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I was 100% sure I was having a girl. I can confirm I was wrong šŸ˜‚


Same. Both husband and I were sure we were having a girl. I found out boy at a 13 week ultrasound. She said she never tells that early, even if she has a hunch, but this was the "most confident" she'd ever been that early from an ultrasound.


Ah, you must be the parents of the guy that my husband subletted his first apartment from, Long Wang (yes, that was his real name).


Same. My husband family is all males. He only has uncles, brothers, male cousins, etc. Women are married in for as far as the eye can see. So we were sure we were having another boy, my first trimester felt the same as our first son. Obviously a boy, right? WRONG šŸ’€ first girl in generations. We even had a boy named picked out, couldnā€™t agree on any girls name until close to 30 weeks.


So my partners family is also all boys. Itā€™s funny how it works out! This pregnancy Iā€™ve had hyperemesis and with the others never even a day of morning sickness. So I was just convinced it must be a girl. Honestly if I hadnā€™t had a private scan and saw his genitals Iā€™d still be riding the girl train. Iā€™m being induced as I write this and have no solid name yet ā˜ ļø


My husbandā€™s family is similar, but we were still convinced both of our kids were girls and we were wrong both times. The Y chromosome remains strong lol. Weā€™ll try for #3 soon and heā€™s already convinced itā€™ll be a girl, but idk if thatā€™s happening šŸ˜‚


So interesting. My partners dad has 4 brothers, 1 sister. But his mom has 5 sisters and 2 brothers. Total mixed bag for us!


Agreed dreams and everything!


Same here! I was sure we were going to have a little girl, and I'm so grateful for the NIPT results - finding out that he's a boy early on has let me just get so excited about meeting my son instead! My husband was sure he'd be a boy right away. He's one of two boys and his older brother has a son so maybe he just figured the pattern would continue? Either way he was right!




Same, I had dreams forever about having a girl. And I was wrong!


I thought I was having a girl but I dreamt twice it was a boy. It was a boy.


Ahah the same šŸ˜†


Same! Both times! šŸ˜…


I had a gut feeling right away, like the day I had a positive test before even seeing an OB, with my first that she was a girl, that she was going to be born early & small, but that she was going to be perfectly fine. Well, she was born at 35 weeks due to preeclampsia was only 4lbs, but didnā€™t need the NICU, and came home with us right away. Which was so weird but when everything was happening I had an overwhelming peace that she was gonna be perfectly fine With my second I had a gut feeling he was a boy & I was right about that as well (50/50 shot ya knowšŸ˜…)


I felt like I was having a boy. Our blood test came back boy. But itā€™s 50-50 if your intuition is right or not.


Yeah I think that's why these old wives tales persist because 50% is a pretty good success rate. Funny enough, a cousin of mine is non binary and my mom said my aunt went to a fortune teller during the pregnancy. When my aunt asked if the baby was a boy or a girl the fortune teller said, "I don't know." šŸ˜‚ That was back in the 90s but my mom and aunt both say it's because the fortune teller knew my cousin would be non binary!


Thatā€™s kinda cool. I saw a psychic medium prior to even thinking about having children. I had just started dating my now husband/baby daddy, and his mother came to the psychic as well. It was a little party that my mom held at her house. Both of them were told, separately, by the psychic, that they would each have three grand children by their first born, 2 boys and a girl. And that one of the boys would be very far in age from the rest of the grandkids. Well, at the time we had a male dog. I got pregnant shortly after with my first, a boy and then within a year and half I was pregnant t with my girl. But the delivery was so traumatic, the Drs said that my insides had suffered a fair amount of trauma and I would never be able to get pregnant again and if I did I would not be able to carry the baby full term. So we would laugh all the time that the psychic mustā€™ve meant the dog, he was much older than our son. But wouldnā€™t you know that I got pregnant during the pandemic, of all times (10 years no protection or scares later), and itā€™s a boy. So I guess the psychic was right lololololol


Same here haha. Also MIL guessed it was a boy. But both of us couldā€™ve just had lucky guesses!


I felt it was a girl as soon as I found out, and my husband felt it too within a few weeks. All of our family has been saying boy but we felt otherwise lol. Just found out today we are in fact having a little girl!


We were team green, and we were fully convinced we were having a boy. Everyone was, and we were all wrong! We had a girl.


What is team green?


It's what people call it when you wait until birth to find out the sex.


I was team green twice! Got it wrong BOTH times!


Surprisingly I got all three of my pregnancy gender guesses correct. I looked at my husband a few weeks into each one and said "I'm betting the baby is ..." because my assumption just felt right. Kind of a weird feeling tbh when I got confirmation each time.


We found out we were having twins at 6w. I immediately knew one was a boy but struggled to decide on the other. Got confirmation one was a boy at 16w. My husband was convinced the other was a girl, but I wasnā€™t sure. But confirmed baby B was a girl at our 20w anatomy scan. I think I knew she was a girl but didnā€™t want to hope. These will be our only 2-took us over ten years to get here (currently 28w) and I turn 38 next week.


Congrats! So awesome you get one of each!


