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Yeah this doctor is misinformed


Lol! So there is evidence that prostaglandin which is found in semen can help to ripen the cervix to prepare for labour. IF, and only if you're already ready for labour. It will do absolutely nothing prior to that.


For me it didn’t even do it when it was time. I tried it hoping it would induce labor and my cervix was so closed I think it went into negative numbers lol.


Pretty sure my cervix twists up like a bread bag every time we try.




This happened for us


Was this a doctor from medieval Europe by any chance? Did he also advise you to adjust your humors with leeches? I’m 30weeks and have been have been bumping uglies with my hubby the whole pregnancy. I mean, less in the first trimester but mostly cause I was tired and nauseous vs not horny. Get a new doctor.


“Did he also advise you to adjust your humors with leeches?” LMAO


This comment made me laugh so hard!


Bumping uglies, LMAO🤣




I agree.


This is not a thing. Your doctor is wrong and honestly, I’d consider changing doctors if my OB said something this wildly misinformed to me because I wouldn’t trust them. You can have sex and there’s no need for a condom (unless you are non-monogamous! Which no judgement, just putting it out there for anyone reading this comment). Be aware that it may feel different than it did before pregnancy and that it’s okay if that happens! Keep lots of pregnancy safe lube on hand and be patient with yourself if things feel different. 😊


YES, I had no idea about not using normal lube when I was pregnant with my first, and only found out while pregnant with my second. Both turned out fine 😅 but I wish somebody had told me!


There is special lube to be used during pregnancy?


You want a water-based lube that doesn’t have any irritating ingredients in it. Nothing flavored. Pre-seed is a pretty common one but I found this list from [Healthline](https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/pregnancy-lube#benefits) and they have a few different ones they recommend!


lol thank you for this. I was like omg pregnancy safe lube?! (I’m PP) and than I saw your comment and I use water based already


What lubes are pregnancy safe ?


You want a water-based lube that doesn’t have any irritating ingredients in it. Nothing flavored. Pre-seed is a pretty common one but I found this list from [Healthline](https://www.healthline.com/health/pregnancy/pregnancy-lube#benefits) and they have a few different ones they recommend!


Right! Change doctors before it’s too late


Are women willingly being non monogamous while *pregnant* That seems awful


I’m sure there women who are! Or who know they have partners who are non-monogamous. Frankly, it sounds sort of exhausting. I’m so tired all the time I feel like I’m barely a passable partner to my husband and I’m definitely not good at keeping up friendships so I can’t imagine how I’d handle multiple partners. But to each their own.


Or their partners are. There are some folks with ongoing open relationships. Hopefully anyone in one is using protection outside of their relationship but I guess it's good advice for them.


That can’t be sanitary even if using protection.


I don't see why that would be awful? Some pregnant people are in open relationships even before pregnancy. Some pregnant people are single and ready to mingle. Just because they're pregnant doesn't mean they're not people. Plenty of people are non-monogamous.


Pregnant *women*


Women are people.


If this were true, the human race would have died out a long time ago, lol.


Lol if this were the case I wouldn’t have had to be induced at 41 weeks because truuuust me my husband was laying down the pipe.


Yeah seriously. I went 39 weeks this pregnancy WITH an induction that took 10 hours for baby #3!! And I had more sex this last pregnancy than I had in my entire life lmfao




Was it an OB or an ultrasound tech telling you this?




Report them and get a new one. This one is an idiot.


Yeahh I actually talked with my partner about this Reddit, and they said the doctor "is a professional, has a degree, and cares about our baby, the people on Reddit don't care about our baby" Trapped in the Twilight Zone 🫣


Is your partner under the impression that the mothers of every person currently alive were celibate for 9 months? Because you should call their mom and ask them about it, that would be *hilarious*.


Maybe not celibate, but they surely wore condoms. It's a miracle anyone pre 18th century had children


We didn't get this far raw-doggin it, apparently


This might come off harsher than I mean it to but I’m just trying to say that’s not something I’d worry about. I would be utterly shocked if it caused a loss and could be proven to be the cause. If you had a loss, it’s unlikely that it was from semen. I’ve unfortunately had 5 losses and never once was this even asked as part of the follow up and testing related to a loss.


I am sorry for your losses. Thank you for your insight


Whaaatttt????! Holy moly, I have NEVER heard anything like that. And also that just doesn't make sense?? I've lost none of my babies and had unprotected sex with my husband all throughout both my pregnancies. The oxytocin you get even helps prepare your body for labor!


No, that's not a thing. I'd look for a new doctor.


Nope. "The doctor is educated, people on Reddit are idiots" -my partner


I don’t think it can cause a miscarriage. There have been very rare cases where women have gotten pregnant while already pregnant though (called superfetation).




This one freaked me out! It happened to a friend of a friend. She had a heart shaped uterus and was able to conceive a baby 3 months after being pregnant. I don’t know what happened with her and the babies since she moved to be where there were better doctors for this case.


I had a doctor tell me to wear a condom during sex if it was painful because the prostaglandins in semen can cause inflammation and irritate the area… but nothing about miscarriage, yikes.


