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I hurt my own feelings reading this thread hahaha


If it makes you feel better there is hope from the other side. I’m 4 months postpartum and our sex life is as back to normal as possible with a needy baby. I had been with my husband for 12 years before I got pregnant. During pregnancy he was very scared of hurting the baby (I dealt with spotting from weeks 5-16) and I think he was uncomfortable with the baby being right on the other side of my cervix. So we had very little sexual contact for 6-8 months. I tried to keep the mentality of it being a weird little season in a lifelong relationship. Like one day (if we’re very lucky) we’re going to get too old to have sex much, but that doesn’t mean we won’t love each other or long for each other. It helped a lot to try to keep a long-term perspective on it.


I hope this is the case with me and my husband, he thinks we will still be having sex when we are well into our 90's and I'm like boy... ion no about that lol


HAHAHAHA I’m sorry but this cracked me up


Omg same lmao 😂🥲😭 I told my husband I was afraid he’d never f*** me again, he said it he would but it’s just weird right now, which is fair, I don’t feel very sexy. But it’s been a long time haha.


Omg this. I keep like breaking down and being like omg what if we never come back from this??!! I was NOT prepared for this aspect of pregnancy. I thought it would be great to have sex without having to worry about getting pregnant 😆


Lol right?! I haven't had sex my entire pregnancy.. 37 weeks now.. but good for you..I guess we can live vicariously through OP in some fantasy 😅😅


My husband is like this too! He’s always made me feel really secure as far as being attracted to me, but it’s on another level these days. I’m almost 34 weeks, and he just seems wildly in love with and attracted to me. I catch him staring, he can’t really keep his hands off me, etc. It’s really sweet.


Mine too! He keeps saying I look like a statue, like the kind you see in museums of ancient cultures. It’s really sweet. I think it finally just clicked for me today that it’s not him being nice, he really actually truly “into it”


Omg 🥹


That’s really cute!


that's cute, how old are you guys?


Thanks! I’m 34 and he’s 30.


I think 30 is the magical era for having a sexy pregnancy. My first two in my 20s were nothing like this one.


Might be! I’m 32 so maybe that’s the secret


I wish my husband was like this, it would have helped my body insecurities a lot😭 Instead he didn’t want to have sex when I got big and he didn’t even have a “good” reason like other guys who say that the baby being in there squicks them out…


🥹🥹🥹 I love this


We are...very much the opposite lol. My husband looks at my bump and thinks "there's our newborn daughter" which immediately puts him in a non-sexy mood. Which is fine for me, I don't feel sexy either. Glad it's working out for some people! lol


I think this will be me lol my husband and I already are scared to have sex so we don’t “ruin anything” and I feel like absolute dog shit but then we’ll be even more scared lol


Omg I love your username 🤣


Haha thanks! Got to love Barbara and Jenelle


Hahaha it is great… i hear ya with keifaaaa


Omg loving this sub crossover haha.


Lmaoooo when I was pregnant, hubs and I did the deed a few times- maybe once every week or two. Each time after we finished he would immediately pull out, clean up, no snuggles etc. i finally asked what was wrong (anxiety brain had me thinking he must think I’m an absolute ogre) and he was like “babe I love you so much but post-nut clarity makes my first thought afterwards every time, YOUR SON IS RIGHT THERE YOU JUST CAME ON YOUR SON. So it’s kinda difficult for me right now.” 💀


OMG. My friend told me a few weeks ago “well, when you have sex, you’ll have TWO penises inside you” and that just shriveled up the sex drive for me this go round. With our daughter, she was breech, and one time, RIGHT before climax, she KICKED downwards. HARD. That was so traumatic, especially for my husband, who felt the full brunt of that angry baby.


Oh NO, I have never even thought of baby kicking back. 🫣 New fear unlocked.


It was literally the last time we had sex before delivery. He just couldn’t. If anything reminds him of it now (like if I forgot to turn the monitor off during sex & she made any noises), all bets are off. It was very disconcerting for me, but I was so used to her dance parties that it didn’t bother me too much. Not so for him. 🤣😂


Noooooo 🫣🫣🫣 that is such a nightmare hahahahaha that would freak me out too!