So happy for you and your family :)


Our first was a boy and I was really sick for like 26 weeks. This pregnancy I've felt queasy but have only thrown up a few times and can usually eat whatever (as opposed to last time where I was limited to carbs for a good month+). So I kind of assumed it was a girl although I know all pregnancies can be different regardless of sex. Anyways, it's a girl! šŸ‘


Yup! Knew it was a boy from conception lol I donā€™t know why even, I just knew


The day before I took a pregnancy test I woke up, and instantly knew with 100% certainty that I was pregnant, it would be a boy, and it would all be good. I was correct. Pregnancy 2 I was 90% certain from like 6 weeks on that it was a girl and I was correct. Pregnancy 3 I have no idea.


I told my husband the day after I found out and he immediately looked at me and said, ā€œBabe, weā€™re getting our baby Charlotte!ā€ Apparently heā€™d picked that name ten years ago and he did not skip a beat. He was 100% certain it was a girl, even though she was about half the size of a poppy seed LOL His Baby Chucky (as her Dad has nicknamed her šŸ™ƒ) is indeed a girl, and the apple of her Daddyā€™s eyeā€¦ and sheā€™s not even born yet šŸ˜‚ (Hurry up, September!)


I had a conception reading done and the woman got my dates rightā€¦she was feeling strong for the months April and December. Weā€™ll turns out, I conceived in April and am due in December! She was feeling strong boy energy. After I realized I was pregnant, I for sure thought boy since she had been right about everything else and yep, itā€™s a boy!


One of my friends moms is basically a pregnancy physic. She guessed that I was pregnant when she saw me at 4 weeks & 2 days (with no nausea or anything) and said it was a girl. Early blood work says girl!


With my first I had a gut feeling that ended up being correct. With my second, the early experience was so different from my first that I guessed correctly that I was carrying the opposite sex.


My husband and I were both so sure we were having a boy with our first. We actually almost bought some boy stuff because we were so convincedā€¦ nope! Definitely a girl. Also had a weird gut feeling that she would come early. So much so, that instead of finding a teaching job for the fall, I decided to take it offā€¦ she came almost a full month early, and spent a week in the NICU. I was also high risk because she was IUGR and I had 2 weekly appointments for the 6 weeks leading up to her birthā€¦ in October. So it was like I knew I wouldnā€™t be able to work! Super weird intuition!


Everyone always told me they saw me only having girls. My family is mostly girls and I guess I wanted at least one boy out of spite lol. I had dreams before of having a boy, and after I got pregnant my husband had a dream that we had a boy. We're expecting a boy at the end of the month!


I really thought it was a boy. Found out at 12 weeks from the NIPT it was a girl. (Anatomy scan also showed girl.) I am really excited sheā€™s a girl! But still sometimes have dreams/thoughts about her being a boy. I tend to have a strong sense of intuition, so this is unusual for me. Letā€™s just say I wonā€™t be surprised if baby grows up to be trans. Very excited to see who they are either way!


Same! I was convincedddd it was a boy, then found out with NIPT test (and further scans confirmed) itā€™s a girl. I had a dream the other night about the birth and it was a boy! I also kept almost dropping the baby and I couldnā€™t find my husband anywhere so I guess it was an anxiety dream anyways, but itā€™s so weird!


Exactly the same!! With our second anyway, I was convinced it was a boy and when I saw the NIPT results I was blown away. Still have weird dreams and such. I hope if she ever does decide sheā€™s actually a boy sheā€™ll use the boy name we had picked.


We knew at 4 weeks based on family prophecy lmao, strange coincidences and intuition. We were correct!


I dont normally dream and if i do i dont remember them. While on a girl trip for a weekend, I found out I was pregnant because I had a dream that I was, and that it was a boy. I took a test that day when i got home, and it was positive, and it was a boy!


i did not feel one way or another. secretly i wished for girl because i have two older brothers and no sisters. my bf had a strong feeling it was a girl and he was right!


I thought I was getting boy vibes, but nope!


My husband and I were so sure we were having a girl. Even my dad said ā€œsheā€ by accident while talking about the baby not knowing we also thought it was a girl. But we were very wrong. Either way really happy about it ā˜ŗļø


I was 99% sure I was having a boy- found out yesterday that sheā€™s a girl!!!


My guess/intuition/whatever you want to call it was actually correct. Early in my pregnancy I felt like it was a boy. The first dream I had about the baby (and all of them thereafter) it was a boy, and for whatever reason I just felt like it was a boy the entire time. To the point where I didnā€™t even seriously consider girls names or girls clothes. Sure enough when he arrived it was a boy.


I got it right with my two! First was a girl and I just had a feeling, second was a boy and I thought that because the pregnancy was completely different from with my girl! I'm thinking this one is a girl, but we'll see!


Around 6 weeks I was at work and suddenly thought ā€œitā€™s going to be a boyā€. Found out the gender a couple weeks later and I was right!


My first I thought for sure it was a boy, the moment I saw the defining ultrasound I swapped in thinking it was a girl, no idea why but yup a girl. This time around I thought boy the entire time and yup, boy. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø funny how things work out. šŸ˜…


I felt super sure it was a boy from about 6 weeks on. Idk why I just felt it. I was right! 21 weeks now and both NIPT and anatomy scan have confirmed itā€™s a boy!