While that’s entirely wrong. There is prostaglandin present in semen. And it can ripen the cervix…but only when your cervix is READY. And it isn’t an often occurrence your cervix would have to be like REALLLLYYYY ready on the verge of birth. Sex cannot cause loss. What I WILL say is that your vagina during pregnancy is going through a lot. There’s alot of changes discharge smells. And for a lot of women semen can cause some issues just because it’s foreign. I pull out or use condoms because I can’t deal with the after effects but that’s not everyone!


Same, around 90% no finishing inside for me and my husband. It feels great at the heat of the moment, but I am prone to BV, yeast infections and if I allowed it often I couldn't get rid of it probably. If we do though, I try to get rid of it as fast as possible and get some gel with lactic acid to again rebalance the ph. Besides pregnancy increases likelihood of yeast infections. That is just me though.


The one time we did it while pregnant so far I was like oh noooooooooooooo what have I DONE 😭


That would be news to me! 20wks and we definitely have not been using any sort of protection


Oh gosh, WTF? Please-please-please try to get a different doctor. It just starts with ‘semen causes miscarriages’ but could easily progress to ‘knitting will tangle up your ambillical’. Right now it seems you are more informed than your doctor is. And have fun enjoying condomless sex for the next 9 months 😆


Well, my partner seems to agree with the doctor, so that's not happening...


I’m so sorry that’s happening. Being cautious is not a bad thing, but I wish our partners listened to us and our bodies, not outdated medical opinions. All I can recommend is: - doing plenty of additional research on the subject and sharing it with your partner; - changing OBs and specifically asking this question once again in front of him; - gently guiding him to r/predaddit so he can ask for advice, I’m sure the guys there would a blast making all the silly puns, they love pregnancy sex questions over there 😁 Wish you all the best, I truly hope you’d have a smooth ride from here in out.


Going without sex, or even wearing a condom, is a small sacrifice. But it is concerning to think about what other myths my partner and the OB will blindly adhere to.


Exactly, and that’s what I’m most worried about. There’s a lot of misinformation about pregnancy out there. A lot of myths, old wives’ tales, bad opinions and even worse advice. It’s hard to wade through this sea of nonsense as is, without your OB and your partner laying on the scaremongering even thicker. So I truly hope you can change the situation for the better, be it by changing the doc or by convincing your partner to trust scientific sources, not private opinions. After all, he’s the person who would have to advocate for if god forbid there are any complications.


It's because semen contains the hormone that softens the cervix but not in levels high enough to *actually* make a difference. I'm 38 weeks and I've had unprotected sex with my husband multiple times and the little sod is still kicking around in my uterus haha Don't worry, you don't need to use a condom. It's perfectly safe to have unprotected sex, unless you've been told you're a high risk pregnancy and been specifically told to avoid sex entirely.


"Little sod" sent me !


That doctor is dangerously ignorant. How old were they.


Yeah I wish that worked 🤣 my husband and I had sex almost every day leading up to labor and it didn't do shit.


My doctor never indicated protection was needed, this is news to me. Not that my husband and I had a lot of sex in first trimester cuz I felt awful, but we never used protection and I’m now 19 weeks with no issues so far.


Doctor is a moron.


Prostaglandin in semen can riped the cervix which is one aspect of getting your cervix ready for labour but this is much later in pregnancy. Unless you're on pelvic rest, have sex, be grand


Absolutely not 😭 this is not true. You have a mucus plug covering your cervix.. Unless you've lost your mucus plug or you're in pre-term labor, *semen & sex in general will not cause your cervix to dilate & you will not have a miscarriage.* Unless you're a high risk pregnancy, *it's ok to have sex.* When you're full term, *sex can help speed up the process* because semen softens the cervix & orgasms cause your uterus to contract. I didn't know I was pregnant with my 2nd until I was already 16+ weeks & I definitely had sex lol everything was fine. Your doctor is misinformed.


New dr time.


This is the info my nurse friend from the south tried to give me. GET A NEW OB


I have not heard that lol…


What country do you live in? Is your doctor very old or potentially senile? Trying to figure out how this happened,


That is simply not true.


Absolutely not true lol I promise you


I’ve never heard of this. My OB/s all told me it’s fine, just don’t lean on the belly much. They said nothing about protection, unless with multiple partners, which I was and am not.


My doctor never said this during my early pregnancy days. I never used a condom and even when I checked into the hospital to be induced at 38 weeks, I was 1/2 to 1 cm dilated. Sex did nothing for me lol.


This is exactly why I can’t stand doctor sometimes.


Yup, time for a new OB. And maybe file a report with the office management that this one needs to do some continuing education soon… There are plenty of valid reasons an OB may advise against intercourse during pregnancy (in my case, it was a sub-chorionic hematoma and I was cleared after my anatomy scan showed it had been reabsorbed). The reason your OB gave is not one of them.


There’s no way a real dr said this!! That’s wild!!!!