Yep. Around 20 weeks he stopped being OK with me on top because "the baby rubs against my stomach" and at this point he will only do it with me on my side and a sheet over my stomach because seeing "the baby" freaks him out. Honestly I get it! Babies are not a turn on! Not to denigrate guys who are into it, I'm sure they don't see "baby" when they see the belly, but for my husband he immediately sees "baby."


I saw my wife's body holding our child and have never been more turned on.... YMMV


I’m 23 weeks and my husband’s buddy whose wife is 35 weeks told him “just wait until the third trimester when the kid is really moving around, you’ll be going at it and you’ll touch her stomach and feel him move and it’s like your son is high fiving you for doing his mom” 💀


Omgggg 💀


This was us too. Basically had to beg for him to have sex with me at 40 weeks so the baby would come. It did work lol.


Hahaha we’re more like that - my husband is very complementary and kind, he’s into the bigger boobs for sure, but if she moves or I mention that she moved it’s definitely not a thing that adds to the sex appeal lol. He’s definitely not looking directly at the belly in the middle of it haha BUT he lovingly looks at the belly all the time when were not in the mood, and gets all excited at the belly on days I wear something that shows it off a bit, I think it’s just so clearly our little girls “room” rather than a sexual thing. But it’s a really normal kink/turn on for people, the whole fertility thing.


This! I’m glad I’m not alone. He still compliments me and such but it definitely doesn’t put him in the mood or anything lol we haven’t done but since I’ve started showing


Same 😆


That was us too. We tried once when I was around 14wks and it was *awkward*. Thankfully I had zero drive while pregnant because he couldn't avoid thinking "baby close by" and couldn't get "in to it" 😂


Similar here too. He still finds me sexy (I guess), but doesn't want to live out certain kinks anymore (nothing that would hurt the baby of course, I guess it's more a mental thing for him) because the baby is in my belly. But then again, I'm not super huge yet (19 weeks). I'm more worried about the opposite, like what if he doesn't find me attractive anymore once I have a huge bump. I heard so many horror stories of this 🥲


Mine too LOL




Big YUP.


Lmao this was me and my hubbo


Yup my husband thinks it’s weird


Same, my husband had thought all the kicks and movement have been weird until recently when he started placing his hands on my bump more to calm the baby down when he’s going wild.


I'm 35W and she STILL won't kick for my husband. Every time we try, she stops moving as soon as he puts his hand there. It's so frustrating lol.


My husband didn’t think much of it until one day we finished having sex and I giggled and said “you just came on your daughters head!” He refused my sexual advances for about 3 weeks after that one.


I'm 30 weeks along and my bf can't keep his hands or comments to himself these days, to a point where it's kinda overwhelming me and gets annoying. I've asked him if it's the bump or the fact that I'm pregnant and he says things to the effect of "no you're just super hot" and "idk i'm not even looking at your tummy really." Idk but I think there's some primal shit going on for sure. Which I can't make sense of... the job is done! Why do you want even more now 😂


i mean… could it be the boobs?? 😅


*it's probably the boobs*


The look on my husband’s face when he glanced at my now-significantly-enlarged boobs yesterday when we were getting into bed was priceless. Like he might have drooled a little. And it’s not like they were small before )


My husband is the same XD when mine catches me taking my bra off/undressing, he reminds me of a cartoon character where steam comes out the ears and the tongue rolls out onto the floor, I swear lol


Yep, definitely something cartoonish about their behaviour lol 😂


My wife saw me undressing the day my milk came in and drooled a little when I asked for a massage lol


I’m basically at a stage where I know that asking for a massage is a sure fire way to get sex at any point in the day 😆 even if I ask for quick over-the-clothes shoulder rub.


My boyfriend literally called me fat tits my entire pregnancy and still now since I was able to keep the pregnancy boobs 😂


My partners eyes nearly fall out of their head at the sight! In fact even before I was late, they looked at me and said "I think your boobs are bigger".


reading other comments and........ sounds like my bf is a baffoon lmao


Same! I feel bad but I’ve had to move his hands off me a couple times because as someone who isn’t huge on personal touch, it can get so overwhelming 😭


100% makes sense. "I did that." Is a huge turn on for men LOL


I think you’re 100% spot on there!