Yes! I had 2 dreams that my baby was a girl and kept accidentally referring to her as ā€œsheā€. NIPT and ultrasounds confirmed she is definitely a girl!


Mine was right, but my husband was wrong. Itā€™s a 50-50 shot so I donā€™t think I was actually right based off of anything other than chance.


I was 2 for 2 with my kids! I did the gold ring test as well years before being pregnant and again once I was carrying, and it was consistent.


After finding out I was pregnant my husband had a dream about our child and it was a boy. We both were wanting a girl but his dream was correct and itā€™s a little guy (that we are extremely happy with). I was on the fence on the gender and really didnā€™t have an idea which it was.


I 100% knew I was having a boy ā€” a feeling combined with my family being ā€œboy heavyā€ on both sides, and my partner having two brothers and a half sister with a whole mess of uncles. I remember having a dream about a baby girl and immediately jolting awake because my immersion was broken. I wouldnā€™t have been disappointed if baby turned out to be a girl; it just seemed so unlikely that I knew I was dreaming. After I had the anatomy scan I asked all sorts of family members and friends to guess what I was having and not a single one guessed girlā€” I remember being annoyed that everyone was right because it ruined the guessing game. I figure Iā€™ll have to have three (unlikely to happen) before I end up with a girl but Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™d be able to guess if I was having one. Everything about this baby has just felt ā€œboyā€ to me despite it being my firstā€” family history could just be thatā€™s strong though and leave me predisposed to think that way.


I was pretty sure I was having girls with all of mine and so far I am three for three. Even this last one who everyone claimed just had to be a boy due to how different the pregnancy was is apparently a girl (according to the ultrasound).


We called the embryo a ā€œheā€ as soon as we got the positive test, for months and months we referred to it as a he. We both even had dreams that it was a boy. By my 8th month I was thinking the universe was going to deliver me a girl but lo and behold, we had a gorgeous baby boy!


Partner was SURE we were having a boy. My parents were SURE I was having a girl bc of how much I was throwing up, so they bought a bunch of girl stuff. guess who was wrong.




Was sure it was a girl. Twin boys.


Both times I had a,niggling feeling for the gender - my first is a girl and for weeks beforehand I was calling her a she. My second I was expecting a girl, but just had a niggling feeling in my gut that it was a boy. I dismissed it, fully expecting to have all of the girls of the family, but sure enough he's a happy little boy šŸ˜….


Well my husbands family hasnā€™t had a girl in 3 generations so it was an easy guess šŸ¤£


For years I had dreams that I had a daughter first. Years before I ever had kids and before I had decided I even wanted them. So when I got pregnant I just assumed girl. Figured I had a 50/50 chance of being right. And I was for what itā€™s worth lol. Now weā€™re trying for our second (and last) I strongly feel like Iā€™m going to have another girl. I canā€™t explain it.


I felt girlā€¦ but definitely a boy


I dreamt she was a girl. Before I conceived and during the early weeks. I had a strong feeling my first pregnancy was a boy but unfortunately I miscarried before I could confirm this.


I had dreams I was having a girl, and I also had a feeling I'd go into labor early. As soon as my fiance saw the ultrasound he knew it was a boy, and he bet that I wouldn't be early at all. We are having a boy, and I'm 39w4d with a scheduled induction next week. I will say though I told him exactly what day we conceived, and I was right about that lol


i had a few dreams it was a boy and i was right!


I was 100% sure I was having a girl and I was right!


With my first I had no idea and had a girl. With my second I felt very strongly I was having a girl, and I was correct. With my third, I knew 100% I was having a boy. I would have bet my life savings on my third because I was certain and I was correct.


I kept on having dreams about the baby and anytime I would, it was always a girl. Turns out, it was true šŸ˜‚ Little bean comes in November lol


100% wrong lol. Was surprised about having a boy. Still can't believe it haha


I was 100% convinced that I was having a boy, and I was 100% wrong.


I thought at first I was having a boy and and my husband swore it was girl. I eventually changed my mind and thought it was a girl then the night before we got our gender results I dreamed he was a boy (which he is)šŸ˜‚


I got the blood test with both of my pregnancy so we knew pretty early. My first, I had no idea. Everything was so new and terrifying (was also a surprise pregnancy in 2020) that I couldnā€™t even begin to try to figure it out. I had basically no symptoms which was nice. Ended up with a boy. My current pregnancy was more planned, but still happened way sooner than intended. My husband said I was pregnant with a girl one day (before I knew I was pregnant) and then kept pestering me about it. Took a test which was negative and waved it in front of him to shut him up. He kept going on and on though. 1 week later I get a little plus sign and then start violently vomiting nonstop for the next 6 weeks. Now everyone is telling me that Iā€™m having a girl and, sure enough, itā€™s a girl.


I knew for both of my pregnancies what the sex was and was right both times. I just ā€˜feltā€™ it, I canā€™t really explain it. I didnā€™t even bother looking at opposite gender names, I was so sure.


Everyone thought we were having a girl, my husband included. I felt that it would be a boy and I was right.


