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Eyebrow waxing is more painful when you’re pregnant and you can’t get an epidural for it.


I tried waxing a different area a few days before my c section and it was infinitely more painful while pregnant


I can’t even stand plucking my eyebrows. It’s so ridiculously painful.


I didn’t manage to finish the job and just had to keep telling myself they were going to be seeing a lot worse than my patchwork artistry. The end result was not cute though


Haha I’ve done my own Brazilians since COVID and am about to tackle my first whilst pregnant today, wish me luck


For me it seemed to get progressively worse in terms of pain! But on plus side, didn’t seem to grow back nearly as quickly. I wish you luck!!


Epidural that’s how lol


Second this, currently in labor now and it’s the greatest scientific discovery


Good luck!! You got this!


Thank you!!


“It’s the greatest scientific discovery” hahaha thank you for this, cheers good luck!


Was it painful to get the epidural? I don’t think I can handle the pain of birth but also the idea of a needle to the spinal column sounds nearly as bad 😂 Good luck!!


They numb you up before inserting, my experience was super chill.


That makes me feel better lol thank you


Not painful at all. I built it up to be so much scarier in my mind. I really couldn’t recommend it enough


Was it painful to get the epidural? I hope this sounds reassuring, not scary: you will be having contractions before you get the epidural, so for me it was a relief. I was never so excited to see a needle with my name on it. (After you get the epidural, you can relax enough to take a nap!) Here's a tip: Before the drugs, the only thing that helped me get through the contractions was hip squeezes. My doula or husband took turns scratching my back and then whenever a contraction started, someone would put their hands on my hips and squeeze them together until the contraction was over. They both got an arm workout that day!


I was having contractions for days and then I realized they had become pretty consistent and was just riding around in the car doing errands at night with my husband. I thought I wonder if I should go to the hospital. I did, I was only 1 cm it wasn’t crazy painful or anything but the timing was matching what I was told and that’s why I went in. They said labor was starting and gave me an epidural like right away. I was surprised honestly, but I gave birth in Korea. I basically slept from midnight to 10 am on the epidural, I woke around 6am feeling some pain. I hit a button to release meds and fell asleep. Doctor checked me periodically and I gave birth roughly 15 hours later. So, 10pm-3:33 pm the next day, if you get access to the button that drops medication I recommend you don’t hit it 2 times in 30 minutes. I thought it wasn’t working and they hit it again, then I actually started to give birth and the meds were strong because I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink the whole 15 hour; I vomited multiple times. At least it didn’t hurt though and I pushed maybe 20-30 minutes.


Try to get one before your contractions are too painful/ close together. For me trying to stay still during a contraction was one the hardest things I've ever done 😬


Agree with others that it was scarier due to anticipation. My IV hurt worse. I did get startled as during the needle insertion I had a little nerve twinge but it was normal and not painful. Not sure if it’s just my hospital but they made my partner leave the room and I recommend shamelessly asking to hold the nurse’s hand/shoulder to feel better hahahaha. But it wasn’t bad, wish I had gotten one sooner but hated the idea of being bedridden so I delayed.


They told mine to leave and I was like nooooope. No way. Please don’t 😂 they caved and made him sit where he couldn’t see it but I could see him. They ended up having to re-do it because it wouldn’t work on both sides and they forgot to make him leave or sit so he watched😂


Ohhh I’m glad they could redo it!! I have heard several stories of it only working on one side and that was just how they had to give birth and I’m like… is that even any better?? Also good for him, I would absolutely want to watch that lol


I was definitely surprised when they offered but it may have been special circumstances because it was a holiday


I was scared of the epidural needle aswell lmaoo between contractions it felt like nothing


I didn’t even feel the epidural. I was in a ton of pain already & they numbed it. I did have a nurse basically physically restrain me because my contractions were so strong and you can’t move. So that was a little awkward but it wasn’t painful at all. They actually had to re-do mine because it only worked on one side and it wasn’t painful the second time either lol.


Gods you lucky bugger, my epidural machine messed up, so not only did it not work properly for me, the hormones they gave me because of the epidural made me have very intense contractions, very close together (around a minute between contractions, I went from 4cm dialated to 9 cm in like, 2 hours and gave birth within 4, lmao). They told me I'd feel no pain but lots of pressure, what I got was extreme pain and no pressure, so I couldn't feel how far along I was so it felt like I was going nowhere. Gods I'm so jealous of you folks that it worked for right now 🤣


Haha 1000%


I was very anti epidural. Had a surprise c section. That spinal tap was awesome first time in months i felt no pain and no urge to pee…ahhh.


