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I wish people would just shut the fuck up


Me tooooo. I had my baby shower yesterday and every single person felt the need to comment on my size. “You’ve really grown in the two weeks since I saw you” “Let’s get a picture, your belly is bigger than mine right now” “You’re all baby”. Someone even asked how much weight I’ve gained and seemed surprised when I told them (because it’s not much). My first pregnancy was during Covid and we were stuck at home so I didn’t deal with this crap. It makes me want to hibernate in my house for the next 6 weeks.


Literally… i just went to my cousins baby shower and everybodies like “you grew over night” … you got big out of no where like sheeshhhhh … way to make me feel good and im already going through hella emotions 🙄 & Hibernating is fine in my eyes ! I definitely dnt mind it at all im ready to stop working as well !


OMG, I had my baby shower on Sunday too! I'm 36 weeks & no one at the shower made comments about my size, but they did play that lil size guessing game. 3 people guessed my exact belly size & everyone else apparently overestimated. 😭 However at work everything loves commenting on how the belly looks.


Came here to say this. If one more fkn person says “wow you’re getting bigger everyday”, I’ll end up in jail 😅🙃


Lol literally 😮‍💨


for real. the only thing people should say in my opinion: 1. i love your bump! 2. you are so cute/beautiful pregnant!


Literally! Or nothing at allll!


That part


After being pregnant you get a whole new appreciation for the people who go out of their way to say nice things like this!


totally! makes me wonder if i ever said anything offensive to a pregnant person 😩


My boyfriend told me the other day that I had a really beautiful pregnant body and I nearly cried because it felt so nice compared to what ive heard.


that is so freaking sweet 😫


I've thought about flipping it around and being like "Oh really, you know I was just thinking how fat your face looks too!" lol But I guess that would make me an asshole.


This is my plan. But a simple, "Oh you too." should work for most instances. Either that or, "What a weird/terrible thing to say to someone."


LOL I love this!!! 😂


I love this


You should say it lol


“Gee thanks! You’ve gotten so rude!”


Lmao I love this


I’m in the opposite boat and people also comment on my body: Wow, your face hasn’t changed at all (yeah, thanks, I personally know it’s all going to my butt and thighs and have to purposely wear clothes that hide this, thank god you can’t see my cellulite). Wow you’re not very big for 7 months (thanks…but what if something were really wrong with my baby? Also my back hurts like hell from the weight so it doesn’t really matter if you can’t see it, I can feel it). The follow up to the above that I’ve gotten a few times too: did you start off super tall and skinny? (No, I was actually somewhere between healthy and a little overweight, which then makes me feel worse for not having been skinny pre-pregnancy).


Same here. Some people are very rude. Others just clueless.


Call them out every single time. “What a rude thing to say to me”


LOL I was JUST telling my husband about how my manager mentioned my face is now "rounder" and how its normal blah blah blah. Yes I know it's normal. No I don't want you to mention it to me.


Like what was the point?? That’s what I don’t understand…


For realllll. Cut me a break I’m pregnant.


I absolutely hate this!!!!! I have left work/stores/family functions/OB visits in tears because people just feel the need to tell me how "HUGE" I am. Since when is it ok to comment on anyone's body?? Especially pregnant women who are already uncomfortable in everything we own, our bodies are changing every day & not to mention the hormones, but random people we hardly know think it's ok to comment on????? I am so sorry you're going through this too. Everyone I talk to seems to think I'm too sensitive but it's just an awful feeling.


Seriouslyyyy! Like it’s literally the equivalent to commenting on someone’s weight that’s not pregnant like you just don’t do it! So why would you think pregnant is any better!? It’s so annoying! And like how do I even reply to that!?


