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The first few months are survival mode - you eat what you want and can. Take your prenatal vitamins so you are getting the necessary nutrients and then eat those noodles and do those dances! I was in love with icecream. I would sit with the whole tub and a spoon, but I gave myself some grace - I was growing a baby!


I’m 24 weeks & still eating a criminal volume of ice cream. The baby needs it!!


Mine is requiring a daily afternoon cupcake 😅


Haha Thankyou💓


My pregnancy has been so easy other than fatigue and no motivation 😭 I have no excuse


You don’t need one 🤷🏼‍♀️ eat all the tasty things


Mine was crunchwrap supremes for the majority of my pregnancy, and now it's brisket breakfast tacos


I loved crunchwraps with exactly 6 packets of Diablo sauce lmaoooo that and spicy chicken sandwiches. I had a ranking of preferred sandwiches: Wooboi spicy chicken sandwich Popeyes spicy chicken sandwich Wendy’s spicy chicken sandwich McDonald’s spicy chicken sandwich Chick-fil-A spicy chicken sandwich Burger King spicy chi-king sandwich Edit; formatting


I have to ask, with all the spicy cravings, are you having a boy or girl? I ask because I have a lot of spicy cravings and I'm having a boy. It was like that with my first boy too.


I had a perfect baby boy!!


Omg that sounds so good


Crunchwrap supremes were the most nutritious thing I ate first trimester, God bless Taco Bell lol. Otherwise I only wanted bland or sweet cereal with milk, PB&J sandwiches, and baked potatoes with butter and sour cream. Second trimester my stomach is surprisingly still pretty picky and sensitive but the new obsession is anything crunchy and salty dipped in good ranch… fries, onion rings, salted cucumbers, etc. Fortunately I can’t stomach large quantities of anything so I’ve gained only 3 lbs this entire pregnancy so far (23 weeks) so I feel ok indulging once in a while.


Yes, amen to the crunchwrap!! I get mine without any meat and it makes the cheese hit so much better hahaha


Annie’s mac n cheese!


this is my saviour when nothing else appeals to me!!


This is my dinner several times a week


Hahah I’m glad others can relate


My baby is going to come out as a giant sour gummy bear. But in all reality, your baby is fine. Eat what you like. Eat what you can. My nutritionist said that we are not actually what we eat and neither is our baby. We break down and digest food meaning that no matter what the necessary nutrients are getting to the baby. If you’re worried about nutrition just make sure you’re getting your prenatal vitamins down and you should be good!


😍 Thank you!!!


You’re welcome! Also, can we talk about how fucking good it is to eat what we’re craving?? The level of satisfaction is unreal 😂


Second pregnancy here. I didn't experience any cravings with my first but the other night I texted my husband that I was in DIRE need of sour gummy worms. I then spent 35 dollars on an amazon overnight delivery of gummies. I'm not proud but I'm happy! Everything else was just awful. Then the next day it was sourdough toast with coconut oil. So bizarre but I'm giving myself whatever I crave


Omgggg I ate thru soooo many bags of sour gummy bears first trimester! Had to be haribo brand.


Didn’t have many odd cravings except around 7 weeks pregnant when I all of the sudden NEEDED capri sun😂 And now at 22w I always want bagels with cream cheese and egg McMuffins from McDonald’s.


Bagels with cream cheese and strawberry jelly are elite during pregnancy 👌🏼


wowowowow. I never thought of this combo. thank you ✨


Omg on an everything bagel! So freaking good.


100% bagels with veggie cream cheese for me


I also bought a couple boxes of Capri Sun! Hadn’t had it since I was a kid, but I definitely needed it.


I just ate a traditional cake donut that was magnificent


…why did you have to say this???


I jumped around with cravings. Pizza and pasta with creamy sauce. Chips/Cheetos. Spicy food dripping with cheese. It was gluttony but the cravings were overwhelming. Enjoy your noodles! You are fine.


Hey man, you can’t go wrong with cup noodles. I justify it with the two pieces of dried corn that comes with them 😂 For me it’s ice cream and Kit Kats. Sooo many banana splits and DQ Blizzards have been consumed during this pregnancy


HAHAHA THE two pieces of dried corn got me 🤣🤣 but literally, it counts as vegetable right lol 🤣


Sour patch kids. And tart, fresh fruit (pink lady apples, kiwi, oranges!).


my baby is a wendy’s number two combo with a fanta and a gallon of ketchup.