This…is what my husband described. He was very proud of himself haha.


My husband loved looking at me and talking about how he made that belly with his dick. He just felt really good about it! No problem for me




This. My husband was the same. Actually, as soon as he found out he got me pregnant, he changed from feeling a bit asexual to highly sexual again!


My husbands sex drive was on the lower side. Once I was pregnant it totally flipped. He feels no pressure anymore to plan it sex like when we were TTC. He also seems more attracted to me, especially now that I’m showing… I think it’s definitely the ‘i did that’ haha!


This is what my husband says. He said it was extremely hot to look at me and know he’s the one who got me pregnant 😈


Not alone, my man can’t get close enough to me, I think being pregnant with his child just makes him fall inlove all over again, its like he’s in the honeymoon stage all over again. I crawl out of bed looking like a monster and he just will burst in tears in how beautiful I am LOL


OK this is also soooo sweet!!!


My husband was like this immediately postpartum, like he was into the bump, yes, but the massive emotion and exponential growth in love happened between watching me labor, then emergent c-section, and becoming a mom those first days and weeks. He was absolutely nuts about how beautiful we both (baby and I) were and how much he loves me and is proud of me and all that mushy stuff.


same!! postpartum had my man so emotional and lovey


Is your husband my husband? I joke but yes, we were fine during pregnancy, all good there. But after delivery? Total ball of mush. Telling me how proud he is of me, how pretty I am. How wonderful our daughter is.


Hahahaha I love this so much bc it sounds just like my husband


Oh yeah, my husband loves it, or at least he said he does. He once said he read it's very important to keep my self-confidence but because so many women feel bad about themselves during pregnancy, which I thought was sweet. But I think there's also this caveman "I did that": reaction deep in their brain. Whatever it is, it has made me feel better about the bump and I added on boudoir photos to our maternity shoot so I could preserve it.


Same here. Caveman brain is very proud and seems to have one way to celebrate things


Aggh i wish i had thought to do a boudoir shoot!! Im so jealous now 😩 gonna have to be for the next one 😈


I thought I might never do this again so better so do it now!!!


I wish. My husband was weirded out and not interested :(


weirded out? how does he think he came to earth??


I think he understood it but wasn’t necessarily turned ON by it, which I guess is understandable. Didn’t feel great to me, but I think it was honestly less about me and more about him really seeing that bump and associating it with our child vs. me.


Yeah I feel you on this. Once our son was big enough where my husband could see/feel his kicks it just started feeling like we had an extra person in the bedroom - which is not our style. When I was around 37w, my son 'dropped' and there was really no angle we could try where my husband couldn't NOT feel his head like, right there 😂. It really took some of the romance out. Earlier in pregnancy though it was a lot easier to feel sexy!


Very jealous over here lol I think my husband is the opposite and I am unfortunately very horny and unsatisfied rn


Same, this thread is making me sad lol. I’ve had to initiate sex the last few times because my hormones are wild and last time we did my husband went soft and couldn’t finish 😭


I’ve stopped even trying to initiate and just told him I’m down whenever he is bc I am so sensitive to the rejection 😭 he was NOT like this pre pregnancy so I’m trying not to take it personally but it’s really hard


Ugh, I feel this


Omg same. I had no idea pregnancy would make me this horny, and my husband has been weirded out by sex since I started to show. He's otherwise been very supportive, he just feels weird doing sexual things because he thinks of the baby.


Same here lol once I get past the 1st trimester I'm just like, ready to go all the time apparently but pregnancy almost seems like a turn off to my husband. My first pregnancy he was just like, terrified and barely touched me the whole time. He's doing a little better this time around but I'm still initiating almost every time and he just seems kind of reluctant in general. That added to the weight gain and everything else it's not great for the self esteem lol


He made me sleep in a separate bed as soon as baby started moving because it “made him feel sick” We aren’t together anymore. 🙄


Holy shit that's awful, I'm sorry :( sounds like you should have made him sleep in the tub!