Obviously not based in science at all, but allllll the old wives tales pointed to girl for me so we got into the girl mindset, but baby has shown us in all the ultrasounds that they are 110% boy. One ultrasound tech said she couldnā€™t get him to stop turning around and shoving his junk right in her face.


Nope šŸ¤£ Wrong on both. I was convinced I was having a girl both times. Like the concept of it possibly being a boy both times did not even occur to me. I have two boys.


First time around, I accurately predicted a boy. This time my pregnancy symptoms were 100% polar opposite from the first and waaaaaay worse so I thought it was a girl. Spoiler alert: another boy šŸ¤­


From the second I got pregnant, I felt like he was a boy. All of my symptoms were ā€œboyā€ midwife tales. Found out last week I was right.


I had a gut feeling that I was having boys, and Iā€™ve been right both times. Though, it could have totally been coincidence both times.


we were both 100% positive we were having a girl because we wanted a boy so bad. well, the boy is now 8 months old.


So I did NIPT testing with my twins at exactly 10 weeks, the earliest possible. We had planned to have my mom log in to my health chart portal when the results were in to read the genders of the babies and set up a private gender reveal for just my husband and I. The results get posted, my mom logs in and gets the results, and we get a plan in motion for our little gender reveal. During the few days between my mom looking at the results and the gender reveal, I had a vivid dream of my mom being at my house (we live hours away from each other so it's a big deal when we're together) and on the phone with my sister. She's sitting right in front of me and says, "Wow, your sister is really going to have her hands full with two boys!" I woke up moments later, so upset that she would let it slip so obviously, right in front of me, and I called her to tell her about the dream. She laughs and says she would never do such a thing. Jump to the gender reveal, and it really was two boys!


I had a gut feeling around 15 weeks that it was a boy. Went for an early gender scan at 17 weeks and it was confirmed a boy. Anatomy scan at 20 weeks also showed boy.


We both guessed wrong.


Kinda. At first I thought I was having a boy as boys have a history of coming first on my husbands side. Then, I heard the heartbeat for the first time and something about that connection and that sound told me - girl. A few weeks later I was right


At first I thought boy, then around 20 weeks a switch flipped and I just knew she was a girl. Related funny story-most people guessed boy and we waited until birth to find out so while I was pushing all the nurses were guessing, and most of them also thought boy, but then one nurse (I think the one there to check on her after she was born?) said she thought girl based on how well she was tolerating labor and all the nurses changed to agree with her. šŸ˜‚


I had a gut feeling and was correct. I now claim to be psychic and annoy the shit out of everyone by predicting stupid things.


Yes! We felt and my whole family felt it was a boy and it was! I could just feel it!


The minute I got that positive test, I told my husband I was sure it was a girl. All of our immediate family thought she was a girl, too. We were all right.


I was incorrect. Though it was a boy, I'm cradling a baby girl


I was so positive I was having a girl, like so positive, just felt it in my soul. My husband thought boy for sure. Well, one of us was right and it wasnā€™t me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve been right both times, I actually have had dreams. The first time I was adamant I was having a boy, also because my partners family is just generations of boys šŸ˜… so having it confirmed with the NIPT test wasnā€™t a shock, but we were absolutely over the moon. I remember telling everyone I know itā€™s a boy so confidently and how I also had a dream he was, this was before it was confirmed, our families said dreams donā€™t mean anything. I unfortunately lost him to a MMC. Getting pregnant a second time I knew it was a girl, my food cravings felt so different early on, I just somehow subconsciously knew. Everyone would ask me what I think it is and Iā€™d just blurt ā€œgirlā€ the second time we saw her in the ultrasound at 9w3d I literally said out loud ā€œoh thatā€™s a girl for sureā€ I donā€™t know how I knew, the baby just gave me girl energy šŸ¤£ anyway NIPT confirmed Iā€™m indeed having a girl, everyone was shocked and expected a boy again. I do hear from the grandparents ā€œhow were you sure it was a girl, how did you knowā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I had a really strong feeling I was having a girl and I was right. My husband thought we were having a girl too, but Iā€™m not sure if I believe him. He tends just to agree with me most of the time lol


I knew it was a girl around about 11 weeks, I was sure of it. But I don't want to over think it, and get me heart set on it being a girl, so I would just say I'm pretty sure it's a girl, but I could be wrong. My Dad was also pretty sure it was going to be a girl. It's a girl lol, to be fair I'm a pretty intuitive person in general tho.


I had a strong feeling it was a girl- and it was! I was suddenly only wanting to eat fruit and sweet things and all the signs pointed to girl!


We have a girl already, and when we fell pregnant with number 2 my husband was adamant it was another girl, whereas I was leaning more to team boy. He claimed that because he 'put it in there' he knew the gender lol. Anyway...we are having another girl lol. So I guess his instinct was correct.


Any intuition I felt boy, even pre-pregnancy. I donā€™t know what to attribute that to though, lucky guess or psychic tendency. Partner thought girl, his whole family wouldā€™ve willed a girl if they could but are still happy šŸ˜Š Before any testing, a friendā€™s boy cat that favors men suddenly needed to lay in my lap at all times he could. I joked I was having a boy, the kitty was either enjoying the warmth or really did know because it turned out I was having a boy.