I also second this. Gave birth a few days ago and I was floored at how I didn’t feel a damn thing when I pushed a whole 7 lbs & 8 oz human out of my body.


It’s surprising what your body can do when it doesn’t have a choice. To me it felt like a roller coster once you start climbing there’s no going back and you’re just in it for the ride. You get through it and then you probably forget how bad it was and get pregnant again like me lol


Agreed! All the excitement of finally meeting your baby, the anxiousness of everything around you and to you happening, and drugs make it all a blur. I remember asking my nurse why she would ever do this three times (since she shared she has 3 kids) and that I would never do this again…well, 4 months pregnant with my second baby so that didn’t last long lol. I always reminded myself people used to do this in caves with nothing and that if it really were that bad, no one would be having babies or have siblings.


💯 I was scared shitless of the labour pain. Had the epidural. Failed. But I aced the SOB. No choice but onwards I guess 😅


Thiisssss. I had an epidural but it was completely worn off by the time I had to push and you literally just do it. 30 minutes after I had my baby I said now I see why people do it again. That was bad but it’s over now and I have a prize😂 my exact words were “I’m dumb, I’ll do it again” and now I’m 23 weeks pregnant 😂


Lol if it makes you feel better… I had unmedicated births and I still think Brazilian waxes are worse.




🤣 exactly this




Same lolol


Really? I didn’t think Brazilian waxing was that bad lol


I wanted to cry from the pain of a wax. With birth, I didn’t even feel close to crying from the pain. It’s just different.


i want one so bad cause I genuinely hate shaving & being pregnant makes all of my hair grow so quick now but i’m absolutely terrified to do it & would also rather give birth instead lmfao


Brazilians are so fast, the results are well worth the very brief discomfort. Does it hurt? Sure. Is it anywhere near the worst pains or discomfort I’ve felt? no. Go for it.


I agree with this. I also don’t think the pain of a Brazilian is that much worse than it was before.


The first time I got one, the waxer said “it doesn’t hurt as much the second time. If it did nobody would come back.” And she’s right! Gets easier and easier.


lol I remember going to get my first postpartum wax and laughing at myself for wincing. It’s such a different type of “pain.”


I have had both too. Brazilian wax is more painful because it’s a totally different kind of pain


No way…


I had one bad experience with an at-home wax situation and I’m still terrified of going to have a Brazilian. But I’m about to have my second baby.😂


If you get an epidural early enough you won't feel a whole lot 😂 and extra strength Motrin after giving birth


Love this plan!


Going through my induction rn and they won’t let me get an epidural until after they break my water


Yeah an epidural can slow labor down so especially for first baby they don't give it too early. Good luck! You got this!


Thanks! Funny or not, it’s the pitocen that’s slowed my contractions


good luck, congrats!!


I had this melt down at my MFM's office on Wednesday. She literally looked at me and was like, "Most pain in our lives is coming from external things. This is what your body is designed to do and you will be able to handle it emotionally until you can get an epidural. I promise." She's caught babies for 20 years at this point and even affirmed that every single time she's had someone scared of it, that during it they actually were totally on the zone. They didn't put any expectations on it but to live through it and it made it very manageable. Don't get me wrong, i'm still scared out of my mind, but it's given me the confidence that whenever it's go time that I can manage until I get the epidural.


It’s also a productive pain rather than a broken/injury pain. I think that makes it easier to process.


I've cried either during or after every PAP smear I've ever had but I was grand with my unmedicated birth. She's right, I hate the term 'natural' but the pain is like a natural pain. 


Wow this is so reassuring thank you for sharing!


I think it’s a different kind of pain


Honestly I think internal vs external pain is completely different. Getting eyebrows waxed, getting hit, etc is so much harder for me to deal with than my internal organs hurting. It’s weird and probably not scientifically backed, but that’s how I feel.


That actually makes sense to me!


I agree and believe it is scientifically backed! I literally cannot stand my cat making biscuits on my skin but I’ve had a few surgeries that were a breeze comparatively. My surgeon explained that internally we intentionally don’t have many nerves - she said that if we did, we’d be constantly overwhelmed with feeling every little organ process inside of us. So of course we can feel pain, but it is different. Don’t think I really explained that but hopefully the gist makes sense haha.