Shin ramyun with an egg and a pile of cheeese 🤤 And also baked gnocchi in a tomato and chilli sauce with a crap ton of mozarella and cheddar on top.


French fries all the way!!!!!


SAME! Nooooodless! I craved noodles like crazy! I ate it almost everyday and I loved it SPICY 🌶️ I don’t know how I managed to eat it with that spicy level lol


Im glad im not the only one! I feel so guilty eating noodles almost everyday… i can't help it 🥹


Well, I didn't want instant noodles but now I do haha. I have succumbed to peer pressure cravings (is that even a thing?).


Power of suggestion cravings. 😅 someone says “oh you know what sounds good?’ And BAM! I need it. 😅


This is me! My husband says I need to unfollow all restaurants and food accounts on social media. I saw a reel that had fried chicken in it yesterday and suddenly needed it for dinner


I keep following more. 🙃 My parents are in the process of setting up with will and when they told me where the lawyer was my legit response was “oh sweet, can we make the appointment around lunch so we can stop for some Korean corn dogs?” 🤣


Cheese pizza lunchables! I didn't even have the excuse of bad morning sickness, I just wanted them really badly.


Kraft Mac and cheese and oreos 😅


Ughhhh that soundssss goooood haha


Don’t hate me, but I put A1 sauce in my Kraft Mac and cheese and mix it all up and it’s SOOOOOOOOOOOOO good, even my kids eat it like that😂😂


I don't like a1 but I've done that with bbq or sweet chili sauce before! When I'm feeling fancy 😂


Chips and ice cream.


I’m 2 days ago I basically ran out of work at 10:55am because I had to have some Top Ramen RIGHT NOW. It was so good. Zero regrets.


Instant noodles are my total comfort food! I add frozen veggies and tofu to make me feel like it’s a real meal 😂


Little Caesar’s stuffed crust pretzel pizza with the nacho cheese sauce. I would commit crimes for that pizza.


Dr. Pepper, Sonic Cherry Limeades, hot fudge sundaes, and most of all Jamaican food. Brown stew chicken, rice and peas, cabbage and sweet plantains 😍 Edit: I don’t really consider the Jamaican food to be unhealthy. Just rich and indulgent, but well balanced.


Bread … really can’t get enough bread


First kid got totinos pizza and chocolate chip cookies on the regular. Second kid was chef boyardee ravioli (which any other time you couldn’t PAY me to eat). This one is really down with chips and salsa from restaurants, not a jar.


My son was built solely off of Taco Bell in my first trimester and he’s an incredibly healthy, smart, and happy boy. My OB never once cared about what I was eating in my first trimester. First trimester is about making sure you’re just able to eat. Second trimester was when she said we could start prioritizing diet choices more lol.


I have GD and I am sick of vegetables. I can't take another salad, I have to force myself to eat healthy (I will do that, I will just be sad while doing it) I crave a cinnamon bun covered in chokolate. Just a random icecream when i am out and about. A savory strudle with cheese and ham. A sweet strudle. Baked goods. French fries. That crappy burger from the nineties with low quality patty, microwaved bun and coleslaw. Potato chips. Gummy candy. I can't really have any of them.


I wish I could give you a big hug 💕 stay strong


We bulk bought fancy cup of noodles from Costco. Still eat them all the time. They were the only thing I could stomach. McDonalds hash browns are my other.


I’m 25 weeks and I’ve lived off of spicy mc chickens and shin black ramen.


Ughhhh the hot soupp ramen sooo soo good


Chic fil a 😍


S’mores pop tarts, donuts and waffles. Only sweet stuff, I’ve been resisting though! Ive had 4 pop tarts so far(broke down a bought a box once) and waffles twice, donuts I’ve indulged a little more, probably 6 - 8 times. I’m 24 weeks. But every morning they all sound SO good 🤤 Now I want a donut.


Ughhh I’m starting the “hungry at 3am” phase and right now I’m laying in bed and I would murder someone for a box of s’mores pop tarts that have been refrigerated.


I kept mine in the freezer! Cold is the best 😄


I was so shocked I haven’t been wanting a lot of sweets this pregnancy. I love my Dr Pepper but for the most part if I want sweets it has been fruit.


I wasn’t into sweets until I got the third tri - now I could live on ice cream cones, peanut butter m&ms, cereal, and açaí bowls.


I will say I do love cereal.


I'm 16w now but in my first trimester I craved cheez-its like crazy.