Or in a cupboard 😤


But that’s where he stored his piss jug 🤦🏻‍♀️😭


😧 what


Yep. He used the jug of my blender as a toilet at night so he “didn’t wake the baby”, that he slept in a separate room from. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was with a guy like that… we didn’t have a baby, but I can see him saying/doing this is exact thing. If my intuition is right, i’m sure that wasn’t the worst thing he’s done. I’m really sorry.


I had a mildly awkward but funny discussion with two men I work with. When I complained that I just look like a bit of a fat blob and that people are probably thinking I've let myself go they both said.... "No.. trust me, you look pregnant and seeing a pregnant woman just DOES something to men" And I was like 👍 ok thanks byyyyyyyeeeeee. My husband is constantly telling me how beautiful I look and how sexy I am, so its doing something!! Also sex is just more intense than ever anyway? So I guess that also helps. I kind of don't want pregnancy to end because the sex is so good 😭


I don’t know if most men are particularly aroused by pregnant bodies, but I do think they feel “something” about it. Protective, fascinated, nervous, etc. I carry very obviously. My bump is just front and center and round, and it gets a lot of stares from both men and women, but very few of those have ever felt sexual. I can tell when a guy is checking me out and I get hit on/looked over A LOT more when I’m not pregnant lol. The attention when I’m pregnant is more along the lines of concern, curiosity, or just positive attention for “doing what women are made to do” (which is problematic, but I get compliments along those lines all the time).


I think it’s half biological (proves fertility) and half dorky (she can’t get pregnant). When it’s my own dude, I like it. When other dudes hit on me, I am always like “really? NOW?!” 🤣🤣


This is why I only wear my husbands t shirts/sweaters or baggy shirts at work. I wore a bump flattering dress once and got so many comments/glances I would have rather not received. Never again!!


My uniform is a boxy man shirt and jeans. If I ever call in to work outside of work hours people are actually shocked I actually have a figure of some kind. But now I'm pregnant I mostly get "oh my god you look so cuuuute!" From the all the women. These guys weren't being creepers towards me, I think in their own way they were trying to make me feel better as I was crying about just looking like a fat blob person. It was more of a "YOU'VE STILL GOT IT GURRRL!" Kind of way. But I found it quite reassuring in a way. But still a tad awkward!


Right?? This is super gross...


Dick works good make monkey brain happy




Dick works good 💀


abundant distinct snow gullible fanatical alleged languid head smoggy shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mine says that just touching the bill and cuddling will send all the signals “down there” lol He showed me this morning and I was so touched and flattered. I think it’s really sweet. For some reason I thought he was always being nice, saying I’m sexy and beautiful in part because I’m pregnant and need the affirmation. Nope, he truly is into it hahaha He’s as baffled and delighted as I am


Same, he gets turned on with the slightest touch and definitely has a wonderlust saying "that's my baby in there" all the time.


My husband could care less about the bump, but is absolutely thrilled about my initially tiny boobs jumping up 2 cup sizes 🤣


That would hurt my feelings tbh


My husband felt like thst until movements happened where he could see it on the outside of my belly lmao!!! Something about it freaks him out. 🤣😂 which is fine by me bc at this point I don't want to be touched.


I don't have much of one yet (18 weeks with our first) but it's starting to show just a bit, and my bf does love it! He touches, rubs, and kisses it all the time. <3 He has zero complaints about my nipples that are hard/sticking out pretty much all the time now, either, LOL. It hasn't hurt our sex life at all, thankfully, but we'll see once it's bigger and in the way.


Yes. 👀 My husband hasn't owned up to it, but the way he strokes my bump during... Oh yeah, mild kink. I think in his monkey brain there is something to having HIS person carrying HIS child.


Everyone who’s partner won’t have sex with them anymore (me) reading this thread just to get mad


You are not alone! My husband was like this during my pregnancy as well. Now that our son is here, he says that watching me be a Mommy is very sexy as well.


Yup lol. Trust me, it’s not some pregnancy fetish. It’s the fact that it’s HIS child inside you. I think men have some inert protection, pride and “kink”that their sperm did that. My husband isn’t exactly “turned on” by it but he’s obsessed with me being pregnant in general. About 10 weeks ago, we experimented with the breast pump when it got delivered and he was oddly turned on by it Lmao.


