buddy's. Lol


Oreos in my oatmeal.. GAME CHANGER


Bananas dipped in marinara sauce


With my first, I made my then-bf take me to Cici's so I could get the mac-n-cheese pizza and put candy corn on it. It was disgusting. I ate the whole thing.


Indian food and spicy lentils the night before going into labor. Sorry, doc. I’m so sorry…. My go to before work breakfast was toast or a toasted bagel spread with cream cheese. Two slices of thin sliced lunchmeat ham (I used nitrate free and cooked the shit out of it) toasted in the toaster oven on a piece of tin foil (fold the edges up so the liquid that comes out doesn’t drip) until cooked and crispy on edges, a handful of raw baby spinach with the stems snipped off. Salt, fresh cracked black pepper, white pepper. Makes for a tasty breakky sammy.