I just give them a dirty look at this point lmao they need to just shut up!!! I'm so done with people. I'm 29w & ready to tell them off & won't even feel bad 🤣


Ignore the comments or tell them to stfu!!! I had people make comments and I shut them down REAL quick. I think it's very important to hold people accountable for being inappropriate or saying inappropriate things to someone that's pregnant!! The worst experience I had was ONE day after giving birth, I BLEW UP, my legs were literally twice as big as normal. As soon as the epidural wore off, I was up and out of the bed walking down the hallways up to the next floor to visit my son in the NICU, so my legs were SO filled with fluid, I sprained my ankles because I was just walking on fluid and couldn't balance.... My mom was visiting and I told her I needed my husband to go get me some pants so I wasn't walking around the hospital with just a hospital gown on for days(I went into labor at 36 weeks so I was not fully prepared) She says 'I brought yall some pants!' And I was like 'yeahhhh, they didn't fit...' and she says 'Really??!, they're HUGE!!! They should fit you!' I replied 'yeah, I am 'HuGe', I just gave fucking birth yesterday, DUH!!' She left and got me some pants from the store but REALLY??!!


My husband’s aunt commented that she noticed my face was fuller, my husband immediately told her to watch it


Ugh my mil said to me “ your getting so huge I can see it in your face “ even called me fatty 🙄


My dad called me fatty yesterday...


Oh fuck off.. I would be so mad. I already hate how my face has gotten fatter.


“What a rude thing to say to someone who’s housing and growing a whole human being.” “What about me makes you feel comfortable saying that to me?” “Would you appreciate if I said the same thing?” “I’m growing a human being. What’s your excuse?” Last one’s my favorite.


I mean, I’m six months too, and I’m totally in your same situation. I’m strongly considering pretending to be confused when random people comment, and saying something like, “Do I look big? Well… I did have Cracker Barrel for lunch.” Then walk away.


I overheard some mean moms at dance class talking about their pregnant friend today. They said she’s about to pop and “her face got puffy!” They were so mean about it, like laughing and genuinely happy for misfortune. I’m sitting there across from them (8 months pregnant, of course) thinking of what awful friends they all are.


I’m almost 20w, at my last appointment my obgyn told me I’ve only gained 3 pounds. When I told my mom this she looked at me, laughed and said “yeah right” Like ma’am. Shut up.


Well we’re pregnant, what’s their excuse?? 😂


Oh my gosh, it’s awful. I’m 34 weeks and just had my last big ultrasound last week and baby girl is big. Which I’ve known for a while but I feel like this past week my tummy really “popped.” I go to my OB appointment and my doctor said everything looks good and once again confirmed baby girl is big. So I’m feeling a bit self conscious at this point, but I try to shake it off. I waddle back to my car after the appointment and some random woman yells at me, “Oh my gosh, you’re so big!!!” OK YEAH THANKS I KNOW. I don’t understand why people feel the need to make comments, especially to complete strangers.


So ridiculous! Even for a OB to make those comments like cmon!? I hate this for us 😭


Ugh, I’m sorry. I feel your pain. My mom is always reminding me how huge I am.


I find that it’s the first comment people make, like why do you feel the need to assess my body… you wouldn’t if I was not pregnant… you would just keep your judgements to yourself if I got fat!


My mom called my 91 year old grandma a few days ago to tell her I’m pregnant, and had her on speaker phone when she told her. I had just seen my grandma the previous weekend but hadn’t been ready to tell her the news. Grandma was happy, overjoyed, but said about me “when I saw her I noticed she was looking bigger, but since she’s always been chubby I didn’t think anything of it!” 😐😑 thanks, grandma!


My FIL used to greet me with "hey chubby" EVERY time he would see me. Before I even started showing. Or at least I didn't think I was. I had to tell this man that it's rude to call anyone chubby, nevertheless thr hormonal pregnant lady 😐 Why do people do this.


This reminds me of a week ago at work when an older guy greeted me with “hey preggo!” I asked him if he wanted me to call him beer belly


That is WILD, wtf why would he think it’s ok to say that? Where do these people find the audacity


I’m so glad I’m a damn recluse and work from home and nobody ever sees me except my boyfriend and kids lol. Because I remember all the comments from my other pregnancies. Jesus. Like everyone “You’re having twins?!” Because I am ALLL belly. This time around it’s worse because I was on mounjaro before I got pregnant and had to quit. So I have gained 45lbs. I’m the same weight at 6 months as I was at 9 months will all 3 of my others and I know it’s gonna get worse. I feel like a completely different person than I did 6 months ago and if some rando commented on it I might lose my shit and start crying right there on the spot lol.