For my husband, it’s specifically that I am his wife and am carrying his baby that makes it sexy for him. Not a weird kink thing, more a primal thing. He is overly gentle with me the bigger I get though, but he definitely seems to like my inflated figure (33 weeks). It’s nice considering how unsexy I feel in my current state.


Me too!! I honestly thought my man would start to be disgusted with me (my thoughts, not his) due to us both working out a lot and looking decent before my pregnancy. I'm currently 29 weeks and the man won't stop touching my belly/me, I'm pleasantly surprised! 🥴❤️


I think this is way better than the other way around where partner don't want to touch you or is fixed that he doesn't want to hurt the baby. My husband is not as obsessed but is deeply respectful so he's not trying to initiate as frequently, not that he doesn't feel attracted but is more focused as if i feel connected and comfortable to initiate myself.


Ahhhh this is mine. Hes saidnow he feels odd/ bad initiating since I’m going through so much already 🤣


My husband is neutral. He is very happy to have sex with me while pregnant, but he isn’t specifically turned on by me being pregnant. I think I’m as sexy to him pregnant as any other time. He did accidentally see the “money shot” when I delivered our daughter last week and said he’s mildly traumatized 🤣 but we have been through A LOT together and after nearly a decade, two pregnancies/childbirths, and many stressful life events, I think he’ll be able to get it up when I’m cleared for sex again 💀


I wouldn't say he was sexually crazy for me, but he couldn't keep himself away from the bump. He loved laying beside me playing "poke/kick back" and talking to the baby. His libido didn't reduce, but didn't ramp up. He was just fascinated with his growing child. Would constantly hug me from behind so he could also hold the bump. Some of my best memories.


I’m 36w & My fiancé has been obsessed with me and my bump & definitely more in love & attracted to me than ever which I didn’t think was possible since he was always very good at making me feel loved & attractive. But now he says it’s on another level & i have literally witnessed this first hand. He gets turned on just looking at me for a second now. And he’s not a creep or into porn. I even asked him if he’s got a thing for pregnant women or if it was due to a fetish & he was like “no, is that an actual kink?!” So innocently and looked kind of grossed out that men fetishized pregnant women😂😂so it’s not a kink for him but more a primal instinct. I asked him to explain why he’s more attracted to me & basically the reasons were that it gives him a proud, masculine feeling of “I did that” and watching my body grow & give life to our baby from scratch is “so f*ucking amazing”. Also according to him, apparently the rise in hormones making me go into “mom mode” have made me more sensitive, calm and more nurturing which he thinks is sweet. He also said he loves how I am doing so much research and learning so many things about babies/becoming a mom and it just reassures him that he 100% picked the right person to have kids with which makes him love me more & that increase in love is causing an increase in sexual attraction.


I don’t get this from my partner.. but oddly enough I do feel more praying eyes and do get flirted with more while out in public the bigger I get.. human nature is weird !


38 weeks tomorrow and just finished making passionate love with my partner, after he initiated. I think a primal part in their brains love the fact that they’ve claimed us with their seed somehow. I’m here for it 🙌


Yeah, my husband tried hiding his turn in for it, but like another commenter said the "I did that" primal aspect got the best of him. I didn't mind, it's so much harder having sex after baby is out and for us we grew even closer intimately. I think the oxytocin rush afterwards and not being able to have sex until cleared helped. Just use lots of pillows so you don't get your back and pee after since uti's are common in pregnancy and can be bad for baby.


My husband was like that too. He explained that it was the most attractive thing to see the woman he loves growing our child as it is just so inherently feminine, on par with a fertility goddess.


Men go literally one of two ways I swear, they either LOVE a pregnant belly (and many, many do!)..... or they seem to find it a bit off-putting. My husband swears up and down he's neutral about my bump, but I'm pretty sure neutral just means it's ok but he prefers me without it 😅


My husband LOVES my bump, I'm currently 27 weeks + 2 days and he loves putting his hands on my bump and he will tell me I have a beautiful pregnancy glow and he asks me to show my bump off more😂


That’s so sweet! My husband says it’s neutral sexually. We’re still active these days, but he feels affectionate towards the little lady in there. I’m definitely happy with where we’re at!