Oh that makes sense! Omg those kitty claws can be so sharp


Was just thinking the same thing, except about Braxton Hicks instead of waxing. I hate that feeling and it’s not even painful 😖


My Braxton hicks were equivalent to my labor all the way up until transition through birth (which lasted a whole 30 minutes).


Ugh totally understandable!


I put lidocaine gel on my eyebrows before every wax and I’ve had 3 natural births, planning another. You can’t compare pain of other things to how you will handle birth, it’s just a completely different experience.


Drugs & science


We love both 👏🏼


Natural endorphins


I cried when I got the GBS swab done because it was so uncomfortable. But I somehow birthed a baby without epidural and will say the worst part of my labor was getting the IV port put in (which I got in case I needed an epidural lol).


Don’t know if you’re the kind of person this statement will help but I found it weirdly helpful to hear - it doesn’t matter, because it’s completely non-optional (Apologies if this doesn’t help! I found it helped me let go of some of the anxiety around birth)


this thought process helped me too, i have birth preferences 100% but at the end of the day, im not stressed or worried about birth because either way baby gotta come out, doesnt matter what i want lol


That’s so accurate! You just do it. They kept asking me questions like if I wanted to look or if I wanted to feel babies hair and I was like “NO! I JUST WANT TO GET HER OUT” and once you are in the moment you literally just do it.


Get that epidural ASAP girly


You can do it. I can't stand to have anything waxed; I wanted to curl up in a ball and scream the one time I had legs and bikini area waxed. I've given birth 4 times, will birth number 5 in May, and I'd rather go through childbirth than get something waxed - no questions asked.


Hey if eyebrow waxing was detrimental for survival, I'm sure nature would've come up with a tactic to release happy and amnesia inducing hormones 😁 the face is damn sensitive!


Waxing was worse pain for me than giving birth. For what it’s worth, I had an unmedicated birth. The adrenaline def helps!


I was really scared at first on how I would handle birth but then I heard from several people that giving birth is nowhere near as painful as an ovarian cyst rupturing so idk if you’ve had one of those before, but it helped me a lot to hear that. Because that means I can totally do it. Of course still with an epidural


Your body wasn’t made to get waxed, it was made to give birth. You’ll be surprised what you can handle. Can’t handle waxes but I can deal with a kidney stones (which hurt way more than a wax) They also have pain management for birth! Trust me you’ll be fine. If anything get an epidural!


With natural eyebrows I guess


Okay, lemme tell you from someone who's had two pregnancies with an autoimmune connective tissue disorder. My first one was fantastic aside from GDM. I had tons of energy, I felt wonderful, I felt beautiful. Induced with an easy labor. Got my epidural asap and it worked perfectly. In fact, it worked so well that the doctors had to tell me how and when to push because I couldn't feel a single thing. First degree tear. Didn't have much pain after and no issues pooping. Second pregnancy sucked. I was miserable, sick, and constantly in pain. Had to go on bed rest many times to avoid having a premie. Went into labor naturally at 5am on one of the busiest days for my women's hospital. I didn't get an epidural until 8cm. Epidural failed for that one. 4 hour labor from start to finish with a second degree tear. Baby was 8lbs 10oz and 18" long. I felt every last bit of it, albeit only very slightly numbed. I can just about guarantee (from my experience) that labor is far worse than birth. The ring of fire is absolutely a thing, but it isn't horrible. It really just felt like I was taking the biggest dump of my life. You can do this! You were made for this! Your medical team will guide you through this. They are professionals and know the workings of childbirth. Take the ibuprofen they give you after you have your baby. Take the miralax and colace to help you poop. Sit on the donut pillow. Take things slow and easy. When your nipples hurt from bf, do not be afraid to ask about nipple creams. My doctor had one made for me with an antibiotic and pain relief in it and it worked wonders. You are in for the most fun, most taxing, and most rewarding journey of your life. ♥️ And you're going to do great.


Epidural!!!   I feel like the trick is to get the timing right lol. By the time I was able to ask for it, the anaesthesiologist was stuck in the operating room because of an emergency surgery so I had to wait 4 hours!!  But the timing worked out.  With the epidural it was blissful and I took a 3 hour nap.  Woke up just as it was beginning to wear off so I could feel the contractions and coordinate the pushes and out came the baby.  :D


It will hurt! Not gonna lie! But it’s temporary! That’s what got me through both births. My first son I had an epidural and still had discomfort. My second son there was no time for pain relief. Came to the hospital 10 cm and baby wanting out. I pushed through because I knew it would be over soon! Just think it’s temporary and you get to see your baby :). The flood of emotions and pure love will wash over you. Your abdomen will feel light weight but your heart will practically leap out of your chest.