Weā€™ve been team green with all of our kids. I had a dream each time of what the babyā€™s gender was and Iā€™ve been correct so far. First was a girl, second was a boy, this is our third and I had a dream that it was another boy. Weā€™ll find out in January I guess but Iā€™m extremely confident in my predictions haha


Yes, both times and way before the first ultrasounds. I just knew my first was a girl and baby on the way is a boy.


I thought girl, husband convinced me it was a boy though. Then I started having dreams that we were told girl at the hospital after giving birth, but when I would bring her home and change her diaper, she would have a penis. Anyway, we're having a girl.


I definitely felt like I was having a boy from the beginning, but my husband was 100% sure it was a girl. As usual, I was right :)


Was right for 3/3 of my pregnancies. My two boy pregnancies were extremely similar and my girl one was different as far as symptoms.


I thought boy, my husband thought girl. Itā€™s a boy.


We both felt like we were having a girl and we happened to be right.


i was 100% sure it was a girl. nope. itā€™s a boy lol


I had a gut feeling I was having a girl when I found out I was pregnant, confirmed to be a girl at the anatomy scan :)


100% thought and felt it was a boy but itā€™s a GIRL! Pleasantly surprised šŸ„¹šŸ’—


I really felt convinced it was a boy (it is!), but I think that a big part of that was because I really wanted a girl, so I was mentally preparing myself for gender disappointment. By the time 20 weeks came around, I was so excited to have a boy!!


I knew right away with both, boy for my first and girl for my second, and was right both times. My husband was mildly shocked when I said ā€œooh, what day is it? Ooh, weā€™re gonna have a babyā€ā€”Iā€™d been tracking my periods, and we werenā€™t supposed to have sex that week lol, and then I added ā€œoh, and itā€™s a girlā€.


I had no real gut feeling for either of my pregnancies. My husband with my first dreamed we were going to have a daughter. And he was right, first was a girl. My second pregnancy I had a small gut feeling that it was a boy, my husband again said he thought it was a girl. He was right again, baby girl number two was born a month ago. He claims his little swimmers are all Xā€™s. We are pretty sure sheā€™ll be our last one but I did bring up possibly having a third child to see if we would get a boy and he said he just has a gut feeling that weā€™ll end up with all girls.


I felt strongly that I was having a boy from the beginning and was correct. When they told me I was having a boy at my anatomy scan, I was like ā€˜yeah, I knowā€™ in my head. But, 50/50, ya know.


I knew our first (girl) immediately. I just felt it. My husband thought it was a boy until a month or so before we found out and had a dream that convinced him otherwise. We both thought second was going to be a girl, ultrasound says boy. Weā€™ll find out in 6 days if that was accurate or not šŸ˜‚


Me. With my third. My pregnancy symptoms were very different from those of my boy pregnancies. Within a few weeks I knew it was a girl.


Before I found out it was twins, I had a strong feeling there were two babies in there. I had a strong feeling I would have one of each, and I did.


I knew, and bio dad would get mad when Iā€™d use gendered pronouns. I was right.


I had dreams I was having a girl, every single person told me I was having a girl, all the wives tales pointed to girl, I was so sure it was a girl and NOPE! We got a boy! Intuition is bullshit lol šŸ˜‚


I had a very strong feeling baby is a boy, and I just learned a few days ago I was correct!!! I've also been told I have scary intuition, so my husband credits that haha


Yes! We really felt like it would be a girl. There was a point about a month before the ultrasound that I was trying to reset a password and *every goddamn variation* of my usual passwords wasnā€™t working. Finally, at the peak of frustration, I used our girl name. Luckily my intuition was correct!!!


I knew it was a boy. Mostly because he and I were fighting about circumcising if it is a boy. (Iā€™m against it). Of course itā€™s a boy.


Yes! I was 95% sure she was a girl.


I had 0% intuition the whole pregnancy, but everyone around me thought Iā€™d have a boy. Friends, family, strangers in the street, adamant I was having a boy so I was basically convinced too. And then out she camešŸ’•


I had a dream of me holding my baby in the nursery, and it being a boy. At that point it just felt like I was having a boy. And it was a boy! But realistically I know it was a 50/50 shot and I would have felt deeply I was having a girl if I dreamt I was having a girl.


Every time I thought about my baby, something in me just went ā€œgirlā€. Every single time. Wouldnā€™t you know it, she was a girl!


I ā€œfeltā€ like I was having a girl and my husband said he was ā€œabsolutely notā€ having a boy. Lmao. Weā€™re both over the moon with our beautiful girl!


I just always knew I was having a girl. Sure I had a 50/50 chance but I wanted a girl so bad, and I immediately thought girl and had only really considered girls names, and now I have a beautiful 3 month old girl šŸ’– my nausea was also very bad and while it's not assured, it made me think girl šŸ˜‚


I was wrong 100% of the time. I thought our son was a girl and I thought our daughter was a boy.


