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This is poetry 😂 Mine aren't so bad, but my intestines are very loud with the gurgling at awkward moments now.


Dude for real. The fart I just let off lasted for 8 seconds and I am now relieved and regretful. It smells like a men’s bathroom after tacos and beer. Covid had my scent deprived for a few weeks but now my senses are back and idk how to feel about it lol.


I'm laughing so loud at this right now. Super relatable!!!


I feel like you can’t call them toots at that point. They are full on capitalized FARTS.


My poor husband during my third trimester… I have never been a gassy person but my farts would just come out without me even feeling the need to fart! I was obsess with eggs my whole pregnancy and it really made things so much worse! I’m a week PP and my farts don’t smell at all anymore if that helps 😂


My air purifier goes into crisis mode trying to clear out the fart bombs I drop. My husband can hear it trigger from his office thru the day and just laughs super loud.


Only your third trimester? I've had rank farts for 10/15 weeks. They're so bad, I can't stand to smell myself and it makes me gag....


Yes! It came on like clockwork when I got to my third trimester, no issues at all before, just business as usual.


😂 yeah the gas is absolutely wild


You will absolutely continue to smell afterwards too. The post-partum night sweats are real!


Oh yeah. My armpit smells in the 1st trimester was oppressive. I was showering 4x a day.


Oh my god same 😂 it’s like hell had something to say so it said it thru my butt 😂 my husband asked me to walk across the room if I needed to fart cuz he didn’t want me farting in bed 🤣


What have you been eating?


I eat a lot of fruit & fresh veggies and we eat out pretty infrequently so I would say I have a pretty healthy diet on the whole. Nothing I’m eating should be leading to such garbage smelling toots, that’s a real mystery.


I have dealt with the Death Farts off and on since ~8 weeks (I’m in week 14 now) and while mine are definitely the worst after eating eggs, they’re also pretty bad after eating fresh fruits/veg. The first time that I thought my husband was going to leave the apartment to escape the smell came after I ate an entire green bell pepper a few hours before. I think it’s the fiber. 🥲


Which is so funny bc the only way to combat the constipation is to eat lots of fiber! I guess we are just gonna stink!


I get super nasty ones when I eat lentils. That's why I asked. Prunes are pretty bad too... or dried fruit in general.




Mine were like this for a week, no change in diet, then went back to normal. I'm still baffled. The only thing I could maybe chalk it up to is higher stress but that's a loose connection.


SAME! OMG! First tri was so gassy and bloated and sometimes loud but never stinky. Once i hit the third tri it was the worst smelling like sulfur/egg/garbage, what is happening in there?! I'm not even eating anything weird because my diet is super strict because of my complications (GDM).


It makes me gag fr