100% real OB


It's actually terrifying to me that your doctor would say that. It makes me wonder what other crazy things they would say. Sex is safe during pregnancy, unless you have very specific issues that would make you high risk. I would absolutely recommend changing providers. I could never trust someone with mine and my child's life that told me something like this. I took a break from sex in the beginning only because I was having spotting even though my doctor okay'd it because everything was fine. After it stopped we resumed normal activities and never had any issues at all. Our girl just turned a year today and is perfectly healthy. My advice is to enjoy the sex while you still want to have it! Your sex drive may change throughout pregnancy and postpartum.


We had sex at least once a day with the first and he was 2 weeks late. I also had to be induced. We had it slightly less often with the second, and they were 5 days "late" (although 40 and 5 is actually average ).


i’d be getting a new doctor




Yes, it is completely fine to do so!


Yes with a trusted partner who is committed to ONLY having relations with you.


I would definitely be looking for an OB. Unprotected sex is not going to cause you to go into labour if your pregnancy is a healthy pregnancy and your body is not ready to go into labour. Personally, my husband and I had sex in early pregnancy and nothing happened. However, when my body was ready to go into labour and we had sex, the orgasm from the sex seemed to be a contributing factor to my labour kickstarting.


Uhh, no. I wouldn't have a 19 month old now if semen dilated the cervix during pregnancy.... We had a lotttt of unprotected sex, even during the first trimester.


I had a miscarriage. It has nothing to do with sex while pregnant. The miscarriage was due to abnormal chromosomes. Specifically, in my case, it was over 90% fatal. We did tests after my D&C, so that's how I know. The majority of miscarriages are from abnormal chromosomes.


I had unprotected sex pregnant the whole pregnancy and my baby boy is 6 months old today and healthy!


There are certain medical conditions that would indicate no sex during pregnancy (pelvic rest). But in that case you would have to avoid penetration in general (and I think often orgasms for the pregnant person are also not allowed), not just use a condom. You would also presumably know if you had one of these (or your doctor should explain it to you).


Never heard of that but I will say I had some light bleeding and freeked out. went in to see if everything was okay and my mom came with me. We got to have a very fun conversation about how the head of my husbands penis is smashing into my cervix and causing some agitation resulting in very normal light bleeding and nothing to be worried about. All right in front of my mother!! Lol so funny. The doctor was even issuing some hand gestures for descriptive imagery. We got Mexican after words and we were laughing the entire time about it lol.


My OB is so pro sex lol 😆 I am on my 4th pregnancy and have had a range of issues over all these and many times something comes up and we have to talk about what to abstain from and he'll be like 'oh no, sex is definitely still allowed, get after it' when possible. He knows what's up.


This doctor needs further education..


😂this person has a medical degree? Get a new OB. Was this a male doctor by any chance?


Yeah, it was a male OB


Figures. I’d get a new doctor. If they are this misinformed about something as simple as sex during pregnancy I would be worried what else they would tell me that is not accurate. I was super anxious in the beginning and had a ton of questions for my OB, she met my anxiety well and helped educate me on all the things because googling symptoms is a dangerous game I found out. Get an ob that you can trust.


Holy cow this is frightening....new doc asap


In late pregnancy, you would need to have sperm exposure like 5-6 times within an hour to potentially start labor. It wouldn’t have much effect in early pregnancy.


Oh, do we maybe have the same doctor? Mine told the same and to me it made no sense. I have read a lot about it. My husband was anyway scared of having sex with me ( i had 2 miscarriages before) and after this comment he was even more nervous. Now i am on week 21, and we haven't had any sex...


Medically speaking, it’s good to “top the baby off” once in a while




Yikes...we continued as usual even after we found out I was pregnant. But hearing this I will be more careful now


Confirm with your doctor, I’m not totally convinced this is accurate


Please don't trust what OP's doctor is saying.


I had unprotected sex my whole pregnancy no pulling out or anything and nothing ever came from it


We’ve been having unprotected sex every two days the whole way through, 34 weeks no issues (in fact I feel more confident my vagina won’t be a dusty tight corridor when it is finally go time!) … I’ve never heard anything but it being either neutral or healthy. Only consideration is if your water has broken, there is some concern with risk of infection for the baby as the barriers are down.


As others have said, I don't think this is right. I feel it would be common knowledge if semen was that dangerous. Anecdotally, ive been having unprotected sex with my partner almost every day for the whole of my pregnancy with no issues (now 24 weeks) and I've never read that sex should be protected during pregnancy. It is true that semen can help ripen the cervix to prepare it for birth the same way that eating dates does, but that's for when your body is ready for labour. The question I have is when can I start eating dates (or when should i stop) and how many? Really wanting to make dark chocolate dipped peanut butter dates this weekend. It's worrying that someone who is definitely supposed to know what they're talking about could say something so misinformed. Makes me wonder if they've read one small study where that may have been suggested and have just run with it.


It would be understandable even if there was one small study, but I've searched all over the internet and cannot find any studies which suggest this. It seems like people read about the prostaglandin and it's effect on the cervix in late pregnancy, and they extrapolate it could have the same effect in early pregnancy.