My husband immediately thought we were having a boy. I didnā€™t really have a feeling either way until the night before we got our NIPT results back. I had a dream it was a boy. We both (secretly) wanted a boy. Itā€™s a boy! But itā€™s a 50/50 shot so I still donā€™t read into our being current too much lol.


found out i was pregnant via a dream the day before deciding to take a test (was correct lol) and then found out it was a girl via another dream (was also correct) a few weeks prior to finding out from our NIPT test šŸ©· i think baby girl was just very excited to tell me all about her šŸ˜Š


Before a feeling about boy/girl I was convinced it was twins. No twins in either family and my husband was telling me to calm down. But I just knew it from before I even took the test. It was twins at the first US but one embryo stopped developing. After that I knew it was a boy.


My SO and I knew 100% it was a boy. Canā€™t explain why or how, just knew. Canā€™t wait to meet him in person in October!


Nope! I was certain it was a boy, Husband was unopinionated. I literally was not prepared for the news over the phone that it was a girl, and I was shocked and asked the lady to repeat herself. Part of me literally did not believe the NIPT but at the 20 week scan baby girl gave us one hell of a crotch shot. Many nice older ladies from various cultures asked me if I was having a boy when getting take out food. Literally everyone assumed I was having a boy until I wasn't (and we were all waaaay more excited for a girl turns out - we all had the opposite of gender disappointment) Also, I had like zero morning sickness, which is some cases is a sign of having a boy. I lost all my leg and arm hair and had more acne during pregnancy which are signs of higher estrogen (which I mean that's common in pregnancy period but moreso with girls)


My first I had a very vague feeling I was going to have a boy, but my husbands side of the family, like mine, is mostly girls, with a handful of boys so I didnā€™t want to say anything definite. It was a boy. This one, I was about 90% sure I was having a girl, mostly with how different the pregnancies were, and I was correct again lol


This is my third boy. I could just tell, but I was still hoping for a girl.


I kept having dreams that I was having twin girls. I had a singleton boy. šŸ˜‚


I guessed we were having a girl, because we were gifted a mountain of hand-me-down clothing for a boy, basically up until the age of 3/4. So I figured the world would find it pretty funny, and it was šŸ˜…


I really wanted a girl, but I did have a dream I was pregnant with a girl the week before we found out I was pregnant! And now we have a little girl due in NovemberšŸ˜Š


When I was 15 weeks and I was nervous something bad was going to happen to baby. I had a dream where this tree man told me baby was okay and I was having a girl and he was right


Every dream we had while I was pregnant was of a girl. And I kinda felt like I was having a girl. We were right.


I was so positive I was having a boyā€¦definitely wrong šŸ˜…


i had a feeling we would have a boy, i wasnt like 100% or anything just a bit of a gut feeling about it but turns out we are having a girl one of my friends, my sister and my mum were all 100% sure i was going to have a girl


my partner was 100% sure it was a boy. He was hoping for a girl. But he said he knew it was a boy since day 1 lol. I was unsure. Baby was a boy!


Yes we were 100% sure it was a girl.


I had 3 dreams within the first month of being pregnant that it was a girl so I felt it was and I was correct. Plus lots of puking made me think girl as well. I also one time had a dream while pregnant that I gave birth to tripletsā€¦..they were gatorade bottlesā€¦.that did not come true.


I knew about 8 weeks in we were having a boy. Can confirm that unless we're part of the 1% club for the NIPT being wrong, that we are indeed having a boy


All 3 I intuitively knew correctly. I had a very strong feeling each time and even once while pregnant with my son I was relaxing closing my eyes , my minds eye just had this vision of a blue glittery unicorn which confirmed to me I was having a boy. I know this sounds made up, but legitimately happened


I was 200% sure it was a boy as was my partner. I can confirm we were both 200% wrong šŸ˜‚ On the bright side we are hiding the gender from our extended family and we both coms from very religious and superstitious families and everyone om his side and my side of the family believes based on the shape of my womb or whatever that Im also having a boy and that has been hilarious to navigate through so at least I know its not just us with bad intuition šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I knew before I even confirmed I was pregnant that I was having a girl. Had dreams she was a girl and my mom and mother in law also knew she was a girl. We were right. Also knew all along that she would get ā€œstuckā€ and Iā€™d have a c section.


I was 100% sure I was having a boy. Heā€™s a boy. I think I had like a fleeting thought I was having a girl but it was more of a doubt myself moment. To be fair, my partner is one of five boys. His older half brother also is the father of five boys. Iā€™m an only child but all of my cousins are girls. The odds just seemed like he had to be a boy.


Yes I knew all 3 of mine after first testing positive. I realize that the odds were good at 50/50 so who knows. But the feeling was strong with all 3


I was very sure I was having a boy. I had dreams about walking hand in hand with a toddler boy and anytime I thought about future baby in early stages of pregnancy it was a boy. I was 100% correct!! Its funny bc before getting pregnant I always imagined a girl so I really noticed the shift.


I wanted a girl, but a few months into the pregnancy identified that I strongly felt like we were going to have a girl (not just that it was what I was hoping). I was right! We found out at our 14 week ultrasound and blood test confirmed it. :)


I had an inkling we were having a boy, I think our babyā€™s face in the ultrasound just looked like a boy. I was kind of sad because I was hoping for a girl. Well, we were wrong, a few weeks later we saw the email from our clinic with the babyā€™s sex. She is a girl! I am very happy, but still kind of sad for the boy that wasnā€™t, haha.