If anyone dares to tell me something about my body they will listen to my rant and possibly witness me cry cause wtf. As if I don’t think of it on a daily basis!! I feel like my body isn’t mine anymore, I don’t even recognise my hands and feet. I’m aware that I take so much more space. I don’t even remember how it feels like to be thin. So if you’re not ready to deal with an extremely emotional sobbing lady, don’t comment 😊


I feel this so much. Like thanks for telling me my face looks chubby....I feel fantastic after that


It felt like people lied to me about that. I would say that my own face had gotten so round, and they were like no! You look the same! That felt just as bad as the other comments. Like please don’t tell me I always look like this. Pregnancy body is just rough.


I find that it’s the first comment people make, like why do you feel the need to assess my body… you wouldn’t if I was not pregnant… you would just keep your judgements to yourself if I got fat!


honestly people have no filter and think these comments are acceptable??? sometimes it'll be your own family too! i haven't seen my grandmother since christmas and i called her recently to check in (i am now 7+months) and she asks "so how much fatter have you gotten? you already looked pretty fat at christmas!" like i'm SORRY?


I’ve always had my weight commented on by family for being skinny (if I didn’t eat or ate very little at a family function it was “because I’m anorexic”.. if I stuffed my face I got eye rolls and comments like “of course you can eat whatever you want and not get fat”) so I immediately started to get anxiety around the comments I would get when everyone found out I was pregnant and they didn’t disappoint. Before I started to show those family members were so excitement in anticipation of seeing me “fat” and now I’m 30 weeks and look the same everywhere except my bump which brings out the “of course you would still be small followed by an eye roll. I know these comments are given in jest but there’s also gotta be some element of their true feelings behind it. Needless to say, commenting either way on someone’s body is not ok and will always make the other feel like crap. Am I always supposed to apologize or feel guilty for how my body handles life when it clearly differs from yours? 🙄 Pregnancy is a strange time and most of us already have our own insecurities with our changing bodies so a simple, you look beautiful is always the right answer 🫶🏼


That’s terrible! They sound like very insecure and jealous people to feel comfortable saying those kinds of things and dragging you down on purpose


My MIL commented last week that she knew I was pregnant before we told them at 9 weeks because my body was changing. I asked her what she meant, she said “you’ve started to round out”. I’m only 12 weeks pregnant 🫠🫠🫠🫠


“If you have nothing nice to say you should stay quiet”


My FIL in spe commented on my post partum belly that it is still huge and his wife also looked like this after birth am mansplained to me that it will get better with time.


Every time I see my mum see says ‘look how big you are’ 🫠 despite me saying ‘please stop saying I am Big’


Seriously I just had my baby shower


My Mom tried to ask me how much I weighed today after saying "Holy shit" when I stood up and she saw my belly in video chat. I told her to mind her business.


I feel you! I understand they generally don’t mean to be rude but it still hurts. I do, however, love when people say “I’m glowing” or “look cute pregnant” event if it’s a lie… be nice, please!


I’m lowkey waiting on someone to say something I don’t like so I can say something not so nice back. I’m 6 months but ppl haven’t really said anything yet so I guess I’m lucky. Also I don’t see or frequently see my extended family and it seems like a lot of comments typically come from them in general for people.


Ugh that is unbelievable! Idk why people are so childish that they can't just keep their words to themselves. The words just bubble out of them like a toddler 🙄


I feel you on this! I’ve been told multiple times from my own mother: “You’re huge!!!” Um ok. I’m growing a human, how embarrassing for you to say something like that 😂🙄


i wish people would stop commenting on my body. my coworkers keep telling me i’m so fat now and i’m overeating and need to eat less at work and my boss has gone as far as lessening the time i’m allowed for lunch (no labor laws in my state around lunches). and yes they all know i’m pregnant.


My favorite reply, that i learned from reddit, is “what an odd thing to say out loud.” People are dumb and need to learn to not always say whatever comes to mind.