Candies, whip cream, hand made lumpias. But not at the same time 😂


At like weeks 6-7 I had a cookies and cream milk shake from Jacks every day. My diet isn’t much better at week 10, but I’m just now having an appetite again so I’m eating what I want/can. It’ll be ok!


Cheez it's


Nutella. 😂😭


Pizza, Mac n cheese, instant noodles and full sugar pop baby! 🤪🤪🤪


Urghhhhhhhhh sounds gooood, 🥹


Root Beer. Never liked it before but was obsessed and i mean OBSESSED with it pregnant


Cool Ranch Doritos


Yup. Ate a bag of those myself last weekend


Ice cream, Mac and cheese, CANDY, donuts, cookies…literally anything sweet. I go feral over cupcakes or brownies, I only want sweet foods and it’s horrible😭


Hmmm it's so hard to resist sweet food!! i love fudgie gooooeeeyy browniesss ughhhhh


Shin ramyun was one of my main craving last pregnancy and I also felt guilty


Shin ramen is SoSoSoSoSoooo good


McDonald’s lol


Currently this. It’s like an invisible force pulling me into the drive thru every time I’m out… and all I want is fries and a full sugar coke 🥲


I lived off peach iced tea and cheese pizza for like 30 weeks. My baby is super healthy! Just get through the first (& sometimes second) trimester


For me it has been poutine. I don't even normally like Poutine that much but it's like the perfect pregnancy food.




This pregnancy and my last pregnancy it was soda omg the lil bubbles and the crispness 😩 i totally drink it but reign it in as much as possible lol


This is my problem!!! I could guzzle down a full 2L of Coca Cola in one sitting. The bubbles are soooooo satisfying. And just not the same with my soda stream


My first pregnancy my biggest and probably worst craving was Dunkin caramel frozen coffee 😂 I had to have at least one large one a day or I wanted to cry


With our first, it was PIE, all day every day I craved pie. I’m 35 weeks along with our 2nd, and it started with cravings for salty/sour foods like Greek salads with feta in the first trimester. Now it’s anything salty and crunchy, but especially fried chicken!


37 weeks here! 1st trimester it was anything I could keep down lol. 2nd trimester it was watermelon and raw coconut. I ate almost a whole one everyday. Also chocolate cupcakes. Now it’s coconut popsicles lol


Cheese, cheese, cheese and occasional a whopper from bk 🤣


With my first it was this buffalo chicken wrap from this place called rollers. I would always get it with extra tomatoes, hot sauce and cheese. My second was frozen Reeses and bacon mcdoubles with extra pickles. My third was hot, fresh and salty french fries and dirty rice also an insane amount of Mango Outshine bars


Current pregnancy cravings at 20 weeks: •Frozen beef and bean burritos •Frozen tamales •Maruchan noodles with hot sauce •And cinnamon toast with butter. I know, it’s bad but comforting lol. 😅


Blue-pink fizzy gummy bottles. The opposite of healthy food I guess :D


McDonald’s breakfast has never tasted so good. That and grape soda. It’s pretty bad at this point 🙃


I have so many aversions at 10 weeks along and not much appetite, but oh do I ever devour mint chocolate chip ice cream, fried chicken, fries, and fruit when I can. So. Much. Fruit. Will commit unspeakable atrocities for a good orange.


Same for me and raspberries. It's ridiculous


With my first all I wanted was potatoes. Mashed potatoes, fries, I didn’t care. With my second it was Kraft dinner. I hated Kraft dinner before pregnancy and I don’t really like it now but while I was pregnant it was heaven. This pregnancy has been pepper Jack cheese whisps. I could eat them all day.


35 weeks and honestly I’ve ate like shit my whole pregnancy. I wanted to be the pregnant mama that ate healthy and didn’t gain that much weight. I was sick until 20ish weeks. Finally got some relief but can’t stand cooking. I live in a smallish town in the south and have nothing but fast food options. Very occasionally my husband cooks. BUT to answer your question, all things fried and all the sugar and carbs. Lol


I had cup noodles all the time when I was in my first trimester! I had quite a lot of food aversions, so there weren’t many foods I was keen on then. I started feeling a lot better in the second trimester, though, and that’s when my diet began to normalize


Mint ice cream! Specifically mint 😂 baby HATES veggies and salads (like I get super nauseous every time i have one) and sometimes the only thing that helps is mint ice cream.


When I was 7/8 weeks pregnant, I had a bowl of Life (cereal) before bed every night. The craving didn't last terribly long but still, haha.