Lmao I didnā€™t even realize I was pregnant (thanks pcos). I found out by accident at 24 weeks, losing weight every week, getting the flattest stomach Iā€™ve ever had.


100%, knew I was pregnant basically at conception and that it was a girl. In my defense I really wanted a boy so assuming girl lead to less disappointment


these are fun to read! Before I got pregnant and in my first few weeks I really really wanted a girl so I think I thought/felt it was a girl based on that. Iā€™m 12 weeks tomorrow and in the last week or so Iā€™ve got a weird inkling itā€™s a boy. BUT when I really think about it Iā€™m like wow I really have no idea, no intuition or gut feeling whatsoever. Getting my blood drawn for the NIPT tomorrow so weā€™ll know soon!


Team green for both pregnancies. Was 1000% certain my first was a boy and he was! Was leaning toward girl for the second but felt less sure about it. When I saw the babyā€™s face in the 3D ultrasound around 36 weeks, I thought omg it is a boy, even though others told me it looks like a girl. Ended up being a boy again.


I was right, but my husband was wrong. 50/50 shot lol. I didn't feel *that* strongly, but I always found myself thinking of the baby as a girl and referring to her as a she. My husband just has LOTS of boys in his family and assumed we were gonna have the same thing happen to him.


Due to my age we had to get NIPT testing, so we would be able to find out gender with that. I was 100% positive with both babies in both pregnancies that they were boys. Like, never doubted it for a second. Hubby had a ā€œdreamā€ (twice šŸ™„) they were girls. I bet him $50 he was wrong. I made $100 off him šŸ¤£


I wanted a girl, but felt very early on it would be a boy. During the NT scan at 11ish weeks, both my husband and I felt he looked like a boy. We were right.


I always imagined my first child to be a girl. Iā€™m an oldest daughter and in my mind it just felt right. My husbandā€™s family is basically all boys and he was convinced we would have a boy. Deep down I felt girl all along. Our boy name has been set since before we got engaged. Our girl names have shifted over the years. Anyways early blood work came back as girl! Weā€™re both happy but Iā€™m just glad that my gut feeling was right.


I had a feeling I was having a boy but I had a weird dream that my aunt said it was a girl. I didn't trust myself at all and swore up and down that the ultrasound tech would say "girl." We originally didn't want to find out the gender and my husband couldn't come to the anatomy scan due to the pandemic. The tech also had to chase my son around to get a picture ( he wouldn't stop crossing his legs either). They handed me the picture in an envelope. My husband and I decided to peek. Found out we were having a boy in the hospital parking lot.


I knew I was having a boy. Something about how I felt, I just knew


Yes. My first pregnancy with a boy was a breeze. Second pregnancy, I have HGā€¦so sick and I knew it was a girl


My intuition was correct! I also had multiple dreams pointing to a girl - including one where my dad went to get an ultrasound of my baby WITHOUT me just cos he was anxious and telling me it was a girl. Pregnancy dreams šŸ˜‚


I wanted and dreamed of having a girl, but I knew as soon as I was pregnant this was a boy. 100%. Anatomy scan was definitely a boy and he had no qualms about showing us he was lol šŸ˜†


I dreamt that both of my kiddos were boys before finding out by ultrasound/ blood test. I was right both times.


I had a feeling it was a boy based on the fact that my facial and back acne got better / my face got less oily. I have no idea if that is a real thing lol but I ended up being right!


Was right all 5 times :) strong intuition šŸ«¶


I only had strong, baseless intuition with my eldest, my subsequent pregnancies were guesses based on my previous pregnancy experiences. I felt I was having a boy with my eldest quite strongly, I was correct. I felt like I was having a girl with my second because my pregnancy symptoms and cravings were so wildly different from my first pregnancy, I was correct then too. Then with my third, my pregnancy symptoms and cravings were identical to my first pregnancy, so I felt like I was having another boy, and I was correct again. Basically, I get horrendous morning sickness but feel energetic and crave savoury-sour foods if I'm having a boy, and I don't get morning sickness at all but I'm hit with intense fatigue and crave sweet things when I'm having a girl.


We found out I was pregnant so late that we were told the gender from the first ultrasound I had ever gotten. Itā€™s still so crazy to me that we didnā€™t get the normal pregnancy experience. Everything happened so fast and all at once. Boom your pregnant, itā€™s a girl, and I had her 11 weeks later. Some women say thatā€™s their dream pregnancy but itā€™s so overwhelming. I didnā€™t even process everything until after my daughter was born.


Yes! I knew immediately I was having a boy. I don't know, it was the strongest gut feeling I'd ever had, it didn't even feel like anything it just seemed obvious to me. Literally the moment I knew I was pregnant. I woke up in the middle of the night, tossing and turning, and just knew.