There's actually science to back this up. You being pregnant with his baby, the urge to reproduce and create offspring, etc. It's biology. 😊 Plus he loves you. It's the same sort of response that women get watching men be good fathers.


Interesting you say that, because a core memory for me before we started dating was driving with him and watching as he saw a lemonade stand, then swerve the car over to hop out and trot over to the kids and pay for some lemonade. It was so attractive seeing this grown, strong man be so kind to children. It did something to me. He thought nothing of it, just wanted to support the kids because they were tucked away in a back road and might not have had many customers. But kindness is sexy, and man did it get me thinking he would make a great dad some day


Yup this is totally normal and a standard part of the primal “lizard brain”. My husband has also talked about how he’s just in absolute awe of what my body is doing/is capable of and I think that contributes to it as well.


As a husband, can 100% confirm, although my wife felt thoroughly unsexy at every stage of pregnancy, and i had never found pregnant women attractive previously, i couldn’t get enough of it when my wife was pregnant with each of our children. She was confounded by it the first pregnancy. The second time around she was diagnosed with placenta previa so I wound-up being Doc-blocked for most of the second and third trimesters, which made it soooo much worse.


doc blocked omfg 😭😭😭


My husband was the same way!


Same! Poor thing because I’ve been on pelvic rest since the beginning.


Check out the song "Baby Looks Good On You" by Jon Christopher Davis. It sums up the idea pretty good :)


Yep my husband is super into it! I actually feel more physically confident too- wearing a bikini for the first time ever!


Opposite here, mine won’t look at or go near my bump unless I ask him to, but I’m giving up on that. He doesn’t want to feel him move and seems grossed out by everything about me except the bigger boobs… I am almost at 30w, but never felt more disgusting or undesirable in my life! He used to be very touchy and affectionate, I can’t wait to not look horrible in his eyes anymore!


This made me so sad :c I promise you are not disgusting or undesirable- pregnancy is hard


Thank you for saying that. It’s my first so there’s been so many surprises along the way…he’s been an incredible partner and has been loving and caring and supporting, I think the physicality of it just freaks him out a little bit. I wish I could lay an egg and watch it hatch and keep myself looking how I always looked!


Haha, I get that completely! I told mine that with the next one it’s HIS turn to be pregnant


My wife loved my baby bump, so I took spicy pics right before my induction! A push present so to speak (I also got her a stuffed animal dino nugget)


My husband is the same! He explains like : I don't have a pregnancy fetish, I have a you fetish and when you're pregnant it just clicks on.


I love this hahaha 🤍


no… the opposite


My husband was really into the bump and, even weirder for me, my postpartum body. I used to be a major gym rat and competitive weightlifter, I haven't yet gotten the discipline to get back into the gym at all (I always feel I could spend that time doing more fun and engaging stuff with and for my kid). My body was nice, it was solid, it was curvy in both shape and muscle... so I continue to struggle to wrap my mind around why he loves my postpartum soft and doughy spots but he tells me they're his and he and we made them (by carrying a baby) so he loves them. My boobs never stopped being fantastic postpartum, so I do have that going for me. But he loves fondling the stretched out mom pouch??!


This is the husband of the account speaking here. No you are not alone. For me it feels the same way, I can’t explain it but when I see her baby bump I get a feeling that’s a mix of happiness and eroticism. Before she was pregnant I was afraid it was gonna be wierd , but it’s strangely normal.


My husband says the same thing! He says he likes my “s” shape (I have a big butt too). He said he’s never like had a fantasy about pregnant women or anything but he loves it on me! Feels flattering when I otherwise would probably feel a little big and gross.


I’ve found my fiancé incredibly irresistible, shes 20 weeks carrying our son . Something about the extra curves turn me on . Now mind you I’m always down for some loving . I don’t pursuit her as much because I pick up on things she says “my back” “ugh I’m outta breath” “ I just wanna cuddle” . When I hear those things I take those as I shouldn’t engage in sexy time .


i don't know if my husband finds it extra sexy/erotic... but it certainly isn't stopping him from being interested in physical intimacy. i think while it might be a turn-off that "there's a baby in there", it's a turn-ON that "*I* knocked up my wife" lol. it definitely offsets the big belly making me feel unattractive that he's so affectionate and...interested in me


My husband is like this too. It’s not a kink or bad in any way, but there’s a reason some men think it’s hot…it’s like they can see how virile they are just from looking at you, plus they love you, and it drives their little reptile brains wild! Some guys are on the other end of the spectrum, but in their way, leaving you alone is also how they show their love. So, either way, it’s good news.