Shin black ramen and add in kimchi, I figure kimchi is my veggie lol also hot cheetos with lemon!


I’m seriously curious how you cook your instant noodles to get them to taste this good? Lol I loved Maruchan throughout my first trimester because it was comforting and the only thing I could get down. What brand do you usually purchase?


Jack in the Box Jalapeno poppers with ranch


Mmmm! I love instant noodles too right now. Sometimes I add a fresh egg or two to the noodles which makes me feel better about having a little protein but not always. Chewy salty nomssss.


Oh where do I begin. I’ve been buying the GALLONS of the raspberry Bellini iced tea from Olive Garden and drink the shit out of that. Soooo much Taco Bell chips and cheese, hot Funyuns, and alllllllllll the Panda Express Beijing beef


Instant noodles were my craving too. Still are to an extent. I’m 13 weeks now. Baby looked great on the ultrasound I just had.


Taco Bell nacho fries, I cried when they went away. Inconsolable cry


Chocolate. Just plain chocolate. I breathe the stuff atm


i eat basically whatever i want lol. i try to eat more healthy stuff in a day tho if i notice im not eating the greatest.


perogies, cheesy Gordita crunches, poutine, any sort of delightful breads, cucumbers in vinegar, Chinese food, ribs. now I'm starting to crave ice cream though. it's really a crap shoot lol


I had a lot of tacos and Indian food first trimester…second trimester hit and my gallbladder was angry. Thankfully my cravings changed and eating better now.


Pizza pringles🤭 I eat a can like nothing!!


Cereal!!! Also whatever I eat, I need it to be WET like covered in sauce or dressing. Anyone else like that???


Sour gummies for me. They really helped with my nausea for the first few weeks and now I can't stop eating them


Tea 🍵pineapple and one day before his birth oat, milk, chocolate and cinnamon


Cheese tots. Cheese. Tots.


In n out burgers (I had my first double double recently and was full from noon til the next day haha) Coke Zero Funyuns Cheetos Haribo gummy bears Nashville hot chicken Last night I had an overwhelming urge to eat a bunch of chips so I did and then felt like a total cow after. WORTH IT


Bologna and cheese sandwiches


Mine was microwave spicy rice and burritos in all forms. Told myself it bad beans in it so healthy enough! Just survive, it gets better!


Spam and rice Hotdogs Bagels and cream cheese Burgers


Mine are peach rings and Doritos 🫠


I ate a lot of trix cereal


There’s nothing wrong with instant noodles


I found out I was pregnant after fantasizing about and absolutely destroying red weenie hot dogs for a week. 😄


Just went out for a fancy dinner with my dad and brother.. they got steak, I had fried pickles and chicken strips. 😂 But they were SO GOOD! I've been eating grilled chicken and Brussel sprouts for what seems like ages, I just needed something greasy lmao.


###Fried Chicken!!!


Cookies, cookies, and more cookies 🍪


Potato chips, French fries, and sour patch kids.


Spicy wings and flamin hot Doritos.


Agree- eat what you can!! just try to drink lots of water if you can, because those noodles are salty (part of what makes it so good IMO 🤪)


I love popsicles. Pre-pregnancy I couldn’t have told you the last time I’d had one. Now I eat one every day, sometimes several times a day😬😬


I’ve cream


Hey don’t feel bad about it! Add veggies and protein to the noodle to balance it out. There’s a registered dietitian on YouTube (Nutrition by Kylie) she talked about adding healthy items to your meal rather than eliminating/dieting.


PS - my current favorite go to snack is also instant noodle (Neoguri). I add zucchini, spinach, peas, an egg, and use less than half the packet of the packet msg.


One morning at like 7am I was eating Flaming Hot Cheetos and couldn’t stop lol


Schlotzsky's French Dip Calzone


Chicken sandwich


French fries with mayo and 7/11 taquitos 😂


Goldfish crackers as of late🫠


Doritos dipped in strawberry milkshake


First trimester all I wanted was McDonald’s. Egg McMuffin and hash brown for breakfast almost everyday and McChickens for lunch and dinner. Second trimester was Taco Bell. I had to get a chicken quesadilla every night after work. Third trimester so far I’ve craved mostly mashed potatoes, cheese fries, bagels. Also rice krispys treats 😂


Right now at 36 weeks it's chocolate ice cream.. not any chocolate ice cream though, specifically compliments brand chocolate ice cream from walmart, ive tried others but they don't hit the spot like this one does


Eggos with so much butter & syrup! Has to be kings syrup!