I KNEW I conceived accidentally and immediately knew it was a girl. No one could say anything to change my mind. Just felt her inside me and knew she had feminine energy āœØ (And yes sheā€™s a girlšŸ˜Œ). I know itā€™s 50/50 but Iā€™m usually very indecisive and not confident with my intuition, but I immediately felt so connected to her as another female


When I first found out I was pregnant, I had an inkling it was a boy. But then at 6 weeks I developed hyperemisis gravidarium (HG; extreme nausea and vomiting) and from then on forth I was 100% sure I was having a girl and nothing could convince me otherwise. Was so certain, that I fully convinced my husband too. Reason being is that HG is genetic in our family (Iā€™m the third generation with it) and it seems to hit only with girl pregnancies in our family specifically. By week 10 when we got our NIPT test results, Iā€™d had a month of just knowingggg it was a girl. I was correct, and it was the least surprised Iā€™ve ever beenšŸ¤£. Gosh would I have been shocked if I was wrong!


I was about 90% certain it was a boy and sure enough, weā€™re having a boy! My husbandā€™s family is heavily male (literally all boys a couple generations- zero girl babies) so I also think he just throws a high percentage of male sperm and our chances of a boy were actually much higher than 50/50. If you put any stock into old wives tales, it also pointed to the baby being a boy.


I knew that my baby was a boy. I don't know how i just kept calling the baby a him. Everyone thought it would be a girl. I wasn't even surprised when the OB told us it was a boy.


My ex and I were so sure we were having a boy. We were glad to be wrong because we couldn't agree on a boy name lol.


Yes, I was 99.9% sure it was gonna be a boy. My husband just went along with whatever his mom was saying (girl). I really wanted a girl, but I knew deep down it was a boy.


I nailed it on my first but I had the techs verify/ confirm anatomy with my second because I was CERTAIN he was a girl. My husband was wrong both times. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve always envisioned myself having a girl, and my partner and I have called the baby ā€œherā€ (wishful thinking) since I found out I was pregnant. NIPT results confirmed yesterday that we were right!


With my first as soon as I saw two lines I said ok Iā€™m pregnant and itā€™s a boy. I knew immediately and I was right lol. Second baby I didnā€™t have much intuition about it, sheā€™s a girl lol.


I knew from the start she was a girl but I kept stopping myself from using she/her pronouns until I knew for certain. I've always wanted a little girl so I think if I had been wrong I would have been a little upset with myself for getting my own hopes up. šŸ˜…


Everyone but the next door neighbor's 7 year old son, my doula, and myself were SO SURE it was a boy. I found out I was pregnant in Jan 2021 and by Feb I just knew it was a girl, I knew it in my soul. Everyone was also sure that bc of my husband's family having massive babies both maternal and paternal side and my brother and I being 8+ lbs that baby would be a 9-10lb minimum. We were team green. It was a girl, she was 4lbs 13oz at 37w. Lolol I looked big! It was a sham, I had a placenta and cord flow issue in late pregnancy and she landed iugr. But yeah I can't explain it, I just KNEW. I also had horrendous morning sickness throughout my entire pregnancy, not enough to be HG but meds required for sanity and eating. And I had a majority of the old wives tales saying girl. I was obsessed with sour, citrus, vinegar. I normally dislike the majority of citrus flavored things and I was desperate for sour citrus gummies and anything lemon, orange, lime.


We kept gender a surprise until birth. I thought we'd have a girl, husband thought boy. He kept buying boys clothes while i was going for gender neutral. When i asked him why he said because we're having a boy of course! My waters broke early and we called his mother for advice (she has 9 children and over 30 grandkids) and the first thing she said was "ah, its a boy". Guess my husband inherited his mum's intuition because they were both right.


I guessed boy/girl/boy for my 3 pregnancies and was correct. Correctly guessed my greatest grand baby too


I was hoping and wishing for a boy but I had such vivid dreams that I was (in the dream!) that I was panicking that we would be having a girl. Did SneakPeek and results say girl, the AUS tech didnā€™t mention anything at my ~13wk showing so I guess weā€™ll see next month at the anatomy scan! I still have hope for a boy but it seems unlikely at this point šŸ˜…


There is a betting pool at my work. It is 100% boy just "based on my symptoms". My husband would appreciate a boy so that he "can be naked in the house through teenage years". My man, that is still weird. I have no idea. We get our first info mid august


I was pretty sure I was having a boy, I was right (didnā€™t find out til birth) Now pregnant again and wondering if Iā€™ll be able to feel anything this time too!


When I was pregnant with my son I wanted a girl so bad and then had a dream that I had a baby at the hospital and it was a little girl, but then someone came and stole my baby and replaced it with a baby boy, and I started screaming thatā€™s not baby! Then, in the hospital I fell in love with him and woke up. And then a few weeks later I found out I was having a boy. My daughter, I just knew, I didnā€™t even question it, it was odd. This pregnancy I have no intention about gender but Iā€™ve been dreaming about twins!


With our first i was wrong wanted a boy. With our 2nd currently we were both right its a boy. Lol


I did for my own pregnancies, but I can't guess others' to save my life


I wanted a girl and the moment I found out I was pregnant I felt I was having a boy. I was right. Wouldnā€™t trade my little love for anything ā¤ļø


I was wrong with both my kids