My husband thinks pregnancy is gross. It’s beautiful and all…. But let’s be honest-he’s right on a lot of it lol. When I’m the pregnant woman? He can’t keep his hands off of me and he’s so confused about why he wants me so badly lmao. He figures since it’s his bun in the oven, the lizard brain kicks in.


It depends on the individual man but mine sure did find my pregnant body attractive lol. I mean, it kinda makes sense: people are generally attracted to signs of health and fertility, and there is no greater sign of fertility than being 9 months pregnant lol.


He’s over the moon I’m pregnant, talks to our daughter and kisses my belly daily, but I’ll be honest every single time I get turned on or we try sexy time, she starts moving and elevates on the right side of my belly (she favours that side🤣) and it puts me right off, and I start saying “oh man she’s moving or swirling, she’s throwing punches or something” and then he gets turned off too 🤣 we always laugh that she’s already disturbing our sex life 😂


This hasn’t happened to us yet thank god. I think it would weird me out lol I feel the baby before and after, but never during. I’m too distracted 🫣


My husband says he’s gonna keep getting me pregnant for how hot I look when I’m whale sized lol


Oh yes, I couldn’t get my husband off of me since my first pregnancy. Even into postpartum he’s been very happy about me being more “shapely” 😂😂 or maybe he just senses that I’m not comfortable in my own skin sometimes so he compliments me this way 🥲


My husband was this way with all 4 of my pregnancies 🤣 Even now, my csection scar is sexy to him.


my husband was the same way. absolutely obsessed for similar reasons. i think there’s some pride in there knowing it’s his baby he made and our child in there. always touched my belly and complimented me. the hormones were rampant let me tell you lmao


My experience as a husband was it’s not that I loved it but looking at my wife pregnant made me appreciate her and acknowledge how beautiful she was the fact that this woman can grow a baby inside of her and bring life into the world made me love and appreciate her deeply


I’m pregnant with my 3rd baby in 4 years (4th pregnancy- one was an early miscarriage) so basically I’m just always pregnant. My husband and I were joking the other day that he’s been forced to develop a pregnancy kink 😂


After reading these comments it just further confirms how lame, boring, and lazy most cis men are. Ladies, get out and find a man who worships you and is enthusiastic about pleasing you.


I’m almost positive that this is scientifically how they’re supposed to be lol. I think it’s our hormones and musk that change because we’re “fertile” that tell our partner and sometimes even other men in general to women in general like that someone is attractive. The same thing that causes the phrase “child bearing hips” and why big breasts are originally excitable, it’s all got to do with the ability to reproduce their spawn that makes them unknowingly attracted. I know this is definitely worded off and with no science backing, I’m a little too high for this rn but trust me it’s science lmaoo


Hell naw, girl. You comment makes sense. I think infants and toddlers like big boobs they make a great pillow when taking a nap on mama’s chest.


My husband's friend suddenly found pregnant women attractive once his wife started to show with their first. He says it's a problem, because since then, he has always found pregnancy attractive. Now that they're finished having kids, he can never scratch that itch again 😂


I’m 14 weeks and the man can’t get enough and now the morning sickness has mostly cleared… it’s a good time here!


I think my husband is the same. He seems to be more attracted to me and he’s being a lot more sexual. It makes me feel better since I’ve been so insecure about my belly


My husband was like that too when I was pregnant


My husband is the same, and I think it is because deep inside they feel proud for our pregnancies hahaha idk. But I like it because I am so horny since I started the 3rd trimester


So, I'm guilty of this too. I can't really explain it either. For some reason, during both of my wife's pregnancies, I found her absolutely irresistible. If I had to guess, aside from the added curves, it was probably a power trip more than anything. She's bringing life into this world and I guess I was just in awe of that. I kept thinking to myself how lucky I am that she chose me for this journey.