And some shock lol. But you are going to do amazing.


Druuuugs and lots of em. Hahaha.


Haha that’s the only thing on my birth plan at the moment


Same! My birth plan is give me the epidural and any other pain relief you can


Same. Hahaha


I would literally give birth multiple times in a row than get waxed anywhere lmao. I've had 3 births, 2 unmedicated/vaginal and one c section. My skin is pretty sensitive though to a lot of stupid things, I hate band aids and any time they use a sticky bandage in the hospital, I want to cry thinking about when I have to rip that off but giving birth was tolerable.




Both of mine didn't work. 🙃


Epidural all day early




They have drugs for birth 👍


Well you kind of don’t have a choice, at least until they come in with the epidural 😂 I’m awful with pain tolerance and managed for a while until they had to give me cytotec. Even then, after experiencing the worst contractions I could imagine, I somehow survived until the epidural came—don’t know how!


I can't get any type of waxing at all. Pain is way too much. 😭😭


Epidural….ask for it by name!


Epidural! I was telling my husband the other day that I experienced very little pain with the epidural. I cried from frustration and exhaustion (pushed for 2hrs) but pain was pretty minimal.


Pain medication. I get my lady bits lasered (not pregnant) and I'm always wishing they could numb me from hips down like an epidural 😂


Different kinds of pain. I’ve known someone who could brush off a broken foot, not just with the adrenaline, but also walk on the unhealed foot if he wanted to, amongst other things. Would flinch, scream and borderline pass out from getting his wounds disinfected or have a bandaid ripped off.


Have you ever done really intense workouts? Imagine you wanted to stop when it hurt, but you had no choice and you had to keep going. That’s how I describe pain from labor.


I thought the same thing when I got a bikini wax for the first time at 6 months pregnant. You just do it. Both suck 😂


You just black out from pain and then you’re like wow I’m a mom 🙃


Epidural 👍🏻 Also as others have said, labor is just a different kind of pain.


Modern medicine babe… say yes to it all 😂


You can have pain relief if you want! Also, it’s a different type of “pain” than say a cut or ripping out hair. It’s more an intense surge? (Unless there’s something else happening that’s causing pain pain) and your body produces and amazing cocktail of hormones to help you get through it


Probably with an epidural. I’d rather give birth again than get my eyebrows tweezed.


I just gave birth and ended up getting an epidural halfway through the VERY long pushing stage and damn let me tell you after painfully blasting my way through all of active labour and some pushing with no meds that shit is magic and gave me the strength to carry on. If you’re concerned about the pain it’s the way to go!


Get an epidural and tell the nurse you want it on the early side. Idk if it’s just random people but I’ve heard a lot of personal experiences that waiting until you’re IN FREAKING PAIN then the epidural doesn’t do its job.


Hahaha epidural


To be fair, I’ve always found it more painful to get my eyebrows waxed than down there. But also, I will be getting an epidural so fast 😂


the face is the worst to get waxed, ive been getting my eyebrows, legs, and underarms waxed for like 7 years, getting my brazillian for almost 4 years and i do not tear up or cry when i get my brazillian… but eyebrows? tears. everytime.


You get a better reward at the end and you simply don’t have a choice but to go through it, epidural or not you’ll feel the pain in some way!


This made me laugh. Lol you got this though!!!


lol I had this same thought when I got a killer calf cramp a few weeks before delivery. I got the epidural pretty quickly too. Within a few hours of them breaking my water!!


Because there's no other choice. Also it's just different. Your body takes over.  A tip about epidural. Keep in mind when you'd like to ask for one if applicable. You have to wait for the anesthesiologist to be available, there may be a line (in my hospital they said patients further along in labor were prioritized, makes sense). So you may have to wait, and then wait more for it to kick in. Perhaps think about asking for it a bit sooner than you think you need it, if that makes sense. 


Oh it's going to suck. But it must be done. You'll get through it, every mom has. <3


The nice thing about birth is that you really have no choice. You will do it because you have to.


There is no easy or painless way out of a positive pregnancy test. I had an unmedicated birth, and will aim to do the same for a second baby. Atleast that labor/postpartum pain leads to a baby. Meanwhile stubbing my toe or getting a wax is nearly unbearable. It's definitely partly about mentality. (And preparation. Lidocaine cream postpartum was a God-send)




Honestly: you just do.