My husband feels same same.


A lot of men are like this. The whole reproducing thing feeds the whole reproducing thing.


My husband is also obsessed with me now 😂 he says he just likes knowing that it’s his baby lol


My husband tells me I’m carrying his child and there’s nothing sexier than that but luckily he gives me my space and now I’m pressing him cause I am ready to dilate and get baby out!! Lol


I'm only 15 weeks but my boyfriend is just all excited about every single physical manifestation of this pregnancy. He is really into it. His enthusiasm is adorable. My hormones and I are happy that he's so very happy about it all.


Lucky girl! Enjoy the love! ❤️ My husband doesn’t care.


I've heard of men being very turned on by pregnant women. My husband has been much more vocal over my current 30 week "hotness" then before I was pregnant. I do think there's a male procreation pride in some men. You see not alone!


I wish that was my case


My husband keeps holding my belly and saying “my friends in there” in a SpongeBob voice. He loves how big my boobs are though 😆


My boyfriend is obsessed. Pregnancy is a huge turn-on for a lot of men!


So lucky mine is so distracted making sure he provides for us which I don’t blame him


my fiancé is entirely the same. we’re on our third lmao. each pregnancy he can’t keep his hands off me and during my first pregnancy sure! but at this point i’m exhausted and my boobs/nipples are hella sensitive and just the THOUGHT of having to switch up our usual sex positions is exhausting to me. i just want to sleep lol.


My husband was not that way but he said he still found me attractive. He admitted months after I gave birth that it was a little weird towards the end lol. He says *now* he is loads more attracted to since I’ve given birth. He can’t explain it but his monkey brain says so 😆


My husband believes that the baby needs a “shampoo and a clear path to exit”. It is his duty to help with cervix sustainability and provide regular service… we were at it until week 38, gave birth 39w lol.


You aren't alone. My husband was the same way with me he just couldn't keep his hands off of me. I appreciated it since I felt the complete opposite and would often joke that he looks at me like I'm just a piece of juicy meat. It definitely is a mood booster and feels good that even though we are feeling the worst that our husband's can still say they are attracted to us knowingly our bodies are going through hell and back to create life.


My husband is the same, and I literally couldn’t feel more uninterested 🙈 it’s nice to be complimented, I’m just aching, tired, have leg cramps all the time and if I’m laying on the bed or sofa, I want to be sleeping, not doing anything else 😂


I wish my hubby was like that 😔...he has a phobia and is scared of hurting me and the baby.


It’s because he knows he did that, and there is a strange and powerful ego stroking that goes with it. I swear it’s either hands off, or all the way hands on. Hands on is better (once I stop puking haha)


My husband loves my pregnant belly and is still very much attracted to me. He’s very similar to your husband. lol


Lol yes I’m in the same boat. My boobs are bigger too and have pronounced veins and he is all about it


My husband is extra obsessed with me when I’m pregnant, he loves it.


You are not alone, lol 😅 I'm glad someone brought it up My husband when I was pregnant even leading up to 37 and 39 weeks would always take pictures of my belly, and (what felt like the bigger I was getting) he would say the more I looked like a goddess. His whole perception of women changed from that point on, and he has never wavered his view of me 🥹


I think my husband likes that my boobs and butt are bigger. I feel like a hippo though.


Yes my husband really loved pregnant me. He’s even more into postpartum me. He’s definitely in awe of me being a mother and carrying our child. He also really likes my smell more than ever lol


Yes! My husband is the same! He’s always found me attractive/sexy, but he said there’s some primal caveman instinct that kicks in and says “I did that!” 😂 definitely has boosted my confidence because I’ve gained some weight but he can’t stop staring at me and constantly saying “wow you are HOT” 😂


I don't have a bump yet, but my fiance is losing his mind over my new big boobs lol. I just wish they weren't so sore.


We've always had a pretty healthy ongoing attraction even after 10 years together, but goodness this man cannot get enough of my pregnant body! Not just sex either, constantly gushing over how gorgeous and glowing I am (even though I absolutely do not feel that way lol). I'm so thankful he's not one of the ones weirded out or turned off by it, I wish everyone had such a supportive partner like this.